dcemu runs first homebrew game

This forum is for discussion pertaining to homebrew and indie software for the Dreamcast, such as homebrew games, emulators/interpreters, and other homebrew software/applications. Porting requests and developmental ideas are not to be made here; you can make those here. If you need any help burning discs for homebrew software, this is the place to ask as well.
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Post by BlackAura »

Lazy? All you have to do is change the Makefile and type "make". I had to fight with my PC to try to get the 3D card working for long enough to be able to attempt running DCEMU, then port the thing from Windows to Linux. You've got it easy...

Joking... But I'm having serious trouble with my 3D card at the moment. It seems to be behaving itself at the moment (because I completely disabled AGP support) but who knows when it'll stop working next time...
Ian Micheal
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Post by Ian Micheal »

What distro are you using maybe it does nto fully support your hardware?. Ive had problems my self. I know it's lazy. But im working on about 5 other things for the last 4 days With out much progress. I thought he did do Compiled bins for the first version Might be nice for some of us. lol

guess ill type make then.. It's quiet amazing this progress on this emu. Ive only followed the screen shots. Having a 850mhz duron i doubt i get half a fps.
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Post by BlackAura »

What distro are you using maybe it does nto fully support your hardware?
Debian (two different kernels). Morphix (LiveCD).Fedora Core 1. Xandros 2.0. Mandrake 9.2. Doesn't work in any of them.

Oddly, it used to work in Gentoo a few months ago. I think that was using a different driver version though. It seems to be working now, after I went and changed a load of settings in the BIOS. It works if you entirely disable AGP in the driver (which I don't want to do), and it seems a little more stable if I stick it into AGP 2x mode instead of the default 4x mode. Only time will tell...
Ive had problems my self. I know it's lazy. But im working on about 5 other things for the last 4 days With out much progress. I thought he did do Compiled bins for the first version Might be nice for some of us. lol

guess ill type make then.. It's quiet amazing this progress on this emu. Ive only followed the screen shots. Having a 850mhz duron i doubt i get half a fps.
I think that, since this isn't an actual release as such, there are no binaries. I just grabbed a snapshot of the code from CVS and compiled that.

Oh, you need SDL_console, which you might not have. It's used for the debug console (I think).

If sdl-config works on your system (it does on my Linux box, but I don't know if it does on MinGW) you can use this makefile:

Code: Select all

OBJ=./obj/graficos.o ./obj/main.o ./obj/mem.o ./obj/log.o ./obj/BFont.o ./obj/reg.o ./obj/intc.o ./obj/arith.o ./obj/branch.o ./obj/dcopcodes.o ./obj/floatcontrol.o ./obj/floatgraph.o ./obj/floatsimple.o ./obj/logic.o ./obj/mov.o ./obj/shift.o ./obj/syscontrol.o ./obj/opcodes.o ./obj/sh4.o ./obj/debug.o
LIBS=`sdl-config --libs` -lopengl32 -lglu32 -lSDL_image -lSDL_console -lSDL_ttf
CFLAGS=`sdl-config --cflags`

all: $(BIN)

	rm -f $(OBJ) $(BIN)

$(BIN): $(OBJ)
	$(CC) $(OBJ) -o $(BIN) $(LIBS)

./obj/%.o: %.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
Much simpler than the one generated by DevC++...
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Post by itoledo »

i'm currently doing some work related to how the emulator handles the framebuffer.
now i'm creating a GL texture for the framebuffer and GL_QUAD'ng it to the screen, it's a bit slow but it'll work when both 2d and 3d are used (which is currently broken, right now when the emu does any 3d it shuts down the framebuffer updates, because they killed 3d). i'm experimenting with a lot of stuff related not with emulation itself, only how the data is shown to the screen.

it'll be probably like this: if the emu is not doing 3d, draw the framebuffer every X opcodes using SDL blits (seem to be faster). when 3d is on, draw the framebuffer when starting a frame as the background, then the DC draws all the 3d and finishes it. what do you think?
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Post by BlackAura »

I wasn't aware than any games used 3D and 2D at the same time.
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Post by itoledo »

a few games initialise 3d hardware and then use the framebuffer (mostly KOS-using homebrew games).
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Post by BlackAura »

Weird. I can't imagine why anyone would bother to initialize the 3D hardware if they aren't going to use it (unless KOS itself does it, but it doesn't look that way)
Rand Linden
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Post by Rand Linden »

Probably it's related to a misunderstanding of what the HW does.

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