Games that you just never could be (without cheating)

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Post by Nyarlathotep »

I have never beaten Elite:FFE and I have been playing it on and off for about 10 years...

you can download the shareware version HERE and see one of the greatest games ever made for yourself (requires DOS XP owners :P )

OT, anyone know if Earth & Beyond really is the MMORPG nicer graphics version of Elite:FFE it looks like? I'd download the demo, but 1.2GB demo on my conenctions not really practical
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Post by WhtCastle »

None. I don't want to see an ending using cheats.
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Post by liltimmyw »

jet grind radio and shenmue 1/2 dreamcast and 2 xbox
Shenmue games aren't hard. They just take time.

Games that I never could beat...

TMNT for NES - I can never get past the fourth level, I am lucky to even get there.
Punch-Out - I still haven't beaten it, although I have been working on it.
Megaman - The hardest one. It's insane.
Any Simpsons game on NES
The Super Star Wars games
Contra III: The Alien Wars - I can only beat it using quicksave
Friday the 13th - I developed a way to fight Jason and not get hit after a ton of playing, then I figured out that you had to kill him 3 times, and that takes a very long time. The game gets quite repeditive after 10 miniutes of playing so I never really tried to beat it without cheating.

I know there are more, but that is all I can think of now..
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Post by Veggita2099 »

I thought of a couple more I couldn't get through.

Echo the Dolphin - This game really gets difficult towards the end. I tried and tried and I could never get through that horrid machine. Its one of those stages you just about have to have memorized to get through since it constantly moves on you.

I never did get through any Star Wars game on NES or SNES. I didn't really try on those either.

TMNT on NES was hard, but I beat it a couple of times. Stage 4 is one of those stages where you find the technodome in a random area. Sometimes you can find it first try, other times it takes forever. Stage 5 is even worse, these jetpack guys take 2 bars of health every time they hit you.

What part of Megaman 1 does people get stuck at?
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Post by Kraft »

aren't you talking about TMNT 2 or 3? TMNT was the one cool TMNT game that was a side scroller without all the arcade-y-ness of the other games.
Commodore?! On my dreamcast?! *almost wets himself*
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Post by liltimmyw »

aren't you talking about TMNT 2 or 3? TMNT was the one cool TMNT game that was a side scroller without all the arcade-y-ness of the other games.
No, we are talking about the first one. I didn't like 2 & 3 on NES, but I did like Turtles in Time.
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Post by someoneElse »

Nyarlathotep wrote:OT, anyone know if Earth & Beyond really is the MMORPG nicer graphics version of Elite:FFE it looks like? I'd download the demo, but 1.2GB demo on my conenctions not really practical
It's kinda fun, but gets old after awhile. People levelled up faster than the new content could keep up with them. That and EA's support is absolutely DEPLORABLE...

Games not even really finished yet and all EA/WW is worrying about is getting the EXPANSION servers up...

Yeah, I was a beta tester, I'm bitter...;)

Nyar, you can actually get the free Demo disks (Full game with a five day account, and you can still buy game time for it) sent to you in the mail.

Actually, just checked and they don't ship to the UK....grr.... You could get somebody to get them for you and send it to you by post.

I wonder if that 'UK as a territory of Canada' trick will work here....

But anyway, the game is kinda fun, but it will start getting old really fast, and the monthly bugs will have you tearing your eyes out. (With one such 'update,' whenever you attacked anything, anywhere, EVERY fricken entity in the WHOLE sector went aggressive on you, and would just swoop in on you at once. I love it when developers try to make subtle changes to things to slow down the advancement of players, and REALLY screw up with it.)

If that doesn't put the nail in the coffin, the constant "That class can do things I can't, they're too powerful! Nerf them now!" bickering of the player base will.
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Post by liltimmyw »

tenchi wrote:Mario 2
Mario 2 isn't that difficult if I remember correctly. I haven't played it in a long time.
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Post by WhtCastle »

I don't see why you all keep saying Mega Man. It was hella easy. The ones that I agree with being hard are TMNT (the first one), Battletoads and the Simpson games. Those Simpsons games were always fuckin hard.
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Post by Veggita2099 »

Mario 2 was easy, unless there talking about the REAL mario 2 (AKA Lost Levels).

Yea I forgot about those Simpson games. I think I beat Bart vs the world but thats the only one.

I liked TMNT 2 on NES, but I didn't like 3. Id like to get that one on Genesis, something about a hyperstone.
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Post by mabartsabay »

It's still too early to ask as I get bored with games after a while. But, I've almost beat a LOT of games. It's just that I don't ever play them that often. Ones I never in a million years beat without a friend would be, MARBLE MADNESS! It's such a mean game!!
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Post by yodanut »

Yeah, the TMNT game was one I felt proud of beating without cheats. Mega Man games were hard, but I never needed to cheat for the ones I played (1-3). I got bored of the series eventually, though.

Ecco the Dolphin for the Genesis is insanely hard! Is it even possible without cheats? I got far in it without, but yeah, that's one where I cheated my way through back in the day.

Also, Doom2 was too difficult with the keyboard. I beat it without cheating in JDoom, but the first time through I used God mode.

It's been a long time since I used a cheat for a game, though. Now I find that they detract from the game rather than add to it. Plus new games are hella easy compared to the 8 and 16-bit days. Maybe I'll give Ecco a try again when crt0's emu gets released.
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Post by Luriden »

Any survival horror game. When a zombie/monster/dinosaur (depends on what survival horror game were talking about) appears, I tend to scream bloody murder and freak out and shake so bad that I lose control and tend to always run into walls, miss the monsters, and get myself brutally slaughtered. I beat RE2 Dual Shock with a Gameshark. I still screamed bloody murder constantly, but at least I had infinite health and ammo so I could miss and get hurt all I wanted to.
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Post by Vlad Tepes »

Kenichi wrote:Any survival horror game. When a zombie/monster/dinosaur (depends on what survival horror game were talking about) appears, I tend to scream bloody murder and freak out and shake so bad that I lose control and tend to always run into walls, miss the monsters, and get myself brutally slaughtered. I beat RE2 Dual Shock with a Gameshark. I still screamed bloody murder constantly, but at least I had infinite health and ammo so I could miss and get hurt all I wanted to.
:lol: Sounds like one of my friends. All the way through both RE2 and RE:CV, he would scream at every zombie and with every bullet he put into a zombie, he would say, "STUPID! STUPID! STUPID! STUPID!" it was pretty funny.
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Post by s700pid »

Friday the 13th
Are you talking about the C64 game?

I beat RE2 Dual Shock with a Gameshark
I found RE2 on DC easy... but CV was is hard... the shotgun hardly does any damage at all and you are better off not shooting the zombies if you can run around them... and that woman that sets you on fire with touch is just rude[/b]
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Post by Mugworm_Griblick »

I dont think i've ever beat any game all the way through without cheats. I would've beat Shenmue, but my disc must've been defective or somethin cause it stopped working right 3/4 of the way through

?@ Cheatah? whats the thing called that you plug things into, the power socket?

<Dilbert> Cheatah
<Dilbert> have you heard the jokes they dont tell fags?
?@ Cheatah? no
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Post by Veggita2099 »

s700pid wrote:liltimmyw
Friday the 13th
Are you talking about the C64 game?

I beat RE2 Dual Shock with a Gameshark
I found RE2 on DC easy... but CV was is hard... the shotgun hardly does any damage at all and you are better off not shooting the zombies if you can run around them... and that woman that sets you on fire with touch is just rude[/b]
I gave up on Code V, I didn't like it that well anyways. I didn't like the way that the zombies respawned, that was just cheap on Capcom's part. I could have beaten RE0 but I got sick of it about half-way through and sold it. I didn't like not having the item box to store stuff. Also haveing almost every weapon take up 2 slots sucked. I got sick of running back and forth getting stuff.

RE2 was probably the easiest one. RE3 wasn't too bad, but it scared the piss out of you everytime you heard STARS! Course needless to say I played both of these games on easy mode.
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Post by pixel »

Kid Chameleon for Genesis
that game was 60+ levels and you could never tell when it ended until you finally saw the credits
I'm also sorry to say that a lot of games of my youth were beat using Game Genies etc... i feel so cheap :wink:
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Post by arrowhead »

Maybe its a lack of time, or maybe I just suck at RPG's since 14 years old, but I cannot beat dragon warrior 7, and after I beat the first part of Torneko I just gave up after I had to choose a title. I also sadly could never beat super mario bros., or metroid 2 on game boy. I am down to 6 metroids but I just cannot find them.
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Post by Skater_dusto »

Thank goodness for save state support! I love you nesterDC!!

Well I was able to beat RCR again.. haven't done that since about 5 years ago without stopping or taking break!

Hmm... Final Fantasy's gettin pretty hard. I may use cheats soon.
I've always used the warp codes for Super mario brothers 2(american one) but I'm pretty sure I've beaten all the levels at one point.

Definitly the Mega Man games though. Jeeze!!! They're impossible. I swear, when I was younger I was much better at those kind of games. Now I just play rpgs and stuff. Ninja gaiden, tmnt, even the damned mario games are gettin tough for me! I'm only 16 and I'm feelin old! :cry:
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