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Post by popley »

The ps3 is going to be the size of the Xbox1 thats big, a lot of people didnt buy xbox's at launch because of its size, wonder how that might play in to it.
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Post by Cid Highwind »

zero wrote:
Xbox360: Seems like a nice console to me, but it didn't impress me yet, like the PS3 has.
I said it before, and ill say it again, the ps2 tech demo's that where showing impressed me very much too, but then i seen all the games that where coming out, and noticed i got gought up in a bunch of hype that wasn't real, its already been said that only 2 of the 7 or so demos showing where running in real time so sony is already lying.

As for the 2 demos that where showing in real time, Unreal ut2k7 can be done on xbox360 easy, just go look at gears of war, that imo is a lot more impressive then ut2k7, where 2k7 only has 2 people fighting on stage Gears of war has lots.

DOA 4, watch the high res video and be impressed, also look at pgr3, all of them games are running in real time, and will be ready for launch, and also id highly think that the only 2 games that where in real time on the ps3 will also be coming to the 360 looking just as good. so imo the ps3 is the least impressive to me, since all they are doing is showing tech demos thats not in real time and are like "all them are real time on ps3", not "All them are not real time on ps3, but maybe in a few years we will get there".
With it's strong 3rd party support I don't think Xbox360 will be able to rival it in terms of quantity of games.
Really?, have you even seen how many devers have signed on to develope for the 360?, cos by the looks of things you have not, plus 25 games ready for launch, and its got almost a years head start on th ps3, by the time the ps3 comes out xbox 360 will have close to 500 games.
instead of keeping their money in the pockets for PS3 (hhhmmm, when did that happen before Rolling Eyes )
Lots of people thought when the psp was going to launch it was going to be the end of nintendo in the handheld market, since legions of sony fans would go buy it, and the ds would be left for dead, let me ask you what handheld is outselling the psp by 2-1?, the ds thats what.

And MS has a lot more money then sega did, they can stick it out.
500 games in not even a year seems a lot to me? I don't know facts to say you're wrong though :)
Well the thing Xbox should make sure is that they have something to suit the japanese market, mainly RPG's I think. I was really curious about the DOA 4 hires movie, but it's only IGN insider content :(
From what I've read on IGN and other sources was that those movies from the PS3 weren't displayed realtime at the show, but developers said that they are possible to produce even more when they have actual hardware or something like that.

But just to make things clear (I'm not a PS3 fanboy) I will wait before I have seen all three consoles in action before giving a final judgment. What I posted were my impressions of the consoles as they are now.

And about the money part. I not worried about M$ going down just like Sega because of the hyping, but most gamers can only spend their money once. And if Sony hypes things right like before, the same might happen to M$ that happened to Sega in terms of console sellings.
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Post by Lord_Ball »

for the next generation of consoles/games all I have to say is... Meh. The video game market is becoming too bland. Very few companies offer anything really inovative, and on that note the Nintendo Revolution has my interest the most, but I won't get one anytime soon (after it's release).
melancholy wrote: Playstation 3
+Rumored to be the most powerful console of the three
= Most hype and biggest use of fabricated #'s?
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Post by butters »

Cid Highwind wrote:Melancholy, with all respect but you need to get your facts straight, the PS3 is very easy to develop for, which I read on gamespot in an interview with someone from Epic.
That thing has something like 7 processor cores. If they stuck with a C-like language to do all the programming perhaps a dev kit could compile it into somewhat optimized code. If they wanted to do assembler, it would be a nightmare to write code for each of the different processors. Because it will be so hard to get really optimized code for the system, I can't see how the PS3 will be able to vastly outperform the other two systems.
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Post by Cid Highwind »

Well I'm no coder nor a hardware guru, I was just stating from what I've read from that article on gamespot which I posted here as well. Tim Sweeny from Epic seems a reliable source to me :)
for the next generation of consoles/games all I have to say is... Meh. The video game market is becoming too bland. Very few companies offer anything really inovative, and on that note the Nintendo Revolution has my interest the most, but I won't get one anytime soon (after it's release).
Same goes for me. While I do like nice graphics, a game that's a new experience means more to me. Just a nice example is the fact that for the money I spend on my DC I could've bought myself an Xbox with some nice games as well.
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Post by zero »

from what i've read it seems like the dev kits used to develope them xbox 360 demos are not even at half the power of the final console.
E3 2005: 360 Running at One-Third Power
So we've been seeing the Xbox 120?
by David Clayman

May 17, 2005 - In between furiously posting the latest game information, we had the time to shoot the breeze with a PR representative from a third-party company. The conversation drifted toward the framerate issues that we've seen while previewing a few Xbox 360 titles. There is no doubt that the level of detail in the trailers is up to next-gen standards, but almost anything in-engine has chugged a bit at one point or another.

When asked about this issue our source replied that the current playable 360 games would all have framerate issues due to the fact that they are running on alpha test units. A rough estimate placed these machines at about one-third as powerful as the 360. We went head-to-head in Top Spin 2 and noticed that there were visible jaggies and a few frame drops. This is because the Alpha units do not run anti-aliasing and simply don't have the power to run a high-res game at full quality. The developers had tuned Top Spin 2 to run at a smooth 60 frames per second but this was simply not possible on the Alpha hardware. Official sources place the final development kit dates for July and the results promise to look much better.

It is not surprising that many games in early stages would suffer from the types of issues we've seen so far. Since the alpha units are underpowered, it is surprising that Microsoft hadn't touted this fact earlier. Knowing that the final products will most definitely run smoother certainly got us more excited about the 360 line-up.

Wow, if Gears of war wasn't even using half of the alpha kits power, and the alpha kid is more then half less powerfull then the final console, then that means it wasn't using almost any of the consoles power at all :o , right?.
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Post by CoasterKing »

Xbox 360
+Design looks better than the other two at the moment
+Xbox Live 2 will no doubt be the best online service of the three. Everything sounds extremely well though out apart from one thing*
+Great third party support, even from Japan this time
+The best controller
+I like the idea of customisation (software + faceplates)

-Partial backwards compatability. Why bother?
-Possibly too reliant on online again at the expense of single player experiences
-*Xbox Live Marketplace. Ok so if I can eg. make a car in Forza and sell it online for real/virtual currency then it's great but I don't want to start paying for features which should be in games at release.
-The name :|
-Not totally convinced about the quality of the launch titles

Nintendo Revolution
+Possibly new exciting ways of playing games. Less emphasis on graphics and more emphasis on FUN AND GAMEPLAY
+Downloadable Nintendo library*
+New Nintendo games & (hopefully) franchises
+Could be cheaper than the other two

-Bland design. It looks like an external HDD
-*How much will nintendo charge for the downloadable library because you can be sure as hell it won't be free
-Possibly the least powerful of the three and by quite a margin too if recent rumours are correct
-New control methods could turn out to be a rather underutilized DS style gimmick
-Third party support. The Gamecube video at the E3 conference showed how laughably bad the Gamecube's third party support is at the moment. Will Nintendo go out of their way to bring it all back, especially Western support?

Playstation 3
+Looks like the most powerful console of the three so maybe best looking multiplatform titles
+Insane multimedia features
+Backwards compatible with PS2 & PS1
+The only console with a next gen disk format
+The best third party support just like this gen
+Seven wireless controllers. I don't know why you would need that many but it's still cool

-Looks like a bread bin
-The worst controller I've seen for a long time with the analogue sticks in the same dumb position as the dual shock. It's only a prototype so there is still hope
-Possibly still difficult to develop for
-No mention of online services which is slightly worrying considering how crap PS2 online is
- No proper games seen yet, only "artistic representations" of what games will look like... :|
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Post by Ominous 0nionfrog »

The insane backwards compatibility of the revolution makes it very interesting... But i will have to wait until a game that i mush have appears on one of the platforms...
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Post by Hawq »

-Orbo- wrote:has anybody thought about whats gonna happen to their old ps2's, xboxs, and gamecubes...seeing as how all of the next gens are backwards compatible. Pawn shops are gonna be overflowing. We could always ship out old consoles to third world countries and call it "new". I think that would make them happy. Sorry if thes post got a little weird towards the end. one word...tequila.

By The Way
Turbo Duo R
Playstation 3
A comparison I missed, I went for the cdi & 3do stylings of it myself possibly as the turbo duo never came out here
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Post by Nyarlathotep »

In summary:

Cid Highwind is totally gay for the PS3, Zero is totally gay for the Xbox360.

I'm sure you will both have many fond evenings together with them.

When did the quality of a console become more about numbers on a sheet of paper than what games you could play on it? (sigh)
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Post by melancholy »

Higher Power Hasney wrote:
melancholy wrote: -Rumored to be severly underpowered compared to the other two consoles, which will hurt it's sales against the graphic-hungry public
Yet the PS2 still goes on strong :P

Anyways, if you go by nintendo stats, the Gamecube was less powerful than the PS2 on an apples-for-apples comparsion, but lets see it handle RE4 :P
Let me do some rough estimation, since I honestly do not know what all the numbers mean exactly. Okay, the Xbox 360 is rumored to be, what, 20+ times more powerful than the Xbox? And the PS3 is going to be something stupid like 37 times more powerful than the PS2? Now, the Revolution is going to be 2-3 times more powerful than the Gamecube. The Gamecube in comparison was only about 2-3 less powerful than the Xbox, making the Revolution roughly equal to an Xbox. Now, I'm sure Nintendo has some crazy innovative things in store, but honesly, unless this new system is going to be priced very efficently, I think most people are going to walk past it and head for something more powerful. The mass public, that have been fed Sony's crap for too long, will instantly believe that bigger=better. We know better, they don't, and that could be bad news for Nintendo.

Dr Wily wrote:When did the quality of a console become more about numbers on a sheet of paper than what games you could play on it? (sigh)
My guess is when they started sounding more like computers and less like *gasp* consoles.
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Post by Nyarlathotep »

melancholy wrote: Let me do some rough estimation, since I honestly do not know what all the numbers mean exactly. Okay, the Xbox 360 is rumored to be, what, 20+ times more powerful than the Xbox? And the PS3 is going to be something stupid like 37 times more powerful than the PS2? Now, the Revolution is going to be 2-3 times more powerful than the Gamecube. The Gamecube in comparison was only about 2-3 less powerful than the Xbox, making the Revolution roughly equal to an Xbox.
Your first mistake was taking those numbers at face value.

Both ATI and IBM have stated that all three consoles are going to be roughly on a par graphically and in terms of capbilities.

Which makes two of the sets of numbers being bandied about, in a word, LIES.
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Post by Cid Highwind »

Dr Wily wrote:In summary:

Cid Highwind is totally gay for the PS3, Zero is totally gay for the Xbox360.

I'm sure you will both have many fond evenings together with them.

When did the quality of a console become more about numbers on a sheet of paper than what games you could play on it? (sigh)
eeehm, I haven't even considered buying a PS3... However I did think about getting a Revolution, though not when it's released, and I do want to know more about consoles and, and I want to have seen them all in action which seems the most important thing to me.

But yeah, at the moment the PS3 pleased my eyes the most. But yes, games will be the most decisive factor. But for now things are more focused on the consoles. The games will follow :)
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Post by Disheveled DrFreeze »

heh xbox 2-3 times more power then the cube, LIES LIES i tell you

IRL the xbox migth be somewhere near 33% stronger then a cube, at max, which still means by comparison the 360 should be somewhere near 10-15 times faster then the REV, but thats rediculous, nintendo would never let themselves be outclassed by that much

and considering ati and ibm both make the fundamental hardware for both the 360 and the rev they have some good insight into the power of both, and if they say they both are about equal, then i will believe that, instead of M$ blowing hot air up IGN's ass, or nintendo making sure not to overstate and fall short on promisses made like sony continues to do

the only slightly unknow in the ps3, since neither ibm, nor ati has any real insight, ati would be the closest since both their next gen chip and the next gen nvidia gpu will also clash heads in the PC market space, and they tend to match up pretty well overall

as for the cpu, i can only imagine the nightmares newly appointed ps3 programmers are having about running 8 threads at a time, 7 of which need to be vector oriented
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Post by Orange_Ribbon »

I'm sure Nintendo has some crazy innovative things in store, but honesly, unless this new system is going to be priced very efficently, I think most people are going to walk past it and head for something more powerful.
Yeah but you don't buy a nintendo console for graphics and third party suport, you buy it because of nintendo suport.

Personally I am getting a PS3 first mainly because most of my favorite games from this generation have been ps2 exclusives. (Ico, Mark Of Kri, Katamari, Armorcore, Giant Citezen Kabuto, Rygar, and God of War.) I like there idea of putting out matches with a fire hose when it comes to games.

Also I will try to get Revolution quicker than I got a Cube this generation because of Nintendo Games.

Personally I hope there is an option to use corded controllers though. I lose my wireless PC one all the freaking time.
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Post by Nick »

--Some cool exclusive titles/tech demos
--Looks alright
--Controller can die while sucking donkey balls

--Freaking sweet looking console
--It looks so sexy
--Did I mention it's fucking hot?
--Cool downloadable games, bw compatible and stuff
--No real other news

Xbox 360
--Cool looking console
--Xbox Live is going to own
--Semi backward compatible is good
--Media the PS2 was supposed to be
--So far, games don't look too different than Xbox games

One thing I hope for across all consoles is that they get rid of the damn jaggies. Jesus christ, I am sick of that crap.
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Post by gamedudex2 »


mmm sexy
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Post by Code-Red »

Well, Nintendo hasnt tickled my pickle since Super Nintendo. N64 was alright, the games were a little too underaged for me (To Nintendo fanboys in advance: STFU), and GameCube's controller was just to lame for me to even look past. Sony's PS2 was a big letdown in my opinion. The quality of the system was horrendous, yet it had some decent (somewhat brainless cash money) games. And then there is Microsoft. I was extremely pleased with the Xbox. Good games, lacking library.

So all in all, I will probably be buying Xbox 360.
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Post by gamedudex2 »

i cant see how the games are underage
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Post by abydos1000 »

Higher Power Hasney wrote:Didn't IBM make the cell though?
Yes, they did...if I remember correctly (but I could be wrong), it's also PowerPC based. So porting games between a PS3 and Xbox360 might not be that hard. I said this in another post, but...

1. This generation proved that three consoles can survive (fanboys, don't even bother...)
2. I suspect the sales and ownership numbers to be much closer this time. Why do I think this?

a. You are going to see a lot of cross platform games between the 360 and PS3. 360's strength will actually be from the developers under their hood (one can use the term 1st party loosely here). They will probably provide the 360 with some unique content. Sony lives and dies by 3rd party support, but I suspect with the 360 being first, their might be fewer 3rd party titles unique to the PS3. If the PS3 ends up being siginificantly more expensive, people might turn to the 360 if cross platform games between the two end up pretty similar (unlike with the current generation). Since the PS3 will likely be riding the coat tails of the PS1 and PS2's success, it will probably edge out and rpg games might be once again more common on the PS3 (the leading system usually gets more). All of my babbling means is I think race will be much closer this time. Of course if one company tries to fall into the trap of providing "all multimedia do everything happy crap" and does not focus on what we buy these things for (games!), that will be the system that craps out (and either one or both is in danger of doing so).

2. Nintendo revolution: Nintendo will always have it's bread and butter franchises, and unless all of them stink up the place like rancid barf, Nintendo will probably do fine. It looks like the Revolution will be the least powerful, but how much will that matter? What are the chances that all three cores in the 360 will be used to their full potential (actually, there is a post on that points out potential pitfalls with the chip design of the 360) or all of the "threads" will be used effectively with the PS3. Will both the 360 and PS3 have really more power than is needed and be too complicated for their own good. I don't program and don't know the details, but it sounds like that for both the 360 and PS3, getting things to play nicely to their fullest potential is serious hardcore work. It will be more likely companies will take the easy way out and just not use all three cores, etc, etc. How often were all of the chips used effectively in the Saturn? From what I understand, programming for multiple cpus, cpu cores, thread, etc is hard work. So in the end, will crossplatform 360 and PS3 games really be all that better than the revolution? We shall see.

Talking about prices is kind of pointless in retrospect. The 360 has a definite launch period, but still no word on price. We are probably 10 months away from a PS3 and revolution launch, so speculating is pointless. Already people are saying that the PS3 is going to be at least $500, but the cost of it components will have gone down by release time. That was a selling point ebgames used for the DC before the PS2 came out. "Oh...the DC is only $199 but that PS2 is going to be $500 and not all that much better". Maybe the last point has some truth to it, but by the time the PS2 launched, many of the components such as the DVD drive had dropped in price considerably.
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