In The Line Of Fire Early Access Beta Released To Public

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Re: In The Line Of Fire Early Access Beta Released To Public

Post by GyroVorbis »

Cube wrote:He calls me a corrupt reporter. I wonder if he knows the definition of corruption. As I never billed him and given the game isn't out years later, I can't benefit in any way, shape or form by being associated with it.
So any late Kickstarter or product is corrupt? That's funny. I have fully disclosed all of the issues with ES (unlike the former team mates you so proudly represent). I have taken my fair share of the blame with respect to the delays, and I have paid quite publicly and dearly for my mistakes. I hold myself fully accountable. It's something that haunts me every day... Shit, part of the reason I'm on an SSRI is from the stress and personal disappointment from our KS... But I'm still here, and I owe everyone a game... I fully intend to more than just make good on that promise.

You are a VERY corrupt reporter. You had a team that has already been overworked and has gone through hard times create extra content for you, just so you could have an excuse to promote another game that you are working with on a Sega site, where it would have otherwise been irrelevant. You did not disclose this fact to ANYBODY or even within the article in question.

Do you realize that if you had decided to be open, honest, and less of a worm about it, none of us would have had a problem with it? But to further demonstrate your corruption, when ALL THAT I ASKED OF YOU was to tell the whole story and to correctly illustrate the whole scope of our project, including our engine, tools, and ElysianVMU before making an unfair comparison to a little game maker game, you self-righteously proclaimed that NONE of my work--work which may well benefit the DC scene far more than Elysian Shadows itself, work that has developers emailing me all the time asking if they can use my engine to develop their game with Dreamcast support--was relevant to a Sega fan site, which has already previously posted this content before. Meanwhile, you feel fully justified shamelessly plugging a fucking GAME MAKER project, which has absolutely NOTHING to do with Sega, which could not wind up on a Sega console in hell.

I didn't ask you to take it down. I merely said that if you're going to be using us to shamelessly promote another game, you should include all of the facts, and mention all of the work we've done with ElysianVMU. But nope, not only did you not have enough integrity to ever disclose the fact that you were in cahoots with them, you also had the audacity to claim that my work wasn't "relevant" while a Game Maker RPG is...

I'm not a fucking idiot, dude. I've worked with plenty of gaming press with Elysian Shadows. Shit, I would even understand if you had to post something negative about ES. We are late, after all. But what you did was use us for your own end, while covering up a conflict of interest and purposely misrepresenting our project with an unfair comparison that makes your project look better. As though it weren't already bad enough, a member of the team you are now affiliated with made tens of thousands of dollars off of our KS, contributed next to nothing, then intentionally sabotaged it when he left... You accuse me of being corrupt? I have HOURS AND HOURS of footage and tens of thousands of lines of code proving that I earned every fucking penny that I took from the Kickstarter... While we BOTH know the same can't be said of some of the people who you are now representing.

I fucking SUFFERED for every penny that I got from the KS, which wasn't much. I'm corrupt? I left a NICE job making over $70k right out of engineering school on the fast-track to a cushy management position to make less than minimum wage... The only reason I didn't starve or lose my house was because I blew through all of my retirement fund and charged up credit cards--something that I am still haunted by and am paying off to this very day... Yes, I'm corrupt. It was all a scam. That's why I subject myself repeatedly to this kind of bullshit.

Rather than being honest about your intentions, you have lied and evaded. You are THE most corrupt game reporter I've met. At least getting your dick sucked by Zoe Quinn in return for press coverage is not actively hurting anybody else in addition to the unfair advantage it gives her.
Cube wrote:We talked and concluded on a positive note. But clearly, I was wrong cause he flings this shit here as if... I don't even know what goes in his bi-polar brain.
We left on a positive note, because I realized you could not be reasoned with. Because after all of the lies, evasions, and bullshit, I knew that I would have to use some other avenue to expose you and your bullshit, and here I am. Tell me, if what you did was so noble and righteous, why was I contacted by Chris of Sega Nerds THE VERY NEXT DAY with a bunch of offers for future coverage and articles about ES? His tone was more than just a little apologetic. I have no idea whether you told him of our spat or whether he had a hunch about how shitty what you did was, but it demonstrates quite clearly that even he thought something was not right.
Cube wrote:Similarly, he accuses me here for steeling a developer. As if I kidnapped him and locked him in my basement. What is wrong with you?
Give me a break. I said you had TRIED to steal a developer, and I was talking about you trying to get Patrick to do some art for you on another project while you were supposedly doing PR for us. I NEVER accused you of stealing Connor. Don't flatter yourself so much. By all means, take him. :lol:
Cube wrote:Lastly, Falco goes on to say everyone who works with me hates working with me. Yet, Militia welcomed me on board. Aren't they a studio formed in this message board? Beyond DC Emu, I still have functional relationships with all devs associated with GSP. Across the pond, I am credited in Alice's Dreams Tournament, they even offered to draw me as a playable character in the game.
I'm SO not going to reveal the names of the MANY, MANY developers and members of the press who have expressed similar concerns about you and hold views that align with my own, because I don't want to betray anyone's trust or throw anyone else into the shit storm... Suffice to say, you're working with at least 3 of them right now on my former team. :lol:
Cube wrote:I regularly get products from HUCast to organize contests for them. Falco actually won one of those contests, and I had to haggle him to post a selfie with his prize.
What the fuck are you even talking about? I do recall that despite the fact that I had selflessly promoted every little thing team HUCast had done, they had almost never returned the favor with ES. I have no idea who the people are personally, but if you're the one doing their PR, that makes sense. I'm guessing you like working with them the best, because you basically are in full control of them... I have a great relationship with almost every developer in this scene, and we all graciously support one another. HUCast is one of the few that seems to not give less of a shit when I go out of my way to actively promote them, but hey, I can't take that personally if it's all you! :grin:
Cube wrote:I really was and probably still am happy for Falco. I thought he's turned the corner, he recently did a fantastic presentation on the VMU, Elysian Shadows both as a game and an engine seems to be moving forward really well. Additionally, so proud to see that he got married and has completed his masters PhD, things seemed stable.
So happy for me and my work that it was too much to ask for a single sentence mentioning ANY of it in an article that was supposedly about Elysian Shadows where at least a paragraph was given to the team you were working with on a totally irrelevant game... I see.

I've told my wife all about you. She read your last post and says she cannot believe someone is arrogant and audacious enough to have so much to say about the ES Kickstarter who wasn't even there. This wasn't something that happened over the internet. We flew Patrick in from Poland, and we basically all lived under the same roof, including my wife... But somehow, in your infinite wisdom and oversight, you are qualified to not only take sides, but to also tell us how things did or did not go down during this time.

The only thing that I'm seeing here in this thread is that Cube tried to butt his way into another project and as with mine, thinks he is qualified to make assertions, choose sides, and start bullshit in an attempt to make himself sound important and further his agenda.
PH3N0M wrote:You presented a web page to me after our KS campaign had already launched, and I was seriously underwhelmed by what you presented.
It was my belief that you simply copied from an html template, and added some copy and paste text from the forums here.
Yep, sounds about right. That's exactly how he works. He basically doesn't give you the time of day, tells you that you cannot do it without him, insists that you need his divine guidance, and then SUDDENLY, as soon as you start blowing up in the press or going somewhere after the time when you truly needed him is over, he starts showing up out of the woodwork, insistent on weaseling his way into the project...
Cube wrote:But nope, you got nothing with the PR. Now, I will hold back from insulting you any further.
Do not misrepresent what I am saying. You did definitely help out some with PR during the early stages of ES, with some of the Sega and Dreamcast sites. That does not mean that you are qualified to make half the statements that you have made about me, my team, or issues that never once concerned you. If you were half as good as you claim to be at your job, you should probably have taken a second to realize how much I have helped to promote other Dreamcast games (many of which you have been affiliated with) despite our differences. You should have realized that perhaps our truce was something that should have been valued... rather than taken advantage of.

I have LITERALLY dropped everything and have recorded footage of myself after a surgical procedure, while still recovering and in pain just to help promote a Dreamcast-related project on Kickstarter (Xenocider). I am the kind of guy who will go the extra mile to promote my fellow developers, as I cannot tell you how humbled and guilty I feel for the support that I have been given within this scene. I understand what it means to dedicate every ounce of your body to a goal or a passion and have to beg for a simple press mention. I know what it's like to be on the bottom and have to reach out to another developer for help. Help that may take the other developer 15 seconds and could potentially change a life. This is a philosophy that I live by and is something that I share with all of my team mates and other people who I do PR with...

You could have reached out for any PR mention like that, and you would have been given the same courtesy, despite the fact that we've had a rocky past. That truce was broken when you decided to waste our time and misrepresent our work for your own selfish gain.
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Re: In The Line Of Fire Early Access Beta Released To Public

Post by GyroVorbis »

Cube wrote:The way I feel and the departed member feel is that this is some twisted fraternity of bullies. You have no room for new comers, you can give your buddies GyroVorbis and PH3NOM access but not a new comer like Roel. Off course, my perception may have it's flaw cause we have the Xenocider dev posting in the news forum.
Are you SERIOUSLY complaining that PH3NOM and I are moderators? In case you didn't realize, I have been here since I was LITERALLY 13 years old. I owe this site everything that I like most about myself and my life. DCEmulation is what got me into programming, game development, and engineering. It was following people like BlueCrab and BlackAura that made me want to do this myself and launched my career.

I have been involved with a variety of projects relevant to the DC, and have selflessly promoted this scene and community on my own social media accounts and YouTube channel for years...

I have NEVER ONCE abused my power here, and have probably only posted an article or two on the main site, because I'M A GODDAMN DREAMCAST DEVELOPER as is PH3NOM. I think you're just mad that DCEmulation is a place where developers can post their project updates without having to kiss your ass or bow down before you for PR handouts... a place where we can't be told "sorry, your work is just not relevant" while our work is being used to promote even less relevant projects you are affiliated with.

Bullies? What in the hell have PH3NOM or I EVER done to constitute bullying other than standing up for ourselves when you decided to talk shit about us here? Neither of us started this.
Darc wrote:Gyro has been here for a long ass time, he's more than earned his moderatorship. PH3NOM is not my "buddy" -- if you could be arsed to visit the programming forum every once in a while you'd notice that he was at that time one of the most prominent contributors to the discussion there, and he earned his moderatorship. I haven't really had any communication with him outside of his contributions to that forum. He's not in some "club" of ours. Same with bogglez, who I made a mod recently. I hate to say it man, but you don't contribute much on the forum discussion, and I often have to go behind you to fix things and help you complete tasks, it didn't make sense for me to make you a mod.
I think this demonstrates Cube's biases more than anything. ANYONE who has even GLANCED at the programming forum or has any clue what's going on around here would immediately see why PH3NOM more than deserves to be a moderator... But what I'm seeing time and again is that Cube's basis of merit and worth within this scene is derived from who you know and how much ass you kiss rather than your own work or contributions to the scene... Jesus Christ, what next? BlueCrab needs to be demodded?
Cube wrote:So it is only fair that I should be vilified like him. I have an idea now how he felt leaving the scene.
Just calm the fuck down, dude. I'm more than willing to work things out with you, provided you are willing to take responsibility for some of the fucked up shit you have done. AND EVEN IF YOU DON'T, I will still begrudgingly help promote whatever it is you want from us (as long as it's DC-related), because this scene is bigger than you or me or any differences we may have had. Way bigger. I won't WANT to, but if you happen to represent some other DC developer, and we still haven't worked out our differences, I WILL STILL WORK WITH YOU.

Ugh. I don't want to like BEG you to stay, because I'm still pissed off at you, but obviously our little issue does not represent your work as a whole. You have undoubtedly benefited the DC scene vastly and have done PLENTY of damn good things... I would NEVER deny that... So don't fucking leave, dude.
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Re: In The Line Of Fire Early Access Beta Released To Public

Post by GyroVorbis »

DARKHALO2K wrote:Hi Josh,

I don't know if you've seen my posts in the other thread but I'd like to volunteer my services, should you choose to resume development of a Dreamcast title.

I would love to expand my level design skill set, and I could possibly provide art for the title and loading screens as I have some ability as an artist (traditional media only, I have no real experience with texture design). I'd be quite comfortable in designing disc labels and box art, and would also be happy to run any social media accounts.

I love gaming, and have had my Dreamcast since launch. My motivations would be to help create a fun title for the community, gain additional experience in games development, and to work on something for my portfolio.

I'm glad you released the demo publicly, and I was super excited to try it. Sliding collision and texture filtering would be wonderful additions if at all possible, but what is already there is nothing short of excellent. You should be incredibly proud of what has already been achieved.

As my day job currently keeps me out of the house for 55 hours a week, deadlines aren't for me. Equally, I am volunteering my time and skills with no expectations, so I'd be just as happy working on a freeware title as I would a commercial one. As long as quality is the priority, I'm interested.

Anyway, I understand if you're not yet ready to think about returning to Dreamcast development. Likewise, I understand if you're not interested in my help even if you do. However, if you would like to discuss things further, now or at a later date, please do get in touch.

Sooooo... If Josh doesn't want you... :lol:

Are you a level designer? Have you ever done anything for an RPG? Have you heard about or do you have any interest in Elysian Shadows? In all seriousness, if Josh comes back and wants to take you in, please do go with him, but if you're looking to throw your hat in somewhere and are interested, have you checked out ES or our YouTube series "Adventures in Game Development"?

Level design is literally THE bottleneck we have now (despite what other people may say). Patrick and I have done amazing work on code and art, but we have a huge amount of tiles and art that simply needs to be assembled into levels. ES is a tile-based RPG with a Toolkit I developed from the ground-up to use for level editing. It was highly influenced by Unity, if you have any experience with that...

One of the challenges of working on ES is the fact that we are actually not just a 2D game. We swap between 2D and 3D perspectives, an even the 2D areas have tiles and levels that are assembled in full 3D with platform elements, full 3D dynamic lighting, and 3D collision. Creating levels for ES is kind of like laying it all out in a traditional 2D tile editor then modifying the "elevation" or z axis height of each tile and rotating it to move the world into 3D... Then non-tile "Entities" are placed the same way as Unity "Game Objects" in our editor.

Does this sound like anything you would have an interest in? If not, it's totally cool, and if Josh comes back, please give him priority. :lol:
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Re: In The Line Of Fire Early Access Beta Released To Public

Post by mankrip »

Now I have a theory.

Bilal is tired of game companies developing games that doesn't fit into his vision of how their games should be.

He needs a power that will allow him to inject his decisions in the works of game developers. The kind of power that a publisher has.

Publishers does many things. The financial requirements for some of those are directly tied to the size of the projects, but stuff like PR can always be done with less financial investment without affecting the development cycle, because its main investment is time. Due to this flexibility, PR is a more viable entry point for him.

If he manages to get some successful games under his belt, games that achieves great success under his involvement, he can start to grow his PR company into a publishing company. When he becomes a successful publisher, he'll have the power to achieving his dream of dictating to developers how their games should be done.

Hopefully the original Shenmue voice actors will still be available by then.
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Re: In The Line Of Fire Early Access Beta Released To Public

Post by DARKHALO2K »

Hi Falco,

That's a very exciting prospect, thank you. I certainly am aware of your project, and it's extremely impressive.

In truth, I'm a hobbyist that'd love to go pro, and I've not really done anything for an RPG project beyond some experiments with RPG Maker, but I am incredibly passionate about games design and am always interested in an opportunity to learn and create.

I have developed several small scale projects (I'll attach some screenshots below) and if you're still interested in giving me a shot, or at least discussing things further, then I'm all for it.

I'm happy to continue discussions publicly or you can email me at

Metal Redux, a demo for Windows Computers that can be downloaded from :

Prisoner, a demo for Android Phone and TV devices that can be downloaded from :
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Re: In The Line Of Fire Early Access Beta Released To Public

Post by LightDark »

Thank you PH3NOM for all your contributions to the development scene. Reading your posts has always been a pleasure since they are often of great value and insight. It really bites what has happened with LoF as it looked fucking awesome! I wish you all the best moving forward with your new job. I hope you can find some time to pop in and continue to share your amazing talent and knowledge with this community. I have personally benefited and have been inspired from the experience and knowledge shared by you, Falco, BlueCrab and all other great programmers in this community and the ES community. If I hadn't watched Falco's videos on getting started with game development when I was a kid I wouldn't be where I am today and I would never have found this forum and the valuable knowledge it contains. I appreciate that fact immensely due to its profound impact on my life. Despite what has been said in this thread to the contrary I believe this community is ph3nomenal (pun totally intended). Although I don't post here a whole lot and I'm not the best dreamcast programmer out there, I do come back from time to time to read and learn. Thank you.
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Re: In The Line Of Fire Early Access Beta Released To Public

Post by SiZiOUS »

PH3NOM, thank you very much for your hard work on our beloved Dreamcast.
I was crushed when I saw the failure, I backed a lot and the result is really sad.

You'll always be welcome here! :)

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Re: In The Line Of Fire Early Access Beta Released To Public

Post by bbmario »

Just curious, PH3NOM... why don't you release the source-code under the GPL? It would be an amazing sample project for the KOS project and would help keep the DC homebrew community alive.
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Re: In The Line Of Fire Early Access Beta Released To Public

Post by RyoDC »

I understand that my opinion might not be popular, but isn't any Dreamcast related development doomed these days?
I mean, sure, it's great thing to do as a fan service, from love to that console, but from financial point of view?
How do I try to build a Dreamcast toolchain:
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Re: In The Line Of Fire Early Access Beta Released To Public

Post by mankrip »

RyoDC wrote:isn't any Dreamcast related development doomed these days[...] from financial point of view?
The physical production (pressing CDs, printing labels, etc.) and publishing (market & distribution) can be made profitable.

The risks are in the software development costs. Programming, art (specially in 3D games), QA, design, team management, etc.

The best way to mitigate software development costs is to employ mature third-party tech as much as possible. AFAIK, a number of shmup developers did this by creating their games for the Neo-Geo, and simply emulating them in the Dreamcast. There's also the Fenix and BoR engines, though I don't remember any released commercial indie DC game using the BoR engine.

The thing is, as far as I know, there isn't any multipurpose 3D game engine for the Dreamcast that is polished enough for creating commercial games with. This makes me surprised every time people ask me to work with the Makaqu engine again, because despite being polished in the end-user usability aspects, Makaqu's performance and visual quality are vastly inferior to even the worst official 3D games in the DC, not to mention how difficult and time-consuming it is to create good art assets for it.

Anyway, this thing is beautiful! Despite being a 2D game, the art is great, animations are smooth and charming, the visual feedback looks really good, the physics looks responsive and the level design looks fun. If all independent DC games achieved this kind of quality, there would be a much greater public:

So, I'd say that 3D game development for the DC may be financially doomed, but 2D game development for the DC still looks financially viable. One of the things that could help the financial viability of 3D DC games would be the release of ESTK, which would allow people to create games using 2D sprites in 3D environments.
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Re: In The Line Of Fire Early Access Beta Released To Public

Post by DCDayDreamer »

RyoDC wrote:I understand that my opinion might not be popular, but isn't any Dreamcast related development doomed these days?
I mean, sure, it's great thing to do as a fan service, from love to that console, but from financial point of view?
Your opinion might not be popular, but it's ultimately valid, and that same opinion can be applied to every retro console, or every other software platform for that matter.

KickStarter seems to be the number one choice to show a developer whether an independent commercial release would be viable, but I'm not convinced that every developer goes to all the effort to create a game with the financial point of view of sales figures for that particular game. A popular, and perhaps even profitable game is not necessarily the goal, but perhaps more of a means to an end?
mankrip wrote:There's also the Fenix and BoR engines, though I don't remember any released commercial indie DC game using the BoR engine.
Fenix is now known as Bennu or BennuGD (Bennu Game Development), Bennu could be viable for an independent commercial release but you would need a dedicated team member to optimize the scripting language runtime specifically for the Dreamcast. If someone could get decent performance on the DC there's also the multi-platform portability that could follow, and use even further enhanced features, which may result in a game having its origins firmly rooted within SEGA's last console, but having its overall popularity completely overshadow that fact.

IMO the BoR engine always had the potential for an independent commercial release, especially when Senile Team released the source and OpenBoR began to evolve. There was at least a couple of projects that were being developed with the intention of an eventual commercial release, but the problem was most people followed the MUGEN community and used ripped graphics and music for homebrew mods, which resulted in BoR becoming a cheap imitation of MUGEN. On the other hand, without the console communities of yesteryear Beats of Rage wouldn't even be half as popular as it is today, the Dreamcast community, and quickly followed by the GP32 community, utilized the potential and portability of the mods, but sadly OpenBoR no longer supports the very consoles that enhanced its popularity from the very beginning. Once again though, you would need a dedicated team member to optimize the OpenBoR engine specifically for the Dreamcast to achieve anything near an independent commercial release.
mankrip wrote:So, I'd say that 3D game development for the DC may be financially doomed, but 2D game development for the DC still looks financially viable.
Couldn't agree more, 3D games are ten a penny, just take a glance at all of the platforms of today and you'll see a glut of releases daily. Enhanced 2D graphics within a game can still be effective, and not only for novelty value. There's a saturation point for every consumer, and the incessant releases of games, movies, mobile apps etc that feature bombarding CGI are literally opening the door for all forms of niche 2D software.
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Re: In The Line Of Fire Early Access Beta Released To Public

Post by bbmario »

If PH3NOM releases his code, the community can quickly turn that into an engine. Given that it supports Q3 BSP, many modders would be able to make good content for projects. I think it would be great for the homebrew community. Look at what happened to the PSP one when they ported quite a few Q1 engines to it.
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Re: In The Line Of Fire Early Access Beta Released To Public

Post by mankrip »

Supporting a file format is not the same as supporting a whole game.

If PH3NOM himself didn't use the Q3 BSP format for the maps of his game, there must be some compatibility and/or performance issues.

For commercial games, the whole content creation pipeline must be as robust and user-friendly as possible. That's way more complicated than just porting an engine or supporting a file format.
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Re: In The Line Of Fire Early Access Beta Released To Public

Post by PH3NOM »

Hey friends, thank you again for all of your support!

Even though things have worked out very well for me, I will always have a small bit of regret that this project did not succeed.

@Mankrip: The reason I dropped Quake 3 BSP support was because of the tools used to make levels in this format.
Q3Radiant is a decent tool, however, my artist was not at all familiar with this process, so I needed to come up with a solution that allowed him to create levels in a method he was familiar with.
And this was something we very much achieved.
If you look at the file structure of the assets in the demo I released, you will see a very efficient hierarchy of binary files that are the fruits of our labor.

.RBO files are my binary design of "Render Buffer Objects". These are the result of my conversion of the 3D Mesh into a format that is directly consumable by the DC's PVR GPU.

.CBO files are my binary design of "Collision Buffer Objects". These are the result of my conversion of the 3D collision models into a format that is directly consumable by the DC's SH4 CPU.

.SHADER files are the text description of how corresponding .RBO buffers should be rendered.

One day I may release the source code for this project along with all of the assets seen in the demo.

For now, here is a assembly file I had written for this engine back when I was working on it:

.globl _DCE_ClipTransformTriangle

!r0 = [int] = return clip code for triangle
!r1 = [int] = vert stride
!r2 = [int] = uv stride
!r3 = [int] = argb stride
!r4 = [arg][float *] = vertex position pointer
!r5 = [arg][pvr_vertex_t *] = output vector
!r6 = [arg][pvr_vertex_t *] = uv pointer
!r7 = [arg][uint32 *] = argb pointer
!fr4 = [arg][float] vert stride (in bytes)(passed as float to prevent stack use)
!fr5 = [arg][float] uv stride (in bytes)(passed as float to prevent stack use)
!fr6 = [arg][float] argb stride (in bytes)(passed as float to prevent stack use)
!fv0 = vector 1
!fv4 = vector 2
!fv8 = vector 3
!fr12 = u component
!fr13 = v component
!fr15 = z clip threshold

.align 4


fmov.s fr12, @-r15 ! push fr12 to stack ( callee save )
ftrc fr4, fpul ! floatToInt(vert stride)
fmov @r4+, fr0 ! load vertex x
sts fpul, r1 ! r1 now holds vert stride
fmov @r4+, fr1 ! load vertex y
add #-8, r1 ! adjust vert stride to offset read increment
fmov @r4, fr2 ! load vertex z
fldi1 fr3 ! load 1 for w

ftrc fr6, fpul ! floatToInt(argb stride)
sts fpul, r3 ! r3 = argb stride

ftrv xmtrx, fv0 ! transform first vector

ftrc fr5, fpul ! floatToInt(uv stride)
add r1, r4 ! add vertex position stride
fmov @r4+, fr4 ! load vertex x
fldi1 fr7 ! load 1 for w
fmov @r4+, fr5 ! load vertex y
mov #0, r0 ! set 0 for clip code
fmov @r4, fr6 ! load vertex z

ftrv xmtrx, fv4 ! transform second vector

add r1, r4 ! add vertex position stride
fmov @r4+, fr8 ! load vertex x
fldi1 fr11 ! load 1 for w
fmov @r4+, fr9 ! load vertex y
sts fpul, r2 ! r2 now holds uv stride
fmov @r4, fr10 ! load vertex z
add #-4, r2 ! adjust uv stride to offset read increment

ftrv xmtrx, fv8 ! transform third vector

fmov.s fr15, @-r15 ! push fr15 to stack ( callee save )
fldi1 fr15 ! load 1 to fr15 for clip threshold
fneg fr15 ! clip threshold = -1.0f

fcmp/gt fr15, fr2 ! check 1st vertex for z clipping
bf .V1IN

or #1, r0 ! clip code 1st vertex out


fcmp/gt fr15, fr6 ! check 2nd vertex for z clipping
bf .V2IN

or #2, r0 ! clip code 2nd vertex out


fcmp/gt fr15, fr10 ! check 3rd vertex for z clipping
bf .V3IN

or #4, r0 ! clip code 3rd vertex out


cmp/eq #7, r0 ! clip code (1|2|4)= 7 = all out - dont write output

cmp/eq #0, r0 ! clip code 0 = all in - write with perspective divide
bf .WRITENODIVIDE ! otherwise, write output with no perspective divide


fldi1 fr2
fdiv fr3, fr2 ! perspective divide

mov.l r8, @-r15 ! push r8 to stack
mov.l @r7, r8 ! load argb to r8
add r3, r7 ! add argb sride
mov.l TA_ADDR, r5 ! set vertex out dest to Tile Accelerator

fmov.s fr13, @-r15 ! push fr13 to stack ( callee save )
add #28, r5 ! move output vertex to argb component
fmov @r6+, fr12 ! load u to fr12
fmov @r6, fr13 ! load v to fr13
add r2, r6 ! add uv stride

mov.l r8, @-r5 ! write argb
fmov fr13, @-r5 ! write v
mov.l CMD_VERT, r0 ! load PVR_CMD_VERTEX flag to r0
fmov fr12, @-r5 ! write u
fmul fr2, fr1 ! 1 / w * y
fmov fr2, @-r5 ! write z
fmul fr2, fr0 ! 1 / w * x
fmov fr1, @-r5 ! write y
fldi1 fr6 ! load 1 to fr6 for next 1 / w op
fmov fr0, @-r5 ! write x
mov.l r0, @-r5 ! write vertex flags

pref @r5 ! flush vertex via SQ to PVR

fdiv fr7, fr6 ! perspective divide

mov.l @r7, r8 ! load argb to r8
add r3, r7 ! add argb sride

add #60, r5 ! move output vertex to v component
fmov @r6+, fr12 ! load u to fr12
fmov @r6, fr13 ! load v to fr13
add r2, r6 ! add uv stride

mov.l r8, @-r5 ! write argb
fmov fr13, @-r5 ! write v
fmul fr6, fr5 ! 1 / w * y
fmov fr12, @-r5 ! write u
fmul fr6, fr4 ! 1 / w * x
fmov fr6, @-r5 ! write z
fldi1 fr10 ! load 1 to fr10 for next 1 / w op
fmov fr5, @-r5 ! write y
fmov fr4, @-r5 ! write x
mov.l r0, @-r5 ! write vertex flags

pref @r5 ! flush vertex via SQ to PVR

fdiv fr11, fr10 ! perspective divide

mov.l @r7, r8 ! load argb to r8
add r3, r7 ! add argb sride

add #60, r5 ! move output vertex to v component
fmov @r6+, fr12 ! load u to fr12
fmov @r6, fr13 ! load v to fr13

mov.l r8, @-r5 ! write argb
fmov fr13, @-r5 ! write v
fmul fr10, fr9 ! 1 / w * y
mov.l CMD_EOS, r0 ! load PVR_CMD_VERTEX_EOL flag to r0
fmov fr12, @-r5 ! write u
fmul fr10, fr8 ! 1 / w * x
fmov fr10, @-r5 ! write z
fmov fr9, @-r5 ! write y
fmov fr8, @-r5 ! write x
mov.l r0, @-r5 ! write vertex flags

pref @r5 ! flush vertex via SQ to PVR

fmov.s @r15+, fr13 ! delay slot = pop stack back to fr13

mov #0, r0 ! return 0 (CLIP_NONE)

bra .RETURN ! done!

mov.l @r15+, r8 ! delay slot = pop stack back to r8


fmov.s fr13, @-r15 ! push fr13 to stack ( callee save )

add #28, r5 ! add vertex stride to next w component

fmov fr3, @r5 ! write w component
add #-4, r5 ! move output vertex to write v component

fmov @r6+, fr12 ! read next u
fmov @r6, fr13 ! read next v
add r2, r6 ! add uv stride

fmov fr13, @-r5 ! write v
fmov fr12, @-r5 ! write u
fmov fr2, @-r5 ! write z
fmov fr1, @-r5 ! write y
fmov fr0, @-r5 ! write x

add #56, r5 ! add vertex stride to next w component

fmov fr7, @r5 ! write w component
add #-4, r5 ! move output vertex to write v component

fmov @r6+, fr12 ! read next u
fmov @r6, fr13 ! read next v
add r2, r6 ! add uv stride

fmov fr13, @-r5 ! write v
fmov fr12, @-r5 ! write u
fmov fr6, @-r5 ! write z
fmov fr5, @-r5 ! write y
fmov fr4, @-r5 ! write x

add #56, r5 ! add vertex stride to next w component

fmov fr11, @r5 ! write w component
add #-4, r5 ! move output vertex to write v component

fmov @r6+, fr12 ! read next u
fmov @r6, fr13 ! read next v

fmov fr13, @-r5 ! write v
fmov fr12, @-r5 ! write u
fmov fr10, @-r5 ! write z
fmov fr9, @-r5 ! write y
fmov fr8, @-r5 ! write x

fmov.s @r15+, fr13 ! pop stack back to fr13


fmov.s @r15+, fr15 ! pop stack back to fr15
fmov.s @r15+, fr12 ! pop stack back to fr12



.align 2
.long 0xe0000000
.long 0xe0000000
.long 0xf0000000

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Re: In The Line Of Fire Early Access Beta Released To Public

Post by bbmario »

@PH3NOM please come back! The DC community needs your ingenuity and presence! :)
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Re: In The Line Of Fire Early Access Beta Released To Public

Post by cube_b3 »

Hello just visiting the old neighborhood.
I hope the admins would permit an offtopic post or divide this thread and move all the off topic conversation out.

It's been almost 3 years. I was in a bad place back then. I graduated in 2013 with a degree in psychology but I am a result oriented person and working with mentally ill people who were not going to lead fully functional normal lives, affected my mental health. I bounced a few fields from schizophrenics to disabled children and finally chemical dependency. Psychology made me feel like a failure cause I erroneously believed I could fix every mental issue without drugs. I was stupid.

I decided to go back to school and get a degree in Digital Media. I graduated in 2016. I figured when I graduated I would be as hot of a commodity as I was as a young mental health professional. I had difficulty landing gigs. I figured I'll go independent build a portfolio, work with some devs. Help them pro bono, I'd contribute to the scene and in turn I'll have something on my portfolio which I could leverage towards finding a job. I was also getting rejected from job applications and I needed to feel validated in some other way and I thought I deserved to be an Admin. I felt being admin would make up for what was happening in the real world. I was in a bad place, I felt like I had failed in life, twice. I apologize for the arrogance and any other off putting behavior that I displayed. I've not reread the entirety of this thread but my apology was sincere then and I am only here to reaffirm it today.

I am in the field of marketing, I was not able to get my company of the ground but I am the Director of Marketing for a health care company. I was able to finance a house last year and had more financial stability than ever before. I've not booted the inanimate dream console, but I love this scene and the people who have positively contributed towards it. I still help out a few (very few) people who contributed to it with web and social media assistance, granted they don't make Dreamcast games or games anymore but they still pursue their passions and any project that is a labor of love has the spirit of this community.

I tried to leave this community on a positive note. I apologized to everyone, but some are still offended.

@Darc, Eric. Friend. I am sorry.

@Bogglez. As stated, I was a failure at life. I felt I needed American DC projects to be completed so that I would have something on my portfolio. Not an excuse to be an ass towards anyone specifically Darc. I hope I've matured.

@PH3NOM. I am sorry for saying anything about this project, you are right. I had little knowledge of what went between you and Wilson. Me and Wilson did become friends in the time I volunteered to work with you. My web skills have considerably grown. I can show you my portfolio. If you would give me another chance, I'd like to just build you a website. You have great work for Dreamcast and you deserve your own website. There is no game, no deadline, no commercial money to be gained or fame for either of us. My original plan for ITLOF was to build a portfolio website around you anyways to show that you are not just some first time game dev and you have a rich history with the console. Oh and as stated still friends with Wilson. I don't want to reveal anything that he hasn't released but the man has a passion for the console.

@DCDayDreamer. Wish I knew your name friend. Thank You. I came back, read your post all those years ago and it was a source of comfort and helped me move forward in life. Thank you.

@Falco. Now I didn't come back to read your comments and honestly I've only skimmed through it today. We've actually conversed on Facebook since my departure, you didn't bring your comments up in person and frankly there is nothing to gain now. You will have your views, I know you feel I didn't do enough for you, I felt differently about it. Here's a formal apology to you too. I have some negative feelings towards you too, but I want to expel them from my heart. There is nothing to gain from them. I ask that you forgive me as well. I just went to you profile, saw the handsome baby boy. Congratulations. You will be happy to know that I've not written on games in years. I was briefly roped back in to game writing when an Admin at Wiki contacted me about nuking a few of my game pages including Redspotgames. It was unfortunate. Tried to save it, failed.

Peace, love and happiness for all.
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Re: In The Line Of Fire Early Access Beta Released To Public

Post by |darc| »

I'm glad to hear you're doing better in your life. I understand what you mean about using internet spaces to feel validated. I've certainly been guilty of that myself in darker times in years past.

I still stand by what I said in my last post: "You are always welcome back here. I won't hold anything you've said to me against you, but I will defend myself." I'm not offended and I welcome you.
It's thinking...
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