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Where will bleem go?

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Post by bailey3003 »

Is this what Rand is planning? If so could i get a confirmation from someone? :evil:
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Post by Quall »

I've read on the gameshark website, in the dreamcast section, that the co. that makes BLEEM quit making emulaters and has went out of bussiness.
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Post by rlongfield »

Unless I'm mistaken PS2 already supports PS1 games so Bleem is unneeded.
Bleem on Xbox should be fairly easy as it is PC based so a quick port of the PC Bleem is needed.
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Post by |darc| »


bleem! went out of business...
It's thinking...
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Post by DeGamer1 »

rlongfield wrote: Unless I'm mistaken PS2 already supports PS1 games so Bleem is unneeded.
That is very true.

Also if bleem were still alive, I think they would have stayed on the DC for a while. It really sucks that they are gone. :cry:
Oh, no. NO! You can't do this to me. Don't give me a playstation. NOOOOOOOOOO! I don't want a piece of crap. Take it back and burn it to heeelll!!! Die Sony Computer Entertainment with you PS (Piece of Sh?t) and your PS 2 (Piece of Sh?t?2)
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Post by Tails Prower »

I feel sorry for the poor soul who doesnt know that the PS2 is backwards compatiable. I mean when it was in development that was all Sony talked about.
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Post by Schnapple »

I think the only way Bleem could be resuscitated (remember they're DEAD now) is for them to be supprorted financially by the console manufacturer - the independent thing didn't work. Sony's out, Sega's out, Nintendo's system won't even handle full sized CD's, to say nothing of Nintendo's attitude on emulation and the PlayStation. Microsoft's their only hope. However, on the one hand, MS would have nothing to lose and much to gain by taking on both Sony and making their sytem more desirable by now being able to run PSX games. However, MS doesn't make a dime when a PSX game sells and they even lose money on the XBox. Plus, MS buying into Bleem would like admitting to the world that the XBox's lineup isn't good enough. Still, MS is such a newbie in the Game Console world it's not impossible - but it's probably not going to happen.
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Post by rlongfield »

I was thinking more along the line of someone not necessarily associated with Bleem porting the Bleem that was made for the PC market.
I know someone has already ported MAME that was written for the PC to Xbox.
I would be surprised if all the Game Emu's for PC don't get proted. I'm still not paying $600+ for that thing though :P
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Post by Vlad Tepes »

$600??? Where you shoppin'?? EB's got it for $299...and $450 with 2 games and an extra conrtoller.
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Post by TheDumbAss »

To answer for him... Using his user info as my guide...

"Canada's Capitol"

So $600 Canadian. Not US. I'm guessing the exhange rate would work out to around $600 Canadian = $300 US? Wait that cant be right... $500 Canadian MAYBE :?: ... but no way its $600. If their really trying to charge you northerners that much it would be best to import one from the US.

Something a lot of people dont realize... MANY systems have launched at $299 US or more.

Not just PS2 and Xbox. Saturn was $399, PS1 was $299, Neo Geo (bad comparision being the monster system it was) was $499 and $150 for games. You dont want to know how much Atari 2600 was. (or many others of that era)

Nintendo launced the NES for $199, SNES for $250, N64 for $199(?), now the GameCube for $199. kinda steady...

Gotta figure in inflation and these $299 systems are cheap. $ isnt worth as much anymore and the prices on game systems havent went up! No wonder the manufactures loose money on every unit.
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Post by Tails Prower »

Its all about the i tell ya, thats why i wait a while after the console comes out cause my cheap ass aint paying that much for a console, i could buy some stuff i hmmm anyways nintendos straightforward-keepthepricenear-$200 seems to work. i never bought a 64 though, cause it was crap, and im tired of cartridge format...cds are more easily stored and twice as easy to break when you get angry at a game (I snapped my virtua tennis gd-rom in two and threw it in the lake cause i coudltn win the last match...bah i had to replace it)

I seriously doubt the evil bill gates considering picking up bleem, because hed charge like 15 dollars per disk. ahh hell i dunno
404NotFound wrote: hey mrinsulto or whatever your name is, for the last time
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Post by dreamcaster1 »

actually why get bleem for the xbox that would cost us money once someone hacks the harddrive any of the freeware psx emulators should work fine on it
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Post by Chalavet »

What if Microsoft hired Bleem to make a Dreamcast emu for the Xbox. Imagine for the sake of continuity, if you will:

Shenmue I (DC) -> Shenmue II (Xbox)
Jet Grind Radio (DC)->Jet Grind Radio Future (Xbox)...

Just a thought
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Post by DuffMan »

Guy's 99% sure that MS will not support Bleem!. MS has a Army of programmers that would do cheaper then Bleem!. So I think Bleem! on Xbox is never going to happen.

Chavalet: Their will not be a DC emu because the only games it could read are Warez ones, unless the make a Addon to the Xbox.
OOH! YA! Duffman Says a lot of things.
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Post by superfly_bonzai »

i severely doubt it considering bleem is dead, but theres no reason why other psx emus shouldn't come out on the xbox, anyway bleem was good but it didn't offer enuff support, i mean only one title per cd.
how now brown cow?
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Post by Schnapple »

Well it's interesting. The fact that the Dreamcast and XBox are the first consoles to take media roughly identical to a previous generation (4.7" optical discs) places them in the unique position of being able to retrofit their consoles for previous software. An N64 can't play Genesis games because the form factors are different, but an XBox doesn't have the same aversion to PSX or Saturn software. The only question would be whether or not Microsoft thinks having their system run software from the most popular console ever is useful or not.