Be careful where you tread in here...
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[23:03] * CheatahTiolet is now known as CheatahFailed
[23:03] <butters> now making sure i didn't remove something's dependency
[23:03] <CG> OMG
[23:04] <CG> sean failed :(
[23:04] <butters> CheatahFailed to lay a turd?
[23:04] <CheatahFailed> no
[23:04] <CheatahFailed> I failed sexor
[23:04] <CheatahFailed> fuck
[23:04] <CheatahFailed> I plasured her
[23:04] <CG> how?
[23:04] <CheatahFailed> and made her happy
[23:04] <CheatahFailed> then the sex part came
[23:04] <CheatahFailed> and I just couldn't do it
[23:04] <CG> explain
[23:04] * SinisterTengu holds back the laughter
[23:04] <CheatahFailed> I couldn't find it and etc, maybe it just wasn't time
[23:04] <CheatahFailed> and it was dark
[23:04] <CG> oooo
[23:04] <CheatahFailed> and we didn't have the blankets
[23:04] <butters> couldn't find it?
[23:04] <CheatahFailed> just a wall
[23:04] <CheatahFailed> and still had clothes on
[23:04] <butters> it's like a fucking bulls eye
[23:04] <CheatahFailed> no its not!
[23:04] <CheatahFailed> not in the dark!
[23:05] <SinisterTengu> oh, I thought you were saying you couldn't get it up
[23:05] <SinisterTengu> still..
[23:05] <CheatahFailed> no
[23:05] <CG> shoulda felt around dude
[23:05] <CheatahFailed> I felt around
[23:05] <CG> cmon
[23:05] <CheatahFailed> then when I found it
[23:05] <CheatahFailed> she wasn't lubed anymore
[23:05] <CheatahFailed> so couldn't get it in
[23:05] <CheatahFailed> sucked
[23:05] <SinisterTengu> you shoulda let her do it
[23:05] <SinisterTengu> her on top
[23:05] <CG> spit in her pussy i_X
[23:05] <CheatahFailed> she didn't want to take charge
[23:05] <SinisterTengu> then you wouldn't have to worry about it :P
[23:05] <CheatahFailed> she thought I was KIDDING when I said I was a n00bie at this shit
[23:05] <CG> l.m.f.a.o.
[23:06] <CheatahFailed> im like
[23:06] <CG> you said n00bie irl?
[23:06] <CheatahFailed> LOL
[23:06] <CheatahFailed> ya
[23:06] <CG> :(
[23:06] <CG> not with sex man
[23:06] <CheatahFailed> way to kill the moment
[23:06] <CheatahFailed> boy
[23:06] <CheatahFailed> was I a huge flop
[23:06] <CheatahFailed> lol
[23:06] * |darc| tries not to laugh
[23:06] <CG> sry man
[23:06] <CheatahFailed> I need a fuck buddy
[23:06] <CheatahFailed> to practice
[23:06] <CheatahFailed> I thing
[23:06] <CG> lol
[23:06] <CheatahFailed> its cuzz
[23:06] <butters> did you at least do some bukake?
[23:06] <CG> have her be
[23:06] <CG> dude
[23:06] <CheatahFailed> I wasn't attracted to her
[23:06] <CG> tell her stright up
[23:06] <CG> she wants it
[23:06] <CG> let her have it
[23:06] <CheatahFailed> so I couldn't do it right
[23:06] <CheatahFailed> otherwise
[23:07] <CheatahFailed> not only that
[23:07] <CheatahFailed> but she didn't want to suck my dick
[23:07] <CheatahFailed> she is like I don't suck dicks
[23:07] <CheatahFailed> im like ok
[23:07] <CheatahFailed> there goes the lube
[23:07] <CG> meh
[23:07] <butters> why are you having to lube anyways?
[23:07] <butters> women have natural lubrication
[23:08] <CG> you'll get it eventually
[23:08] <CheatahFailed> well
[23:08] <CheatahFailed> I played with her
[23:08] <CG> like i said, or get her really wet lol
[23:08] <CheatahFailed> and she lubed up fast
[23:08] <CheatahFailed> it was even dripping down
[23:08] <CheatahFailed> my hand
[23:08] <CheatahFailed> but then when it came to sticking it in
[23:08] <CheatahFailed> all hell broke lose
[23:08] <CG> :(
[23:08] <butters> couldn't turn the light on?
[23:08] <CG> that prolly woulda helped
[23:09] <SinisterTengu> a chick could get dried out depending on how long you go, so you might need lube..
[23:09] <CG> sean you crazy megalomaniac
[23:09] <CheatahFailed> we were in the park
[23:09] <CheatahFailed> I couldn't see anyting
[23:09] <butters> goddamnit something is still wanting kdebase and kde-env
[23:09] <CheatahFailed> if their was light
[23:09] <CheatahFailed> I wouldn't have the damn problem
[23:09] <CheatahFailed> cuzz I can see where im putting it
[23:10] <CheatahFailed> the fact I have very little experience putting it in the first place
[23:10] <butters> in the park wtf
[23:10] <CheatahFailed> she wanted to do it in the park
[23:10] <CG> you so should of went somewhere else lol
[23:10] <CheatahFailed> kind of spontaneus
[23:10] <CheatahFailed> lol
[23:10] <CheatahFailed> I know I should of
[23:10] <CheatahFailed> but this is what sh ewanted
[23:10] <CheatahFailed> lol
[23:10] <CG> ic
[23:10] <CG> well
[23:10] <CG> do what i said
[23:10] <CheatahFailed> so its her fault
[23:10] <CG> ask her to be fuck buddies
[23:10] <CheatahFailed> and try again
[23:10] <CG> im sure she'll agree
[23:10] <CheatahFailed> so I can learn
[23:10] <CheatahFailed> she can teach me
[23:10] <CG> on perhaps a bed....
[23:11] <CG> futon (sp?)
[23:11] <CG> if she wants it, why would she pass it up lol
[23:11] <CheatahFailed> because
[23:11] <CheatahFailed> I guess she just wanted a quickie
[23:11] <CheatahFailed> but she didn't tell me this
[23:12] <CheatahFailed> so I didn't know
[23:12] <CG> o
[23:12] <CheatahFailed> I Was thinkin full 4 hour or deal
[23:12] * Joins: Prophet][ (
[23:12] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Prophet][
[23:12] <ben--> way hey
[23:12] <CheatahFailed> where I can learn a few things
[23:12] <Prophet][> way hey
[23:12] <CG> lol
[23:12] <CheatahFailed> I wanted to learn more then anything
[23:12] <CheatahFailed> but that didn't happen
[23:12] <CheatahFailed> it wasn't even for the sex lol
[23:12] <butters> CheatahFailed, your first time?
[23:12] <CG> i dunno with me, i dident really start experamenting an shit untill me an this one girl fell in love. then i learned how to werk it heh
[23:13] <CG> but i dident have to many problems before then
[23:13] <CheatahFailed> second time
[23:13] <CheatahFailed> but first time
[23:13] <butters> heh
[23:13] <CheatahFailed> the girl was plenty lubed
[23:13] <butters> i've never bothered with sex
[23:13] <CheatahFailed> but I sucked really bad then ALSO
[23:13] <CheatahFailed> maybe its just cuzz it doesn't feel right
[23:13] <|darc|> maybe you like guys?
[23:13] <butters> no |darc|
[23:13] <butters> def not
[23:13] * SinisterTengu is using de2.mrc written by apexad, dll written by _aprentice_
[23:14] <SinisterTengu> grr..
[23:14] <butters> just too much time and effort involved
[23:14] <|darc|> no butters CheatahFailed
[23:14] <butters> oh lol
[23:15] <CG> next time just get ur hands wettish an rub her clit for a while, get her nice an wet an try again....or dry hump the bitch
[23:15] <CheatahFailed> no
[23:15] <CheatahFailed> I don't like guys!!!
[23:15] <CheatahFailed> fuck that
[23:15] <butters> goddamnit i have -arts in my make.conf and it's still trying to put it in my world...
[23:15] <CheatahFailed> if I guy EVER touched me in a sexual way of any kind, I would stab them and say they sexually assaulted me
[23:15] <CG> fuckarts
[23:16] <CG> whoa
[23:16] <CG> homophobic
[23:16] <|darc|> you think it would've helped if she liked anal?
[23:16] <CG> this one dude kinda rubbed my stomach the other day. i guess you could say im friends with him. he did it just messing around and it was like the gayest thing that ever happened to me lol
[23:16] <CG> hes not gay either. i dunno
[23:17] <CG> he has a g/f
[23:17] <SinisterTengu> heh
[23:17] <CG> could be a beard or w/e
[23:17] <SinisterTengu> most guy friends do stupid fake gay stuff
[23:17] <CG> i dont have to many guy friends
[23:18] <CG> dudes are coo tho. w/e jus most people are irraticly annoying
[23:18] <CG> lol w/e
[23:19] <|darc|> so what happened cheatah?
[23:19] <CG> i got like 1 guy friend for every 3 girl friends prolly
[23:19] <CG> he ran off
[23:19] <|darc|> ?
[23:19] <CheatahFailed> OMG scroll up
[23:19] <CG> he should call that old lady on tv that talks about sex
[23:19] <CG> lol
[23:19] <CheatahFailed> I don't wanna repeat it all again
[23:19] <CheatahFailed> my fingers are sore
[23:19] <|darc|> no no what happened after?
[23:20] <SinisterTengu> lol
[23:20] <CG> i seen that
[23:20] <CheatahFailed> from playing with her
[23:20] <CheatahFailed> lol
[23:20] <CheatahFailed> what do you mean after?
[23:20] <CheatahFailed> so we stopped
[23:20] <CG> you would stab a buy from playing with her?
[23:20] <CheatahFailed> put clothes back on
[23:20] <CheatahFailed> and walked her home
[23:20] <CheatahFailed> and told her im a failure
[23:20] <CG> buy = guy
[23:20] <CG> duuuude
[23:20] <CG> call her
[23:20] <CG> be like hey come over
[23:20] * Quits: KaeruKami ( (Closed IRC: )
[23:20] <CG> gimme another chance, lets work this out
[23:20] <CG> lol
[23:20] <CG> U WILL GET LAID
[23:21] * Quits: Prophet][ ( (Closed IRC: the angular velocity of theta = 3)
[23:21] <CG> say you were scared an shit
[23:21] <CG> she'll prolly understand
[23:21] <CG> you were inthe fucking park
[23:21] <|darc|> yeah use the park as an excuse
[23:21] <CG> >:D
[23:22] <SinisterTengu> it was uhh...cold ;)
[23:22] <CG> sand in my shoes
[23:22] <SinisterTengu> you thought someone was watching, so you were nervous
[23:22] * Joins: CACTUS_leather (
[23:22] <SinisterTengu> something sharp kept poking your back
[23:22] <CG> lol
[23:22] <SinisterTengu> you heard an animal in the bushes ;)
[23:23] <CG> an you heard nosies in the bushes
[23:23] <CG> OMG
[23:23] <SinisterTengu> etc
[23:23] <SinisterTengu> haha
[23:23] <CG> typical story line
[23:23] <CG> or a moment of ESP
[23:23] <CG> we will never know
[23:23] * Joins: MasterShake (
[23:23] <MasterShake> psst
[23:23] <MasterShake> hey guys
[23:23] <MasterShake> wanna see a pic of me and sinny t?
[23:24] <butters> yes
[23:24] <butters> i wanna print it and stick it on my wall and throw darts at it
[23:24] <SinisterTengu> no
[23:24] <MasterShake> ... /img02.jpg
[23:24] <SinisterTengu> psh
[23:24] <SinisterTengu> you're a dork :P
[23:24] <MasterShake> derek's in the green
[23:24] <CG> LMFAO
[23:24] * Quits: Invisix ( (Connection reset by peer)
[23:24] <MasterShake> he's the gay one
[23:24] <SinisterTengu> thats Junior Senior :P
[23:24] <butters> i'm guessing sinny is the one in the orange shirt
[23:24] <MasterShake> yeah right
[23:24] <CG> i have to admit, that is rather amusing
[23:25] <CG> wait, whos the gay one?
[23:25] <MasterShake> sinny is the guy in the green
[23:25] <MasterShake> seinor is the gay one
[23:25] <MasterShake> junior is the stright one
[23:25] <CG> seinor = ?
[23:25] <CheatahFailed> I was hella nervous
[23:25] <CheatahFailed> lol
[23:25] <MasterShake> junior senior
[23:25] <CG> tell her that man
[23:25] <MasterShake> they're a dance... group thing
[23:25] <CG> wouldent you feel much more comfortable in you room?
[23:25] <CheatahFailed> I dunno
[23:25] <CheatahFailed> if I want it anymore
[23:25] <CheatahFailed> that kinda gave me a slap to the head
[23:25] <SinisterTengu> I think I've only shown one pic of myself in here
[23:25] <CG> reality check
[23:25] <CheatahFailed> ya
[23:25] <MasterShake> derek why dont you have your ops?
[23:25] <CheatahFailed> reality check
[23:26] <CheatahFailed> do I WANT to be doing this?
[23:26] <MasterShake> have you been STRIPPED OF THEM?!
[23:26] <CACTUS_leather> what up cheatah
[23:26] <MasterShake> for being HOMO
[23:26] <SinisterTengu> lol
[23:26] <SinisterTengu> !op
[23:26] * DCEmu sets mode: +o SinisterTengu
[23:26] <CheatahFailed> sup CACTUS_leather
[23:26] <CACTUS_leather> what ya bummed out at man
[23:26] <butters> CACTUS_leather, cheatah failed to have sex :P
[23:26] <MasterShake> goin down town
[23:26] <|darc|> cheatah fuck yes, its sex.
[23:26] <CG> CACTUS_leather, we never got to play xbox that night :/
[23:26] <CheatahFailed> long story CACTUS_leather
[23:26] <CACTUS_leather> damn gotta hate that shit
[23:26] <butters> CACTUS_leather, he couldn't get it in @_@
[23:26] <|darc|> ask your mom for help, CheatahFailed
[23:27] <CG> thats a typical problem lol, i hear it a lot from girls
[23:27] <CACTUS_leather> NO SHit
[23:27] <CheatahFailed> my mom wtf??
[23:27] <CACTUS_leather> wann knwo a secret form the old cactus
[23:27] <CG> its not hard though. just stick it in lol
[23:27] <CACTUS_leather> it works liek ths
[23:27] <CheatahFailed> its not hard
[23:27] <CheatahFailed> when you can SEE!!!
[23:27] <CACTUS_leather> there are pleasure points on a woman man
[23:27] <|darc|> she'll understand, CheatahFailed
[23:28] <CheatahFailed> but I couldn't see shit
[23:28] <CG> even if you cant see
[23:28] <CheatahFailed> not only was I not wearing my glasses
[23:28] <CheatahFailed> and it was dark
[23:28] <CACTUS_leather> put your finger in tehre first aiight and use your dick as target practice man
[23:28] <CheatahFailed> and she wasn't lubed
[23:28] <CG> iv had sex in the shower in the dark
[23:28] <CheatahFailed> it was just all bad
[23:28] <CG> thats semi-hard
[23:28] <CACTUS_leather> use a glow i the dark condom dude
[23:28] <CG> ok and maybe to much
[23:28] <CG> but ya
[23:28] <butters> CG has had anal too
[23:28] <|darc|> why the fuck do you need to lube her?
[23:29] <CACTUS_leather> man if you get her wet enough her twat gets wet it self man
[23:29] <CACTUS_leather> thatacts as lube
[23:29] <CheatahFailed> glow in the dark condom
[23:29] <CG> thats what i said
[23:29] <CheatahFailed> I didn't even get the condom on
[23:29] <CheatahFailed> she didn't let me put it on
[23:29] <MasterShake> woah wait... you couldnt find her hole?
[23:29] <CheatahFailed> bleh
[23:29] <CheatahFailed> it all WENT WRONG
[23:29] <CG> fick a glow in the dark condom
[23:29] <CheatahFailed> WRONG WRONG WRONG
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Post by Jeeba Jabba »

I remember this. Do some guys actually have to look at a vagina to put their cock into it?
"He who cannot draw on 3,000 years is living hand-to-mouth." -Goethe
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Post by Prophet][ »

So apparently I was there for a bit of this... I'm part of history
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Post by RaiCoss »

Wow, you actually posted this crap as a global announcement on your official forum..

Wtf were you thinking?
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Post by |darc| »

lol, knocked this down to just normal announcement, in /dev/null...
It's thinking...
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Post by Jeeba Jabba »

RaiCoss wrote:Wow, you actually posted this crap as a global announcement on your official forum..

Wtf were you thinking?

He certainly wasn't thinking someone would join in March, 2012.
"He who cannot draw on 3,000 years is living hand-to-mouth." -Goethe
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Post by ace »

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Post by not just souLLy now »

I've read this maybe 30 times over the years, it still makes me as happy now as it ever did.
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Post by Specially Cork »

2020 and still reading this.
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Post by not just souLLy now »

This thread is saved on and it's fair to assume at this point that it will outlive Sean himself, and be his remaining legacy on earth.
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