DC Linux or other OS?

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DCEmu Cool Newbie
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DC Linux or other OS?

Post by MurphmanL »

Hey guys are there any Dreamcast Operating Systems out there kinda like Windows that I can get hold of? One that I could burn to a cd and then run from there? Ive heard there is something called DC Linux, does anyone know the download link for it? Thanks.
Insane DCEmu
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Post by aced411 »

Not really. Nothing useful or necessarily fun to tool around with. There is a working version of linux available, but think linux in the early days. When using a television the screen is partially cut off. Can't handle KDE, gnome, or any good gui's (windows type environment), and it doesn't come with any additional software. Besides it's kind of useless without a writable disk drive. I think there is a version of NetBSD but that's even more stripped down than the linux distro.
<insert signature here stupid>
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