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Oh, now, this is going to be fun.

Post by Regicide »

I'm going to ask a simple, direct, to-the-point question.
Who wrote the PS2 Vs. DC article, and what were they smoking?
Wow, hey, let's take a helluva lot of time to explain the technicalities of the fact that Dreamcast is more powerful.
Dude. Everyone knows that DC is more powerful and has more "technical potential", as some call it. No kidding!

You missed something. DC didn't use that potential. DC's games ROT. They look smooth, they're slick and stylish. Great graphics, great data handling.. craptacular games. Sonic is nice, I'll give it that. Shenmue is ok. Ecco is. . hm. Half-decent? If that.
"the speed and power of F355 Challenge or Test Drive: LeMans 24, and the sheer elegance and gaming grace of games like Metropolis Street Racer and Jet Grind Radio"
What are you, obsessed with racing games? You cannot judge a system on one genre. You have to look at everything - as you put it, "open your eyes." In fact, related to that..
If one full motion video demo of Metal Gear Solid 2 has convinced you that the PS2 is the better machine, then you haven't opened your eyes to the reality before you.
Apparently, that's all you've seen about MSG2:SoL. Have you not played it? Have you not beaten it? If you had, you'd have seen something: There is a reason that 99.9% of reviewers and gamers - and not just PS2-based reviewers and gamers - have said that this is ( to quote one esteeemed review in particular )..
"99 Percent of Perfection."
Metal Gear Solid ONE, on the PSX, was better than almost every DC game to date, with the slight possibility of Sonic as an exception. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty totally and utterly blew DC away. If you'd really like me to delve deeper into the game itself of MGS2:SoL, then ask away in a new topic - here, this isn't the time.

It's time to get back to this article.
Let's now examine something entirely different from system specs, from games, from graphics and interfaces: the fact that it's a badly, badly written little debate. "PS2 Vs. DC," states the title. This implies that you've got both sides of the story - evidence supporting each system, but proving that DC is still better.
Simply put, you don't. All you have is ( in basic terms, for those who don't want to get bogged down in technical jargon )..
1) How DC has better graphics
2) Why the two PS2 games you have listed suck compared to the handful of DC games you have listed
3) Why DC is "more powerful"
Not only does this small grouping of sparsely thrown-together "points" not work well at all for a full-blown argument, but you then go on and completely forget about the most important factor in every single Console out there, saving a few pitiful exceptions near the end..
The Games
My, oh my. Let's take a look at some quotes, shall we?
"The fact of the matter is that Namco's 18 month old Soul Calibur on Dreamcast looks worlds better than the newly released Tekken Tag Tournament on PS2."
Are you high, drunk, or just retarded? Comparing Soul Caliber to Tekken Tag Tournament is like comparing a fly to a Jaguar. You just can't. Tekken Tag Tournament, in every single possibly way, is much... much... much, much, much better than Soul Caliber. There can be no doubt at all in the sane ( or at least intelligent ) mind. I'm not even sure why you think it at all. Apparently, folks, the writer of this here article seems to be delusional - or psychotic.
Next, please.
"This is why you never see any really large free-roaming 3D games on the PS2. Crazy Taxi, Ecco the Dolphin, and Shenmue are simply not possible on the PS2, because it doesn't have deferred rendering."
Another snicker.
First off, have you seen Rogue Trip? Old, old game, and certainly not comparable to the more recent installations of Crazy Taxi ( which, by the way, I must deem as a great game - I highly enjoy playing it ). But it does serve to prove that you CAN go into free-roaming 3D on the PSX - and the PS2. Also, there are parts in MGS2 that go completely 3D free-roam ( such as when Raiden swims through the flooded B2 floor of an office ). Of course, this small section of the game doesn't compare to a large, entire free-roaming world. However, it does prove once more that it is possible. PS2 just hasn't taken the time to do it.
Perhaps it's because Ecco the Dolphin, the highly abhorrid and utterly stupid game, scared the idea out of them.
Games, games, games..
"Lack of variety in texturing has made most PS2 games look extremely plain when compared to Dreamcast games like Sonic Adventure, Shenmue, and even Draconus: Cult of the Wyrm."
I'm not sure if you realize this, but just by writing that statement makes you look like a newbie to the Gaming world. True, hardcore gamers know that Graphics alone absolutely do not make a game - they only support it. Take a look at Rogue. For those of you who do not remember Rogue, it was the very first graphical RPG made for the computer - it used dots, ampersands, commas, etc. as graphics.. and is still one of the best RPG's I've played. It can be a bit repetitive, sure, but I'd much rather sit down with it for an hour than ( ugh ) Ecco. ( Yes, I know, I've said Ecco twice. Calm down. I'll probably use that game as a standard for dastardly bad gaming for a while here. )
Anyway, using that line in your article is just wrong, and certainly cannot be taken as a true point.

Alright, it's almost 3 AM and I need sleep . .
I'll be back sometime soon to write up why PS2 is clearly better than DC.
I'll give you a hint: Games. Games .. games and more games. In the meantime, read this. Think it over. And to whoever wrote that criminally bad article... well. You have my regards. May you better yourself in the future ( at least for the people on this site ).

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Post by Veggita2099 »

I have said htis all along (not as technical as you) but basically yes teh DC is a good system but very few games took full advantage of it. I mean of my 19 dreamcast games I actually like 3 of them (sonic adventuer 1 & 2, and D2) And yes ecco is nifty looking but the game itself sucks I think its boreing.

I have 5 games for my ps2 and 4 of them seem to have better graphics then any dreamcast game I own. One of them of course is final Fantasy 10. The one that wasn't too wonderful was Evergrace. I don't blame sony for that as the company that made that came basically ported it from a ps1 game to a ps2 game and so the graphics was originally designed for the ps1 (well some of it I guess).

It is the same deal as when the Sega CD and Sega 32X was released. both very good systems but yet donkey Kong Country 3 has better graphics then either of those systems. And about 90 percent of the games released for both those systems was boreing as hell and had no storyline or gameplay to them. I could go on for quite awhile on that but I won't.

I don't consider myself no expert on anything, but this is just how I feel.

I think the Dreamcast is a great system, but I can plainly see why it is being discontinued.
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Post by Kami »

regicide I'm going to pretend you never wrote that dumbass. go back and actually read from the site.
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Post by aberf »

You know, it's true though, about DC games sucking. Granted, it's a good system, but it never had the staying power. The game library of genesis could never stand up to its counterpart, the super nintendo. And neither could the Dreamcast to other systems. The craziness over Metal Gear Solid and Grand Turismo lately has outshone and drowned out almost any other pseudo-popular game for the DC. It's not that the DC is terrible in general, but most of the game library does blow.
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Post by Dr Wily »

Well, its an old article I dont fully agree with, and was written when there weren't any particularly good games available for PS2 (thats why it keeps talking about the demo of MGS2 - because it wasn't out when it was written) but in all fairness to the DC;

Soul Calibur *does* look better than Tekken Tag Tournament

Dead Or Alive 2 *does* look better on DC than PS2

As to there not being any good games on DC - hah! Heres my value for money comparison (and these are UK prices, so you'd be able to get an even better deal in the US)

For the same cost:

1) a PS2 with
Devil May Cry


2) a DC with
Virtua Fighter 3b
Metropolis Street Racer
Jet Set Radio
Marvel Vs Capcom 2
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Sonic Adventure
Sonic Adventure 2
Skies Of Arcadia
Virtua Tennis
Crazy Taxi

And a shed load more NES, SNES, MEgadrive / GEnesis, Arcade games to boot.

If you dont own either, its pretty clear whats better value for money at the moment... hell, DCs are cheaper than PSOnes - you cant argue against that being good value for money!
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Post by Tails Prower »

A Decent Gundam game for one
our DC Quake is lord over the ps2 quake
Grandia 2

You forgot those ones Nyar :)
404NotFound wrote: hey mrinsulto or whatever your name is, for the last time
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Post by Veggita2099 »

Yea the Dreamcast is a better value granted. But for the price of a Playstation 2 w 1 new game and memory card (ruffly 380 bucks) you could get:

a Nintendo system
about 100 games (or more)

and still have money left over to take your girlfriend out to dinner (Even a half-way decent one!)

And the nintendo would probably have 2 controllers WOOHOO!!

That is priced locally since most dealers around here sells a NES system for 20 bucks or less, and the games for 3 bucks.
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Post by discostu55555 »

yeah, but thats an unfair comparison...i mean the nes doesnt have 100 *high quality* games like the dc list nyar posted (although i think shenmue and sonic adventure 1/2 are crap, most people dont agree)...i mean i got my nes and about 40 games now, and quite frankly there are only three games left on my "games i want" list (metroid, metal gear, and mike tysons punch out)... as far as im concerned the first 20 games i bought were all good then i started to get some that were just for play maybe once... it isnt all about quantity, but just so you know, around here (when they can be found) dc games seel for about 10 bucks meaning that for the price of a ps2 + 1 game you can get a dc and about 30 games (and the dc library easily has 30 *very* good games...), and even if half of the games are priced at 20 you will still get 20 games for the same price as the ps2, so there you have it...
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Post by Regicide »

Shall I reply to these... yeah, might be fun.
Kami: I'm not sure how you became "DCEmu Respected" - probably from posting a whole lot of BS. Oh, well. Kami, I'm going to pretend you never existed. Go back to sticking your head up your ass and actually sniff around - you'll probably find better material there than what you posted here.

Nyarlathotep: First off all, I must disagree with Soul Caliber looking better than TTT ( though I do admit that DoA2 does look better on DC ). However, there isn't much to argue about there . . let's not get into a menial "yes it does" "no it doesn't" argument. Second, though, you bring up a good point about cost - Dreamcast is much, much less expensive. I'll give it that. But if I buy..
1) A PS2 with
Metal Gear Solid VR Missions
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
Metal Gear Solid
An extra controller

As opposed to..
2) A DC with
Virtua Fighter
Street Fighter Alpha 3
MvC 2
Crazy Taxi
Skies of Arcadia
And then some that I can't remember the names of at the time

I'll find myself playing the three PS2 games loads more than Virtua Fighter, Street Fighter, MvC.. etc. DC Games, thus far, have been a flash-in-the-pan play. They're over with quickly, and there's not much left to do. Whereas ( here, the MSG series is a perfect example ) I've seen the PS2 games have extra options, secret items, and alternate endings abounding. Take the Final Fantasy series ( Excluding 8 and 9, as they're a disgrace to the series ). FFVII in particular. You can customize this game to just about everything you want - use anybody you want ( with the exception of Cloud, who remains in your party no matter what ), make the Materia settings to your fighting style, etc. And in Metal Gear Solid, there are alternate endings depending on decisions in the game.

Tails Power: Quake, for both DC and PS2, stinks. It gets blown away by Unreal Tournament. I have yet to play a half-decent Gundam game. Bomberman's pretty good, but repetitive.

Lol.. Veggita, sometimes I find that I couldn't agree more. SNES and NES had some uncomparably awesome games. Kirby, Final Fantasy Three ( which, by the way, was the GOD of RPG's - and still is ).. and you can buy dozens and dozens and still have enough for an expensive dinner. Fun times =]

Aberf: I whole-heartedly agree, buddy, and reading your short post forced me to realize something I missed in my half-asleep state last night: In the above .. uh, counter-article, I guess, I might have seemed like I was saying something to the extent of, "PS2 rules, DC sucks". This isn't what I meant to say at all. To clear up any confusion and/or hostility, I was making this point:
Both PS2 and Dreamcast are impressive systems. Dreamcast does go futher in the graphics compartment, but the games that were produced for the PS2 managed to go much, much further. They're both good systems - but if you want the majority of good games, get PS2.

Any other takers? I'd be glad to comment.
Dr Wily
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Post by Dr Wily »

I genuinely think you could get more hours of play out of a DC with 10-15 good games of your choice than a PS2 with one...I mean, its not *quite* Metal Gear, but HeadHunter is an exceptionally good game, Metropolis Street Racer is arguably much more fun than GT3, you got your Resident Evil Code: Veronica (so good they ported to PS2 ;) ) and undeniably the best 2D fighting games on the market all on DC...

factor in 4 controllers and a copy of Bomberman and you've got multiplayer heaven forever :D

Thats not to even mention the DCs comparativley advanced (for a console) emulation capabilities... thats your 200 NES games right there!

Im not kidding myself that the DC isnt a dead system, but it was killed too early; theres good games in every genre (unlike something like the N64 which was sorely lacking in things like beat em ups) and at current prices it is literally a bargain, even just with the games already out
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Post by discostu55555 »

A PS2 with
Metal Gear Solid VR Missions
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
Metal Gear Solid
An extra controller
thats over $400 worth of crap...id like to point out that the extra controller wouldnt do much good for those games and um, mgs on dc kicks mgs on ps1/2 in the sack...and vr missions is a waste of time at best (although best buy was giving it away with mgs:2 a couple of weeks ago, and if they still are it wouldnt even have to pay for it, so thats an ok bonus...), so all in all i dont see what your trrying to point out with this... i mean mgs2 is sweet, and im gonna be getting a ps2 soon and it will more than likely be one of the games (along with SD3 and GT3), but to say that $350 for a system and one game opposed to a comparable system and $300 worth of $10-20 games from all sorts of genres (and yes you can even get mgs) on top of that is just quite frankley a no-brainer... that isnt to say ps2 isnt a worthwhile system nor am i saying that ps2 isnt worth the money (although that can and is argued by many), but as far as gameplay for your dollar, there is no comparison... anyone who chooses ps2 over dc is doing so more than likely because either they have a large library of ps1 games they still like to play, want a dvd player (and dont realise taht you can get a very good dvd player for very cheap), or have either never heard of dreamcast or at least never played it... oh well, i think ive made my view clear, dc has so much more to offer taht i consider it better overall regardless of price then with price factored in, its quite obvious that dc isnt going to budge from that position...anyways, there are many game still being released for ps2 and the jap price was dropped like a month ago and the US price will probably follow soon, so who knows, maybe this issue will flip aroun the other way, but for now, i think without a doubt, dc has far more to offer...
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Post by Kami »

Regicide wrote: Shall I reply to these... yeah, might be fun.
Kami: I'm not sure how you became "DCEmu Respected" - probably from posting a whole lot of BS. Oh, well. Kami, I'm going to pretend you never existed. Go back to sticking your head up your ass and actually sniff around - you'll probably find better material there than what you posted here.
begone you're not needed anyways. The article is old every thing on it is old and was writtin about the time of the ps2's first showings. I dont see how it can still be applied today but if ya wanna be a buttmuch and bring up old shit that you managed to find on this fucking crapola website then be my guest. Or maybe you should just shut your hole and be happy with whatever console you own and don't go off pitting it against others. About the material in the other post of mine there isn't much difference in it and the grovelings you made.
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Post by Heliophobe_ »


Don't know how to follow this up. I mean, if you think Sonic Adventure is the pinnacle of Dreamcast gaming, then either you suck at picking Dreamcast games, or your tastes are too picky and obscure to account for.

But, technically speaking, that DC vs. PS2 essay is outdated and was a load of cow manure anyhow.
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Post by Veggita2099 »

I just got Sonic Adventure 2, I take back about it being a good game. The Music is horrible, Graphics are not that great considering this is one of the Last DC games made. Sonic Adventure 1 was a great game, but I think I just wated 30 bucks on Sonic Adventure 2.

So now of the 20 DC games I own I now enjoy:
Sonic Adventure
emulators (which I didn't include in the 20 BTW)
D2 (althought slightly generic)

And I will give Shenmue the Benefit of the doubt since so many people loved it, but I personally can't get into it.

Other then Evergrave I enjoy the other 4 games I have for ps2

Nuff said :)
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Post by Regicide »

Let's see, Kami. So you're saying that this here's a "lalala crapola" site. Yet you've posted here 174 times, with an average of twice a day. Interesting.
Then, of course, you seem to think your first post had any similarities to my first post. Apparently, you've not read my first post. I suggest you read it again. If you still believe that way, well. Your opinion hasn't counted yet.

Disco: 400$ dollars worth of crap?! Goodness, no. I admit the extra controller in there was unnecessary (hey, gimme a break.. it was early in the morning.. I originally had Tekken Tag on the list, which needed another controller, but decided against it). But the three Metal Gear games are awesome in themselves - including the VR Missions. What I was trying to point out was that PS2's gone quality over quantity. You can't buy as many games as you can for DC with the same amount of money, but you'll enjoy them a heckuva lot more ( that is, depending on what games you choose ). You're right, DC has more to offer, but only a select few of those are worth it. Do a bit of math, and you'll find that PS2's got a better average on good games.
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Post by DeGamer1 »

Regicide wrote: Do a bit of math, and you'll find that PS2's got a better average on good games.
That depends on a persons interest. The only game on the PS2 that catches my interest is Devil May Cry, well maybe RE Code Veronica X but that is on the Dreamcast as well so :P

And I agree with Discostu, that is $400 worth of crap. I would pick the DC over PS2 anyday, especially since I can play SMS and NES on it with hundreds of games on one CD for FREEEEEE! Not to mention the bleempack for MGS, Metal Gear and Snakes Revenge on NES, Metal Gear 1 & 2 on the MSX could go with that as well.

You can't judge a system based on one game (Metal Gear). Not to mention that it is not made by Sony and the fact the the Xbox will get MGS 2X.

And About the DC not having any good games, what the hell have you been playing? The Dreamcast has nothing but top quality games. All the sports games ROCK! All the fighting games RULE! All the racing games are sweeeeet!!! Best of all it has many of my Capcom favorites and they are PHAT as hell! Infact, I have not played a single DC game that sucks, but have played several on PS2 that in my opinion suck badly (nothing but eyecandy).
Oh, no. NO! You can't do this to me. Don't give me a playstation. NOOOOOOOOOO! I don't want a piece of crap. Take it back and burn it to heeelll!!! Die Sony Computer Entertainment with you PS (Piece of Sh?t) and your PS 2 (Piece of Sh?t?2)
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Post by Regicide »

True. You're right - you can't judge a system on one game. But Metal Gear was just an example, one to show the quality of the PS2 games ( most of 'em, anyway ).
And you're also right in that it depends on a person's interest. Personally, I don't like Capcom all too much. I think they've gone too far with Megaman, just as Pokemon's gone way too far - and I find that the Tekken series ( not limited to TTT ) is better than the DC's vast array of fighting games ( Excluding Marvel Vs. Capcom 2, but I play that in the arcade instead of on the DC ). Then again, choosing a system over fighting games alone'd be a bad choice - why pay hundreds of dollars for 'em when you can pay a few bucks in the arcade?
Afterthought Nevermind, scratch the Pokemon remark. Saying Pokemon's gone too far is like saying that Hiroshima experienced "urban renewal."
Anyway, in contrast, you then say that the only game that catches your interest on the PS2 is Devil May Cry, whereas I find that Tekken Tag Tournament, FFX, SSX Tricky, MGS2, Dark Cloud, and a few more that I can't remember the names of worth the money.

Nothing but top quality games. . EVERY system has bad games. You can't have a console without them. Playstation's got the Bandicoots; DC's got Sonic Adventure 2, Soul Caliber, and a legion of poor-quality racing games; Nintendo's got every Pokemon game in existence.. I won't go on.

PS: Sports games and racing games are a waste of time, in my opinion. Boring ol' "Make up some fancy play just to run down the court and get a ball in the basket" or "Let's see who can get through the twisted streets fastest.." If I actually wanted to play them, though, I'd pick DC over PS2 in that department.
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Post by biohazard »

Regicide wrote: Nothing but top quality games. . EVERY system has bad games. You can't have a console without them. Playstation's got the Bandicoots; DC's got Sonic Adventure 2, Soul Caliber, and a legion of poor-quality racing games; Nintendo's got every Pokemon game in existence.. I won't go on.
WTF? The Crash Bandicoot series were fine games. SA2 is bad? What version have you been playing? Soul Calibur? Soul Calibur is one of the finest fighting games that I have ever had the privilege of playing!
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Post by Veggita2099 »

It is a never ending arguement. There will always be people who thnk the DC is better, and there will always be people that think PS2 is better.

I personally like the PS2 better cause very few games interest me on Dreamcast. I hate sports games, I get bored with Racing games after about 5 minutes, and I don't care much for fighting games.

However the Playstation 2 offers plenty of rpg's and Adventure games, which is what I enjoy.

I still think of what games I have seen on ps2, the graphics seem to be better. But I don't fool much with raceing, sports, or fighting games, AND I haven't played every game for both system so I can't give a accurate judgement on that.

As I said once before, if it wasn't for emulation and homebrew Id be selling my DC in a heartbeat.
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Post by Regicide »

Biohazard: Ewww, man. Bandicoot? Bandicoot sucked. All of them. Yes, SA2 is bad. Look over where Veggita posted, saying "The music is horrible, graphics are not that great.." I agree with those two, and with the fact that the levels stunk. SA1 was better, and they shouldn't have made SA2. And if Soul Caliber is one of the finest fighting games that you have ever played, then I don't want to know what kind of dirt you've been wasting your money on. Ugh.

Veggita: Ditto, dude. I love RPG's and adventures - FPS and Strategy, too. But the sports and racing games.. eh. Not too interesting. Fighting games are pretty good, but boring when you can beat the computer AI into oblivion - better to spend the fifty bucks on 200 quarters' worth of beating actual people into oblivion in an arcade somewhere. Now <i>that's</i> fun. 'Specially their faces after they get smashed down.

Afterthought: Biohazard, is that the <u>Doom</u> Marine in your avatar? Kinda looks like him.
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