Dreamspec and DC_64 illegal why its ok to break the law!

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Post by BlackAura »

Were is your proof that the single game arcade is even mame ???
Where's your proof that it isn't? Reaper's told me that he's never written an emulator from scratch (although I encouraged him to try writing a C64 emulator from scratch, since he knows the hardware better than I do), and the only arcade emulators I've seen with source code available are open-source. Therefore, it's logical to assume that the arcade emulators are based on an open-source emulator, unless we've been told otherwise. And, since most of Reaper's other arcade emulators were based on MAME, it's logical to assume that the emulator it's based on is still MAME.

So, if it's not MAME, what is it? Unless reaper's jumped from not having a clue how to code an emulator from scratch to actually doing it in about a week, it's not entirely his own work. So what is it?
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The Dreamcast scene does have a few emulators that were made via the Katana/Wince libraries, but the only one that Sega asked to be took down was the Sega gen ripped emu as that was clear warez.

If Sega dont mind then it should be of no concern to certain people here and stirring up trouble over it will not get anyone more thought of.
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Post by IMRtech »

It's cheating and funny you bother with homebrew roms and make that statement
katana programing is not homebrew or legal thats the only point you should care about. Not the point Black aura there's just no proof what it is i dont think any thing has to be said ether. Mame or some other arcade emulator who knows.Trouble comes from breaking the law and doing the wrong thing Black aura do you agree with it ? might as well be open if so why dont you use Katana??.Why dont you start hosting illegally made Xbox emulators ?? then MR Wraggster. A double standed gets no respect ether. No backbone on legal matters brings the whole scene into being thought of as illegal. If you the person who will not host illegally made XBOX emulator's on your xbox site can then turn around and agree with this. Then you should start hosting them as well.There is no point to you not hosting all the illegally made Xbox emulators both kits are = illegal and are the same .

shame shame shame :roll:

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Post by Wasgo »

IMRTech, why are you making this seem so complicated? Follow the following guidelines and you'll understand "The Unwritten Code of Ethics of DCEmu".

1. It's okay to do illegal things with big companies code, unless they tell you not to.
2. Roms are bad. Everyone here uses illegal roms (with few exceptions...) but roms are bad. Don't talk about them. Download them in private, and let's all pretend it never happens.
3. If it's opensource, copyright is sacred. Blah, blah, spirit of, blah, blah. Not of lot of valid points here, but whatever.
4. If 007 ignores one of the above rules, it happens.
5. Since open source is better than closed source, it's a requirement to use homebrew dev tools now...unless you don't and your program is really cool.
6. People here bitch about copyright laws and talk about the latest P2P at the same time. This isn't hypocritical. They're all lawyers, you see?
7. If you piss off the community (like Reaper did) you're always at fault. No matter what. (And you probably eat babies.)

Any further questions see guideline seven and stare at it until it sinks in. But beyond that, don't bother arguing, this debate never goes anywhere.
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Post by IMRtech »

I know but its not going to hide the fact. And i think it's been proven that Reaper is not only part of the DC scene but a legal part of it .If there is or was any thing illegal on any one of Reaper's sites it sure as hell is not now. The same cant be said for this place. I think they should be removed yes. And then the site would be legal what is the problem with being legal these days.

What your saying is right does not matter. And that is not the case right matters allways every day. And it does not matter who says the truth the truth matters allways.

Give it up! wrong is wrong no amount of rationalization can make it right.


Wasgo top post btw !

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Post by Nyarlathotep »

Im going to close this topic because:

a) nobodies actually talking on topic (hex editing open sourced software is bad how?)

b) reaper is slowly destroying any credibility IMRtech had by using that account to post here with his bizarre anti dcemu rants


and wasgo, you are wrong about point 7. I can think of plenty of people whove annoyed members and then gone on to be respected members of the 'community' - although admittedly I can't think of anyone apart from reaper who has gone from being considered a lamer, to a degree of respect, and then pissing it all away through idiotic over reaction... and it looks like that cycles continuing :roll:
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Post by ZacMc »

Not the point Black aura there's just no proof what it is i dont think any thing has to be said ether. Mame or some other arcade emulator who knows.
If you hex the binary it says MAME, MAME, MAME all over the place :idea: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :| :roll:
EDIT: Sorry for posting in a locked topic :oops: