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Due to a conflict with the previous domain name owner, we have moved to a new URL. We are now permanently located at http://dcemulation.org/. Please update your bookmarks.

The site is currently under renovation. We have moved to a private-wiki-based system and we all are working hard to present you a renovated DCEmulation. The majority of the pages here still has to be written and the content of the old site from years ago has to be transfered to our new wiki.

Please bear with us here.

In the mean time, you may go to the DCEmulation forums and find lots of information and help there. The site has been based on the forums for years, anyway.


We keep you up-to-date with Dreamcast scene news. Whenever something happens it will be posted here. If you are looking for any news older than this week, check our news archive.

Bin Checker 2.0.4 released!

Posted by Fackue 16:49, 24 May 2008 (CDT)

I changed the name to "Bin Checker" in this version.

What's new in 2.0.4:

  • Couple small changes
  • Fixed Check for Update
  • Source cleanup

There's also the command line version for Windows, Linux and the source.

Grab from here.

Makaron VMU Emulation Update, Deunan needs our help!

Posted by Darc 18:14, 23 May 2008 (CDT)

Deunan has posted an update on his Makaron blog. He needs help from the community to get the English VMU's BIOS dumped. This may sound difficult, but it's a matter of trying different numbers in his VMU program until one gets desirable results--anyone can do it. Check out this entry if you're interested in helping out!

I was unable to figure out any "smart" method of dumping E-VMU BIOS, so I still need to find the correct entry point to the BIOS procedure I want. Unfortunatelly the only way to do this is a brute-force exhaustive search of all 16384 combinations. Trust me, I've tried out quite a few and the conclusion is: the code in English-based VMUs has been shuffled by the linker and it's layout is completly different from any J-VMU I've seen.

Long story short, if you people hope to get English BIOS for VMU emulation (AFAIK noone has ever dumped it) you better help me :) I will continue my search anyway but it'll take weeks to months. It's not really required you know, Japanese BIOS will work just fine, but without it the simulator would appear somehow... incomplete.

Check out the rest of the post.

Atari800DC updated to 0.77

Posted by Fackue 17:26, 23 May 2008 (CDT)

Christian Groessler posted on the KallistiOS mailing list about a new version.


  • enable basic R: device emulation with the DC Coder's Cable (no modem controls; fixed to 8n1; baud rates 300 - 9600)
  • use Atari800 2.0.3 code base
  • use KOS svn code base version 560
  • add possibility to switch X and Y axes of controller input
  • ability to disable either the D-Pad or the Joystick of the controllers (in "Controller Configuration" menu)
  • ability to disable or enable Bienias' sound improvements. They are too heavy for the DC and therefore disabled by default. 0.75 had them disabled, 0.76 had them enabled, now it's selectable.
  • when saving or restoring state display a "please wait" since accessing the VMU is very slow. This was already in 0.75 but got lost in 0.76.

The files are available at his page.

Discuss in our forums here!

PacMan remake released

Posted by Darc 18:37, 23 May 2008 (CDT)

Dreamcast.es has posted news of a new port of Roland F.B.'s PacMan Remake by Chui.


PacMan Remake Is a game based on the traditional Pacman of NAMCO, this version is a little different from the original one from 80's since the player cannot touch the walls of the levels so that him minimized its levels of power and their lives in the game, must escape of all the ghosts and to advance until I complete level to win in the game.

Check it out and download it here.

DC-Germany opens

Posted by Darc 18:37, 23 May 2008 (CDT)

This news is sort of late, but Maturion was too humble to post the news here himself. ;)

Maturion has opened a new German Dreamcast news site located at http://www.dreamcast-germany.de/. If you can speak German and want to talk to our German Dreamcast fanatic brethren, check it out. We hope to keep in good contact with German sceners for the betterment of the entire scene.

Giana's Return - Big update

Posted by Maturion 16:16, 22 May 2008 (CDT)

A new update on gianas-return.de:

World 1 - Boss enhancement - Comparison





The silver pipe has disappeard and everything is a bit more matching now. There is another significant change, the boss has an energy bar now, so you can see how long you need to fight.

World 1 - Boss enhancement!

Our coder has tweaked the first endboss this night. Overall it’s slightly more difficult than before, but considering there are dozens of chances to gain extra lifes before, it should not hurt too much.

Concerning some critism from Fusion_Power about the “layout” of the boss area, we have adjusted it. A before after check will be posted the next days. It’s really just a MINOR change, but it was probably really required.

Minor status update!

  • Our coder is ironing out bugs and also codes a bunch of enhancements for the game.
  • Our pixel graphician is (still/again) busy with his paid job - he promised to have the tileset for the desert world done by friday.
  • Our musician alex is currently finetuning his tracks and composing a few new ones, as the soundtrack is yet not fully complete.
  • The organizer is frustrated, due to slow graphic artists
  • The beta-tester is bored, as he doesn’t have anything to do…

… to be continued!

Source: gianas-return.de

FreeSCI 0.6.4 for Dreamcast

Posted by Maturion 05:31, 21 May 2008 (CDT)

Phantom released FreeSCI 0.6.4 for Dreamcast.

I did not have enough time to fix savegames on DC, so this release has no savegame support. There are also other issues such as random hangs that will need to be investigated (these kinds of issues may not be DC-specific).

For SCI0 games FreeSCI 0.3.5 is still your best bet. If you want test some early SCI1 games (SQ1VGA, SQ4, LSL1VGA etc), then you could try this new binary.

It might not be very useful without savegame support, but I decided to release it anyway, as some people may want to try it out regardless.

Download: http://www.retrovg.com/freesci/freesci-0.6.4-dc.zip

Discuss this in our forums!

Source: DCEmulation forums

Giana's Return - Odd thoughts… dropped!

Posted by Maturion 05:26, 21 May 2008 (CDT)

Another update on gianas-return.de :

Most of the comments show up that a spoken storyline would not be accepted. The idea is completly dropped and we will not pick it up again. Thanks for everyone who left his/her thoughts!

Source: gianas-return.de