Ever hear of ASIMO?

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Ever hear of ASIMO?

Post by Narcissus »

It's a robot made by Honda. It walks so realistically it's scary! :o

check out these videos!

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Post by Prophet][ »

Yea, Did a project on that project last year for Engineering class. Just think, a few more years and one them might be my cleaner
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Post by Hawq »

Thats the one that plays football aint it?, it's be a pretty cool big toy to have.
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Post by Joestar »

lol me thinks of the foster commercial w/ the robot
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Post by az_bont »

That's a cool advert :D . But does anyone else think that it could so easily be a guy in a suit?
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Post by |darc| »

az_bont wrote:That's a cool advert :D . But does anyone else think that it could so easily be a guy in a suit?
If you look at it from the side, the legs are too slim to be a person's legs.
It's thinking...
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Post by bizzle »

i dread the day when everyone has there own robot.
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Post by Nyarlathotep »

Xylene wrote:i dread the day when everyone has there own robot.
You lie. Everyone wants there own robots. Heres a sample representation of dcemus views on the matter
[21:40] <sixteen-bit> Talking of advanced AI, Sony were showing off their new Aibo in town today
[21:40] * _404NotFound adds that to my "list of words that sound funny as a command"
[21:40] <sixteen-bit> Looks cool, but shit, I wouldn't pay ?1200 for a robot dog
[21:41] <Dr_Wily> I would if i was japanese and desperate to look up schoolgirls skirts via webcam
[21:41] <MrSiggler> I would. If someone paid me L1300 to buy one.
[21:41] * MrSiggler notes he's lazy.
[21:41] <Hawq> get robot dogs down the market for a tenner instead, yeah it's crap compared to the Aibo but waht a saving!
[21:42] <Dr_Wily> yes. and a panaphonics tv
[21:42] <Hawq> Aibo perving, coming soon to channel 5
[21:42] <_404NotFound> until a robotic dog can lick his nuts, it isn't the same
[21:42] <Hawq> I know a genuine panaphonics when I see it
[21:42] <MrSiggler> Or hump yer cro... leg
[21:42] <sixteen-bit> See, I actually *want* an Aibo but they are not good enough yet and they are way overpriced
[21:43] <MrSiggler> I want that other robot. The one that can so stuff for ya.
[21:43] <Dr_Wily> I still want flying cars
[21:43] <MrSiggler> Like make tea.
[21:43] <MrSiggler> Get my paper.
[21:43] <Dr_Wily> I was watching 5th element last week, flying cars own
[21:43] <MrSiggler> Clean my kitchen
[21:43] <sixteen-bit> Yeah, but they are like ?30,000
[21:43] <Hawq> I want a terminator
[21:43] <Dilbert> They call them fingers, but....i never see them fing
[21:43] <_404NotFound> lol
[21:43] <Dilbert> oh there they go
[21:43] <_404NotFound> :O
[21:43] <MrSiggler> L30000 ? I'd buy one.
[21:43] <sixteen-bit> http://www.moller.com/ - skycar :P
[21:43] * MrSiggler notes he's lazy.
[21:43] <Hawq> the ultimate robot toy
[21:43] <Dr_Wily> ill tell you the day I buy an aibo
[21:44] <Dr_Wily> the day they make one that can transform and minituraise into a tape cassette
[21:44] <Dr_Wily> called Ravage
[21:44] *EvilN|meh* toastman has banned bellsouth because i was using two clients
[21:44] <_404NotFound> lol
[21:44] <PuniPuniSakura> hehe
[21:44] <MrSiggler> lol
[21:44] <Hawq> will the devil have to wrap up warm for work?
[21:44] -> *EvilN|meh* and PuniPuniSakura unbanned it
[21:44] <sixteen-bit> afk, shower then foods then gaming
[21:44] <sixteen-bit> bb
[21:44] <sixteen-bit> l
[21:44] *** sixteen-bit is now known as sixteen-bbl
[21:44] <Hawq> but will the missiles be optional extra's?
[21:44] <_404NotFound> i'll buy an aibo when it can actualy jump..
[21:45] <_404NotFound> or when i can reprogram it
[21:45] *** EvilN|meh (ilikedthat@Cheatlist-2604A344.bhm.bellsouth.net) has joined #dcemu
[21:45] <Dr_Wily> actually, just any kind of robot dog that can turn into some kind of kill bot upon detecting a burglar
[21:45] *EvilN|meh* when he did it, i had told him punipunisakura uses 4 usernames at once
[21:45] <MrSiggler> I'll just wait for someone to make an ISO, and download it.
[21:45] <sixteen-bbl> 404 you can program them, but they can't even *run*
[21:45] <Hawq> you can already reprogram em
[21:45] *** Evil_N (~FreeNLow@Cheatlist-2604A344.bhm.bellsouth.net) has joined #dcemu
[21:45] <sixteen-bbl> they just kinda stumble about the place
[21:45] <Dr_Wily> yeah, but seriously
[21:45] *** EvilN|meh (ilikedthat@Cheatlist-2604A344.bhm.bellsouth.net) has left #dcemu
[21:45] <Hawq> I want k9 for the gun it had in it's head
[21:45] <PuniPuniSakura> i want a Largoboomer :P
[21:45] <Dr_Wily> who the fuck is gonna be intimidated by an aibo?
[21:46] <MrSiggler> Gnomes?
[21:46] <_404NotFound> i dunno
[21:46] <_404NotFound> they are pretty... expencive
[21:46] <sixteen-bbl> Dr_Wily, depends on whether or not the aibo has some form of laser weaponary or not
[21:46] <Dr_Wily> its still too puny
[21:46] <_404NotFound> laser weaponary... right
[21:46] <sixteen-bbl> Of course 0_o
[21:46] <_404NotFound> OMG I COULD GO BLIND! I BETTER RUN!
[21:46] <Dilbert> A hair products company, Clairol, introduced the "Mist Stick", a curling iron, into Germany only to find out that mist is slang for manure. Not too many people had use for the manure stick.
[21:46] <PuniPuniSakura> give it a lightsaber! :P
[21:46] <Dr_Wily> you want like, a big rottweiler looking robot dog
[21:46] *** _404NotFound (404NotFoun@Cheatlist-1C08F280.frdkmd.adelphia.net) Quit (Quit: )
[21:46] <Hawq> laser weapons are easy to make
[21:46] * sixteen-bbl afk for real
[21:47] <Hawq> if I had the parts that is
[21:47] <MrSiggler> PuniPuniSakura: Lucas would sue!
[21:47] <PuniPuniSakura> a robot cantaur would be better :P
[21:47] <MrSiggler> A robot gorilla.
[21:47] <`Trinity`> omg
[21:47] <`Trinity`> enough
[21:47] <PuniPuniSakura> CENTAUR!!!
[21:47] <`Trinity`> sides hurting
[21:47] <MrSiggler> GORILLA!
[21:47] <Hawq> but the aibo would saber lucas in half before he could sue
[21:47] <PuniPuniSakura> CENTAUR!!!
[21:47] <MrSiggler> Actually, better yer, a robot monkey!!!
[21:47] <MrSiggler> Like Mojo!!
[21:47] <Dr_Wily> no
[21:47] <Dr_Wily> ROBOT BUTLERS
[21:47] <Dr_Wily> with
[21:47] <Dr_Wily> NIJA
[21:47] <Dr_Wily> *NINJA
[21:48] * Clessarie yawns
[21:48] <Dr_Wily> capabilities
[21:48] <MrSiggler> He'd make me orange juice.
[21:48] <PuniPuniSakura> a Sexaroid Boomer! :P
[21:48] <Hawq> even better, a robot monkey butler
[21:48] <MrSiggler> ROBOTIC NINJA BUTLERS!!
[21:48] <MrSiggler> omg, he's brilliant!
[21:48] <MrSiggler> Butler by day, ninja by night!
[21:48] <MrSiggler> Perfect!
[21:48] <Dr_Wily> and if anyone breaks into your house while youre asleep
[21:48] <MrSiggler> But they look like apes.
[21:48] <Dr_Wily> hell slit their throat from behind and hide the body somewhere
[21:49] <Dr_Wily> so you wont even *know* you been broken into
[21:49] <`Trinity`> uhmm
[21:49] <Hawq> then no-one would suspect it would they?
[21:49] <Dr_Wily> until that day you go down to the basement
[21:49] <Dr_Wily> and find like 40 corpses stashed down there
[21:49] <`Trinity`> how about he slits the neck and then kills the person and then injects it with a serum that makes them one of its zombies?
[21:49] <Dr_Wily> ninjas > zombies
[21:49] <MrSiggler> Zombies aren't any good to have around.
[21:49] <Dr_Wily> but its a close call
[21:49] <MrSiggler> They smell
[21:49] <Hawq> good way to add guards ;)
[21:50] <PuniPuniSakura> how about the body-dissolving stuff from No One Lives Forever!
[21:50] <[No]Law> did somebody here play seaman
[21:50] <[No]Law> ?
[21:50] <Hawq> started but forgot to go back
[21:50] <Hawq> my egg must be dead by now
[21:50] <[No]Law> did your egg ever hatch ?
[21:50] <MrSiggler> I can picture it now.. Robotic Butler Ninja Chimps!
[21:50] <Hawq> I boiled it by 'accident'
[21:50] <[No]Law> uhm
[21:50] <[No]Law> maybe thats why my wont hatch =)
[21:51] <[No]Law> ive benn keeping the temperature at 34 degrees
[21:51] <Hawq> look in the manuel for tip's on the right temp to hatch it
[21:51] <[No]Law> and its been just floating for hours now
[21:51] <`Trinity`> uhmm
[21:51] <Hawq> I think it takes a while to hatch anyway
[21:51] <[No]Law> now where do i have the manual ? hmmm
[21:51] <`Trinity`> up the temp until its GREEN
[21:51] <Dr_Wily> id quite like my own metal gear i guess....
[21:51] <`Trinity`> in color
[21:51] <[No]Law> ok
[21:51] <Dr_Wily> no problems parking that mofo
[21:51] <[No]Law> gonna make a new egg
[21:52] <MrSiggler> Yeah, one of those would be nice.
[21:52] * MrSiggler waits for EvilN to say he wants a Gundam
[21:52] <Dr_Wily> even a mini one like in Snatcher would be quite cool
[21:52] <Hawq> nah, 1 bloke with stingers could wreck your gear
[21:52] * Hawq wants Eva unit 1
[21:52] <Hawq> the ultimate in mech's (well bio mechs)
[21:52] * PuniPuniSakura wants a Largoboomer
[21:52] *** TerrorShocked (none@Cheatlist-37E1131A.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #dcemu
[21:52] <`Trinity`> hwo about robotic scorpions?
[21:53] <Evil_N> gundam
[21:53] <Evil_N> naw
[21:53] <Evil_N> probably a whitebase though
[21:53] * Hawq has Zoids flashback
[21:53] <Dr_Wily> ooooh zoids had a bad ass robotic scorpion
[21:53] <Dr_Wily> and tarantulas
[21:53] <Dr_Wily> yeah, id have all the zoids if anyone was like, giving them out
[21:53] <Evil_N> actually, evas are the most powerful mechs..
[21:53] <Evil_N> valkyries are the fastest..
[21:53] <MrSiggler> And chimps!
[21:54] *** Synlor (Synlor@Cheatlist-289025E1.midco.net) has joined #dcemu
[21:54] *** TerrorShocked (none@Cheatlist-37E1131A.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (Connection reset by peer)
[21:54] *** ChanServ sets mode: +v Synlor
[21:54] <Evil_N> gundams are the most versatile..
[21:54] *** TerrorShocked (none@Cheatlist-37E1131A.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #dcemu
[21:54] <Hawq> I had the spider one, never actually got any other though, I really wanted the big T-rex one as well
[21:54] <MrSiggler> Hey Synlor
[21:54] <Evil_N> xenogear's mechs are pretty much the suckiest
[21:54] <Evil_N> but are the best for martial arts style moves
[21:54] <Synlor> i come in and see evilnerd talking about gundans, and hawq being like.. really weird O_O
[21:54] <Synlor> gundams*
[21:55] <Synlor> hiyas siggler
[21:55] <MrSiggler> Robot butler ninja chimps! *sings to the teenage mutant ninja turtle theme*
[21:55] <Synlor> lol
[21:55] <Dr_Wily> i had a kind of velociraptor one
[21:55] <Synlor> your favorite heroes?
[21:55] <PuniPuniSakura> get a Transformers-lookalike and hide it in the garage! :P
[21:55] <Hawq> Eva 1 beats all other mechs, must hunt down the figures
[21:55] <PuniPuniSakura> noone would suspect that innocent-looking car!
[21:55] <Evil_N> i should buy a big z-builder kit
[21:55] <Synlor> are we talking about action figures and shit?
[21:55] <Dr_Wily> no
[21:55] <MrSiggler> Synlor: No, we are talking about robots.
[21:56] <MrSiggler> Large killer ones.
[21:56] <MrSiggler> Or butler ones.
[21:56] <Synlor> oh
[21:56] <Dr_Wily> actually, screw all that
[21:56] <Dr_Wily> I want Giant Robo
[21:56] <TerrorShocked> how about monkey buttlers?
[21:56] <Synlor> kind of like robot butler ninja chimps?
[21:56] * Synlor enjoys that show
[21:56] *** ChanServ sets mode: +b dilbert!*@*
[21:56] *** Dilbert was kicked by ChanServ (stay out lamer)
[21:56] <Clessarie> Listening to you people talk make's my ears wanna cry.
[21:56] <Evil_N> :O
[21:56] <PuniPuniSakura> 0_o
[21:56] <Dr_Wily> o_O
[21:57] <TerrorShocked> ehhh
[21:57] <Synlor> you can't hear us moron
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Post by sixteen-bit »

Nyarlathotep wrote:
Xylene wrote:i dread the day when everyone has there own robot.
You lie. Everyone wants there own robots. Heres a sample representation of dcemus views on the matter
Exactly. As long as the robot doesn't want to fsck my microwave or get head from the vac; I'll buy one.
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