Compiling gcc-rs in Oct 2023

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Compiling gcc-rs in Oct 2023

Post by |darc| »

As mentioned in the September GCC Front-End For Rust report:
Furthermore, a longstanding cross- compilation issue has been fixed, allowing some of our early gccrs users to continue using the compiler for Dreamcast/SH4 development.
Now, it's easy to build the GCC for Rust compiler once more. If you're already familiar with the standard instructions for building a toolchain, then you can follow these steps to build the gccrs toolchain:

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git clone -b gccdev kos-gccdev
cd kos-gccdev/utils/dc-chain
cp config/
Edit the with your personal options. Then...

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make build-sh4
And you should have a built sh4 compiler with the preliminary Rust for GCC support.
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