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I'm currently the active maintainer of the Hardware portion of (Devcast). If things look a bit haywire there, don't mind it for the next few weeks as I am actively uploading the old content, and will then commence with trawling the forums for anything new. Feel free to give me a pm on the forums Happy editing!


Name:            Jose Gonzalez
Gender:         Male
Status:         In A Relationship
Location:       New York, NY, USA
Occupation:  Web Developer
Aliases:         Sir Savant

                      Dark Savant0

computers, computer science, astronomy, art, history, linux, artificial intelligence, music, liquid nitrogen

I am currently a student of Computer Science at Pace University studying for my Bachelors of Science (and if I am lucky, Masters). I do web development (HTML/CSS/PHP/Flash and learning) and some consulting if the occasion arises, although I am not against having some sort of stable job with a larger company. My current area of expertise involves Content Management Systems and I have had a number of clients whom I have either exposed the technology to or suggested improvements for their current deployments.

I enjoy late night cramming sessions and hardly ever sleep, so if you do catch me sleeping, try not to keep me awake as I am probably dying of no sleep. If I'm not sleeping, I am busy working on a multitude of projects which never seem to end, or I am chatting online with people (possibly both).

I do freelance computer repair on the side, but so does every other DCEmu maintainer most likely :P.