High Resolution Dreamcast Video Modes!

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High Resolution Dreamcast Video Modes!

Post by Moopthehedgehog »

Hi all!

I spent a lot of time the last couple weeks working on getting the Dreamcast to output all kinds of high resolution video modes. It's part of DreamHAL, which I have written about here:
https://dcemulation.org/phpBB/viewtopic ... 9&t=105371

The files of interest are "startup_support.h" in the "inc" folder and "startup_support.c" in the "startup" folder.

Here's the list of modes I made. All non-HDTV 60Hz and 75Hz modes have been tested across 5 different kinds/brands/sizes of LCD monitors using direct VGA connections, and they all work. The ones marked as "for HDTVs" mean they are made according to HDTV timings, and are meant for something like a Beharbros Gekko box to connect to an HDTV through HDMI (and may not work properly through a VGA port). That said, all the HDTV modes have a non-HDTV equivalent.

-- Overview of Available Modes --

"PVR 32x32" means the framebuffer is a multiple of 32x32. Modes without that
label are "raw modes" and have no blank pixels or extra pixels, which may be
useful for compatibility testing or software renderers. Modes that only have
a PVR 32x32 version are actually raw modes with framebuffers already multiples
of 32x32, and no extra modification was needed for them.


848x480 @ 60Hz (16:9, DMT, but using a slightly-too-short hsync)
848x480 @ 60Hz (16:9, DMT, but using a slightly-too-short hsync) - PVR 32x32
800x600 @ 60Hz (4:3, DMT, but using a slightly-too-short hsync)
800x600 @ 60Hz (4:3, DMT, but using a slightly-too-short hsync) - PVR 32x32
800x600 @ 60Hz (4:3, CVT)
800x600 @ 60Hz (4:3, CVT) - PVR 32x32
1024x768 @ 60Hz (4:3, DMT)
1024x768 @ 60Hz (4:3, DMT) - PVR 32x32
1152x864 @ 60Hz (4:3, CVT)
1152x864 @ 60Hz (4:3, CVT) - PVR 32x32
720p60 (16:9, DMT & CTA-861) - for HDTVs
720p60 (16:9, DMT & CTA-861) - for HDTVs - PVR 32x32
1280x720 (16:9, CVT) - for monitors that need this instead of HDTV 720p60
1280x720 (16:9, CVT) - for monitors that need this instead of HDTV 720p60 - PVR 32x32
1280x800 @ 60Hz (16:10, DMT & CVT)
1280x800 @ 60Hz (16:10, DMT & CVT) - PVR 32x32
1280x960 @ 60Hz (4:3, DMT) - PVR 32x32
1440x900 @ 60Hz (16:10, DMT & CVT)
1440x900 @ 60Hz (16:10, DMT & CVT) - PVR 32x32


640x480 @ 75Hz (4:3, DMT)
640x480 @ 75Hz (4:3, DMT) - PVR 32x32
800x600 @ 75Hz (4:3, DMT)
800x600 @ 75Hz (4:3, DMT) - PVR 32x32
1024x768 @ 75Hz (4:3, DMT) - PVR 32x32
1152x864 @ 75Hz (4:3, DMT) - PVR 32x32

120Hz (LCD Only - Untested):

480p @ 120Hz (4:3, CTA-861, 720x480) - for HDTVs - PVR 32x32
640x480 @ 120Hz (4:3, CVT, RB) - for monitors that need this instead of HDTV 480p120
640x480 @ 120Hz (4:3, CVT, RB) - PVR 32x32
800x600 @ 120Hz (4:3, DMT & CVT, RB)
1024x768 @ 120Hz (4:3, DMT & CVT, RB)

240Hz (LCD Only - Untested):

480p @ 240Hz (4:3, CTA-861, 720x480) - PVR 32x32
480p @ 239.76Hz (4:3, CTA-861, 720x480) - PVR 32x32

CVT RBv2 Native Modes (LCD Only, probably need one newer than 2013):

640x480 @ 75Hz (4:3, CVT, RBv2) - PVR 32x32
848x480 @ 60Hz (16:9, CVT, RBv2) - PVR 32x32**

** Well, ok, this one's actually 832x480 internally, but the horizontal
"stretch" is just 2%. It's the closest we can get to a real native 16:9 mode,
anyways, because the next step up is 864 wide... Which is too big for 848x480
to work. So if you're looking for a true native widescreen, this is about as
good as it gets.

And this is how I did it:

-- About These Modes --

The Dreamcast is actually able to output higher resolutions over VGA by taking
advantage of the properties of analog display signalling. Namely, analog
signals are measured in terms of time a signal spends high or low, and this
can be used to make a slow pixel clock appear to output a higher rate than it
should otherwise be capable of doing.

This works because digital displays like LCDs use an analog-to-digital
converter (ADC) to convert analog signals into something they can use. ADCs
work by sampling the RGB signals at specific rates, and each sample then
becomes a pixel. By ensuring the signal timing is correct, and that the LCD
is expecting a higher resolution, we can trick the ADC into sampling the same
spot multiple times. What this does is stretch something like 320 pixels (as
the Dreamcast sees it) into 1280 (as the monitor sees it).

An LCD is made to expect a higher resolution by using the right number of
total vertical lines (so, including blanking), since in analog display
signalling vertical is the "master" signal and horizontal is just whatever
fits between the vertical line signal pulses. That's the core of how this
trick works, and also why the resolutions have an exact vertical line count
despite using weird horizontal pixel counts.

A CRT, by contrast, just keeps moving the electron gun and "smears" the screen
for a bit longer per pixel, since the Dreamcast is feeding the expected timings
for a higher resolution. A CRT may need its picture to be manually widened if
the image comes out looking squished on it, however.

The way to calculate the horizontal pixel count is simple: in VGA mode the
Dreamcast has a 27MHz clock, so you just do

(horizontal parameter) * 27MHz / (DMT pixel clock for desired resolution)

And the vertical line parameters stay the same as each resolution standard
asks for. This does mean that, because the Dreamcast video size registers max
at 10 bits in size, resolutions with vertical lines over 1024 (including
blanking) are not possible to output. But we can do 60Hz 1280x960 and 720p!

So, in simple terms, this ultimately all just means that the signal coming
out over the VGA cable is a valid signal for the higher resolution, but the
Dreamcast thinks it's outputting something else. For example, a 1024x768
signal coming out of the Dreamcast looks like 425x768 internally, since that's
just what it takes to make the signals line up in the right places.

I've documented everything at length in the startup_support.h/.c files, so if you want to use them go for it!

A couple images I took of 1280x720 working are attached. It was pretty awesome seeing modes like 1280x720 and 1440x900 on my 4K monitor!

DreamHAL archive from May 13 2020
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Re: High Resolution Dreamcast Video Modes!

Post by ThePerfectK »

This would be super useful for anamorphic wide-screen. Currently anamorphic wide-screen depends on your TV to be able to stretch 4:3 content to 16:9. I have a couple of monitors which can't do that, so anamorphic wide-screen is impossible on those. This is super useful!
Still Thinking!~~
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Re: High Resolution Dreamcast Video Modes!

Post by nymus »

BRILLIANT! Thanks. It always wondered why we couldn't output higher resolutions even though the GPU was based on a pc chip.

So, you're saying that the 3D and 2D pipeline would be working optimally with a lower resolution but the ramdac would upscale the image? Maybe a photograph would help demonstrate the effect?


I tried it out with kos after a few rough modifications. I don't understand the details so I just wanted to see what would happen. I concur, that it is very exciting to see 1024x768 reported by my monitor. (note: my TV did not recognize the 1280x960 that's the default in the source file)

I used the PNG demo which loads a 512x512 png image into the background and scrolls some text over it. I replaced the image with one of 1024x1024 dimensions. I didn't change the pvr details which target a 640x480 resolution.

Even though the image gets distorted, I think it helps to visualize what's happening a little bit....
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Re: High Resolution Dreamcast Video Modes!

Post by Moopthehedgehog »

Oh yeah, the stuff I have in dc_main.c is just my really garbage code for making sure the resolutions were all set correctly. 1280x960 is just one of the higher ones and its framebuffer is exactly the same size as 640x480 so I used it to ensure that my memsets don’t overrun the buffer like they do with the modes with smaller framebuffer sizes—like I said it’s pretty garbage testing code, which is why I didn’t mention it exists because it *will* get removed at some point in the near future.

I wrote in the DreamHAL readme how to actually use it with KOS projects (at the bottom). You may also need to remove the “FPSCR Support” section in the startup_support.h and startup_support.c files if it gives you warnings/errors (general note: if you don’t know what FPSCR is, how to work with it, and how GCC makes important assumptions based on it, you have no reason to keep that section or otherwise worry about FPSCR).

I tend to write my documentation on how to actually use things inside the source files, too, so everything needed to know how to work with the stuff is in there.

As far as how it actually works, as I’ve written extensively, the Dreamcast output basically takes advantage of an analog video property where all video parameters are based on signal timing. You can think of this as like anamorphic widescreen, but using the ADC of the monitor so that the image gets stretched correctly. All of the video modes have a 1:1 vertical scale, but the horizontal size is scaled by various factors specific to the timings of each video mode. 1280x960 thus looks like 1280x960 to the monitor, but the Dreamcast thinks it is 320x960, for example. So you divide all your textures and things by 4 in the horizontal direction and the screens stretch it back out, all because the signal in the VGA cable matches what the screen expects of a higher resolution.
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Re: High Resolution Dreamcast Video Modes!

Post by nymus »

Exciting stuff! I went back and read the readme which was definitely easier to integrate than the way I had hacked it. The modes output correctly (I tried 800x600, 1024x768 and 720p) but I've been having trouble rendering using the pvr 3d pipeline because I'm not informed on the detailed workings of graphics hardware.

However, I was just too excited about this to sit idly by so I poked and prodded, learning whatever I could along the way, until I finally got something showing in 1024x768. It looks interlaced and offset from the vsync/hsync... thing-a-ma-jigs but I don't care! Dreamcast HD is happening, Moop! I can rest now... for a little while.
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Re: High Resolution Dreamcast Video Modes!

Post by Moopthehedgehog »

Yeah, I don’t know much about working with the holly either, but if using it you should probably stick to the PVR 32x32 modes—that’s why I made them: no overdraw, no wasting pixels.

The Dell 1702fp is one of the monitors I tested, seems like your model is a much updated version of it. It’s a 5:4 monitor (max res 1280x1024) so you can’t use any of the 16:9 modes like 1280x720 or 720p. Well, I mean, the monitor will accept it but probably think it’s 960x720. 1024x768 should be fine, though, since that’s 4:3... :/ (Not only that but the mode labeled 720p is explicitly meant for HDTVs through HDMI only; 1280x720 is the one for 16:9 widescreen monitors. Because for some reason there are two different standards for 720—an HDTV one and a monitor one...)

That definitely doesn’t look right, though. It should look right if you multiply the horizontal axis of the image by the horizontal scale in the file (STARTUP_video_params.video_scale_multiplier holds that float), and then copy the image directly from RAM to the framebuffer. That’s the first test; it should look right there. If not, then something is wrong.

It’s possible I missed something: Maybe there’s a PVR register or kos setting that needs to be changed that I missed? Maybe there’s something else going on? Maybe it’s not me? I can only guess because I don’t use KOS myself and I was just trying to configure the video output hardware. That at least is something I could test pretty extensively, so I’m confident in the VGA signal.
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Re: High Resolution Dreamcast Video Modes!

Post by nymus »

Moopthehedgehog wrote: Thu Feb 20, 2020 12:34 am That definitely doesn’t look right, though. It should look right if you multiply the horizontal axis of the image by the horizontal scale in the file (STARTUP_video_params.video_scale_multiplier holds that float), and then copy the image directly from RAM to the framebuffer. That’s the first test; it should look right there. If not, then something is wrong.
Aha! That makes sense! Thanks. I've also noticed that kos internally configures some pvr parts with an assumed 640x480 resolution so those might need to be modified. All in all, this is such a wonderful success. Best of luck in everything!

I'll take some time to study video rendering/timings/output. It's fun how something previously incomprehensible can become a pleasure to explore when it connects to a personal passion. Your explanations of the timings have made the concepts of back porch, mode lines, blank periods etc much easier to understand and I think I'm slowly putting it all together...
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Re: High Resolution Dreamcast Video Modes!

Post by Moopthehedgehog »

nymus wrote: Thu Feb 20, 2020 8:14 am Aha! That makes sense! Thanks. I've also noticed that kos internally configures some pvr parts with an assumed 640x480 resolution so those might need to be modified.
If you are referring to the vid_init() function in init.c, that's what I'm overriding by writing those 3 KOS parameters.

But, if you find that KOS uses video parameters other than the 3 I stated to overwrite (I just did a full project search for the vid_mode global struct, which may not have been thorough enough), please let me know and I will modify things accordingly. As far as I can tell KOS only uses vid_mode->width, vid_mode->height, and vid_mode->pm, and all the other stuff from that struct is used to configure the video registers (at least, so I thought), so we don't actually need them. Maybe we do need them and I need to change them all? Or perhaps KOS needs to be updated to not hardcode some things, which will then require overwriting more parameters?

By the way, I explicitly did not mention which register does what regarding screen output because I do not want people going in and messing with those--bad settings can burn out CRTs, and I discovered even some LCDs don't have adequate protection on their VGA inputs from bad signals! That's one of the reasons I made so many modes; hopefully the selection is wide enough that people won't feel the need to "make new ones" and blow something out in the process. However, I do know how to calculate all the VESA parameters and related for everything I made, and that's why I'm requesting anyone please let me know if I need to override more of the KOS parameters instead of going in guns blazing.
nymus wrote: Thu Feb 20, 2020 8:14 am I'll take some time to study video rendering/timings/output. It's fun how something previously incomprehensible can become a pleasure to explore when it connects to a personal passion. Your explanations of the timings have made the concepts of back porch, mode lines, blank periods etc much easier to understand and I think I'm slowly putting it all together...
I'm not sure you really need to do that (well, unless you really want to, of course). VESA's standards are freely available from their site, in any case: https://vesa.org/vesa-standards/
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Re: High Resolution Dreamcast Video Modes!

Post by Moopthehedgehog »

Hmm, so apparently KOS assumes RGB565 (16-bit color), potentially in more than just vid_init. So if you set the color mode to FB_RGB565 and use one of the PVR 32x32 resolutions, it may show up properly. If it works, it means something in KOS needs to be changed to allow for the other RGB modes.
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Re: High Resolution Dreamcast Video Modes!

Post by nymus »

I just wanted to post a better picture.

The 1152x864 and 800x600 rendered correctly whereas the others I tried were just garbled like before. I gave up on trying to figure out the stretching/squishing algorithm because just writing pixels to the screen is a huge task for me.

Not bad looking for a 400x400 stretched bitmap.
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Re: High Resolution Dreamcast Video Modes!

Post by Moopthehedgehog »

I'm not sure what's difficult about multiplying a texture's horizontal dimension by STARTUP_video_params.video_scale_multiplier; that's all there is to it. There's no fancy algorithm or anything like that. If that doesn't work right, it means my scale might be off by a tiny bit. Sounds like that might be the case.

EDIT: Well, it may also be a good idea to floor (or truncate to int) the output. i.e. scaled_hsize = floor(actual_hsize * STARTUP_video_params.video_scale_multiplier). My math header has some blisteringly fast floor functions that may be useful for this. Or just manually scale the image down on a PC first and load the squished image directly.

The easiest way to check that my scale is wrong is to multiply by h_framebuffer / h_ resolution, so like for 1152x864 PVR 32x32 would be multiplying the horizontal by 384.0f / 1152.0f.
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Re: High Resolution Dreamcast Video Modes!

Post by Moopthehedgehog »

Ok, I think I fixed it. Just pushed an update to the DreamHAL repo.
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Re: High Resolution Dreamcast Video Modes!

Post by Sh0X »


Fantastic work. I was tinkering with these registers myself, but I really struggle to find good information about how VGA or CRT works, if you could give me some advice in that regard, so I can understand better how you came up with these numbers for the different resolutions I'll appreciate it enormously.
I have a question about it tho:

I'd love to make some Hi-res tests (particularly in 1024x768) using CLX2, but I really need a 1:1 match between the output signal and the internal framebuffer. If the internal FB needs to be something like 416x768 is not really useful for me because the final image quality will be less overall.

Do you think it's possible to have a VGA output resolution that uses 1024x768 as an internal framebuffer?

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Re: High Resolution Dreamcast Video Modes!

Post by TapamN »

As far as I can tell, it's not possible to truly increase the output resolution of the Dreamcast without major compatibility problems.

Trying to raise the true resolution results in the frame rate dropping. For video output, there's a pixel clock that controls when a new pixel is output to the display, and on the Dreamcast it's fixed to ~25.175 MHz (I think it gets halved for NTSC/PAL). Beyond the visible part of the display, there are invisible pixels that the display uses to control the timing of the electron beam on a CRT, and signal when a new line or frame starts. A 640x480 display is really output as a 800x525 display, with the extra pixels containing the control signals. Displaying 800x525 pixels at 60 hz needs in 25.2 Mpixels per second. The Dreamcast really runs at 59.94 frames per second on VGA (which also matches NTSC's official frame rate), and results in 25.175 Mpixels per second, which matches the pixel clock.

The standard 1024x768 at 60 hz timing requires a 65 MHz pixel clock. Since the DC's pixel clock is fixed, trying to raise the number of displayed pixels means you have less time to send new frames (lower framerate). Trying to use the same resolution would result in a ~23 hz display on the Dreamcast's pixel clock. I doubt any monitor supports this.

It is possible to do 640x400 and 640x350 at 70 hz, but those are the only other standard resolution modes that work (i.e. they also have a 25.175 MHz pixel clock). For 320x240, the hardware does pixel doubling and stretches the frame buffer to 640x480. I tried the 800x608 resolution mode KOS has, a long time ago, and the status menu on my CRT said it ran at 52 hz (or something around that, I can't remember exactly anymore; it was noticeably less than 60). The 768x480 resolution in KOS extends the visible display into some of the area used for the control signals, and, on my CRT, can result in rows of the display being dimmer than they should be, depending on what is being displayed. It might behave differently on different displays.

Another issue is that the 3D hardware doesn't seem to support heights more than 480. To work around this, you would need to render the screen in two passes, rendering the top half and the bottom have separately. Another possibility would be using the hardware vertical scaler, which could stretch a 480 pixel high render to fill 768 pixels, but you don't get any extra vertical detail that way.
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Re: High Resolution Dreamcast Video Modes!

Post by Sh0X »

Thank you for your reply. It's really a pity that the DAC has such limitations. I'll stick to 640x480 for the VGA output then :)
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Re: High Resolution Dreamcast Video Modes!

Post by Twada »

TapamN wrote: Thu Jun 17, 2021 11:04 am It is possible to do 640x400 and 640x350 at 70 hz, but those are the only other standard resolution modes that work (i.e. they also have a 25.175 MHz pixel clock). For 320x240, the hardware does pixel doubling and stretches the frame buffer to 640x480. I tried the 800x608 resolution mode KOS has, a long time ago, and the status menu on my CRT said it ran at 52 hz (or something around that, I can't remember exactly anymore; it was noticeably less than 60). The 768x480 resolution in KOS extends the visible display into some of the area used for the control signals, and, on my CRT, can result in rows of the display being dimmer than they should be, depending on what is being displayed. It might behave differently on different displays.

This is off topic, but I wanted to ask you how to output a resolution of 640x350x70 on the Dreamcast.
What values ​​should I write to the registers?

I'm interested in how to throttle the resolution to preserve the fill rate of the Dreamcast.
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Re: High Resolution Dreamcast Video Modes!

Post by TapamN »

What I was doing was changing the VGA video output signal. If you want something that works on both NTSC/PAL/RGB and VGA, most of that wouldn't help. The only stretching that can be done with the video signal registers is a 2x horizontal and/or 2x vertical stretch. You can display a letterboxed frame buffer, and display (for example) a 640x384 image in a standard 480i/480p signal.

There's a better option for saving fillrate, the PVR has a vertical upscale feature, where it writes the tiles vertically stretched to the framebuffer. You could render at 640x384 or 640x416 and stretch it out to fullscreen 640x480. The hardware is also capable of changing the render resolution (as well as enabling or disabling antialiasing) per frame, so you could run at 1280x480 when load on the PVR is low, and drop to 640x480 or 640x384 when there are heavy transparencies.

In the last few images on this gallery (you will need to click a "show more" button), demonstrate this.

I don't think it possible to getting this to work correctly with KOS's current PVR driver. You have to set up a different tile matrix for different resolutions. If you try to use a tile matrix for 640x480 and use the vertical stretch to render at a lower resolution, it will waste time rendering the off-screen parts only to discard them. (i.e. if KOS makes a tile matrix for 640x480, then try to do a stretched 640x240, the PVR will render the entire 640x480, but only store the stretched upper 640x240)

My custom PVR driver supports having multiple tile matrices, so you can have 1280x480, 640x480, and more ready to use. I've been meaning to release it for a long time, but haven't been able to get around to doing some clean up to it. I think I'll just release it as is soon. I'm going to make some API changes at some point, but nothing that should affect T&L code, just some of the initialization/scene management.

Since it was brought up, I'm releasing the code for the program I used to test how the video output registers worked and experiment with different resolutions now. You can change the video registers using the VMU while a test image is displayed.

Since the test program messes with video signals, and maple updates are triggered on vblank, I disable the default maple update and trigger it manually in a thread, in case the video settings break the vblank interrupt.

You can edit the video signal registers on the VMU with the d-pad (or faster with L/R on analog). To apply the settings, press A. You can press Y to dump the settings to stdout.
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Re: High Resolution Dreamcast Video Modes!

Post by Twada »

TapamN wrote: Sat Nov 30, 2024 9:26 pm There's a better option for saving fillrate, the PVR has a vertical upscale feature, where it writes the tiles vertically stretched to the framebuffer. You could render at 640x384 or 640x416 and stretch it out to fullscreen 640x480. The hardware is also capable of changing the render resolution (as well as enabling or disabling antialiasing) per frame, so you could run at 1280x480 when load on the PVR is low, and drop to 640x480 or 640x384 when there are heavy transparencies.

In the last few images on this gallery (you will need to click a "show more" button), demonstrate this.
Thank you for your reply!
I think it's a great sample! Thanks to your detailed comments, I think I can understand it well.
However, it crashes with the following error in my KOS.

Code: Select all

Encountered Data address error (read). Use this template terminal command to help diagnose:

        $KOS_ADDR2LINE -f -C -i -e prog.elf 8c01588e 8c015876
So I tried writing the 640x400 value in the sample to a register in a small program that doesn't use KOS.
However, it didn't display correctly. Probably because my VGA monitor doesn't support it.

Indeed, it seems the smartest way is to use the PVR's upscaling function to output at 640x480.
However, when upscaling, the vertical filter (0xa05f8118) is not applied, so I would like to output at 1x or downscale if possible.
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Re: High Resolution Dreamcast Video Modes!

Post by TapamN »

Twada wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2024 7:02 am Thank you for your reply!
I think it's a great sample! Thanks to your detailed comments, I think I can understand it well.
However, it crashes with the following error in my KOS.

Code: Select all

Encountered Data address error (read). Use this template terminal command to help diagnose:

        $KOS_ADDR2LINE -f -C -i -e prog.elf 8c01588e 8c015876
So I tried writing the 640x400 value in the sample to a register in a small program that doesn't use KOS.
However, it didn't display correctly. Probably because my VGA monitor doesn't support it.
I never tried the video setting library without KOS, or even outside of my test program, so there might be accidental assumptions that the registers are set up a certain way. You shouldn't treat it as totally complete or reliable, it's just what I've put together while figuring out the video registers.

Is that error trying to run my test program? I'll include a precompiled version you can use to experiment with.

What do you get when you run addr2line? It's telling you the address of where the crash happened, and addr2line will tell you what file/line of code that's at. Do you have a register dump? Looking at the disassembly for those lines would also help.

I'm not going to be able to do any HW testing for about a week, but I can try looking into the minimum required register writes to get 640x400x70hz and 640x350 working later.

One problem with doing different resolutions on the DC is that the standard video signals require certain H/V sync polarity, but the polarity the Dreamcast can output is fixed. There's flags that supposedly change it, but they don't seem to work correctly. 640x350 and 640x400 require different polarities than 640x480. Trying 640x400x70hz timing on my newest LCD gets reported as 720x400x70hz.
Twada wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2024 7:02 am Indeed, it seems the smartest way is to use the PVR's upscaling function to output at 640x480.
However, when upscaling, the vertical filter (0xa05f8118) is not applied, so I would like to output at 1x or downscale if possible.
Yeah, unfortunately there's no good way around that. But lowering the resolution by changing the video signal timing always results in a higher frame rate, countering the resolution fillrate savings, only adding borders, using the 2x horizontal/vertical scale, or using PVR vertical upscale will actually save fillrate. Because of texture cache hit rate, the PVR usually gets closer to it's maximum theoretical output at higher resolutions (according to the specific tests I've done; this could vary depending on 2D vs 3D, texture resolution, or using untextured polygons), so you are probably slightly worse off fillrate-wise at 640x400x70hz than 640x480x60hz.
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Re: High Resolution Dreamcast Video Modes!

Post by Twada »

TapamN wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2024 10:02 pm One problem with doing different resolutions on the DC is that the standard video signals require certain H/V sync polarity, but the polarity the Dreamcast can output is fixed. There's flags that supposedly change it, but they don't seem to work correctly. 640x350 and 640x400 require different polarities than 640x480. Trying 640x400x70hz timing on my newest LCD gets reported as 720x400x70hz.
Thanks to the precompiled version, I was able to test 640x400 without any problems.
It wasn't that the monitor wasn't compatible, it was that of the HDMI converter.
Great test program!
As you say, it seems difficult to officially support 640x400 and 640x350.
There appear to be two flags to change the polarity of the synchronization signal, 0xa05f80d0 and 0xa05f80e8, but do neither of them work?

When I ran the add2line command, the following was displayed.

Code: Select all

Maybe the KOS interrupt handling has changed? I might have to rebuild my KOS.
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