Dummy files

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Dummy files

Post by superstition2 »

Can someone explain to me how to insert a dummy file onto a disc? Some tutorials talk about them, but never explain how exactly to get one onto the discs.

How large should they be?
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Post by greay »

Come again? I'm not sure exactly what you mean; it likely might depend on which tutorial you're following (that is, it depends on what you're trying to accomplish with the dummy file) My guess though is put in whatever directory you're making the disk from. As for how big it should be? If it doesn't give you a size, it probably doesn't matter, so make it small.

If you could give some more information - what you're trying to do, which tutorial you're following - I (or someone else) could probably give you more specific and/or accurate help.
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Post by KeithIrwin »

No, don't make it small. Make it big. Dummy files are there to move the files away from the edge of the disc. The edge of the disc is more brittle and prone to error, so it makes sense to fill it with unimportant information. This is the purpose of the dummy file. I think it may also speed access times, but I'm not sure of that.

How big specifically, I'm not really sure. You may want it to be something roughly on the order of 600 Meg minus the size of the actual files. The dummy files, are, of course, optional, but most of the people who seem most on top of things seem to use them, so they're likely a good idea.

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Post by abydos1000 »

The purpose of the dummy file is to save wear and tear on the dreamcast. Since you are not dealing with GD-Rom discs, but a CDR, over time, the moter will wear out on your Dreamcast. From what I understand, the damage is slight, but I guess if you play homebrews on a regular basis, the damage will accumulate. The dummy file actually pushes everything out so the DC doesn't have to hunt and search for much. If you use one of the dummy file creation tools, it will give you a file named something like 000420.dat. Placing that in the root directory means it will come first (files beginning with numbers go before the alphabet).

Some one correct me if I am wrong about this though.
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