Xbox 360 Dreamcast comparison (Very Interesting)

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Post by CoasterKing »

If the Xbox 360 is half as good as the Dreamcast I'll buy two :P
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Post by melancholy »

The first few points were kinda neat, but they really were stretching it by the end. And the ten reasons Xbox will succeed over the Dreamcast were pretty crap. No Halo 3? Launched the same day as a popular game? Please...
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Post by cube_b3 »

TyBO wrote:That was really good... even if some of the comparisons were totally bogus. One thing they forgot to mention though is the controller. Microsoft based the Xbox controller off DC's.

I really do get an eerie DC vibe from the Xbox 360 though. I'm almost tempted to buy one... no! Can't... support... Microsoft!! :x
That's a good point why don't you send them an email they are open to opinions.
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Post by Evil_Ernie »

maybe they should have stated the dreamcast didn't have a killer fps like the halo series on the xbox (altho i must say i really disliked halo 2, don't even think i played longer then an hour... ever ! quick cash-in if u ask me... my brother will dissagree and TRY to beat me silly if he hears of this tho...) :roll:

we really don't have a killer fps for the dc now do we ??? (remember halo is an xbox exclusive so it's a selling point ?h, i really don't count dc3a or ut as a killer fps cos it is merely a pc port and so won't really help sell units ?h ! when halo came out it was kinda original aswell as far as console fps games conserned, hint hint you could drive and fly vehicles... atleast i can't remember any console fps that did it before halo...) :P

my interpretation of the whole dc has no halo 3 argument )()(

yes most points are fillers but it does also have some eye openers in there i geuss... :roll:

as far as the whole released at the same time of another ff game... all the other gamers from around these parts ( aka the retarded noobs posing as gamers ) all own or used to own that crappy game and most have never even heard of the dreamcast (prolly mainly coz the dc didn't have any ff or fifa2009 games on it lmao) !!! (excluding my crew of gaming pals ofcourse) :wink:

i really don't think the 360 will stand a real chance of beating the ps3 tho, this reason alone will do : all the noobs only know playstation and so they'r all gonna buy the newer one again and all off it's crapy quick cash-in/brandwhoring games, when you start discussing about other consoles near a ps n00b he will in fact explode leaving a sticky pink substance all over the place... :twisted:

i really REALLY loved this one the most tho : Bill can, and will, spend whatever it takes to make the Xbox 360 a success... and we all know he's one rich bitch ?h :lol:
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Post by mikozero »

yeah unfortunately the real secret to a successful console is loads third party developer support.

sony will win the next round because loads of software companies have already signed on to make games for it, sure most games may be crap, but the cream will rise to the top.

microsoft has made virtually no in roads into the Japanese marketplace (the original xbox has sold less than 500,000 units in 4 years in Japan, to place that in context, in the US it sold more than that in the 1st month) most Japanese just don't fancy buying an American games console (in the same way a lot of Americans would prefer to buy an American car) and so most Japanese developers don't want to waste development time on a 'niche' machine. and given that most see Japan as the home of video gaming and most of the great developers are Japanese what does that leave you with ? EA and sports games probably.

microsoft tries to bolster its product by buying up other companies (like bungie and rare) as i did in the PC universe, but i don't think that's really going to work in the console world, rare haven't set the world on fire on the xbox like they did on the N64 (where they kept the console alive) and bungie will soon get sick of making halo sequels (it's not that great a game anyway imo) as sick as the public will get of seeing them probably.

if things don't get rapidly better on the xbox front microsoft will have to cut out this loss making subsidiary at some point because it still has to answer to share holders like ever other floated company (and a lot of Gates own wealth is based on stock levels as well remember).

it may even have a competitor in the desktop OS area sneaking up behind it.

i'm not a fanboy for any manufacturer, i don't own a current or next gen console, but from a business stand point if the 360 can't break Japan and convince the majority of third party developers to jump ship from sony it will have a long, slow expensive drawn out death (imo).
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Post by vicviper74 »

Some of the comparison were were just dumb
Crazy rich bald guy spotted at several promotional events leading up to launch
peter moore was funny
Peter Moore spearheading the marketing.
Were DOOMED!!!
Unable to play the latest in cutting edge movie media (HD-DVD/Blu-Ray).
what a load of crap you think burners will come out immidiatly. give it 2 to 3 years for the media industry to start supporting it fully. get real im not gonna go buy a HD player fromt the get go.
Cmon guyd its only 700 for the HD player
Since people seem to message me for nuthin!!! I removed my messenger link ha ha ha ha
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