The next Bleem release looked sooooo damn good.

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The next Bleem release looked sooooo damn good.

Post by GhosT^x0 »

I knew about Bleem going out about a week and a half ago..... when Dave called me, we talked for roughly 40 minutes about everything that had transpired, the reasons behind their dispelling, and so on. As someone who had just started testing for them, and yet, had become accustomed to being there for them whenever they needed me... I felt like I was losing a friend I had just barely made. It was tough.

I got to see Smackdown 2 running on the Dreamcast, and it was nothing short of incredible. The sprites were crystal clear, the picture-in-picture on the Titantron was crisp, and matches were all there, the game ran at full speed with full sound, and so on. Yet we'll never see it... and my match as Triple H, kicking the hell out of Tazz in Hell in the Cell, will go down as the only full match to ever occur from beginning to end, with Smackdown 2 as a Dreamcast title.

Sony got em... but the soul still burns. A lot of you have wondered what will happen to Rand... without realizing that Dave was also a pivotal part of this operation (despite his lack of community involvement). Rand has always been forthright and intellectual... and his work is something brilliant. When they told him he'd never have Doom running on the SNES, he did it. When they told him he'd never have Playstation games running on a personal computer, he did it.... then took it one step further by making em run on the competition's hardware, too. Dave fought tooth and nail with the vendors, and clients of theirs... trying to push a product that was under serious industrial ridicule onto vendors who outright rejected them, completely overlooking how substantial their product really was. Their labors, in many ways, went unrecognized. Even to this day, I've only seen one community (this one) whose acknowledged them as the true pioneers they were.

Don't be mad that Bleem is gone. Instead, realize WHY they are gone. Realize that they tried their damnedest, spent their life's savings, worked night and day, burned the candle at both ends, and put their hearts into this work. Bleem means more to me than just a bunch of cool games... it meant a huge movement for the emulation scene. It meant being able to play our games however we see fit. It meant being able to choose freely, without bigger corporate entities shoving shi+ down our throats.

It meant independence.

Thanks Bleem.. my last couple of months with you guys were great. Dave, you're a class-act... nothing but charisma & personality. Rand, what can I say. You're the undisputed 'man'. I thank you both for everything. I understand your trials, and I feel for you. The last couple of months really brought to life, within me, something that was barely a side-column news article... and showed me what was really going on. I know you guys would never wish it, but I'll probably never buy another Sony product again. And now that they'll forever be tagged as the Evil Empire that they are, many other people will probably see things the way I do.

Onward, XBox. :)
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Post by Schnapple »

I figured something might be up since we heard nothing concerning how well the recent packs went over. I was hoping it was a "coding lull" but alas.

Here's some things about Joe Q. Public:

1. They've never written a line of code in their lives
2. They're fickle
3. They become extremely critical about anything they spend any amount of money on
4. They hate being lied to
5. They hate being ignored

Bleem, as it has been stated already, was brilliant in concept and execution, but flawed from a mainstream perspective. My wife, because I ordered all the packs/games, has a basic understaning of Bleem, who they were and what they made. When I told her they went out of business she said "Well I wonder why..." sarcastically. Puzzled, I asked her why she thought they did, since this would be the perspective of someone not deeply involved. "Well, they were making something that wasn't neccessary."

Bleem was done in because they didn't handle the puiblic and their perception very well. Everyone in this forum probably bought the Bleempacks but even if we all bought ten it wouldn't be enough. Bleem made a few crucial mistakes

Announcing the 100-game packs.
This may be what did them in. Once people found out the plans had changed they got angry and vowed "never to buy from Bleem" (and in some cases added "again!"). Of course, let's be honest here - the reason Joe Q. Public hated the change in plans is because they wanted to pirate the 100 games and play them for free. Hell, I thought of it, too.

"They're lazy bastards"
"They're greedy bastards"
"They CAN make it work, they're just lying"

Yep, Joe Q Public who has never written a line of code in their lives. Ever notice that the people who complain the most about Microsoft aren't Linux-heads, but instead the biggest idiot computer users you know?

They announced "Free updates FOR LIFE!" on the Bleem PC box.
This was true, but people figured it meant the PC version of Bleem would be developed, well, forever. When development tricked and then turned into Bleemcast development people got angry. Turns out that "FOR LIFE" was for the life of Bleem PC.

They trickled off development for the PC version of Bleem
I like Bleemcast as much as you do but many people judge a company by its initial product. When Bleem abandoned their original namesake project they lost a lot of points with people, especially when freeware emulators outpaced them. Many people thought Bleem would walk out on their DC products as well.

They remained quiet on Bleem PC development
When over a year passes and no new versions come out, people get riled up. They tend to dislike being "ignored". True, Bleem was readying Bleemcast but what the public saw was a company that was in business, not developing new Bleem releases, and instead promoting a product which was incomplete as "good enough".

Of course, some things were just unlucky for Bleem:

Sega abandoned the Dreamcast
Wouldn't have been so bad if Bleemcast hadn't been so late.

Babbage's bowed to Sony
Again, wouldn't have been so bad had Sega not bailed. Babbage's Etc. (Babbage's, Software Etc., GameStop, Funcoland and a few others) is the #1 software retail chain in the country (yeah I know, U.S.-centric) and not having them stock it was a major blow.

The 100-pack idea proved impossible
Wouldn't have been so bad if they hadn't said anything about 100-packs in the first place.

Like everyone else, I wish Bleem the best of luck on future endeaours. Rand's going to make a badass coder for anyone that hires him. Commercial emulation may rise again, and it's already gotten it's first (second if you count Connectix) out of the way.

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Post by ragb »

excellent posts, both of you. and thank you ghost for giving us all an inside understanding of both Dave and Rand's true commitment and sacrifice for not only the DC emulation scene, but for the entire emulation effort.

I've support Bleem! in its various incarnations from the beginning, and I can personally say its presence will be sorely missed. Bleem! for the Dreamcast is an excellent product, and I, like everyone else on these boards, waited with the provebial 'baited breath' for the new Bleem! disks. Of course I wish things were different and that Bleem! was still in business. And now that they aren't, again, of course I would like to see the Bleem source code (and maybe iso's of their semi-finished efforts) made public. But I won't demand it.

Rand and Dave don't have to do what I say -hell, they didn't do what Sony said, and Sony cost them a GRIP! What's more, they deserve better than that. Again, I think the Bleem paks were wonderful, and would love to see them continue, in one form or another, but Rand and Dave will do what they must. Their lives are their own, and they likely need to begin living them again.

Rand and Dave: Thank you again for what you have accomplished, and for what you tried to accomplish. Your originality and innovation, and courage in the face of overwhelming obstacles is an example that should have gained more public notice, but that certainly has helped inspire me.
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Post by Van_Lardo »


To the fine members of Bleem! and all the other coders out there who really care about what they do, to all the people who take risks to do what they want to in life, to all the people who dedicate themselves to their cause, to all the people who live in difficulty but who carry on bravely, to all the people who care about achieving goals in life...

Thank you.

( :cry: <--- getting emotional)