So Phoenix Wright 5... Not Excited?

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So Phoenix Wright 5... Not Excited?

Post by cube_b3 »

I personally bought the DS for Resident Evil. After Capcom ported the original I was optimistic that they would port 2 & 3 as well. The DS hardware should've been able to handle it and if the gameplay improvements were on par with the original, they would've been the definitive versions of the original trilogy. It was extremely unfortunate that the ports never materialized.

I turned my attention like everyone else to Brain Age, "hey, this game will make you more intelligent!".

It will also seem like homework and get dry and repetitive after a while.

So I turned my attention on Trauma Center & a Lawyer game. Due to financial reasons I have only played said Lawyer game: PHOENIX WRIGHT: ACE ATTORNEY!

The trilogy lasted me a mighty fine 3 years (basically 3 summer holidays well spent!). I can not say anything about the first game that hasn't been said already, in hindsight it didn't utilize the touch screen as well as Trauma Center, but the story was so damn good and I was blown away when I discovered that this game had elements of fantasy and mysticism perfectly grounded in to reality, perfectly is just my humble opinion.

I was disappointed in the 2nd game, it was just very uneventful, you think a female prosecutor (Francisca) and more back story for the Fey family would be a great idea for a sequel. It did sound good on paper, but the play through was rather dry. Oh and one last thing, never in my life have I enjoyed anything Circus themed, I don't even enjoy the circus but I think every crime drama has to visit the circus. Fortunately, I had not played the bonus case from the original so I went back and played that, made up for an overall mediocre entry in to the franchise.

The third game was perfect and gave me an unbelievable sense of closure. The chance to play 2 cases as Mia Fey, Phoenix's mentor serving as a pseudo prequel all the while moving the story forward, amazing! After playing the game I just wanted the experience to resonate in my subconscious. I downloaded the orchestrated soundtrack and boy, oh boy was it a great experience. I even downloaded some of the remixes, great fun.

I checked out Apollo Justice immediately after beating the 2nd game or 3rd I am not sure. It seemed like a great game, but just like Phoenix I would rather wait 8 years before I play it.

The Spin-Off: Investigation, kind of sucked in my opinion. It just didn't pull me in like the first game did and I did not even bother completing the first game. I later found out that the writer for the game wasn't even Shu Takami (writer of the trilogy). Perhaps that's why.

Now we have Phoenix Wright 5: Dual Destinies coming out and I have checked it out. Aside from the initial wow effect of a destroyed court room, I didn't see anything that would make me invest in a 3DS. Darc recently persuaded me to buy an iPhone 5 and if Capcom releases Ace Attorney 1 - 4. I will buy it!

Can anyone relate to how I feel?
I just feel like I belong to the last generation and I rarely feel excited for sequels especially if I feel the characters are not going anywhere, returning Phoenix to the court just seems kinda off, I know that he becomes a lawyer again at the end of Apolla Justice, but I felt him passing the torch to a new lawyer was a great idea.

Edit: I also saw the movie and it sucked. Another shit video game to film adaptation.

Oh and cross overs, at the moment I think they are done to create an artificial boom in fan enthusiasm. Cross overs rarely work, and I have never heard of professor Layton so I won't even bother attaching a trailer for it.
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Re: So Phoenix Wright 5... Not Excited?

Post by not just souLLy now »

If you're wondering if it's worth picking up a 3DS, do it, the library of games is really strong. Mine easily gets more play than any of my home consoles.
As for the Phoenix Wrights, I personally like the series, but I have to admit each game is virtually identical to the previous and it's easy to get burned out on them. I can't imagine a sequel (new hardware or not) bringing anything you haven't seen several times before. Have you checked out Cing's Another Code and Hotel Dusk series'? Similar slow, story-led, point and click play style and probably cheap as hell now.
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Re: So Phoenix Wright 5... Not Excited?

Post by cube_b3 »

I have not checked out Another Code but I did play Hotel Dusk, didn't like it.
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Re: So Phoenix Wright 5... Not Excited?

Post by melancholy »

Phoenix Wright is the best series ever and Phoenix Wright 5 will easily be worth the cost of a 3DS. I have beaten all 5 of them at least twice (not including the Miles Wdgeworth spinoff) and plan to do it again with the HD remake. This game will be amazing and you should buy a 3DS now just to prepare yourself for its arrival.

And as Soully said, Another Code is great too.
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Re: So Phoenix Wright 5... Not Excited?

Post by Specially Cork »

I struggle with this series so much. I love the story, the characters and the whole premise but man...the required suspension of disbelief needed to get engrossed with the whole thing is immense. The general combo of:

- Defendants guilty by default just because you haven't pressured someone else into confessing
- Witnesses credible by default despite giving numerous crap testimonies

frustrates me endlessly.
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Re: So Phoenix Wright 5... Not Excited?

Post by cube_b3 »

The rules of the courtroom our different in the game.

Due to the increase in crime or whatever the judge acts fast, that was established in the first game.
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Re: So Phoenix Wright 5... Not Excited?

Post by Specially Cork »

cube_b3 wrote:The rules of the courtroom our different in the game.

Due to the increase in crime or whatever the judge acts fast, that was established in the first game.
Nope. The three day limit on court cases doesn't excuse it.
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Re: So Phoenix Wright 5... Not Excited?

Post by cube_b3 »

Okay, how about guilty until proven innocent?
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Re: So Phoenix Wright 5... Not Excited?

Post by Specially Cork »

Finally picked up Dual Destinies because those crazy Capcom guys ported it to iOS already with high res graphics to match.
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Re: So Phoenix Wright 5... Not Excited?

Post by cube_b3 »

Yeah... oddly enough Apollo Justice has not been ported and it is important to play that one before playing 5.

Thanks for bumping the thread. I love it when we can resume old discussions.
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Re: So Phoenix Wright 5... Not Excited?

Post by melancholy »

Now that you mention it, I wonder why they haven't ported Apollo Justice yet.
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Re: So Phoenix Wright 5... Not Excited?

Post by cube_b3 »

Same reason the Investigation games are not released?
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Re: So Phoenix Wright 5... Not Excited?

Post by melancholy »

cube_b3 wrote:Same reason the Investigation games are not released?
Thing is, though, Phoenix 5 actually continues the story from Apollo Justice. Investigations, however, has almost no bearing on the events in the main series. Investigations was pretty throwaway, and the second one didn't even make it outside of Japan.
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