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by discostu55555
Forum: bleemcast! Archive
Topic: Read this if you are having problems saving in MGS (Updated:
Replies: 9
Views: 1758

i have a clear-blue sega vmu and a sega 4x one and they both have the same save problems with TK3 and MGS, but both also work fine with gt2, so im pretty sure the problem is a code bug, rather than simply not testing a certain run of vmus with it....
by discostu55555
Forum: bleemcast! Archive
Topic: Waiting for my GT2 Bleempack
Replies: 3
Views: 1079

hey Schnapple, since you have access to the old forums, maybe you can cut and paste randy's response about this as well as the paypal stuff as this is pretty much the same thing here as people were saying with the preorders...
by discostu55555
Forum: bleemcast! Archive
Topic: no shoulder buttons mapping on tekken 3?!
Replies: 15
Views: 2527

well the arcade didnt have those extra buttons, so i see no problem with it... i mean how hard is it to just press the buttons at the same time the way the game was origionally designed to be played?
by discostu55555
Forum: bleemcast! Archive
Topic: Guys, go to NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Replies: 13
Views: 2308

that would explain why rands been semi-mia in the past couple of weeks (although he was on the boards this morning...probably just debating whether to make an announcement or not here)...its too bad, i was really looking forward to the next pak(s)... well, i guess its true, no matter how good of a p...
by discostu55555
Forum: Gaming Forum
Topic: PocketNes
Replies: 15
Views: 2100

yup...cant wait to get flash advance to start some good old fasion portable nes gaming... next all we need is a gameboy/gameboy color emulator for it (seriously...i understand why the gba borders the sides of the games, but why border the top and bottom? when you "fullscreen games, they are eve...
by discostu55555
Forum: bleemcast! Archive
Replies: 35
Views: 5131

im no sony fan or anything, but you got it wrong... sony developed a cd addon for nintendo and nintendo pulled out of the deal leaving sony with a huge investment and no return on it... in that instance it was sony getting the long hard one... sony didnt steal any technology from nintendo, they deve...
by discostu55555
Forum: bleemcast! Archive
Topic: PS1 emulator: What's stopping you?
Replies: 18
Views: 13342

adripsx's source isnt out yet anyways, it will be released soon though (i think at the end of this month),but i think some of the code is asm (but most isnt, so it isnt insumountable)....the only open source psx emu at the moment that can play any commercial games is fpse, but that is a rather poor ...
by discostu55555
Forum: Homebrew Software and Indie Games Discussion
Topic: hmm....I am the definition of a newbie, and need help with D
Replies: 11
Views: 876

you can get dssbs from <a href="">consolvision</a> and the plain files for dreamsnes from their<a href="">homepage</a>(its towards the bottom...) if you need any help with it, just ask me, but its pretty stra...
by discostu55555
Forum: bleemcast! Archive
Topic: Bleemcast
Replies: 7
Views: 1349

dave from bleem a while back told me to ask discostu555 what not to do with a bleemcast disc
i wonder what he meant by that? ive never spoken to dave (that i know of)... maybe someone else was talking to him about me or something?
by discostu55555
Forum: Hardware Modification and Repair
Topic: Old Forum Archive
Replies: 12
Views: 650

speaking of which, is there any way to send over pm's from the other boards?
by discostu55555
Forum: bleemcast! Archive
Topic: Too Bad Bleems gone
Replies: 6
Views: 1230

thps3 for psx is well, a boring ass game... there wouldnt be much that bleem could do for it, i mean the levels are big and empty, there is just no point in playing the game... the gameboy color version will probably have more depth to it... psx is just no equipped to handle a game like that, and wh...
by discostu55555
Forum: Homebrew Software and Indie Games Discussion
Topic: GyPlay LikSang Edition AutoPlay
Replies: 7
Views: 1275

you just need a file with that name and it will automatically search and play when yopu boot it, but ive never tried it since gypsy says it only works with not sure if that has been overcome (i think at the time audio-data was the only method being used for selfbooting, so it may ...
by discostu55555
Forum: Off-Topic Forum
Topic: Screw X-box,PS1&2,and Game cube!!
Replies: 9
Views: 783

yeah, long live the dc...guess who just got a backup dc.... fifty bucks, i mean, i may get a third (so i can screw around modding one, play on one, and keep the third for a backup).... all systems live on with those who love them... i, in the last few months have dusted off the old nes and have a 20...
by discostu55555
Forum: bleemcast! Archive
Topic: Anyone want a Tekken 3 Bleemcast?
Replies: 4
Views: 1094

a local gameshop just started selling b!dc discs....for $24 a piece (yes, thats 24USD)...i mean, its nice theyre selling them now, but its a little late, and thats more money than it costs to buy the games that are being bleemed with it...
by discostu55555
Forum: Homebrew Software and Indie Games Discussion
Replies: 11
Views: 858

I personally recommend Discostu55555's one, but I don't think it works with GypPlay i know im coming into this conversation late, but just to correct, dssbs does work with gypplay 100% (thats how i made my own copies)...what would make you think it didnt, the fact that its wince? if so, dssbs auto-...
by discostu55555
Forum: Off-Topic Forum
Topic: Admins
Replies: 12
Views: 614

its the same thing as the old isnt that he is doing anything specifically, its just a bug in the forums...dmb didnt understand what he was doing that was allowing him to edit other peoples posts, and im sure this guy has no clue why the boards are messed up now.... its just some type of ...