Doom Legacy?

Talk about Quake, Doom, Wolfenstein 3D, or other DC first person shooting game ports and mods for those games in here.
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Doom Legacy?

Post by darkchilly »

I am pretty new here. (as you tell by my earlier do I?...I can't....blah blah)

First, I just wanted to say that I LOVE nxDoom! I am having a blast playing through the game again. Anyways, I recently played Doom Legacy on my Mac and was shocked at how great the game looked! I am not a programmer at all, but I was curious if something like Legacy is possible on the dreamcast? (Note: This isn't a request, but something for me to hope for :roll: )

Also, Thank You DCemulation....I hadn't touched my Dreamcast in a long until you came around!
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Post by BlackAura »

I might have a stab at porting a more advanced version of Doom over to the DC. nxDoom was based on the original source release only, and I implemented all the enhancements afterwards. I think I'll have a go at porting something like prBoom, which also can have hardware acceleration (which would be very cool, and that's why Doom Legacy looks so good). Doom Legacy itself, like a lot of other Doom modifications, would probably require far more work to port.
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Post by darkchilly »

That is cool....Like I said, I don't want to come across as though I am asking a request...I know that I don't have the skills to do what right do I have to ask anybody else. I was just pretty impressed with Doom Legacy!

I was also pretty impressed with QuakeDC! That looks and plays awesome!

I am definitly in FPS heaven at the moment!

Also, thanks to everyone on the boards....I pickup a used copy of Doom64 and dusted off my N64! That is a GREAT version of Doom!

Shooting stuff is fun! :twisted:
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Post by Tyne »

If you're into QuakeDC I recommend checking out a joint effort mod by TDA and I titled Codename: Corporal.
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Post by darkchilly »

Where would I check that mod out at?
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Post by darkchilly »

Oh wait...I found it. I will have to give that a shot somtimes! Thanks for the suggestion!
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Post by XDelusion »

Aura: I was talking to Hurdler, author of Legacy lately, and he is converting the whole source code from C to C++ in an attempt to make Legacy easier to code for, and easier to port. We discussed a Dreamcast port, and he said that he does not know how to code for the Dreamcast, but would be VERY willing to aid anyone that wanted to take on the project, as he said he'd like to see Legacy on the Dreamcast just as much as the next guy. Anyhow if you would like to find him, I'm sure you know where the Legacy home page is, or if you wanna track him down in the forums, he is ALWAYS on U should sign up, you actually have a small following over there too. :)
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Post by BlackAura »

Ah, cool. I might give that a go at one point then.
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Post by XDelusion »

I told him I'd make mention of it to you and Bero (if I can get a hold of him) and he is looking foward and hoping to hear back from one of you.
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Post by BlackAura »

I just had a look at Doom Legacy, and tried to compile it. Ouch. Not a pretty sight.

First off, it needs a functional networking system. KOS 1.2.0 doesn't have that, so I'd either have to cripple the networking system, or wait for KOS 1.3.0

Second, newlib is clashing with KOS again, so I need to write some code to replicate the functionality from the newlib headers, without clashing with the KOS headers. And then implement the missing parts of the C runtime. It's the same as the problems I had with Doom, but multipled by about ten. For nxDoom, I modified Doom. For this, I'd have to modify KOS.
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Post by XDelusion »

Perhaps the road will be easier when it is ported to C++?
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Post by XDelusion »

OH yes, I forgot to mention, once Legacy goes total C++ it will run on the SDL lib as well.

More good news that isn't totally Legacy related is that another DOOM buddy of mine is beginning an alternative to the FreeDOOM project. He like myself is not totally pleased with FreeDOOM, so he decided we need another free alternative. He is going to release a very basic release soon, which will only contain the core files, no extra gfx, or maps, just the lumps and what not. I'll probably do a couple maps for the project myself if I can find the time, and I am hoping that he keeps this as BOOM free as the original DOOM iWAD. will let you know more in the future, but so far it looks like we may be able to make those FULL free nxDOOM NRG images after all. :)
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Post by BlackAura »

I've been looking at it again...

After deleting all the newlib headers (which were causing thousands of errors, since they were clashing with the KOS headers), I've gotten it down to a managable number of errors.

Two problems remain.

First, the KOS filesystem is totally different to a PC, and the filesystem code is a little different to. So that needs totally rewriting. The problem is that it needs some things (sockets as files, file access times, hard drive) that a DC just doesn't support. I might be able to work around some of that, but I'd probably end up breaking any possible source compatability with the official versions of Doom Legacy.

Second, the networking system. KOS doesn't really have one. Doom Legacy needs a full one. Unless I can rip some code from the DOS port (assuming, of course, that it doesn't support full networking), I might be able to disable it. Or I could wait for KOS 1.3.0, which has a better networking system, and might already be fully compatable. KOS 1.3.0 might also fix the filesystem issues.

The C++ version might help, if it doesn't rely too much on the STL. If it does, there's no hope.
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Post by XDelusion »

Well even a port with broken compatability might be interesting though. That is if we could have mouse look, 3D floors, perhaps sloped floors from ZDOOM, things like that. Broken compatability would not break my heart all that much, I'd just like to see the DC have an advanced DOOM port in general. :)
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Post by BlackAura »

What I meant was that it'd still basically be Doom Legacy, but it would be very difficult to integrate changes from the main Doom Legacy into the Dreamcast version. Unless I can find a way to make Doom Legacy more portable, submit the patches to the main Legacy team, and hope they get accepted. That'd probably solve the problems with it.
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Post by BeastieBoy »

Yo man, that would kick ass. I posted a while ago how my wad's not coming along very well on the dc cause of visplane overflow problems. i test on Legacy.

IF you are able to get Legacy over on the DC, you NEED to keep the 2 player split screen feature, it will make my game much easier to distribute to friends as a Dreamcast game, instead of a PC game and I gotta help em set it up and all...
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Post by BlackAura »

Well, I certainly wouldn't remove the two-player split screen. That would just be silly. Four player split screen would be great too.
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Post by Unph@zed »

darkchilly, what is it you like so much about DL?

Is it the optimization, or just the 3d models?

I just want a Doom port w/ .md2 support :). That's what I'm craving. I think it was prBoom that I played once that had .md2 support... mmm... 3d archdemons... mmmm...

BTW, is the new version of Legacy out yet? I know they had .md2 support, took it out in the latest version, then said they'd reimplement it after they finished the next version... anyone know if that's out yet or not?
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Post by darkchilly »

Well, I hadn't pick up Doom in a long time, then after reading "Masters of Doom" (Great book by the way!) I HAD to play the game again. Vanilla Doom is GREAT! Don't get me wrong...Love it! But, when I had downloaded the Legacy and played....I loved how CLEANER the game looked! I also loved at how much easier I could move around. using the mouse and the ASWD controls. (Which I have been so acustomed to with the later FPS games.)

Now, I love nxDoom, I have better control with the Dreamcast Controller then I do on the keyboard. So, it all honestity...yes, I like Legacy for the Graphics.

I have mentioned that I am not a programmer, so I guess I don't notice the optimization....just as long as doom plays as fast as it should....I am happy camper!

I do not know if the new version of Legacy is out yet. I actually have a Mac, so I have to wait until MacLegacy updates come around, which isn't as fast as the PC. You are used to that when you been a Mac User as long as me.
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Post by XDelusion »

unph@zed: Actually Legacy is on the verge of supporting MD3 models, and I am not so sure about the future of MD2 models. MD3 is the way to go anyhow, Quake 2, as fun as it was, had some horrible models. I'd much rather have the Quake 3 ones any day, though I am not so concerned about getting them on the DC right away, I'd just be content with a slightly advanced DOOM Engine that can support BOOM, DeHackED, Wad load menu, and a 640x480 resolution, not to mention game save. :)

Of course for my own project to be of any interest on the DC there will no doubt need to be full Bex or Fraggle Script support or something.
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