PSO NTE - Nishi's Report Log

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Re: PSO NTE - Nishi's Report Log

Post by Aleron Ives »

Ver.1 and Ver.2 have the same set of freeplay maps. Each area (excluding Forest) has 3 maps, and each map has 2 object configurations, yielding 6 possible combinations for each area. Forest of course has only 1 map, so all you get are 6 different object combinations. Ver.2 has more maps than Ver.1, but they are only used in quests to make freeplay compatible between the two versions.
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Re: PSO NTE - Nishi's Report Log

Post by Treamcaster »


Almost nailed it:

f1 ok;f2 empty;c1 ok; c2 ok; c3 ok

I don't know if f2 was empty in the map string I first cleared the trial since I didn't go that farther in forest that day.

Some more curious things in NTE:
-De Rol Le is a bit more challenging, his attacks are slightly different and its final reward is 2500EXP.
When you defeat it you are shown that "congratulations screen" and then teleported back to p2.
Fun fact: I left a pipe before going to the boss and after defeat I go back to boss stage to see if there's anything there. We are able to clearly see caves land gate and the platform starts moving endlessly (as if we were still fighting the boss).
-NTE features some nice object combination not seen in later versions...

Other thoughts...
I believe at least Mines can be played (check previous posts for screen) and maybe ruins too as there are files related to this area and respective bosses in disc data folder. I wonder if one day we can use a server command to spawn in one of these maps hopefully with items and enemies?

Browsing disc content I also found Quests!! I wonder if the quests use Mine and Ruins maps?? Would it be possible to upload them to the server and check 'em out?

Btw I found this thread online of someone browsing some unreleased files in NTE:

Pipe in boss teleporter awesomeness:
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Re: PSO NTE - Nishi's Report Log

Post by BlueCrab »

Unfortunately, the server command for warping around to different floors does not work on PSOv1, so I'd doubt it'd work on the NTE either. That said, I might take a look at the quest files at some point and see how they compare to the ones for PSOv1. If we're lucky, PSOv1 quests might actually work with the NTE, since there does appear to be a guild counter person that could bring up a quest menu. :wink:
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Re: PSO NTE - Nishi's Report Log

Post by Lee »

i know a tiny bit about pso quests, these are kinda strange, they are missing short and long descriptions so seem to be a primitive version of quest files it even names itself test script, our quest editor can't read it currently, not because of the descriptions stuff, i'll see if i can modify a script to run on v1 or v2 and see if it nukes itself.
Now settled in
I was 100 Meseta credited to Swiss bank!

Contact, 's hero name that you gave me the request. Eagle's gallon. Merchant. I Nikki dealing with items.
i did some google translate lol very odd, there's nothing complex here since they are v1 scripts


anyway here you go, i took a quick shot at modifying the first quest it could just be a standard story quest haven't took the time to compare it i ported it to various versions try it on w/e platform you want shouldn't make much diff:
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Re: PSO NTE - Nishi's Report Log

Post by bogglez »

Lee wrote:
Now settled in
I was 100 Meseta credited to Swiss bank!

Contact, 's hero name that you gave me the request. Eagle's gallon. Merchant. I Nikki dealing with items.
i did some google translate lol very odd, there's nothing complex here since they are v1 scripts
You can post it in Japanese, I can translate it for you.
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Re: PSO NTE - Nishi's Report Log

Post by Lee »

this is all the text from the quest, do yourself a favour don't translate it please, just read over it see if you get a gist of which pso quest it is:

test script

お、君が 依頼を受けてくれた<cr><hero job>だな。わしは ガロン。<cr>商人だ。アイテムを扱っとる。
さ、早速だが、ラグオルに行って<cr>わしの 商品を<cr>取り返してきてくれんか!
大事な大事な 商品だ!
あれが 手元に戻ってくれば<cr>大もうけ 間違いなし!
それを あの能無しレンジャーめ。<cr>途中で アンドロイドに<cr>奪われたなどと!
とにかく!<cr>その犯人アンドロイドを探し出して<cr>商品を 取り返してくれ!
詳しい話は<cr>直接 能無しレンジャーに聞いてくれ。<cr>まだ その辺を ほっつき歩いとるだろ。
詳しい話は 直接<cr>あの能無しレンジャーに<cr>聞いてくれ!
まだ その辺を<cr>ほっつき歩いてるはずだ。
も 持ち主ってたって そんな…<cr>もう とっくに…なぁ…
… … …
報酬はギルドに預けとるから<cr>持ってっていいぞ。<cr>どうせ 払い戻しもできんしな。
大もうけのはずだったのに<cr>これでは 商売にならん。<cr>まったくの大損だ…とほほ…
ガロンに 頼まれたもの?<cr>ああ、そりゃ マグだよ。
あのオヤジ、どこからか<cr>ラグオルに マグが落ちてるという<cr>話を 聞いてきてな。
それを売ろうって 魂胆さ。<cr>まぁ、引きうけた<cr>オレも オレなんだが…
なんか 自分が墓暴きでも<cr>してるような気分になってなぁ。
誰だって<cr>自分のマグにはそれなりに <cr>思い入れが あるもんだろう?
いや、襲われたってわけじゃない。<cr>マグが 勝手に動き出してさ、<cr>いつのまにか いなくなってて…
とにかく よく わかんないんだよ。<cr>考えごとしてたからなぁ。
商売の道具として使われるより、<cr>本来の持ち主のところに帰った方が<cr>マグも 幸せだろうよ。
言っちゃ悪いが、<cr>ガロンは 商売人の才能はないね。
なんだか 怪しい商人組織にも<cr>所属してるって話だしな。
目先のことばかり 考えてちゃ<cr>商人として大成しないよ。
あれで ガロンも<cr>心を入れ替えればいんだが…
あれー?<cr>やっぱり あの子がいないわーぁ?
あれー?<cr>やっぱり あの子がいないわーぁ?

ちょっと 目を離したら、<cr>ひとり いなくなってしまってぇ…
…ただ、たくさんの マグが<cr>みんな 悲しそうだったので<cr>つい 話しかけてしまってぇ…
それで、あの、ちょっと<cr>お話が 盛り上がってしまってぇ、<cr>そのぅ…
いつのまにか ついてきてしまって…<cr>わざとじゃないんですぅ!<cr>ホントですぅ…
でも…皆マスターのところに<cr>行くんだって 言い出して…<cr>いなくなっちゃいましたぁ。
最後に残ったコは いっしょに<cr>来るって 言ってくれたんですけど…<cr>いなくなっちゃって…
あ、あのぉ、探すなら<cr>わたしも いっしょに探しますぅ。
ただ はぐれただけかもしれないし…<cr>そんなに 遠くには<cr>行ってないと思いますから。
あっ、わたし エルノアです。<cr>エルノア・カミュエル。<cr>アンドロイドですぅ。
でもぉ…<cr>あまり 気づかないかも<cr>しれませんけどぉ…
ちゃぁんと マグにも<cr>意思は あるんです!
ハンターが 装備した時、<cr>マグは ちゃぁんと その人を<cr>マスターとして認識するんですぅ。
あとマグによっては<cr>すごぉく いろいろ…<cr>…あれ…なんだっけ?
そういうのは きっと<cr>大事にされてるマグなんですぅ!
だから、やっぱり マグも<cr>マスターを失ったときは<cr>悲しいんです…!
<hero name><cr>さんのマグ、<cr>いい子ですよねぇ。
好きみたいですよ。<cr><hero name>さんのこと。
…どうして マグと<cr>しゃべれるかって?
えーと…ごめんなさい。<cr>…よく わかんないですぅ。
<hero name>さんのマグ、<cr>おなか減ってるみたい…<cr>なんですけどぉ…
ほ ほんとですぅ!
マグだって 生きてるんです。<cr>ちゃんと 食べるもの あげないと!
しかも、そのマグが好きなものを<cr>あげるのが 一番なんです。
マグだって 個体差…<cr>好き嫌いは…あるんですよぉ。
ウィンドウを開いて <cr>アイテムパックから アイテムを選んで<cr>マグという項目を選んであげれば…
そうやって<cr>ちゃんと マグのことも<cr>わかってあげていれば…
マグは マスターに応じた<cr>成長をしてくれるんですよ。
マグは ダメージを受けると<cr>ガマンするんです。
ガマンして 貯めこんだ<cr>エネルギーを使って起こすのが<cr>フォトンブラスト!
小さいころは うりふたつ!<cr>すっごく そっくりでした。
でも、今は お互い<cr>全然 似てないんですよぉ。<cr>不思議です。
<hero name>さんのマグは<cr>どういうふうに<cr>大きくなるんでしょうねぇ。
… … …
…もう お別れは済んだみたいですね。<cr>新しいマスターのところに行くと<cr>言ってますぅ。
ね?<cr>大事にされてたマグは、<cr>マスターのこと 大好きなんですぅ。
<hero name>さんの マグも<cr>大事にしてあげてくださいね。
…言葉は通じなくてもぉ、<cr>ちゃぁんと 心はあるんですから!
マグは いい子ですよ。
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Re: PSO NTE - Nishi's Report Log

Post by AmonX »

bogglez wrote:You can post it in Japanese, I can translate it for you.
Would you be willing to translate a regular pso quest? Sunset could use translating and google didn't do a good job :D I can compensate you for your troubles if you wish :D
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Re: PSO NTE - Nishi's Report Log

Post by Lee »

ives will completely QQ for me pointing this out, but the quest was later repurposed on psobb the quest and obviously therefore the translation was altered but here's all the text none the same:
AOL CUP -Sunset Base-
Get to the<cr>bottom of<cr>this strange<cr>request!
Client: Rapeel<cr>Quest:<cr> A strange request has<cr> arrived via mail.<cr> It seems that somebody<cr> desperately needs help.<cr><cr>Reward: ??? Meseta

Are you <hero name>?<cr>The BEE System has<cr>selected you for this.
The request came through<cr>our mail system, but it's<cr>very simple to explain.
The message simply says,<cr>"Help me. Come to Ragol."
Select Quest Board in<cr>ITEM PACK to access your<cr><color 1>mail<color 0>.
You got <color 1>strange mail<color 0>.
"Strange Mail."
This request seems a bit<cr>odd, and mysterious, so<cr>be very careful.
A mail message delivered<cr>via the BEE System.
Help me.<cr>Come to Ragol.
Please check your mail<cr>for the details.
The request has been<cr>taken care of.
Please check things out<cr>at the guild counter.
Oh! Hey, look! Another<cr>mail message has<cr>arrived!
Let's look at it<cr>together.
What's really important,<cr>I wonder?
I'm just a kid, so I<cr>don't really know.
Great job! Earning <cr>100,000,000 points...<cr>Wow!
Here's a present from<cr>the Principal.
You got Chu-Chu.
You got Kapu-Kapu.
You got Chu-Chu Fever.
Keep on giving us the<cr>best that you've got!
The Principal is always<cr>here to help!
What's really important,<cr>I wonder?
I'm just a kid, so I<cr>don't really know.
Aren't Rappies just the<cr>cutest things?
If they were just a bit<cr>more docile, they'd make<cr>terrific pets!
We could play together,<cr>and I could take it for<cr>walks!
But I suppose that beak<cr>could be nasty if it <cr>decided to poke you.
You really got a request<cr>from a Rappy?
My, that's, uh...<cr>interesting.
But hey, getting to<cr>help out an animal is<cr>very noble!
Did you check out the<cr>Quest Info Page on the<cr>Official website?
If you score enough kills<cr>in "Maximum Attack,"<cr>guess what you get?
Well, check out the <cr>Official website to find<cr>out!
Qualifiers will get their<cr>names posted up on the<cr>Quest Info Page!
It's a matter of luck,<cr>but there are still lots<cr>of chances!
Maybe you'll be one<cr>of the lucky ones!
Look sharp, there,<cr>greenhorn.
For us veterans of<cr>Weapons, one thing is<cr>prized among all others:
The rank of <color 1>Master<color 0>.
That rank is only given<cr>to one with a Gold<cr>Weapons badge.
Having one of those on<cr>your chest is among the<cr>highest of honors.
Ooooh... I just can't<cr>believe it.
But I'm being honest!<cr>I MEAN IT!
I'm too scared to go<cr>back down to the<cr>surface of Ragol!
Oh, my stomach...
I saw it!<cr>I swear!
A talking Rappy!
And a ghost in the ruins!
Why won't anyone believe<cr>me?!
I KNOW I saw it!
You know that redhead<cr>girl over by the<cr>teleporter?
She got an excellent<cr>score in "Maximum <cr>Attack."
But look what happened<cr>to her after she took<cr>that quest!
She's babbling about how<cr>Rappies can talk to us!
What in the world<cr>could've happened to her?
Hey, have you heard?
There's some girl by the<cr>teleporter who's just<cr>petrified!
She says she saw a<cr>ghost behind some<cr>waterfall.
She must've just seen<cr>some strange native<cr>Ragol animal.
Imagine, a hunter being<cr>afraid of a ghost!
Ha ha ha!
Say, I wonder where I<cr>should go down to<cr>Ragol from.
Hmmm. Maybe I could get<cr>onto that big teleporter<cr>over there.
That should take me down<cr>to the Ragol forest area.
... ...
Oh, this is such a hard<cr>decision!
How's "Maximum Attack"<cr>going for you?
If you get a certain<cr>number of kills, you can<cr>receive some cool items!
I hope you have a fun<cr>time!
I wonder what kind of<cr>present you'll get.
So that's what you got,<cr>eh?
Hey, that's not bad!<cr>You must've placed<cr>fairly well, then!
I guess that they've<cr>got some kind of bracket<cr>for determining prizes.
It must be based on the<cr>number of kills you've<cr>got.
I hope you have fun!
I heard the Principal is<cr>going to give prizes for<cr>"Maximum Attack!"
That'll be so cool!
I want a rare item!
Well, huh? Do you think<cr>this is cool?
All right! It's nice to<cr>see such an enthusiastic<cr>hunter!
You know what I'm talking<cr>about!
Maybe they'll give out<cr>something really cute!
Oh, I've just got to try<cr>my hardest!
Oh, you're no fun at all!
I want a cute little <cr>mag or something.
I just think that'd be<cr>really cool.
Prizes are listed on the<cr>Quest Info Page at the<cr>Official website.
Other event details are<cr>also updated there.
Please go there and check<cr>it out.
AOL CUP -Maximum Attack-<cr>is brought to you by:<cr>America Online, Inc.
The Running Man logo is a<cr>trademark of<cr>America Online, Inc.
Also by...
Sega Corporation's<cr>Sonic Team Division.
<cr> You have <color 1>mail<color 0>.
Have you found something<cr>important?
I did.
Come back to Ragol.
Pi pi pipi!<cr>Piipi!!
<cr>It seems to want to<cr>give you something.
<cr>Hold out your hand?
You got a <color 1>strange item<color 0>!
"Strange Item"
Use <color 1>Strange Item<color 0>?
You can now speak<cr>Rappese!!!
Nice to meet you.<cr>You must be<cr><hero name>.
I've been waiting for<cr>you.
I know this is sudden,<cr>but I need your help!
Our boss has been caught<cr>in some kind of trap!
We tried to free him<cr>ourselves, but have had<cr>no success!
Our boss is inside here.<cr>My friends are on the<cr>path to our boss.
So use them as a guide to<cr>get to our boss. Please,<cr>rescue him!
Please!<cr>You've got to rescue him!
Thank you so much!<cr>Now, your reward...
An item you've never<cr>seen before.
You don't know how it<cr>works, but it somehow<cr>lets you speak Rappese.
It's awful!<cr>The boss is trapped!
What should I do?<cr>What should I do?
Thank you!
I'm so happy!<cr>I'm so happy!
I'm so happy!<cr>I'm so happy!
Now I can speak with<cr>my mate again!
We looked at the trap<cr>that the boss is caught<cr>in.
We don't have the skill,<cr>the knowledge, or the<cr>courage to mess with it.
We need your help!<cr>Please, I'm begging you!<cr>Save him!
Thank you!
The trap has been<cr>disabled, right?
Save the boss!
... ... ...
Thank you so much!
The boss got stuck in<cr>that trap because he<cr>tried to save me from it.
Then, he got caught in<cr>it instead.
It's all my fault.
I'm so, so sorry that<cr>I kept that from you!
I've been waiting.
The boss is in here.<cr>Please help him.
The boss knew that his<cr>mate was in danger.
He got caught while<cr>saving her from that<cr>awful trap.
And there was no way<cr>to go back and help him.
<hero name>.
This is my only request<cr>of you.
Just one thing!<cr>Please!
Thanks so much!
I'll never forget this<cr>for as long as I live!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Sorry to have to ask for<cr>your help.
We're just not capable<cr>enough to deal with this<cr>ourselves.
There must be a <color 1>switch<color 0><cr>to open this trap,<cr>somewhere.
Please, there's not much<cr>time! You have to hurry!
I can't let it end like<cr>this!
Thank you.<cr>I am in your debt.
But... I have just one<cr>thing to ask of you.
Do you mind,<cr><hero name>?
I want you to help out<cr>someone who's very dear<cr>to me.
Please wait here.
I can't open this up<cr>all on my own.
Just a moment.
I'm okay!
Just a little more!
This is our hidden,<cr>secret base.
I have one request.
Go in here, and rescue<cr>my sweetheart.
Please. It's just right<cr>through here.
You've got to help.<cr>You must.
Don't let me down.
I cannot move.
The rest... is up to<cr>you, now.
Is that you,<cr><hero name>?
... ... ...
Oh, good.<cr>You're safe.
Thank you.
You saved my precious<cr>one.
Now we can go back to<cr>living our lives as<cr>we always have.
Thank you so much.
I'm so happy.
I'm so happy.
Thank you.
My mate is up on<cr>that platform.
Please, save her!
And after that...
My little brother is down<cr>underneath that tree.<cr>Can you save him, too?
Thank you for<cr>saving my mate!
Now we can live<cr>together happily<cr>with my brother.
You save my dear<cr>little brother!
Thank you!<cr>Pi pi!
My mate is over here.
Thank you for<cr>saving my mate!
Now we can live<cr>together happily<cr>again!
This way!<cr>This way!
My mate is over here.
Thank you for<cr>saving my mate!
Now we can live<cr>together happily<cr>again!
Ohhhhh...<cr>I'm so thirsty!
I wish I had something<cr>to drink.
Oh, please, let me have<cr>some!
Give it some<cr>Don't give any
Oh, thank you!<cr>You are most kind.
Here, take this.
You got <color 1>Pretty Butterfly<color 0>.
"Pretty Butterfly"
This'll show everyone<cr>that you're a good<cr>person! Pi!
I'll remember this day<cr>for as long as I<cr>live! Pipi!
Thank you!
Ohhhhh...<cr>I'm so thirsty!
Thank you!<cr>I'll never forget what<cr>you did for me!
Thank you for<cr>saving my mate!
A pretty butterfly that<cr>lives in Ragol's forests.
For some reason,<cr>Rappies use it to<cr>signify nice people!
The day has come to<cr>take flight!
Without a doubt.<cr>Pi.
... ... ...
Something's burning!<cr>I'm burning! Hot! Hot!
Don't you ever wish<cr>you could fly?
If you resolve to never<cr>give up, nothing is<cr>impossible!
Why didn't it work?
Whenever things go<cr>wrong, I just look up<cr>into the sky.
Someday, things'll<cr>go my way.
My friend Rapyos has<cr>romance troubles.
He needs someone to<cr>talk to about things,<cr>I think.
Not just anyone will<cr>do, though.
Rapyos needs someone<cr>who he can trust,<cr>absolutely.
This is so hard!<cr>Piiii...
Looks like Rapyos<cr>got over his troubles!
I hope those two have<cr>a swell life together.
Guess there's some water<cr>left over. Pippi! Take as<cr>much as you like.
You got <color 1>water<color 0>.
There's only a little.<cr>Be careful with it.
There's only a little.<cr>Be careful with it.
Ordinary water.
You get the impression<cr>that it's sort of salty,<cr>for some weird reason.
I'm Rapyos.
I'm really in a bind,<cr>here!
That butterfly!
That's the mark of a<cr>kind-hearted soul!
Oh, you must be such<cr>a nice person!
I bet I could confide<cr>in you!
Allow to confide<cr>Don't allow to confide
Oh, that's too bad.
The girl by the pond,<cr>Rapymes... I wrote a<cr>love letter to her.
But I've just got no<cr>self-confidence.
So, I was wondering if<cr>I could read it to you<cr>to get your impressions.
Like I said, I wrote<cr>a love letter to<cr>Rapymes.
But I've just got no<cr>self-confidence.
So, I was wondering if<cr>I could read it to you<cr>to get your impressions.
Hello, Rapymes.
I am very buff.<cr>I am also very tall.
What do you think<cr>about me?
That's just fine!<cr>Try something else.
You think?
Okay, then!
Can I ask you to do<cr>just one more thing?
Will you give this<cr>letter to Rapymes?
I'm just too shy to do<cr>it myself.
I really appreciate it.
Oh.<cr>Well, come again.
That's just fine!<cr>Try being less vague.<cr>Try something else.
Less vague?
I like you.
How's that?
Um... needs work.<cr>Put your heart into it!<cr>Put some thought into it.
Okay, then.
I love you!<cr>I love you!<cr>I love you!
How's that?
That's just fine!<cr>Put some thought into it.
You think I can<cr>really write that?
Okay.<cr>I trust you,<cr><hero name>.
Can I ask you to do<cr>just one more thing?
Will you give this<cr>letter to Rapymes?
I'm just too shy to do<cr>it myself.
I really appreciate it.
I really appreciate it.
I really appreciate it.
How did it go?
... ... ...
Piiii...<cr>So, that was her<cr>response, huh?
I'm shocked.
... ... ...
I won't give up, though!
I'm gonna try again!
It went well?
Thank you!
Oh, I'm so happy!
I knew you were a<cr>great person,<cr><hero name>!
I'm so happy!
It's all thanks to you!<cr>Please, take this.
You got <color 4>Cell of MAG 502<color 0>.
Thank you!
Thank you!
... ... ...
Hey, you're already<cr>carrying too much stuff!
Come back when you<cr>have some room.
I need to thank you<cr>properly, after all.
Hello!<cr>I'm Rapymes.
Rapyos seems so<cr>troubled.
Oh, my.
Hello!<cr>I'm Rapymes.
Rapyos seems so<cr>troubled.
Is something wrong?
Ask questions<cr>Don't ask
Well, please come again.
Isn't the weather nice?<cr>What is it that you like?
Tee-hee!<cr>It's raining, silly!
You're so funny!
Tee-hee!<cr>It's raining, silly!
You're so funny!
You have some<cr><color 1>Pretty Clothes<color 0>!
Hee hee.
I really do like those<cr><color 1>Pretty Clothes<color 0>.
Can I have them?
Give clothes<cr>Don't give clothes
I can really have them?
Hee hee!<cr>I'm so happy!
I figured.
They must be very<cr>important to you.
Sorry to have asked<cr>such a strange thing.
What do I like?
Let's see.
I like <color 1>Pretty Clothes<color 0>!<cr>But, I'm a girl, so I guess<cr>that's obvious!
Tee-hee.<cr>It's raining!
Thanks for before!
I'll take good care<cr>of those <color 1>Pretty Clothes<color 0>.
Isn't the weather nice?<cr>What is it that you like?<cr>Do you like anyone?
S-someone that I like?
Do I have to answer?
Oh, you know.
I like guys that are...<cr>straightforward.
Guys who beat around<cr>the bush are no good.
Hi there.<cr>What's going on?
Give the letter<cr>Don't give the letter
A letter?
From Rapyos?
... ...
I'm sorry.
I'm just... not getting<cr>what he's trying to<cr>say, here.
Could you please tell<cr>him that for me?
A letter?
From Rapyos?
... ...
Hee hee.
He certainly knows how<cr>to convey his feelings!
Thank you!
Could you let Rapyos<cr>know that, please?
What's wrong?<cr>Please let me know if<cr>I can help.
Hee hee.<cr>That letter made me so<cr>happy. Thank you.
I'm really sorry.
You got a <color 1>flower<color 0>.
I'm a tailor!
A fabulous tailor!
I'm a tailor!
A fabulous tailor!
Oh.<cr>Hello there!
You're <hero name>,<cr>the one who rescued<cr>my sister!
Thank you.<cr>You have my gratitude.
Let me reward you for<cr>what you've done.
I'll make you some real<cr><color 1>Pretty Clothes<color 0>.
I'm a tailor!
A fabulous tailor!
For my friend!
Just a little bit of<cr>hap-pi-ness!
There!<cr>All done!
How do you like it?<cr>That's my finest work!
You got <color 1>Pretty Clothes<color 0>!
Oh, I'm just so su-ure!
You must love it!
Like they always do!
Good luck!
Not like you need it!
It's all just so<cr>fan-tas-tic!
"Pretty Clothes"
Clothing received from<cr>a fabulous tailor.
It's definitely not sized<cr>to fit people!
I'm a tailor!
A fabulous tailor!
My sister really<cr>loves butterflies,
you know.
Rapyos and<cr>Rapymes
just can't share their<cr>feelings with one<cr>another.
Rapymes really likes<cr>things like <color 1>Pretty Clothes<color 0>.
She might burst with<cr>joy if you gave them<cr>as a present.
Those two love to<cr>gossip.
They're always just<cr>yap-yapping away.
Sometimes it's annoying.
We're right!
Everyone should be<cr>friends and get along<cr>together!
This place has been<cr>reserved for us!
We'll have no trouble,<cr>here! Everyone will have<cr>to get along!
Be friends!
Be friends!
We're right!
Everyone should be<cr>friends!
We're right!
Be friends!
No!<cr>This place has been<cr>reserved for us!
You forgot something<cr>important!
Be friends!
Be friends!
We're right!
Be friends!
Oh!<cr>So much, so much!<cr>Pii!
So much, so much!<cr>Pii!
So much, so much!<cr>Pii!
I'm so busy I'm dizzy!
I don't know what's what!
What do you think of<cr>those clothes?
Those were made by the<cr>greatest Rappy tailor.
They're just so dazzling!
Just don't let Rapymes<cr>know that you have such<cr><color 1>Pretty Clothes<color 0>!
Ho ho ho!
Oh, my!
The tailor made some<cr>special clothing for you,<cr>too?
You're so lucky!
Ho ho ho!
I'm not jealous or<cr>anything!
Ho ho ho!
So lovely!
I'm just enthralled!
So lovely!
I'm just enthralled!
I wish I could have<cr>some made for me.
So... so sleepy...
... ...
Once I get a good<cr>night's sleep, I'll<cr>be right as rain!
Are you <hero name>?<cr>There's something that I<cr>want to ask you.
See my mate, there?<cr>She's stuck like that.
I just came to, and<cr>she was in that trap!
Just, unable to move from<cr>the shock!
I've tried calling out to<cr>her, but nothing gets<cr>through.
I tried everything, but<cr>I can't get through this<cr>fence.
The boss tried to help<cr>her, too, but it was just<cr>no use.
It's dangerous to just<cr>leave her like that!
Please, do something to<cr>help my mate!
Do something to help<cr>my mate.
Please, save her!
Please, save her!
Please, save her!
Thank you so much!
Thank you so much!
Everyone has different<cr>things that are<cr>important to them.
I've found mine!
<cr>You look into the distance.
<cr>You see nothing special.
A pretty butterfly!
I was spacing out,<cr>watching the sunset.
It's a gorgeous sunset,<cr>too.
Just look at it.
It's beautiful.
It makes me think about<cr>what's important to me.
My friends are here.
Everyone is here.
There's so much for me.
It doesn't matter how<cr>many years may pass.
I will never, ever<cr>forget.
<hero name>.
You're the one who<cr>came to save us.
I know that you've<cr>done so much.
Thank you.
You deserve thanks from<cr>us all.
Thank you!
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Really, thank you.
She'll give you a little<cr>something from the both<cr>of us.
<hero name>.
... ...
Don't forget that which<cr>is important to you.
What's important to you,<cr><hero name>?
Maybe sometimes, you<cr>might forget things like<cr>that.
If you do, you should<cr>come here, and let<cr>yourself remember.
I'll always be waiting.
My friends are here.
Everyone is here.
There's so much for me.
Thank you so much.
This isn't much, but,<cr>please, you should<cr>take it.
You received <color 1>100<color 0> Meseta.
You can get home through<cr>here.
Thank you, again!<cr>Come back anytime!
Throw the <color 1>Gold Weapons badge<color 0>?
You dropped the<cr><color 1>Bronze Weapons shield<color 0>...
You dropped the<cr><color 1>Silver Weapons shield<color 0>...
... ... ...
"<color 1>AOL<color 0>" ... so cool...
<hero name>!
... ... ...
<hero name>!
It's so cool!<cr>"<color 1>AOL<color 0>"
<hero name>!
You should play some<cr><color 1>AOL games.<color 0>
<hero name>!
AOL CUP -Maximum Attack-<cr>is brought to you by:
<color 1>America Online, Inc.<color 0>
<hero name>!
Pssst... The "<color 1>Running Man<cr>logo<color 0>" is a trademark of<cr>America Online, Inc.
"<color 1>AOL<color 0>"!
"<color 1>AOL<color 0>"!
<hero name>!
<hero name>!
<hero name>!
... ... ...
<hero name>!
... ... ...
Graaaandpa!<cr>It's hot in h--
(Di...did he see me?)
(For... for now...)
<hero name>!
<hero name>!
A golden light...
He...<cr>shall awa...ken...
The mark... of...<cr>...warrior...
Hoo hoo hoo.
Ho ho ho.<cr>Hoo ho hoo.
To think, a warrior who<cr>collected three Gold<cr>Weapons badges!
Ho ho ho...
Young one!
You have proven yourself<cr>in "Maximum Attack."
So I give to you this<cr>item!
You got a <color 4>Bronze Weapons shield<color 0>.
A Weapons shield marks<cr>you as a hero of Weapons!
Guard it well, as it will<cr>surely be coveted by<cr>others who see it!
Be sure to hold onto it.
Farewell, then!
Ho, ho, ho.
<hero name>,<cr>hero of Weapons!
How could you have lost<cr>that precious shield?
So, did you drop this<cr>Bronze Weapons shield?
Or was it this Silver<cr>Weapons shield?
Which was it?
It's a simple question,<cr>but it's very important<cr>how you choose!
Make sure you get the<cr>right one back!
Silver Weapons shield<cr>Bronze Weapons shield
You got a <color 4>Silver Weapons shield<color 0>!
Yes, yes!<cr>That's right!
I had given you a<cr>Silver Weapons shield!
I'd completely forgotten!
Try to make sure that you<cr>don't lose it again.
Hoo, hoo, hoo.
<hero name>,<cr>you unambitious soul!
Collecting 6 Gold Weapons<cr>badges is nothing short<cr>of remarkable!
That Bronze Weapons<cr>shield looks so plain on<cr>you.
A Silver Weapons shield<cr>suits you far better!
Bear this shield, and<cr>become part of the<cr>vanguard.
Then, aim for the high<cr>score in "Maximum<cr>Attack!"
You can do it!
Ho ho ho!
<hero name>,<cr>you unambitious soul!
Collecting 6 Gold Weapons<cr>badges is nothing short<cr>of remarkable!
That Bronze Weapons<cr>shield looks so plain on<cr>you.
A Silver Weapons shield<cr>suits you far better!
Bear this shield, and<cr>become part of the<cr>vanguard.
Then, try to clear<cr>through "Maximum Attack!"
You can do it!
Ho ho ho.
<hero name>,<cr>hero of Weapons.
After all I told you, you<cr>still lost your shield!
What were you thinking?
So, did you drop this<cr>Silver Weapons shield?
Or was it this Gold<cr>Weapons shield?
Which was it?
It's a simple question,<cr>but it's very important<cr>how you choose!
Make sure you get the<cr>right one back!
Gold Weapons shield<cr>Silver Weapons shield
You got a <color 4>Gold Weapons shield<color 0>!
A Gold Weapons shield,<cr>you say?
... ...
That... doesn't seem<cr>right, but...
When you say it, I guess<cr>that sounds familiar.
I've just got an awful<cr>memory, is all.
Must come with old age,<cr>I suppose.
All right, then.<cr>Just, make sure to not<cr>lose it again!
It's very important, you<cr>know, so keep it safe!
Ho ho ho.
Ah, yes!
They say that gold shall<cr>not sway a true heart!
<hero name>, you<cr>are a truly honest<cr>individual!
And moreover, you've<cr>gotten nine Gold<cr>Weapons badges!
A hero like you truly<cr>deserves to bear the<cr>Gold Weapons shield!
Take this shield, and<cr>become a leader.
Then, aim for the high<cr>score in "Maximum<cr>Attack!"
Go, hero of Weapons!
Ho ho ho!
Ah, yes!
They say that gold shall<cr>not sway a true heart!
<hero name>, you<cr>are a truly honest<cr>individual!
And moreover, you've<cr>got nine Gold Weapons<cr>badges!
A hero like you truly<cr>deserves to bear the<cr>Gold Weapons shield!
Take this shield, and<cr>become a leader.
Then, go and restore<cr>peace to Ragol!
Ho ho ho!
You got a <color 4>Photon Drop<color 0>.
An error has occurred.
An error has occurred.
You have too many <color 4>Photon<cr>Drops<color 0>. Come back when<cr>you have room.
Where has that old man<cr>gone off to?
He keeps taking those<cr>shields, babbling some<cr>nonsense...
Is that a <color 1>Weapons shield<color 0>?
Is my husband still<cr>doing that stuff?
Guess I can't stop him.
Still, you're certainly a<cr>piece of work!
Well, for your effort,<cr>let me give you this<cr>weapon.
It's a very personal<cr>treasure, so take care<cr>of it!
You got <color 4>AKIKO'S WOK<color 0>!
That's right! The old<cr>fellow who gave you<cr>that shield.
Tell him that the Boss<cr>says "Return at once."
He needs to get his duff<cr>back home.
You have too many things.
Where has that old man<cr>gone?
Last edited by Aleron Ives on Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Added spoiler tags :P
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Re: PSO NTE - Nishi's Report Log

Post by bogglez »

Lee wrote:this is all the text from the quest, do yourself a favour don't translate it please, just read over it see if you get a gist of which pso quest it is:
Alright, I'll just translate some parts then.
Just doing my statement of account
(sorry not sure what this is called in English.. when you calculate your expenses and gains etc at the end of the month)
(In PSO v1 it is called 鋼の心, which means "Heart made of steel")
(In the English version it was translated to Magnitude of Metal)

100 Meseta were deposited into a Swiss bank!
お、君が 依頼を受けてくれた<cr><hero job>だな。わしは ガロン。<cr>商人だ。アイテムを扱っとる。
Oh, so you're the <hero job> who took the quest. I'm Garon. I'm a trader. I deal with items.
English version: Are you the <hero job> from the Guild? I'm Garon, a trader.
さ、早速だが、ラグオルに行って<cr>わしの 商品を<cr>取り返してきてくれんか!大事な大事な 商品だ!
Anyway, it's a little sudden, but won't you go to Ragol for me and recover my goods? They are very very important to me!
English version: I want you to go down to Ragol and retrieve my lost items. It's really important!
あれが 手元に戻ってくれば<cr>大もうけ 間違いなし!
To say the least, this is bound to become a world first business opportunity!
If I were to get them back, I'd be able to make a large profit. No doubt about it!

English version: A business opportunity of the likes that no one has ever seen before!
I'm sure I'll become a zillionaire when I get it all back.
それを あの能無しレンジャーめ。<cr>途中で アンドロイドに<cr>奪われたなどと!
とにかく!<cr>その犯人アンドロイドを探し出して<cr>商品を 取り返してくれ!
That incompetent fool of a Ranger.. He said he had them stolen by an android on the way!
Anyhow! Find out that criminal android and get my items back!

English version: That useless Ranger said that an android took them.
Find that android and get back my items! Understand?
詳しい話は<cr>直接 能無しレンジャーに聞いてくれ。<cr>まだ その辺を ほっつき歩いとるだろ。
Do me a favor and ask that incompetent Ranger for details in person. He should still be loitering around there somewhere.

English version: If you need any more info, ask that stupid, incompetent Ranger.

詳しい話は 直接<cr>あの能無しレンジャーに<cr>聞いてくれ!
まだ その辺を<cr>ほっつき歩いてるはずだ。
も 持ち主ってたって そんな…<cr>もう とっくに…なぁ…
… … …
報酬はギルドに預けとるから<cr>持ってっていいぞ。<cr>どうせ 払い戻しもできんしな。
大もうけのはずだったのに<cr>これでは 商売にならん。<cr>まったくの大損だ…とほほ…
ガロンに 頼まれたもの?<cr>ああ、そりゃ マグだよ。
あのオヤジ、どこからか<cr>ラグオルに マグが落ちてるという<cr>話を 聞いてきてな。
それを売ろうって 魂胆さ。<cr>まぁ、引きうけた<cr>オレも オレなんだが…
なんか 自分が墓暴きでも<cr>してるような気分になってなぁ。
誰だって<cr>自分のマグにはそれなりに <cr>思い入れが あるもんだろう?
いや、襲われたってわけじゃない。<cr>マグが 勝手に動き出してさ、<cr>いつのまにか いなくなってて…
とにかく よく わかんないんだよ。<cr>考えごとしてたからなぁ。
商売の道具として使われるより、<cr>本来の持ち主のところに帰った方が<cr>マグも 幸せだろうよ。
言っちゃ悪いが、<cr>ガロンは 商売人の才能はないね。
なんだか 怪しい商人組織にも<cr>所属してるって話だしな。
目先のことばかり 考えてちゃ<cr>商人として大成しないよ。
あれで ガロンも<cr>心を入れ替えればいんだが…
あれー?<cr>やっぱり あの子がいないわーぁ?
あれー?<cr>やっぱり あの子がいないわーぁ?

あのぉ…<cr>すみませんがぁ、<cr>マグ…見ませんでしたぁ? startled me! Uhm, exuse me, but.. did you happen to see any.. Mags?
I haven't seen any.
I'm searching for them right now.

ちょっと 目を離したら、<cr>ひとり いなくなってしまってぇ…
…ただ、たくさんの マグが<cr>みんな 悲しそうだったので<cr>つい 話しかけてしまってぇ…
それで、あの、ちょっと<cr>お話が 盛り上がってしまってぇ、<cr>そのぅ…
いつのまにか ついてきてしまって…<cr>わざとじゃないんですぅ!<cr>ホントですぅ…
でも…皆マスターのところに<cr>行くんだって 言い出して…<cr>いなくなっちゃいましたぁ。
最後に残ったコは いっしょに<cr>来るって 言ってくれたんですけど…<cr>いなくなっちゃって…
あ、あのぉ、探すなら<cr>わたしも いっしょに探しますぅ。
ただ はぐれただけかもしれないし…<cr>そんなに 遠くには<cr>行ってないと思いますから。
あっ、わたし エルノアです。<cr>エルノア・カミュエル。<cr>アンドロイドですぅ。
でもぉ…<cr>あまり 気づかないかも<cr>しれませんけどぉ…
ちゃぁんと マグにも<cr>意思は あるんです!
ハンターが 装備した時、<cr>マグは ちゃぁんと その人を<cr>マスターとして認識するんですぅ。
あとマグによっては<cr>すごぉく いろいろ…<cr>…あれ…なんだっけ?
そういうのは きっと<cr>大事にされてるマグなんですぅ!
だから、やっぱり マグも<cr>マスターを失ったときは<cr>悲しいんです…!
<hero name><cr>さんのマグ、<cr>いい子ですよねぇ。
好きみたいですよ。<cr><hero name>さんのこと。
…どうして マグと<cr>しゃべれるかって?
えーと…ごめんなさい。<cr>…よく わかんないですぅ。
<hero name>さんのマグ、<cr>おなか減ってるみたい…<cr>なんですけどぉ…
ほ ほんとですぅ!
マグだって 生きてるんです。<cr>ちゃんと 食べるもの あげないと!
しかも、そのマグが好きなものを<cr>あげるのが 一番なんです。
マグだって 個体差…<cr>好き嫌いは…あるんですよぉ。
ウィンドウを開いて <cr>アイテムパックから アイテムを選んで<cr>マグという項目を選んであげれば…
そうやって<cr>ちゃんと マグのことも<cr>わかってあげていれば…
マグは マスターに応じた<cr>成長をしてくれるんですよ。
マグは ダメージを受けると<cr>ガマンするんです。
ガマンして 貯めこんだ<cr>エネルギーを使って起こすのが<cr>フォトンブラスト!
小さいころは うりふたつ!<cr>すっごく そっくりでした。
でも、今は お互い<cr>全然 似てないんですよぉ。<cr>不思議です。
<hero name>さんのマグは<cr>どういうふうに<cr>大きくなるんでしょうねぇ。
… … …
…もう お別れは済んだみたいですね。<cr>新しいマスターのところに行くと<cr>言ってますぅ。
ね?<cr>大事にされてたマグは、<cr>マスターのこと 大好きなんですぅ。

<hero name>さんの マグも<cr>大事にしてあげてくださいね。
…言葉は通じなくてもぉ、<cr>ちゃぁんと 心はあるんですから!
マグは いい子ですよ。
Mags are good children. They are like siblings to me.. that's how I know that.
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Re: PSO NTE - Nishi's Report Log

Post by Lee »

ok yeah so those quests are just story quests, do they work in the nte somehow?
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Re: PSO NTE - Nishi's Report Log

Post by Aleron Ives »

Lee wrote:ives will completely QQ for me pointing this out
I already told him a week ago that the BB version of Sunset was in English. :P
"Fear the HUnewearl."
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Re: PSO NTE - Nishi's Report Log

Post by Treamcaster »

Lee wrote:ok yeah so those quests are just story quests, do they work in the nte somehow?
When we talk with guild counter lady this is what shows up: ... sp=sharing ... sp=sharing ... sp=sharing

Maybe bogglez can tell us what's going on?

There are 10 .bin quest files in QUEST folder and 17 .dat quest files in root nte directory. I wonder if all are readable quests and of different type (online vs story quests?).
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Re: PSO NTE - Nishi's Report Log

Post by AmonX »

Thank you again Lee. Ives did mention to me that bb had it but I didn't have access to the quest data to use. Though I should have asked Ives first lol
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Re: PSO NTE - Nishi's Report Log

Post by Lee »

no menu set for the guild counter in the default files maybe, i'd have to look at the data chunks. you can't normally talk to the guild lady like that unless an id is set in the npc data.

Also looks like all the quests are story quests with no quest headers on them for long and short description. just padding them to 0x1d4 and then adjusting the filesize and pointer section position lets the quest editor open them with no issues. Dunno what quest53 is but it appears to contain only text, might be a hack job for the default p2 text.
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Re: PSO NTE - Nishi's Report Log

Post by Treamcaster »

Did 3 more runs today, just updated map string post.
No box/ enemy drops for any run so far, I wonder if some server changes were made meanwhile and it affected the drops?

Besides this, I tried Hard mode with PC char team:
It didn't affect gameplay.. I don't know if it's because NTE doesn't have hard/ vhard modes or the server doesn't support it. Maybe the first assumption since when creating a team on NTE, we aren't given the option to choose game difficulty...

Just made a team on NTE and drops are working. It's odd that v1 team drops are broken now.
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Re: PSO NTE - Nishi's Report Log

Post by BlueCrab »

Uhm... I haven't changed anything with regard to drops in a long time... :roll:
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Re: PSO NTE - Nishi's Report Log

Post by Treamcaster »

BlueCrab wrote:Uhm... I haven't changed anything with regard to drops in a long time... :roll:
I guess I figured out what caused drops not to work:
-If I leave a PC char in the team before going down to Ragol with Nte, drops are disabled;
-If a PC char leaves the team after Nte joins, when Nte goes down to Ragol, drops work.
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Re: PSO NTE - Nishi's Report Log

Post by BlueCrab »

Oh... Wait. Yeah, the NTE isn't really compatible with any other versions. :roll:
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Re: PSO NTE - Nishi's Report Log

Post by Tymek »

So...NTE is somehow slightly compatible with PSOv1? That's odd... :O
In my possesion:

C.A.R.D. Revolution (Gamecube)

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Re: PSO NTE - Nishi's Report Log

Post by Treamcaster »

So... I finally was able to play NTE with another player!
Well... not really.

Here's what happens:
When you create a team with an NTE char, no one can join you, not even an NTE player.
If you create a v1 compatible team with a PC or DC char, then one NTE player can join. But after this one player has joined, the team gets automatically locked, preventing anyone else to join in.

PSO NTE interesting is growing, let's hope we get further support for it in the future! :uhm:
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