Yuji Naka Topic

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Yuji Naka Topic

Post by cube_b3 »

I wrote this article before his arrest.

https://www.megavisions.net/yuji-naka-r ... cellation/

I was in full support of Naka last year, when he finally started clapping back and shutting down all the acquisitions against him.
He also called bull shit on his role in the cancellation of Geist Force.
His last renouncement before his arrest was his Sega resignation. He stated that he was fired for trying to get better wages for Sonic Team. Saying it makes no sense for him to quit during Sonic's 15th anniversary.

I was going to write another article but he got arrested which gave me pause.

https://nintendoeverything.com/former-s ... r-trading/

As a massive Naka fan I wanted to believe that square set him up for insider trading. That way he shuts up.

What do you guys think?
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