Explain your online name.

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Post by AmadeusZull »

is it because you despise anyone who is dark skinned?

I am no longer an ACE@ite. Never will I kiss his feet is what I don't. And that I don't, is good I do.
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Post by Ender »

From some books, struck a chord
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Post by jaredfogle »

I used to have the handle tetsuo221 because I got my PowerMac Performa 6116 CD (up until then I had been using an Atari computer) xmas of 1994, the same year I got a copy of AKIRA (sparking my anime obsession).

I hooked up the 14.4k modem and popped in the AOL floopy, lo and behold Sean (my name) AND tetsuo were both taken. I settled on tetsuo221.

My current handle comes from the Subway spokesman of the same name. I called into a local talk show that he was on once and scared him into thinking I had become anorexic thanks to him......
Where's toastman? I'm bored.
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Post by Roofus »

I called into a local talk show that he was on once and scared him into thinking I had become anorexic thanks to him......
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Post by Bolgan »

When I first started going online with Dreamcast, I joined sega.com(don't remember why).

Every name I tried was taken, so I started flipping through magazines (EGM,GamePro,etc) to find a name.

Anyway, I was looking through an issue of ExpertGamer an came across the name Bolgan.Its a name from a character in Suikoden II.

Nobody at Sega.com was using that name so I used it.And when I joined these forums I decided to use the same user name.
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Post by area »

My name is Alex Rea; in primary school, I had A. Rea on my pencil case, and everyone thought it was hilarious to call me Area. When I first used the internet in secondary school (which was mIRC, in fact, to get to our school chatroom), I needed an alias, and I thought of Area. I don't know when it became lowercase at the start - it just did :?
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Post by Mugworm_Griblick »

Sideways Stories from Wayside School :D

?@ Cheatah? whats the thing called that you plug things into, the power socket?

<Dilbert> Cheatah
<Dilbert> have you heard the jokes they dont tell fags?
?@ Cheatah? no
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Post by Lartrak »

Mugworm_Griblick wrote:Sideways Stories from Wayside School :D
I read those in fifth grade. Good times.

I just made up this name, it sounded cool. It was originally supposed to sound reptilian in representation of a reptilian character I briefly role played in an incredibly lame chat room. By coincedence, it is prounounced similarly to one of Van Gogh's buddies, Lou'trec.

My gaming name, KMGor, has a more interesting origin.


This is Mark Gor (sometimes referred to as Mark Lee.. Just ignore that, and assume his last name actually is the english equivalent of Brother). He is from A Better Tomorrow.


This is Ken Gor, his twin brother from A Better Tomorrow 2. Both kick major triad ass, and performed by the inimitable Chow Yun-fat. GREAT characters, who are incredibly lethal - what better for online action games? So it is Ken + Mark Gor. Yahoo.
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You have to believe everything that has ever gone wrong in the history of your country was due to Liberals.
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Post by Ian Micheal »

Well Ive had reaper for many years. Was a call sign in the c64 scene you can see some old cracked games i use to crack some for fairlight and you will see some saying greets to me. Reaper Angel is the full nick. Since as a child i was prononced clincly, dead and needed ,the shock paddles, to start my hart. Ive allways been a little strange you can say im to people in one and its a battle to keep the good one showing. Reaper angel says just what it means . Im deaths angel i like to create and distory and ever where i go im known for the stuiped things ive done to my self and also the good stuff but it some times does not balance out. Pretty much tells what im like self distructive.

Reaper angel heaven and hell you pick your path i use to say . I was in gangs and things like that and it use to scary people it also is on my car and looks nice . I use to do street drag racing. And people knew me by reaper it really added to my rep on the street. Later on the net . It was a bit more sorted that i wont go into.

also My wife calles me reaper when im bad so its a online and offline name. When i use it im a lot worst. So i changed it to my rename. Im a bit more stable under. Only a bit lol
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Post by WhtCastle »

Ian Micheal wrote:so its a online and offline name.

Same, I am referred to as "Whty" quite often, and most people know WhtCastle just as much as they know my first name. And like Zull, I have gotten things in the mail.

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Post by mkjones »

err? Its my name?

someone once said they thought it was to do with mortal kombat? its not that complex...

kinda boring i know...
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Post by Skynet »

PODCO coz i was pissed off that my "someone" account for DCEmu was locked (reason is still unknown to me) and my DC was sitting next to me at the time.

Pissed Off, along with the fact that I own a DC, created my name:
Pissed Off DC Owner

*note: I'm not pissed off that I own a DC, I love that console :mrgreen:
Live gamertag: SKYNET211

Steam gamertag: SkynetT800
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Post by OldSkoolGamer »

I never hay any interest in the internet. I loved video games and all that they stood for, but I hated the direction they were going in. Well that changed when my brother came back to live with my parents and I after his divorce. He told me that I could mess around on his AOL screen name. I had met some nice people on his screen name so when he moved out I decided to get my own. I was installing AOL, and when it came time to create my "Master" screen name I drew a blank. The program actually disconnected itself from AOL's sign up because I hadn't entered anything after about thirty minutes. :lol: Anyway, OldSkoolGamer was just the only thing that I didn't need a number on the end of it to get accepted. I eventually ended that account, but I still have the AIM screen name.

I'm so used to it now that I use it for everything. Plus I think it suites me.
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Post by Prophet][ »

I like gods, egypt ones. Prophet isn't a god but but I like the name. the ][ came from my irc whore days, when I had more than one computer on IRC so I had ][ to show it was the second Prophet. I like the ][ so much I now keep it perminatly
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Post by Specially Cork »

scykon - seven cats yawning on neighbours.

Its all about my favourite scene from an australian soap opera.

OK, really it started off as some cool greek god I forgot the name of, but then as I realised pretty much everything had been taken witht hat name already, I just started evolving it letter by letter until something wasnt taken on Yahoo Mail :D
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Post by bounty hunter »

bounty hunter...

strictly because of cowboy bebop :mrgreen:
spike rules.

i got pennywise thug from when me and my buds were makin fun of the guys at an ICP concert because they all looked like pennywise the clown from IT, only thugged out like idiots. i made the remark, "pennywise thugs" and it sort of stuck.

i get called The Duke a lot from clay and the guys on the track team, just because of how i jokingly threaten freshmen like john wayne.
Yea, i don't have any more time for FFXI
...i eventually realized it was destroying my life...
XBOX Live Gamertag: Wvsk8brder15

HALO 2 already PwNs mE!!!!! November 9th, why can't you come sooner!?!?!?!
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Post by GoldbergWWE »

I picked mine because i knew bill goldberg read the forums regularly and i wanted some action in Wrestling, so I thought I'd brainwash him with having to read posts by me.... or I could be a delusional freak with no life...



(truth of the matter is i was trying to figure out a name when i was reading that maybe Goldberg would be going to the WWE... it worked for me lol)
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Post by I.M. Weasel »

<----I.M. Weasel is a cartoon character, although the show he was on "cow & chicken" isn't aired anymore. weasel is a suave, very intelligent scientist. His common sense + booksmarts helped him solve every problem he ran into.

Tofu,my other handle,is from the special battles of Resident Evil 2 . You could be either hunk-with good weapons- or tofu-with just a knife. It came from playing Medal of Honor, my name was "Tofu & Hunk". Some days I'd get my ass whipped like Tofu, other days i'd stomp people like Hunk.
:arrow: http://tofuheavyindustries.com
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Post by Phantom »

I.M. Weasel wrote:<----I.M. Weasel is a cartoon character, although the show he was on "cow & chicken" isn't aired anymore.
Wasn't I.M. Weasel on the show called.. uhm.. "I.M. Weasel"? :?
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Post by TonecasT »

TonecasT... yeah that's a cool name. Well the T stands for my first name. Tony is not my name.. but I used to red box a lot to my peeps in the UK and you use a 'Tone' generat0r and assemble it w/ a crystal from somewhere like radio shack (radio shyt) and voilla, go back in time like 5 years and bam, you're super cool. red boxing is kinda dead now, I live in veriz0n territory so bleh, the 'casT' is for Dreamcast, The BEST console ever, since it forced the whole industry to push forward. The capital T's are like telephone poles, but I don't think anyone get's that, I'll have to make a sig with a cool graphic with telephone poles and it'll be mosr clear to everyone.
r.i.p. steve irwin
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