Devcast:VMU Battery Mod

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VMU on AA/AAA Batteries Tutorial

Ted - 4th August 2004

what you will need :
  • a vmu/vms that needs power (vmu's run at 6v)
  • four (4) "AAA" or "AA" batteries (to supply the total of 6v)
  • a battery holder with red and black wires (easily found at Radio Shack; just make sure
    you get the right one for the type of batteries you plan on using and that all connectors
    are in place)
  • some fun tak/poster adhesive or tape to keep the wires in place while testing
  • a more permanent and/or secure way to attach the wires to the proper points

what to keep in mind :

  • "AAA", and especially "AA", batteries will add up in weight and cost as you will have
    to use four at a time. Decide for yourself if this is worth it.
  • The date and time information will be lost every time you disconnect your power supply from
    the vmu. This means that to keep date/time info current, you have to keep the batteries
    connected at all times! This most definitely cuts down on the portability of the unit.
    Not only that, but if you have more than one vmu that you want to keep current, you'll need
    a power supply unit (battery holder plus 4 batteries) for each unit! Costly...
  • In writing this guide, I am basing the information on my own experiences with trying this.
    I am not implying that I am the first to try or write about it, but hopefully, if there are
    guides already (which, before writing this second version, I heard that there are), then this
    will be useful in any ways that the others were not.
  • This can be freely distributed as long as it is unaltered and credit is given.
  • Neither I nor anyone on this site can or will be held responsible for any damage done
    by performing this (simple) procedure.

what to do:
1 - put your batteries (use new ones for testing) correctly in the battery holder
2 - remove the battery cover from the vmu (use a phillips or "+" head screwdriver)
3 - take the black wire from the battery holder and connect the exposed tip to the flap
at the bottom of the vmu battery holder (I suggest lightly lifting the flap and sliding the wire underneath. Secure...)
4 - take the red wire from the battery holder and connect the exposed tip to the hook on the
side of the vmu battery holder (this is a little tricky, but persitence will prevail)
5 - if you haven't already disconnected the speaker wires, the vmu should beep when the
power supply is connected correctly (if not, be sure NOT to skip the next step)
6 - with the wires in place, use the fun tak or tape to keep the wires from moving. Now
slowly turn the vmu so the screen faces you. If done correctly, your vmu should now be asking
you "Mamma? Dadda? What am I?" (Seriously, it will be asking you to set the date and time).
7 - now that you have confirmed that this is working and given yourself a pat on the back,
decide on how you would like to keep the wires secure. This is up to you.
8 - enjoy!

update: hooking up a 9v battery to the vmu has worked for me very well, so if that is something you'd rather do, go for it.

Note from Prophet][: Some people on the forum find that the 9V battery, while it works, does damage to the controller and controller ports. For more information see this topic: [1]