Ever seen a ghost?

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Ever seen a ghost?

Post by ninja »

im borrowing the topic idea from another forum i frequent, it has some really interesting post's about peoples experience's with it, so without furthur ado:
GideonX wrote:just wondering, have you?
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Post by navi »

Yes a lot actually, there's one that haunts the highway near my house comes out at about 2 am everynight

and one in my grand parents old house, that;s about it i've gotten use to them
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Post by Veggita2099 »

No, but I have stayed in a house several times that everybody in it claims they have seen ghosts. The only odd thing I ever saw there was one night my cousins tv kept turning itself on and off. The TV didn't use any type of remote control, so it couldn't have been some sort of radio waves. It was a older tv and might have been defective.

I have seen some paranormal stuff though. We used to go camping in the woods on this hill beside my house. Back around 1988ish a plane crashed up there and killed the pilot. One night me and my friend was up there camping and we saw this bright light up on the hill. We hadn't been up there much at the time, so we just thought it was a street light on the other side of the hill or something. We know it wasn't the moon cause it was on the other side of the hill in plain view. Also that night I heard a tap on my tent, sounded like somebody was basically tapping my tent trying to get ahold of me. I know it wasn't my friend cause I could have heard him unzip his tent and russel around in it. There was no trees near my tent, and I know the wind couldn't have made 3 steady tap noises to my tent.

Well that morning we went up there looking for the lightsource, we found nothing. We have been up on that hill probably 50 times since then at night and NEVER seen that light again. It was too high in the sky to be a flashlight, and it was steady and never moved all that night.
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Post by Mikey1109 »

glad i could get my two cents before people start posting about ghosts not being real. some guy killed himself in my house, and i have very good reason to believe it was in my room. i always hear lots of crazy shit too. and my tv turns off and on randomly and scares the fuck outta me so much that i unplug it before i go to bed. and a lot of orbs always turn up in the pictures we take in the house. freaky stuff.
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Post by farrell2k »

Blah, I just bought a house that is supposedly *haunted*. I've never seen or heard anything in the 4 mos that I've been there. I am sure the fact that I don't believe in that nonsense has something to do with it. If you believe in this crap, then you're going to look for excuses to justify it. I have doors here that open and shut all the time. Of corse it's the wind, but I guess it could be ghosts....

I can't wait to se the rush of "ghost stories" people start making up.
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Post by Skynet »

I can't wait to se the rush of "ghost stories" people start making up.
Like the "WMD stories" your president made up :lol: jk... sorta

Anyway, I started a topic a few months back called My place is starting to freak me out.

I listed a number of odd things that have happened in my house. The more recent strange occurances are noises. Not too long ago my g/f and I were asleep and we both got woken up by a noise coming from my pedastool (sp?) fan. It sounded like the button being pressed in to turn the fan on/off or a different setting. That startled me. And the buttons aren't easily pressed in either. You have to give it some force as they click in after a certain point. But you have to push it hard enough to get it to click. Same as the buttons on my radio being pressed. I have been awoken a couple times from a noise that sounds like the buttons being pressed. And my g/f has heard it too. :o

Previous houses I've lived in have had strange sounds too. Like the house I grew up in - many times we would hear heavy footsteps walking down the passage way. Like someone was wearing heavy boots and walking on wooden floor boards. 2 problems with this are that everyone was asleep (when I heard it on my own) and that our floors were carpeted. I know I'm not the only one to hear it as my family had discussed it many times before.

But as for the original question, I have NOT seen a ghost. :(
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Post by Lunchbox »

I haven't seen any ghosts, but I do get wierd feelings at night, like i'm being watched. Andthose weird orbs show up in pics I take around my house. Check this one out:


I took this pic of my brother playin xbox. Check out the palm trees on the wall, theres an orb
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Post by Dew »

I haven't actually seen a ghost, but I have had some weird stuff happen, which I was able to stop by simply burning a blue candle.

My aunt died a few years ago and soon after her death my grandmother started having pictures just falling off the walls in her house. That was happening at my house too, along with hearing doorknobs turning and hearing the answering machine go off at all hours of the night.

Anyway, my grandmother was watching Crossing Over one day and she heard him mention something about burning a blue candle to calm the spirits. So we did that and nothing of that nature has happened since.

I'm tellin' ya you should try it, burn a blue candle. I'm curious if it would work for some of you guys as well as it did for me.
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Post by Veggita2099 »

For those people who beleive in religion I do beleive the bible does talk about ghosts or spirits. I have also heard people who say people become these "ghosts" or "spirits" when there life was ended prematurely (such as murdered, suicide, some sort of accident, etc).
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Post by Sir Slash »

yeah in ghost busters 1 and 2 that slimer what a funny guy

that mansion movie
unsloved mysteries

a lot of other shows

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Post by DC's Champion »

I don't think that's an Orb, because it looks too close. It could've been a dried substance (saliva, water droplet etc) and though it's virtually unnoticable...there could still be a trace of it...which the flash projects. Also, there could be small "thingies" in the camera itself. The lens do not stay clean after so many flashes...the interior can actually form dust.

Edit: The word "procrastinate is replaced with "dwell" and "dwelling". I apologize for the inconvience.

Anyway, to answer this topic. I do not believe in ghosts, but something happened to me once. Here goes.

My grandfather died back in August of 1996.
My grandmother was really shaky and unsettled after the funeral...my mother, aunts, uncles and big cousins were all going to Atlantic city for the night (a little gambling/slot machine play) and at the time I was too young to come, otherwise I'd end up waiting in the kid's lounge (a lobby)...I still wanted to go, but my mom told me to stay with my grandmother...which happened. At the time, there were only 3 people in the house... (Me, my grandmother and my little cousin)...and one thing you need to know about me is that after a death, I tend to "dwell" for hours about the funeral and the corpse itself. ( I had even taken care of my grandfather...two days before he died...and alone I may add)

Well, I was reading my favorite book in the world (Stuart Little) while sprawled all over the floor on my stomach...and hours passed...the TV's on the home shopping network and I started to doze off.
I guess I slept for about 4-20 minutes, when I felt something tug my arm really hard and pull it....I woke up really quickly...and seen a tombstone-grey hand pulling my arm into the floor. I also heard breathing and muffled speech that sounded like my grandpa.
I started freaking out...but I'm really not the type to scream if anything happens, I'll just get scared and look around. I got up really quick...my grandma's sleeping on the couch...and it almost woke her up...her eyes just opened a little and then she went right back to sleep.
I had never been that scared in my life.
I kept "dwelling"..over and over...for hours on end...desperately tired, but not able to sleep.

I did the last thing I could think of...and that was to grab my walkman and listen to a few Biggie songs...until I fell asleep.

Now with this being said, you have to note that the mind is extremely powerful. Think about something long enough and it will begin to materialize.
It sort of reminds me of a person being infected with a deadly disease.
You won't feel anything and you won't know that you're infected until you're told it. Once you're told it, you feel sick, you feel the effects, you begin dying on feet...simply because the mind is fixated. And when the mind is fixated, dramatic changes can happen...

Still, I can't honestly cover up paranormal activity that is captured. There could very well be supernatural beings that are made of ectoplasm (ghosts), though I doubt they're actually "ghosts". Most of it could be an unknown energy source that moves randomly around it's "supporting field"...and of course with the belief of folklore, tall tales and legends to back the situation up...you get "hysteria".

My answer to what happened to me is that I was simply hallucinating.
Last edited by DC's Champion on Sun May 09, 2004 11:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by WiseMonkey »

DC's Champion wrote:I tend to procrastinate for hours about the funeral and the corpse itself. ( I had even taken care of my grandfather...two days before he died...and alone I may add)
would you care to explain what you mean by this. do you know what procrastinate even means or are you just using it to make yourself sound smarter than you are?

anyway back on topic. ive never personally seen a ghost, but i'm not gonna say they dont exist. theres just too much we dont know and dont understand about life, death and this world in general and we can't just dismiss things like the existence of ghosts. i dont know how much i buy into the whole idea of the existence of a soul or sprits but considering how many people have had expereinces, there has to be something to this stuff and it may just have a sound scientific explanation. meh just felt like putting in my 2 cents
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Post by Skynet »

How about we all grab a Ouija board and find out :P

:lol: I was seriously interested in using a ouija board, but I dunno. I have mixed feelings as to what could happen. On one hand, nothing could happen (this is what a good percentage of people have said). But on the other hand many people have said extremely bad experiences have come about as of using a ouija board.

So I'm kinda torn as to use one or not. But leaning towards the latter. We used to have one but I had never used it, however.
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Post by Mikey1109 »

ill never understand why people refuse to believe in ghosts. you people cant be so closed minded to not notice that weird shit takes place on this planet that we have no clue about. believe what you want, but dont bash us for being a bit more willing to believe.

and that whole thing about attractin ghosts by thinkin about it....i think thats crap. if my mind was powerful enough to materialize my thoughts, id've been rich long ago.
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Post by az_bont »

Mikey1109 wrote:glad i could get my two cents before people start posting about ghosts not being real. some guy killed himself in my house, and i have very good reason to believe it was in my room. i always hear lots of crazy poop too. and my tv turns off and on randomly and scares the fudge outta me so much that i unplug it before i go to bed. and a lot of orbs always turn up in the pictures we take in the house. freaky stuff.
You have crappy lighting and an even crappier TV. There, the great ghost mystery of the Mikey1109 Manor is solved :P.
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Post by Skynet »

HA! That was funny az :lol:

But in all seriousness, that would kinda give me the creeps Mikey.
ill never understand why people refuse to believe in ghosts. you people cant be so closed minded to not notice that weird poop takes place on this planet that we have no clue about. believe what you want, but dont bash us for being a bit more willing to believe.
Glad to see someone say that. :D
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Post by az_bont »

Why do we refuse to belive in ghosts? The simple fact that they go against rational and scientific thinking? The fact that nearly all ghost-related occurances can simply be put down to people's imaginations getting away with them?

I saw a documentary some years back on ITV on ghosts. They went to various buildings where they were supposed to be haunted in one way or another, and they were quite convincing. However, they managed to find a cause for each and every one, things that you wouldn't immediatley think of. Like strong magnetic forces in particular rooms or parts of rooms, for instance.

I'll never forget an RE lesson I had once. Our teacher told us that there is no way of knowing is God is real or not, but ghosts are proven to exist :lol:.
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Post by DC's Champion »

Wisemonkey, you're exactly right. I used the wrong word for what I meant. It was early and what I meant was that I "dwell" on a situation. Procrastination has nothing to do with "dwelling"...but "delaying" for an uncertain cause. I should've said "fixated". Sorry man.

Mikey, trust me when I say that when you hallucinate...anything is possible. If you're ignorant enough to dismiss the power of the mind, then how can you expect me to take your statement seriously?

There are unknown and random energy sources worldwide that are "stationed" at a "supporting source" and they're able to "pop up" at any time. This is why I just don't believe in ghosts at all.
Again, I do not deny "paranormal events"...and much like any skeptic...I'll have to see it to believe it.
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Post by _X_ »

head over to http://www.shadowlands.net/places and you got the 50 u.s states and other countries to look at. those orbs are spirits and a lot of pics i have seen on the net, they are that dim or really bright
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Post by guitsaru »

_X_ wrote:head over to http://www.shadowlands.net/places and you got the 50 u.s states and other countries to look at. those orbs are spirits and a lot of pics i have seen on the net, they are that dim or really bright
That url didn't work. I googled it and got this. http://www.theshadowlands.net/places/
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