philisophical meanderings

Be careful where you tread in here...
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Psychotic DCEmu
Psychotic DCEmu
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philisophical meanderings

Post by lackofsense »

I find my mind to wonder among various concepts and ideas. The usual why are we here comes to mind, but I thought I had resolved that stuff for myself. Is life a game? Is life a joke? We are here for a while and then we go on to whatever awaits us and anything we do is erased almost as quickly. While this is a wholly depressing subject, I always try to make the best of life and try to enjoy myself.
I suppose it's just the long wait til the weekend. These twenty four hour periods of constant work seem to lengthen as we move toward the weekend. I find myself looking at the pointlessness of life and wanting to cut my eyeballs in half. I hate to bitch and moan and complain. Life is difficult, but why should I be a downer and look at the pointlessness when I should see the life tucked within.
Are we all just organisms or are we something special? Are we just primitive beasts or are we sentient life? We see violence and hate just as well as we see peace and love. Sports and video games tend to sublimate primal instincts. I find my anger growing these days. I want to beat someone's face in. I do not these things. I have restraint. Anger and depression are two cancers that eat away at my sane mind.
My only reprieve from these forms of anguish is good ol' ADHD. I'll be thinking about these things and I will lose the thought track to something which has gathered my interest usually something simple.
These are supposed to be philosophical comments, but I have focused upon myself primarily. It's a bit of a self-centered argument. Although, I have trouble blameing someone for being self-centered at least for a little while. If we didn't consider our selfs would we truely exist in our own minds. From what I can tell, being self-centered is both the bane and the crutch of our society. Without self recognition, societies will often collapse. For example, look at communist governments. They tend to favor the people as a whole rather than the individual and they have to hold their societies together with an iron fist. People try to escape these communist countries.
But mindless self indulgence often leads to crime. The people who often find that the world would not function correctly if they were gone or believe that nothing else matters but themselves often turn to a life crime disregarding the lives of others often to the point of blatent sadism. Disregarding the other individuals that inhabit this universe can lead to anarchy.

And by the way...

sense-lacking is a tough job but somebody's got to do it
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