Your free time

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Your free time

Post by CupNoodle »

This is a question for those of you with jobs or are attending school. What do you do in your free time? What's the average day in the life of the average member of DCEmu? After you get off work do you grab a drink with friends? Do you go home to a hobby? Homework? Loafing around?

I wake up around 6:30 every morning to eat breakfast, make some tea and read the news. I get to work around 8:00 and work until 5:00, sometimes 6:00. When I get home I throw on some tunes, check my email, check the forums and hang out with my roommates. I rarely go out, but when I do it's almost always with a friend of mine from Denver.

I think I started this thread to get ideas on how to end this mind numbing routine I've gotten myself into, but another part of me is just curious.
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Post by OneThirty8 »

I read quite a bit, write a bit, and spend too much time staring slack-jawed at my computer screen doing nothing productive.
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Post by Jeeba Jabba »

I work about 40-45 hours a week. My free time in between is spent with my girlfriend, or sitting in my bedroom playing Medieval II: Total War, drawing, watching (and expanding) my collection of film. I haven't gone out much since I lived in the city. A night out on the town only comes every other week or so.
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Post by emptythought »

I don't work or goto school so I just loaf around. Job searching starts soon I guess since I'll be getting proof of who I am.
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Post by DaMadFiddler »

During the week, I get up at 6, shower, eat, and bike across town to work. I work from 8-5, which alternates between brief bursts of heavy work and long periods of bumming around online. Somewhere in there is an hour of eating lunch and reading whatever book I'm in at the moment. Come home, make dinner, watch Scrubs, the Daily Show, the Colbert Report, and usually either write or practice one of my instruments, though sometimes I invite friends over for video games. I try to be in bed by 11 most nights.

Saturdays I mostly sleep, then play D&D with some old college friends at 5.
Sundays are for errands and spending time either working on creative projects or hanging out with friends. Lots of video games, a fair amount of writing and music, and some hiking when the weather is warm.

That's the standard version, of course. My life isn't quite that routine, but that's the simplest way of putting it.

As far as ideas for getting out, I've got quite a few that I put to good use. I'll post them tomorrow, after I've had some rest :o
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Post by melancholy »

My days fluctuate so much that I never really know what I am doing each day. Here are the only things that are a guarantee each week:

Monday - Friday: class from 8am-4pm
Wednesday and Friday: work from 7pm-midnight
Sunday: work from 5am-11am

Beyond that, it depends on how many projects I have due, what doctor appointments my mom has (she is legally blind and cannot drive), and other random factors. When I actually do have free time, I usually jump on here, and when I run out of things to post, I play a game.
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Post by Thomas »

I work 21 hours a week, and go to school for 12. Everyday is different for me in terms of whether I am in school or working. During the week my freetime is usually devoted to watching movies or playing video games. During the weekends I go out and hang out with friend, unless of course they are at the bars, then I just sit at home doing doing what I do during the week.
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Post by Lunchbox »

Monday to Thursday: Go to class, come home around 5 PM or so, homework, then videogames or TV until bed.

Friday: Class, come home, videogames or go out with friends

Saturday: Work, come home, videogames or go out with friends

Sunday: Work, come home, homework, videogames or TV until bed.
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Post by Sir C.A.T »

I don't have a job : /


Usually I wake up at 6:00-6:30 A.M. Jump into the shower. Catch the bus at 7:21 A.M. (not old enough to drive :(). Go to school. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I lift weights in the weight room at school (starting next week). Once home I bum at the computer, TV, or video game system a bit. Then homework. Watch some TV and go nighty night.

Weekends I pretty much just bum around or help around the house.
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Post by ace »

I don't do routine so well. It's different pretty much every day. Most days do include school, work and homework, but none of them are a set rule. If I feel like going out with friends or hitting a club, I just do it. Sounds like that's what you need to do, Orbo.
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Post by JuddWack »

I work about 25 hours a week. Some days I start in the afternoon and have a big breakfast before. Others I go straight to work in the morning.

I try to skateboard atleast twice a week but it's been raining a lot and now getting very cold so I may switch to snowboarding. I like to try different restaurants around town and I get a massage about 2 times a week.

I also like to smoke a lot of hash and watch TV dramas or build stuff in 3d Studio Max.

2 or 3 times a week I'll go out on a date or with some friends to have a few drinks.
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Re: Your free time

Post by ian »

CupNoodle wrote:This is a question for those of you with jobs or are attending school.
damn :cry:
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Post by stagg »

Monday threw Friday- Wake up at 6. Shower, school till 230. Go on computer or sleep. Computer, and then at 6 I watch Simpsons. Then I either walk somewhere with my friends, or go on the computer or play videogames.

Saturday and Sunday. Work from 6-3. then What eer.
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Post by bizzle »

When I'm at the office I work 9-5 M-F. If I'm at show site, it could be any time, any day, anywhere.

Normal day consists of getting up anywhere between 5:30AM and 8:00 AM, depending if my girlfriend is in one of those talking moods (she lives with me). I leave for work by 8:30 AM and get home around 5:30 PM. I get home and eat dinner, get stoned and usually asleep by 8 or 9 PM.
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Post by Smiley »

I've been working between 50-60 hours/week since I started in September. Usually when I come home, I sleep for a bit, read, play some videogames, watch tv, use the internet, etc.

Those bastards have been cutting my hours as of late, though. Next week, I only work 29 hours :evil: So, I'll have a lot more free time.
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Post by Veggita2099 »

Anymore I don't do nothing. I am usually worn out by the time I get to my lovely wed/thur off-days.
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Post by Sir Slash »

i workabout 40 hours a week
free time i work on my car
Have a poker night about once a week
Lounge around watch tv/dvds usually animated simpsons, futurama anime
Lately lots of wii zelda time
i have a wierd pop(soda) obsession where i like obsucure drinks
and a quite fair time on the net

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Post by curt_grymala »

stagg wrote:Monday threw Friday
Wow. Monday must be pretty strong, because I hear that Friday is a bitch to throw.

Anyway - I don't really even know what free time is anymore.

I wake up around 5am, drink my coffee, take my shower, get dressed, take the baby to the babysitters, drop my wife and kids off at a school (which is where my wife works), drive to work, work for about 10 hours, drive home, eat dinner, get the kids off to bed, and go to bed. By then, it's usually about 10 or 11 at night, so I usually go right to sleep.

Weekends, I might play video games for a couple of hours, but I generally don't have time for much else, as I have a lot of things to get done around the house, and usually we have a lot of grocery shopping and stuff to do.
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Post by |darc| »

On weekdays, I wake up around 8-9, groggily getting out of bed and fighting sleep. I do whatever bit of homework I have left to do before class, I get ready, and I go to class. When I get home, I eat lunch. I sit there and stress about things that I'm supposed to be doing, but I never really do them, because I fucking procrastinate all the time. The night before an assignment is due, no matter how large, is when I start the assignment.

Weekends consist of me sitting around stressing about the things I should be doing, but I procrastinate instead. If the assignment is due Monday, I'll be doing it Sunday night.

I need help. :| I procrastinate to the point where it is really hurting me.
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Post by Sir Savant »

I am self-employed (fixing buttloads of PCs whenever I feel like taking a job) so my workhours are pretty flexible. I take on other random computer jobs as well. This past week I made the cross country slide show (with extra pictures that apparently were not from the team, I blame some chick for giving me every photo she ever took and having me sort through them) and didn't sleep a wink.

I wake up at 6-6:27, my mom drops me off at school, get out at 2:15 and either go to some club meeting or do something totally random. I used to have Cross Country afterschool, but the season is over.

Get home, procrastinate for a few hours, homework, fix computers, get them delivered to where they need to go, do a few on site jobs, get home and eat. I go to sleep around 10 at the earliest. Sometimes not at all.
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