For those interested in the web browser

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Are you interested in the web browser?

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Post by DreamservVMU »

minus DPP(Dreampassport Premire) DP3-PSO is the most stable of them all,and the chabtalk IM client isnt locked out,nor is any other dp function,you can access IRC chat from within it as well(but most have that anyway..i dont think ct2 does though). And our message.ini files will work semmlessly with it as well. Your selfboot kit works flawlessly fatheadpi,flawlessly dude. I even ripped another dp browser not included in xdp3 and used its 1st_read and contents with your Ip.bin and it still worked great. I tried it with the planetweb 1st_read but the dc reset right after the made by sega screen(the ip loaded fine,the 1st_read didnt,i assume i need to just scramble the bin file. not sure,ill try scrambled and unscrambled.) i added the midi jukebox to mine and it works great,got instant background music with my startpage,pic library,web building tools,faqs/guides for dp,even changed the browsers startbar skin colors and scrollbar skin colors to match my theme by changing the dp3.ini color
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Post by fatheadpi »

It didn't work on planetweb? Damn that's eerie, that should've worked on planetweb as well. In fact, this kit should flawlessly self boot everything with the exception of maybe the Menu loaders (DemoMenu, DC_Hakker, maybe DI) and Dreamsnes (due to binhack not liking the .sh4 extension in my experience). Did you rip your planetweb out of an image, off of a game / official dremacast magazine disc, or from a plainfiles release?

Link, when you use the XDP3 software keyboard, try hitting the right and left triggers to toggle over to the English parts. The software keyboard has both Japenese and English modes. Also note that keyboard support is a little buggy, like the : being assigned to the ' key. Most special characters aren't where they are supposed to be.

Curtis, I'll talk to you via e-mail about dropping in those midis. The first three releases have just been to get the browser up and working, if releases four and five could make it a little more friendly (and if you'd add some themes) then releases with more functionality would rule all.

And Curtis, two questions.

1. The Genesis (Megadrive) emulator for DP3 was originally part of the full browser right? Because if it is, we might be able to manipulate it and have ourselves a legal SegaGen.

2. DreamPassport Premiere, is it freely distributable, or is it payware?
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Post by bizzle »

i wish there was a AIM capable client on it. it would rock. i hate the damned irc way. is anyone sure that that .cdi to nero works with this, i mean it always worked for me before, but i am still low on cd-rs and i dont need any coasters.
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Post by fatheadpi »

Yeah, cdi2nero makes a workable image, just be sure to burn DAO, dAO/96 if you've got it.

I hate discjuggler myself, the only reason I have it is to make cdi images for everyone around here who uses that peice of crap.
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Post by bizzle »

fatheadpi wrote:the only reason I have it is to make cdi images for everyone around here who uses that peice of crap.
peice of crap indeed

what exactly is disc at once/96?? i am unfirmiliar with it.
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Post by Link »


Yep, I got it working and decided to pop in on the forums here. I was able to read everything and check stuff out nicely however, no posting with it. For some odd reason it seems neither PW or XDP3 will post. Odd, but the history erasing feature on this rocks. (I found out by accident about the keyboard changing thing lol) Over all if this is only a 3rd release and you plan to continue working on it, I would say you will beat out PW in no time man. Am I to understand you are working on an easy to use selfboot app for this? If so I may be doing some file editing. (Are all pictures encoded or is there a pics folder like PW?) I mite be able to help out gettin pics and making themes. (warning I am a huge anime fan so a lot of my themes would be anime based lol) I tried doing a custom PW but couldn't get it to boot so I gave up. Well, keep up the great work guys. The project rocks :)

2 and a half thumbs up,
Your Brother in the DCEmu Scene,

DI Boot tutorial in this thread
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Post by sonicblur »

I just ripped and RAR'ed the DreamPassport 3 in PSOv2. It has the much needed BBA support your Crazy Taxi 2 DreamPassport doesn't. Would you like me to send it to you somehow either thru e-mail or AIM or something? It's just under 8MB rar'ed, and the only thing I ripped off the disk was the PSO folder, so everything else is intact. If you want it, please contact me through one of the buttons below, telling me how to get this to you. :-)
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Post by DreamservVMU »

the sega mega drive emulator is on all the dp browsers,the free dp3 and the pay dpp. its built into the 1st_read of dp3/dpp,all it needs to run correctly are its directory structure and a few extra bins which i have all of including all the demo games from dreamlibrary(which was pay but the demos were free on dp3 stand alone as a way to draw interest to dreamlibrary in japan.) i can whip up a very nice skin in a matter of a hour or so. make the browser have built in bookmarks to dcemu,change the browsers statusbar/taskbar,etc to match any number of color combinations. its all customizable from within the dp3.ini and messages.ini files. as for planetweb i ripped it from planetweb 2.6 image using cdmage,it had no ip.bin and the one i used was for dp3,it booted up past the sega logo screen the reset. i think it was a matter of the bin not being scrambled or descrambled correctly,might have been that it needed the original ip.bin bootstrap for planetweb. not a big deal,can be fixed with a little messin around with.
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Turbo Grafx emulation

Post by Cringle »

Does the DP3 alsoinclude Turbo Grafx emulation in the 1st_read.bin? If so I'd like to test it with Public Domain Turbo Grafx roms to see its performance compared to the other Turbo Grafx emu for DC.
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Post by DreamservVMU »

i dont know about turbo grafx emulation for the mega drive emulator,but i do know that the mega drive games ive played with it,play at 100% and sound is damn near perfect. ive played columns,ghouls and ghosts,etc and they play great,it even has controller layout scheme change ability,saves to vmu. also,im adding the tools here for the xdp3 today PI.
Last edited by DreamservVMU on Wed Nov 06, 2002 11:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DreamservVMU »

ive gotten a few complaints from different people about us using the browsers(not from sega ort planetweb by the way..just a few complainers..) this should shut them up on the legality of using the free browsers atleast for planetweb,i believe dp3 in full form has something very similar listed in its copyright notice on the browser.

quote from planetweb 2.6 full version copyright notice:

This was taken from Planetweb 2.6 "COPYRIGHT AND

"Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are
permitted provided that this notice is preserved and
that due credit is given to the copyright holders. The
names of the copyright holders may not be used to
endorse or promote products derived from this software
without specific prior written permission. This
software is provided "as is" without express or
implied warranty. The authors assume no liability for
damages incidental or consequential, nor is this
software warranted for correctness or suitability for
any purpose."

now the way i read it is like this:you can use the software as long as planetweb is given credit for its creation,but you have to get permission from the authors IF the software is altered to the point it vaguely resembles the original,which we arent doing,we are keeping it intact as the original browser/browsers just adding more user tools,and changing language settings,etc...the original binary/code isnt being altered at all. just GUI which isnt controlled directly by the binary but by ini's that the binary uses.

i dont know japanese but seeing as sega had final say over BOTH planetweb dreamcast products AND dreamcast browser products,id assume their browser is basicly the SAME arrangement.

so,those FEW rear-ends that wanna complain about a harmless and fun project need to piss off...
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Post by DreamservVMU »

here are two sets of tools for xdp3 users,add to the dpwww directory.

1. Html To Vmu File Creator(This Is From Dreamserv Website With Permission)

2.Vmu File Renamer(From Dreamserv With Permission)

these two tools alone will give users access to the entire dreamserv website with all of its browser tools and files.

fatheadpi im emailing you a custom dpwww folder with all this in it,i thought id post these pages for users making there own.
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Post by Cringle »

Indeed. Besides, disassembly is totally and utterly legal, as has been proven time and time again in lawsuits. Intel disassembled IBM's PC processor to produce the 386. The software mentioned is in the public domain. This too is in the public domain, with all information in the public domain, and all due credit given to the original authors.
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Post by fatheadpi »

Man, people are stupid. The deal has always been that you can redistribute the browser as long as you don't modify the source (RE: 1st_read.bin, one or two files within the root folder and most of the DPETC folder, more or less the .dps files as I believe they are source files). The sub files are just html, gif, and jpeg, just random browser data, which we have all but removed, I think there is one files from CT2 I left in the DPSS directory so that there would be a screensaver. If people don't like it, they can write their own goddamned browser and have their own release rules.

Okay, lots of stuff, so let me take a look at what I can.

1. Easy boot kit.

Well, I've explained it better in my improved echelon tutorial, but it's never going to be overly easy. You are going to have to learn to use the Echelon method, it's not too hard, and I explain it well. Use the one on the forums for now, I need to change a word somewhere. I think future releases will come from me in several parts:

1. The browser core (binaries, minimal theme and html bs, and necessary support files)
2. Selfboot kit (my revised Echelon pack)
3. Customization tools (ADXEncd, VMITool, link to TMPEG, TMPEG goodies, eventually some kind of sofdec multiplexor)
4. Standard issue add on pack (midis, good html layout)

Then people can do their own themes and such, I don't really care.

2. TG16 Emulator

No. Not there. Wouldn't even make sense. No.

3. Self booting PWEb

Well, PWEB is such a peice of crap it's not worth it. Also, you're going to have to use the planetweb ip.bin, I've got it over here, I'll e-mail it to you. I know that's the problem you are having, it's what turned me off (and then incedentally on) to browser customization.

4. Genesis EMU

I'm talking to someone else about this two, we'll see what develops.

5. DP3 PSO2 Jap rip

Thanks a lot, much appreciated, I'll upgrade to this one asap. Did you include the ip.bin file?

Up your file to an angelfire sight, make an html page, link to the file, and on the html page explain that it's dp3, a fully redistributable dc browser. Do it or your page will likely get closed.

6. New tools

Thanks Curtis, I'll get them in for the next release, might be tonight or this weekend, we'll see.

7. Themes

Well Curtis, if you want to, go for it. Just keep it clean and basic for now, but definitely go for it. And link, once I get the files up and running it will be very evident how to do a theme. And nothing is encoded, although I still need someone with PVR editing capabilities, preferably someone who understands Japenese.
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Post by DreamservVMU »

ok ive emailed a basic dpwww skin for xdp3 with the midi player(midis excluded except for two due to size constraints set by bellsouth on email size..LOL..tried to email 20meg midi folder...midis for the player can be gotten anywhere but mine are here: also added in the email a customized dp3.ini that will offer change in gui color settings,etc. just change the color tags ie: NoKnobBackColor=#000000 what ever you like and it will be implemented on bootup,hey fatheadpi mail me that pw ip.bin file,i need it seriously bad..also ANY ip.bin thats with dp3 ct2,etc will work with another version of dp browsers,i used the one from yours with my dpp custom and it booted fine via echelon boot method.
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Post by DreamservVMU »

damn almost forgot to mention,fatheadpi there are two shockwave flash games included in the folder i sent ya,they play flawlessly via dp of any variety both are pretty decent shooters(hint: to make the game even more interactive,build a html document that links the game AND a midi sound file via embed src= into a page,this way you get awsome music AND the gameplay,ive tested all my midis this way and the music loops perfectly with the games without errors).
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Post by bizzle »

i wish there was an AIM capable client that could be used on DC, if this chat thing you guys are talking about was aim capable it would rock.
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Post by law »

OK, so again i?m gonna ask this question... is there anybody out there whohow zo make ANY FREE BROWSER in ENGLISH LANGUAGE run with the bba wnd letting me set up my own settings meaning gateway, dns etc...

i am really desperate about the japanese bba software and i cant get my hands on planetweb 3.0 cause they dont ship to europe...

Thx, Law
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Post by sonicblur »

law wrote:OK, so again i?m gonna ask this question... is there anybody out there whohow zo make ANY FREE BROWSER in ENGLISH LANGUAGE run with the bba wnd letting me set up my own settings meaning gateway, dns etc...

i am really desperate about the japanese bba software and i cant get my hands on planetweb 3.0 cause they dont ship to europe...

Thx, Law
If you bothered to read the messages above, I ripped a version of DreamPassport that supports BBA and will upload it soon someplace so they can use it.
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Post by sonicblur »

fatheadpi wrote:2. TG16 Emulator

No. Not there. Wouldn't even make sense. No.
Actually, the DreamLibrary service included emulated games for the MegaDrive and PC Engine, so yes, DreamPassport does emulate the TG16, but I've never heard of anyone getting it to work. Last time I checked the DreamLibrary site (a few months ago) they were still offering some PC Engine games. However, none of the demo's in DreamPassport 3 were PC engine games, so nobody knows how to invoke the emulator. So what he asked was valid, but I doubt you'll be able to get it working. :-(

(Also, the copy of PSOv2 DreamPassport I'll upload later today does include the IP.BIN from the game, and the 1ST_READ.BIN from the game (which you probably wont want), and the 2_DP.BIN (for the browser?). I only removed the PSO folder containing the game data, and rar'ed it. Nothing else is included, just everything.)
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