Learning C++!

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Learning C++!

Post by GyroVorbis »

Man, am I happy. I just barely got paid. I had enough to get a VERY respectable C++ book. I have been really hauling. The lesson plans are supposed to take a day. I did like 4 yesterday and plan on doing even more today. C++ is VERY different from anything I've ever done. I've only been familiar with interpreted languages. My language of choice is Perl (most closely related to a shell like Bourne) and I've only really made CGI scripts for my website. Heh, I wanna try to make a build script with perl.

C++ and Perl syntax are VERY lord, VERY different.
Check this out!
(random hello world to compare both!)

print "Hello Dreamcast!\n";

#include <iostream>
int main()
using std::cout;
cout << "Hello Dreamcast\n";
return 0;

COMPARE! I don't know about you, but since that one day of reading C++, I've been able to look at Dreamcast code which looked like jarled mess and say "Holy Crap, I see what they are doing there!". I can't like understand it all, but I'm getting there.

Dunno about you guys, but I look forward to working with da Dreamcast.
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Post by q_006 »

you might want to get a VERY good C programming book as well.
Seeing that 98% of the programs are made in C not C++ (and yes they are different enough for the distinction)

Code: Select all

print "Hello Dreamcast!\n";

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
   cout << "Hello Dreamcast, in C++" << endl;
   return 0;

#include <stdio.h>
int main () 
   printf("Hello Dreamcast, in C\n");
   return 0;
See? There's a difference....
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Post by quarn »

just for the fun of it, hello world in sh4 asm:

Code: Select all

        .global _main
        sts.l   pr,@-r15
        mov.l   printf,r0
        mov.l   stringaddr,r4
        jsr     @r0
        lds.l   @r15+, pr

        .string "Hello Dreamcast in sh4 assembly\n"
        .long string
        .long   _printf
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Post by q_006 »

and thank you!
i've been wanting for some asm examples!
got anymore!? (maybe in a different thread....)

edit: (could you break that code down for me ....... :oops: :cry: )
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Post by toastman »

Ooh ooh ooh lemme try

Code: Select all

        .global _main
#Store string long from pr to address of register 15
        sts.l   pr,@-r15
#Move long from register 0 to printf
        mov.l   printf,r0
#Move long from register 4 to stringaddr
        mov.l   stringaddr,r4
#Jump and set register using the address of register 0
        jsr     @r0
#No operation
#Load string long from pr to the address at register 15
        lds.l   @r15+, pr
#No operation

        .string "Hello Dreamcast in sh4 assembly\n"
        .long string
        .long   _printf
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Post by quarn »

toastman, store string/load string?? :D

Acctually, you got it all wrong except nop and rts... sorry...
(note: sts mean STore System register and lds means LoaD to System register. It's all in the SH-4 programming manual)


You shouldn't wait for knowledge to come to you, you should seek it out for yourself.

That being said the sh4 programming manual is great: http://www.renesas.com/avs/resource/jap ... 56_sh4.pdf

sh-elf-gcc with the commandline option "-save-temps" is also great. That commandline option saves the temporary assembly output files so that you can watch the code it generates. Though, I must warn you that gcc does not generate all that good assembly code.

here is the code again, but this time with comments:

Code: Select all

! First of all, lines beginning with a "!" are comment lines :)
! The link below is to the "SH-4 programming manual", that would be,
! your bible from now on.
! http://www.renesas.com/avs/resource/japan/eng/pdf/mpumcu/e602156_sh4.pdf

! This file was written by Fredrik Ehnbom June 1st, 2004 and probably
! contains some errors here and there in the comments :)
! Anyway time to start explaining this hello world example!

! ------------------------------------------------------------------------

! The line below tells the assembler that the function _main will be used from
! another file. So if you have a project with two files, and you
! want to be able to call this "_main"-function from another file,
! you need to declare it global first. The same thing goes if you want
! to access arrays or variables or whatever from another file.
! See it as some sort of "export" command.
	.global _main  

! All text-strings ending with a ":" are called labels. Labels are an
! easy way to mark an memory address in a program. They are used
! for looping, functions, variables etc. Basicly, when you know you'll
! need to be able to rearch a certain memory address in the program,
! mark it with a label.

! The underscore in the beginning is there since this method will be called
! from a c-file. Since c is one level higher than asm, it prepends an underscore.
! This is to avoid nameconflicts between assembly functions and c-functions.
! C++ is one step higher than c so it prepends an extra underscore (a total
! of two underscores per c++ function or variable that is :))
! So, a file named "void init()" in c would be "_init:" in assembly.
! The same goes for data values. "long init_data = 0;" in c becomes
! "
! _init_data:
!     .long 0
! "
! in assembly

! r15 contains the stack. Since the pr-register will get scratched by
! the "jsr" down below, and we want to return properly in the end,
! we need to store the old value of pr on the stack. Oh, pr is
! the "procedure register" and it stores the return address.
	sts.l   pr,@-r15
! This moves the value in the label "printf" to r0.
! As you can see below, the "printf" label contains a long value
! for "_printf". That would be the label "printf" contains the address
! of the label (function) "_printf". Remember what I said above about
! labels with underscores?
	mov.l   printf,r0

! This instruction is basicly the same as the above. We have a label
! called "stringaddr" that contains the address to the label "string".
! When calling functions, the first non-float value is put in r4 and this
! is what we do here. For more information about the sh4 calling sequence,
! read here:
! http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/wcechp40/html/_callsh4_SH_4_Calling_Standard.asp
	mov.l   stringaddr,r4

! jsr means "jump to sub-routine" and that is exactly what
! this instruction does. First The pr-register gets the value "pc + 4".
! This is where the program will resume executing after the subroutine
! has returned. Each instruction is worth two bytes so pc+4 in this
! case would be the "lds.l"-instruction down below. After that has been saved to
! pr it takes the value in rx (in this case r0) and puts it into the
! program counter (pc) register, which basicly means that execution will
! continue at that value (memory address). In our case, that means that the c-function
! "void printf(...)" will be called.
	jsr     @r0

! All branching routines (except bt and bf) on the sh-4 are delayed branches.
! This means that before starting to execute at the memory address set in the pc-register
! by the branching instruction (in our case jsr above), the instruction right after the
! branching instruction is executed first (in our case the nop below).
! So the sequence would be:
!	1. jsr
!	2. nop
!	3. instruction at memory address (pc)

! To be honest, I'm not exactly sure why delayed branching is usefull. :)
! Maybe the execution of the instruction in the delayed slot is for free or something,
! I don't know..
! Anyway, nop means "no operation" and does nothing at all :)

! Now this is the point to where the program will continue executing when
! "printf" returns.
! This instruction restores the value of pr as it was when this function
! was called (remember the save above).
	lds.l   @r15+, pr

! rts means "return from subroutine", and that is
! exactly what it does. It sets pc register to pr (pc = pr).

! Remember above that all branching instructions (except bt and bf) are delayed branches.
! This applies to rts too, so we put a nop here again.

! stores a string-value with the label "string"
	.string "Hello Dreamcast in sh4 assembly\n"

	! .align aligns data at the specified boundary. I'm not sure if this is needed
	! here, but just to be safe I added it. Read section 2.5 in the "SH-4 Programming
	! manual" for more information about aligning.
	.align	4

! stores a label called "stringaddr" containing the address to the label (variable) "string"
	.long string

! stores a label called "printf" containing the address to the label (function) "_printf"
	.long   _printf
And it's as easy as that :)

Now it's time for me to get some sleep, nighty.
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Post by GyroVorbis »

just for the fun of it, hello world in sh4 asm:
OH MY GOD! I will never say C++ is complex. I should be ashamed! :oops:

I know I shouldn't ask, but can anybody say hello world in .csh? I think it is called the "C shell". I know it should've gotten the knife a long time ago, but this is just for the fun of it.

Please people, feel free to contribute your "Hello Worlds!" to the list! (Maybe we can start like a "Hello World Encyclopedia". :D
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Post by SinisterTengu »

Wikipedia already has a pretty nice one: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hello_world_program ;)
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Post by GyroVorbis »

Awwwww... dammit! :cry:
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Post by nymus »

quarn, toast's program was correct. I think he just dumped gcc's asm output and commented it (erroneously).

If I might venture the correct comments:

Code: Select all

! _main is a fuction visible from other files
        .global _main 
! begin main function
! save the stack address of the function that called _main 
        sts.l   pr,@-r15
! save the address of 'printf' function in register r0
        mov.l   printf,r0 
! save the address of our string in register r4 so that function printf can find it
        mov.l   stringaddr,r4 
! call printf function
        jsr     @r0 
! printf has returned. restore the stack address to where it was 
        lds.l   @r15+, pr 
! go back to whoever called _main

! our string
        .string "Hello Dreamcast in sh4 assembly\n" 
! the address of our string
        .long string 
        .long   _printf 
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Post by quarn »

nymus wrote:quarn, toast's program was correct. I think he just dumped gcc's asm output and commented it (erroneously).
I didn't complain about "toast's" program. I complained about his comments for my asm code I posted above.

And your comments about sts.l and lds.l are wrong..

Besides, I allready wrote a huge explanation (maybe too huge :)) of the code.
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Post by nymus »

quarn wrote:I didn't complain about "toast's" program. I complained about his comments for my asm code I posted above.

And your comments about sts.l and lds.l are wrong..

Besides, I allready wrote a huge explanation (maybe too huge :)) of the code.
Sorry. I must have read wrong. And to correct the lds instructions: The sts.l pr/lds.l pr saves/restores the return address. :oops:

Thanks ;)

[edit]: Crap! I thought your post was a dump of a tutorial which is why I didn't read it :D. Ah well, since it's too late to delete my post, I might as well say something about delayed branches.

Unless I'm mistaken, delayed branches are a consequence of superscalar execution where the sh4 wants to execute 2 instructions in paralell. As such it must fetch 2 instructions, compare and if possible execute them in parallell. When you branch, the 2nd instruction occupies the 2nd slot that would have been used for comparison and must be filled somehow.
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Post by toastman »

quarn wrote:toastman, store string/load string?? :D
It's called a random guess. :D
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