Sega Genesis Question!!!!!! Warez? I dont think so!

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Sega Genesis Question!!!!!! Warez? I dont think so!

Post by LinksMentor »

Hello all,

I noticed the board where it says "NO REQUESTS FOR SEGAGEN"
Iam not requesting segagen, but my question is....Is it okay to let folks on here know that I have it? Along with all the files you need to successfully produce a copy!!!!!! I LOVE segagen, it plays even bad dumps to the precise perfection that the actual console would. Perfect sound graphics, speed etc. By the way I have the complete Good set of SegaGenesis roms over 3,500. My AIM is "I like man boobs" minus the quatations of course. Get a hold of me and let me know what you guys think about DCemulation! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by Ax_Murdera »

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Re: Sega Genesis Question!!!!!! Warez? I dont think so!

Post by anal=probe »

LinksMentor wrote:Hello all,

I noticed the board where it says "NO REQUESTS FOR SEGAGEN"
Iam not requesting segagen, but my question is....Is it okay to let folks on here know that I have it? Along with all the files you need to successfully produce a copy!!!!!! I LOVE segagen, it plays even bad dumps to the precise perfection that the actual console would. Perfect sound graphics, speed etc. By the way I have the complete Good set of SegaGenesis roms over 3,500. My AIM is "I like man boobs" minus the quatations of course. Get a hold of me and let me know what you guys think about DCemulation! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by Sub Woofer »

Please fellow mods... if your going to lock a topic, at least give a reason why, this didn't really deserve a lock, he asked a legitimate Question.

In answer to your question, no, you are not allowed to talk about SegaGen at all here. We don't mind the fact that you have it, as many people here do, just keep it to yourself.

Discussion of it on these forums is strictly prohibited. Talk about it on AIM, whatever, just not here.

And don't go publicly telling people you can supply it to them, we also can't let you do that.

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Post by Szczepaniak »

yes, they are very harsh.
my topic I created was originally meant as a reply to this, but they locked this, so I posted it as an original topic. what scares me, is that one has realised it was all pure sarcasm, and bad sarcasm at that.

still, go figure, here is my original message.

watch yourself linkmaster
just now the mod squad like [darc] is gonna bust a cap in yo @$$ for even mentioning such a word as sega, and you know the rest, think generations.

even though we all deep down love this emu, me particularly, they wont let us even think about such badness thankfully as a working gen emu since it is naughty warez.
thankfully wonderfull people like darc will mod us and our little accounts when we stray from the path, (though Im sure he loves the emu himself), because remeber children, we need mod discipline, now lets forget happy thoughts of perfect emu and stick to the rules, because without rules, people could.... well you know, do bad things, like end the world. heaven forbid.
we need RULEZ!

so NO foolish discusssion of this emu, no one who values their account will risk getting banned to help you out! beacause its just so darned naughty.
if you so desperately want such evil perfection, seeing as it is evil bad evil warez, which is bad and evil, (though it is perfection), you must post a normal message, asking maybe when the next update for a decent will be, and hope and pray that some naughty individual will send you the information in an email or private message.

coz no one will risk their hides to help you, [darc]'s power is all too known.

(on a positive side, the dude above my post, seemed quite reasonable, a kind of, well, Im not saying its bad, but Im not allowed to say its good, so dont discuss it. thanks man, at least you give more elaborate reasoning.
cheers all!)
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Post by Polymira »

actually, the guy was basicly offering the smashpack rip with many many roms to anyone who wants them.... topic shold be edited and closed . . . tisk tisk =)
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Post by anal=probe »

If he know about SegaGen and Good roms, he probably knows a bit about emulation, and dreamcast emulation, so he's probably been here before and is well aware of the rules. I don't think he's really selling anything. It's not like you can even make any money off of that, unless he is selling other software too. I think he is just a troll trying to get a rise out of us.
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Post by Nico0020 »

here is my two cents about the segagen situation.

I first cam to this site b.c I heard about segagen. I ended up searching the net for months looking for it. ANd then I finally found it on a site. I was so happy. After WASTING my last cd on that I thought it was kool, but I soon realized it is a WORTHLESS emu. I own the actual smash pack, just b.c, I pretty much collect dreamcast games. The graphics I have noticed on the smash pack are not complete at all, and like everyone says the sound is Fuc*ed. it is a terrible emulator. and is not worth searching for, and converting the roms, and wasting cds on.
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now now

Post by reaper2k2 »


the emulator is 100% perfect but the sound is missing the fm but its by sega for sega saying its not worth your time then ether is dreamcast

i own the retail smash pack
but its better then any home brew emulator but nesterdc

iam talking about the retail version so dont jump on me

i own over 260+ megadrive carts and mega cd i own every verion of the gen/mega drive machine even a proto type wich came with a over clocked cpu and a modem and a keyboard and a thing to check your hart rate .. not many ppl would have the collection of gaming machines i do

allso all my carts are boxed and i have the invoice................ same with the machines and i have every thing put out by ppl that were not made by sega for it controlers cheatcarts,,,,, so when some one next tells me i bet you dont have the roms games ill take a pic and post it as my sig ......lets face it dont talk about it not cuz its crap....its cuz its illegal END OF STORY

some ppl would say dont steal a bmw its crap we no thats bull shit *homebrew webbrowser games * *dev site and my releases*
Im' a Commodorian are you?
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Post by emuxer001 »

Why don't you lock it again? The explanation is given now and the topic is still outside the rules. Hosting a WAREZ is a bad thing but selling it with ROMS it's even worse.
If you want to sell it or burn it or just say you have it and want the people to know, go somewhere else.
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Re: now now

Post by MetalGearRay »

reaper2k2 wrote:nicco

the emulator is 100% perfect but the sound is missing the fm but its by sega for sega saying its not worth your time then ether is dreamcast

i own the retail smash pack
but its better then any home brew emulator but nesterdc What? What about SMEG? Or gnuboy? Or the countless others?

iam talking about the retail version so dont jump on me Then why did you post about it?

i own over 260+ megadrive carts and mega cd i own every verion of the gen/mega drive machine even a proto type wich came with a over clocked cpu and a modem and a keyboard and a thing to check your hart rate .. not many ppl would have the collection of gaming machines i do Thing to check your heartrate? Are you ok? WTF are you talkin about? Why the hell would they overclock a Genesis?

allso all my carts are boxed and i have the invoice................ same with the machines and i have every thing put out by ppl that were not made by sega for it controlers cheatcarts,,,,, so when some one next tells me i bet you dont have the roms games ill take a pic and post it as my sig ......lets face it dont talk about it not cuz its crap....its cuz its illegal END OF STORY The last sentence is the only one that makes sense in the whole message. You have the invoice? WTF? Did you buy 260 games on Ebay in one auction?

some ppl would say dont steal a bmw its crap we no thats bull poop Who the hell says that?
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Post by Dr. Zoidberg »

Wow, another Segagen topic, how exciting. I guess I'll need to add the word back to the word censor again soon :roll:

As Sub said "discussion of it on these forums is strictly prohibited" so...
