What systems do you currently collect?

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What systems do you currently collect?

Post by DaMadFiddler »

...aside from current-gen stuff, I mean? I know |darc|'s been on a bit of a DC collecting binge, but does anyone else here still collect old console games, or are you pretty much done?

If you do still collect, are there particular systems/titles/accessories you're actively seeking?
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Re: What systems do you currently collect?

Post by DaMadFiddler »

My gaming library is far closer to complete than I ever thought it'd be. It currently consumes three entire shelving units (one for cartridges, one for GameCube/Wii/Wii U/(3)DS, and one for PS/PS2/PS3/Dreamcast... which is currently overflowing), as well as two bags (one for Game Boy, one for GBA).

The systems are spread across two TVs, with everything Dreamcast and newer on the HD CRT in the living room and everything cartridge-based (and the regular Wii, since it was "replaced" with the Wii U) on the 27" traditional set in the bedroom.

Here's what I'm still seeking on each platform.

NES - only three or four cartridges left on my want-list: Maniac Mansion, Metal Gear, Ninja Gaiden 3, and Rescue Rangers 2. Also considering the possibility of a couple of repros (English translations of Kid Dracula and Earthbound Zero), though a flash cart might make more sense, as I could then play ROM hacks as well.

SNES - pretty much down to rarities, namely Mega Man X3 and various JRPGs (the only RPG we have is Chrono Trigger). Slightly more common wants are Contra 3 and TMNT4. Considering repros of a few translations (e.g., Star Ocean) and Star Fox 2. Sadly, due to the custom hardware in those cartridges, a flash cart would not meet that need. I also need to replace the rubber bits in one of the controllers.

N64 - the N64 is more Eva's than mine, but we've still got it pretty well rounded out. Accidentally sold my copy of Smash Bros. a couple years ago (thought I had two but I didn't), so it would be nice to replace that. Also need Majora's Mask and possibly an import of Sin & Punishment, then I think we're good.

GameCube - Zelda: Four Swords Adventures, along with one more GBA link cable (we have 3). And maybe an import of TV World Fighters. That's it.

Wii - Metroid Prime Trilogy, which caught me off-guard by being a limited run and then skyrocketing in resale value. I *think* we have everything else we want for Wii, though I need to double-check. The Wii also needs a new optical drive. (I may end up giving the Wii to my brother, as we already have both a Wii U and a GameCube.)

Game Boy/GBC/GBA - almost complete. I somehow lost my copy of Metroid Fusion, I still need Golden Sun 2, Castlevania 2: Belmont's Revenge, and Castlevania Legends, then I think all the bases are covered. Oh, right, and the Zelda "Oracle" games... and I think Eva would like a copy of Pokemon Red. The main thing here is that we have four GBAs, but only two of them are backlit (one SP and one original that's been fitted with an SP screen), so eventually I want to upgrade the screens in the other two. One of the unlit ones has a Halo light, but (A) it's broken and (B) it sucked even when it did work. Rosecoloredgaming sells nice kits, but they're a bit on the pricy side (and I'm bad at soldering).

Virtual Boy - still want Galactic Pinball and Jack Bros (which is remarkably expensive). Have all the other games I want... but I do need a system (lost mine in a college move). I probably wouldn't bother looking for a replacement if I didn't already have a bunch of games for it; I bought my Virtual Boy the summer after the system was cancelled, when the systems were $50 new and all the games were $15 each. It'd be nice to see some of the better games (Wario Land, Mario Clash, Red Alarm, Vertical Force) released on the 3DS eShop.

Genesis - sadly not as complete as the other cartridge-based systems on the list. I'm still seeking Ghouls 'n' Ghosts, the "Illusion" games, Kid Chameleon, the Shinobi games, Space Harrier 2, and the Streets of Rage games, to name a few. I do have a complete (box & manual) Mutant League Hockey that I'll probably sell. Oddly enough, I've had much better luck obtaining the rarities (e.g., Crusader of Centy, Contra, Castlevania, etc.) than I have getting some of the more common games on the list. The Sega CD list is pretty much complete except for the Lunar games. Possibly a repro of Mega Man: Wily Wars if I can't find an original import. I also need a couple of 6-button controllers, and I'm on the fence about a 32x. (I have a copy of Star Wars 32x, but I don't know that there are any other 32x games I'd really want to play.)

Dreamcast - down to stragglers. Still need a non-buggy copy of Hydro Thunder. Also Bangai-O, Confidential Mission, Guilty Gear X (I used to have this but my copy was stolen by an ex), and a couple sets of maracas. And, of course, anything new that happens to find its way onto the platform ;)

PlayStation - a little bit less complete, but there's also less I'm interested in. Crusader: No Remorse, Diablo, Duke Nukem, Final Fantasy IX, and Warcraft II are the stand-outs. I've found that most 3D PSone games don't age well at all, so I try to avoid the originals whenever a port to a better system is available. Most of my PSone games are either primarily 2D or are ports of old PC games that never saw console release anywhere else.

PS2 - done, I think. However, I do need to get the 60GB PS3 repaired so we can actually use these games again; we have a replacement PS3, but it's not backwards-compatible.

* * *

...I didn't include PS3, (3)DS, or Wii U because they're still current, and you can't really have a "complete" list of desired games for a system that still has a busy release schedule.

Still deciding whether or not to get a Master System and a Saturn. I do own a copy of Symphony of the Night for Saturn, and Eva has expressed interest in getting Panzer Dragoon Saga. There's a handful of other games that would be interesting, but the majority of compelling Saturn games have seen subsequent release on other platforms, and Saturn stuff gets kind of expensive.

I'm NOT planning to get a TG-16 (PCEngine), as it doesn't make much sense to invest in a console that I'd really only want for one game (Dracula X), especially when that one game is available on other platforms. Also not planning to get a PSP/Vita, anything Atari, or anything Xbox (though it would be nice to see KotOR ported to other platforms). As for "next-gen" systems, we have a Wii U and a 3DS. We *may* get a PS4 later in its life cycle, but not for several years. Perfectly happy with the PS3 for now.
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Re: What systems do you currently collect?

Post by Specially Cork »

Nothing. Two reasons mainly:

1) I'm just not a collector. I struggle to see the value in things beyond their purpose and I really hate clutter. I'm fine using emulators to save on owning hardware. All my books, movies and music only exist on an external hard-drive and I want all my games that way too. I'm also not a perfectionist or a completionist. Owning every DC game and peripheral out there for example just wouldn't satisfy me in any way.

2) The old excuse of having a wife and a son. I barely have enough time to keep up with new games let alone revisit old favourites. I bought all the old FF games off PSN because I like them all but haven't replayed any of them. I like to think I will some day, but they'll only ever be the answer to "Hmm, what should I do today?" and I'm just never bored enough anymore to ask find myself asking that question.
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Re: What systems do you currently collect?

Post by Skynet »

I wouldn't say I'm really collecting but I do like having the consoles and having games I know I'll play. But I don't collect just to have a collection. Currently off the top of my head I have: Amiga 500, Sega Master System, NES, Mega Drive, SNES, N64 (had 2, gave one to a friend for xmas), PS1 (had 3 recently, sold 2 for a profit), Saturn, Dreamcast, 2x GC, 2x XB, PS2, PS3, 3x 360 (1 is chipped and can't play online), DS phat, 3DS, PSP, Wii, WiiU and have an Xbone pre-ordered.

For all the above I have various games and accessories. I'd love to be able to get more games for all of the consoles but I just don't have the money.
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Re: What systems do you currently collect?

Post by cube_b3 »

Aside from Dreamcast.
I am pretty much done.

I am actually looking to sell my entire Sega Saturn collection... Though a lot of those titles are actually from UK.
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Re: What systems do you currently collect?

Post by DaMadFiddler »

cube_b3 wrote:Aside from Dreamcast.
I am pretty much done.

I am actually looking to sell my entire Sega Saturn collection... Though a lot of those titles are actually from UK.
Potentially interested if the system is NTSC/US (or chipped to be compatible with such). Mind PMing me with the details?
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Re: What systems do you currently collect?

Post by cube_b3 »

It would be easier if I give you a quick tour on Skype?
PM me your ID.
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Re: What systems do you currently collect?

Post by DaMadFiddler »

I don't think I've used Skype in at least 5 years. I don't remember my login info.
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Re: What systems do you currently collect?

Post by Smiley »

I hate collectors. They hoard things and cause prices to skyrocket.
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Re: What systems do you currently collect?

Post by Smiley »

That. Being said I do have a copy of maniac mnansion I could dig up.
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Re: What systems do you currently collect?

Post by Matisfaction »

I haven't bought any retro stuff for a while but when I do, I mainly collect Genesis, N64, Gamecube and Famicom stuff.

I wouldn't say that I actively collect games, but if I see a good deal on something that I'd use/play then I'll generally go for it... most classic Genesis/Famicom/N64/GC games are extremely affordable these days.
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Re: What systems do you currently collect?

Post by melancholy »

I have an odd obsession with the gaming hardware and not really software. I have a pile of systems hooked up all around the house, but I really don't have a huge collection of games. I'd have to take another inventory, but I believe I'm currently sitting at around 35 consoles (including handhelds), and at my peak, I had 44. I don't know what it is, I just love displaying old gaming hardware. As for actual games, the only systems I do collect games for is:

N64: mostly the biggest titles.

PSX: I try to pick out all the RPG's and rare titles for it.

PS2: I have a huge PS2 collection. It was my favorite gaming generation, and I just love finding good PS2 games cheap. I'm getting close to having 100 PS2 games now.

PS3: I tend to collect PS3 JRPG's that have collectors sets.

Dreamcast: just the best games and rarities, plus a couple of imports.

Wii: now that it's officially on the decline, I find myself seeking out some of the harder-to-find titles for it.

All the rest of the systems I have is streamlined down to only the games I'm likely to play in the next 5 years. And some of the really old consoles I don't even have games for anymore, just the hardware.
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Re: What systems do you currently collect?

Post by |darc| »

As far as "collecting" goes, I only truly collect Dreamcast--I am currently seeking to purchase every USA-released game, as well as all the PAL-exclusive titles that never made it to the USA (and I have most of these now). In addition, I am slowly picking up all of the Dreamcast peripherals as well. This will be a long-term collection, as it will certainly be an expensive endeavor.

Besides DC, I am interested in picking up some titles for the NES, Super NES, N64, and PlayStation. I really like the experience of playing on original hardware, and I am at the point in adulthood where I can afford all the games that I actually have time to play.

Like mel, I do like to purchase console hardware. I also like to mod the hardware as well--almost all of my consoles have had some modifications done. All of my consoles are capable of outputting RGB video (including my NES), and all of my optical media based consoles are modified to play imports and backups as well.

Nintendo has always been my most loved console manufacturer, and Friday I will be picking up the Wii U Zelda Wind Waker HD bundle. I've owned every Nintendo home console released, except for the Virtual Boy and 3DS, both of which I'll probably pick up in the coming year.
It's thinking...
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Re: What systems do you currently collect?

Post by Veggita2099 »

That's actually what I have been into lately. I like about anything considered vintage. I have shelves full of old NES/Genesis/Atari/Coleco/SNES/Intellivision games.

I even managed to find an affordable Rob the Robot not too long ago. It works although it don't have the claws :/
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Re: What systems do you currently collect?

Post by DaMadFiddler »

...is it just me, or have prices on cartridge-based games risen significantly this year? I know that most collectibles markets were deeply impacted by the recession (record and antiques prices were also deflated from about 2009 through the beginning of this year, and now seem to be on the rise as well); perhaps a lot of people were just selling off their collections to make ends meet over the last few years. But it seems like old games--as well as other collectibles--are both more scarce and noticeably more expensive this fall than they were last fall.
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Re: What systems do you currently collect?

Post by Veggita2099 »

Yea about anything related to older game systems has went up. I would say a lot of my collection was aquired around 2009 to 2010 fairly cheap. Nobody wanted anything to do with Atari or NES stuff heck the one guy sold me an Atari 5200 with 10 games for $10 because he just didn't want it. Last time I was there he wanted $75 for an Atari 5200 with 1 game.

Seems like anytime you go to a flea market they have their smartphone looking each and every item they have up on ebay and basing their price off of that. They seem to think that if there are 10 auctions they should take the highest price and say that's what it it sells for on ebay.

I have even noticed that older PC parts has gone up. I have been working on an older 486 computer to play some classic games on (I know I should just use dosbox). Anyways i remember when people would throw that stuff in the garbage because nobody wanted it. Now it costs a fortune to get some of that stuff.

One of these days I hope to find an affordable Gravis Ultrasound.
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Re: What systems do you currently collect?

Post by DaMadFiddler »

Figured I'd revisit this. We have completely finished collecting games for the NES (barring any new indie releases), GameCube, Game Boy (all iterations), Wii, and PS2. The Wii still needs a new disc drive and the backwards-compatible PS3 still needs to be repaired, but we have other means of playing those games (a Wii U and a slim PS2, respectively). And after more than a decade of frequent Smash Bros., the GameCube controllers need new rubber contact pads.

SNES: still looking for Contra 3, Mega Man X3, Ninja Turtles 4, and a handful of RPGs. SNES games have gotten pretty expensive over the last couple of years, though, so we haven't been adding to that library very quickly.

Genesis: this is still the most incomplete. I managed to sell off most of the junk titles, and we now have Ghouls 'n' Ghosts, but the rest of the original list still stands.

Virtual Boy: just need the system. I bought one last winter, but had to return it because it arrived broken. I have all the games I want.

Dreamcast: Bangai-O and Confidential Mission are still on the list, as are maracas. I'm waiting for my copy of Pier Solar (which will *HOPEFULLY* be ready soon), and thanks to various forum members, it looks like we have a few outstanding titles--namely Elysian Shadows and Hypertension--to look forward to in the near future. The Dreamcast mostly gets used for four games: Rez, Power Stone 2, Project Justice, and Soul Calibur. And I should go back to Lack of Love at some point.

PlayStation: the list still stands, but I'm not feeling especially motivated to go after any of them, except perhaps Warcraft II (though I keep hoping for an HD remake of that) and Crusader.

We have been talking about a Saturn and possibly a Master System, but both are a bit hard to collect for due to their relative scarcity and resulting high cost. Most of my gaming lately has been on 3DS, with significant breaks for the new Donkey Kong and MarioKart titles on Wii U. We will probably pick up a Vita TV *if* we ever get a PS4, but we're still pretty happy with the PS3 and don't feel a particular need to move on.
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Re: What systems do you currently collect?

Post by Eviltaco64X »

I've built up a pretty large PSP collection.. something like 24 games and 2 UMD Movies. I may buy a few more games for it sooner or later because they are so cheap right now.
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Re: What systems do you currently collect?

Post by Smiley »

I have quite a collection of boxed atari jaguar games. about 20.
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