your first PSO experience

Sylverant is a homebrew open source server for Phantasy Star Online. Dreamcast users still play PSO online with this server even today! This is the official forum for both the online game server as well as the open source project itself. Feel free to post and get a gathering started online! We can also show you how to get connected!

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your first PSO experience

Post by 1RandomGamer »

mine started when I was really bored 3-4 years ago, I was surfing the web for a free game to pass the time and was lead to a link on youtube about this game Phantasy star online Blue Burst, I looked at it and thought, OK, that looks pretty cool. I went to the link given to me in the description and downloaded it, I installed it and it would not connect to the server, the client was bad. I kept trying and trying to get this client working by downloading the files on the scht website(comparing my knowledge then and now, I was downloading the files for PSO PC rather then BB ^_^ oops) So I gave up for about 2 years. My friend mentioned something about PSOBB one day and I asked him what it meant, he said Phantasy star online blue burst. I suddenly remembered the pain I went through to try to play that game, and I asked, where did you get the setup file, I have been trying to play that game for a long time. He said he didn't know where he got the setup so I went and hunted it down and got it to work.

My first character was and is a human Male Hunter. When I first played the game I thought this is awesome, then I got into combat and was like "This sucks, I can't do anything" This was after all my first time playing. after getting slightly use to it, I was like "OK I'm getting way better and this is looking good. I was still rather mad at the fact I had died 15 times because I wasn't use to anything yet, then I got fully use to it and was like "THIS IS THE BEST MMO I HAVE EVER PLAYED!" and I played for about 2 years, reaching level 46, then, I was reading about the older PSO games and discovered PSO PC, so I hunted down that and began to play, (I will say right now that I despise the keyboard control setup for PSOPC, I couldn't get the hang of it) I hooked up a controller and problem solved. I played that for a while then stopped playing for a while to focus on school work. Now I'm back into playing PSO PC on Sylverant and PSOBB on SCHT.

what was your first PSO experience like?
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Re: your first PSO experience

Post by BlueCrab »

Well... I was a big fan of the earlier Phantasy Star games, so of course, being that I had a Dreamcast, I had to have PSO pretty much as soon as it came out. I played on Sega's official servers. My original character was a HUmar, which I don't think I ever even beat the game with (even in online mode), due to all the people hacking back then (I think that character might have gotten NOLed, but I'm not sure). Anyway, I never let that bother me that much, and kept on playing, trying all manner of different characters, before finally settling on mostly using Forces (my current character design that most people have seen me online as was actually my last design while playing on Sega's server).

I only ever played PSOv1 on Sega's servers because, as a teenager with no credit card, I couldn't pay for the monthly fee for PSOv2. However, once schtserv came about, I got a copy of PSOv2 and played it for hours on end, like it was new again.

At this point, I've played pretty much every version of PSO, with the exception of the one on the Xbox (although, that's the same as the Gamecube Episode I & II, so I guess it doesn't really count).

It really does take a lot of love for the game to bother writing a server for it... :mrgreen:
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Re: your first PSO experience

Post by ace »

I was also a big fan of the Phantasy Star games. I remember buying my first copy of PSO from Veggita and checking my mail every day. I remember walking to the post office one day after school with a friend of mine to pick up the game, and I just remember being so excited the whole time. I got home, loaded it up and played for about five hours.

I started off as a RAmar, and it's still my favorite character class today. Nothing was better than when I found Heaven Pnisher. My next character was a HUneweral, also very fun.

I only actually played PSO online a few times, because we switched to DSL shortly after I got the game, and at that time I didn't have a clue how to set up a PC-DC server.

The schtserver came out and all was good again.
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Re: your first PSO experience

Post by Aleron Ives »

The first time I logged onto Sega's server with Ver.1, I met some nice people on Oberon (seriously, what were the odds?), and a FOmarl named Lily used the PB trick on me to raise my PB to 100. I used Farlla, and I had absolutely no clue what was going on. SHINY RAINBOW DEATH ANIMATION? WAAAAAT DID I JUST BREAK MY DREAMCAST?

It wasn't until some time later that I found out what a Photon Blast was, but it was an awesome day anyway. Sadly, I never saw Lily again. :cry: I still have her Guild Card, though.
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Re: your first PSO experience

Post by Ayla »

I almost screwed up my high school studies because of PSO :)
I was playing it all nights from 2004 until the end on my dreamcast.
My main character is lvl ~130 now, and have a shit load of rare items I won myself (like, heart of poumn).
I've met so many people with PSO... Some very close friends now.

@Ives, does Saffo still play?
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Re: your first PSO experience

Post by Aleron Ives »

I saw him about a month ago, but he doesn't seem to be on that often anymore. I'm not sure if he's still splitting his time between SCHTServ and Izakaya or not, either.
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Re: your first PSO experience

Post by K_I_R_E_E_K »

saffo is usually around on Vega either on cmode or locked games to avoid fake legit players.

For me it started after some time owning a dreamcast, i saw the game at a friend's house (he's currently a member at dc-talk forums) and i evebtually got the game myself, at the time flying ships on pionner was something new to me, the game was easy to pick up and motivated you to go further.

Eventually i joined forums, gave my opinions but i always kept raising my char, learning strategies and perfecting my "aim and shoot".
I always played the best areas for drops and exp, i learned what enemies i needed to kill, routes that i needed to take and boxes i needed to destroy.
PSO became like a daily obligation, so the less time wasted, the better.
I even remember that i stoped playing PSO for a long time, i was having lot's of headaches from doing 2 conssecutive ultimate forest and mines runs every day.
After some time i reached lvl 200, some even think it was impossible to it as fast as i did, yet for me it was very slow, afterall after lvl 190 i decided to do vhard as well to keep searching for items as well having a constant leveling up
After this i went online on sega servers, downloaded quests, gained a few items and then the servers shuted down, i moved on much later to schthack, found saffo, valkirie!, nanatsusaya and other players that were an actual pleasure to play with, it's always fun to play with players that have the same or even better skill level.

The game picked my interest and i only played because i tought the game ended after falz, little did i know i only had done normal difficulty, from there i tought "why not keep playing?"
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Re: your first PSO experience

Post by Ayla »

K_I_R_E_E_K, I have your guild card ;) I asume we played together either on the SEGA servers before they were shut down, or on Schthack.
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Re: your first PSO experience

Post by K_I_R_E_E_K »

On sega servers i didn't play much really, on schthack good games were hard to find and i eventually switched over to dc-talk, but it is possible that we played together on schthack, i just may not remember it :P

If i could bring my dreamcast char online, it would be great playing with you.
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Re: your first PSO experience

Post by RyoDC »

Oh well, my story is quite long, but i would tell it, think it interesting:)

It's all started cause of my friendship with some guy from my school-class, when we all were about 11 or 13. I started to make friends with him, and he acquaint me with pale-skinned and sickly boy, who rarely appeared in the school, and who had also had a great collection of sega and dendy games, and he's father was a great console player and collectioner too (though he was a doctor at some local med facility as well, with a low salary, I've borned in a poor country).

We started to develop our friendship, we became real friends for long and long years. Althrough, he acquainted me with a video games, among them was Phantasy Star for Sega MD-II. He was a hardcore fan, he almost accomplished all the parts of that divine game, I've only tested PSII, that was particularly good too. I must say, I haven't played that much in that game, but I've concerned that that is a good game, and maybe in future parts of this game the developers would realize some great things that they have to do but didn't cause of limited system capabilities.
My dreams came true.
In 2001 were became to exist an wonderdful game, with amazing colorful graphics - Phantasy Star Online. Parents of my friend have bought him a Sega Dreamcast system, and I started to beg my parents to buy me that system too. And they have bought)
My pleasure was endless. First day i've played all the day long, MSR had an amazing and fully interactive graphics and menus. I remember how my grandfather came into the room and said that I must sat off the screen 'cause I may get blind, LOL. Well, sure he was right but that was a funny moment.
(This is not exactly the time that must necessarily be lit, but it gives little insight into the situation at all.)
And finally I had to touсh PSO. The game was fully amazing. Still the gameplay was not so sophisticated as it much wants pretend it to be, but that was really a new experience. I've played it a lot.
Nowadays I've a PSOBB version on my PC and sometimes I play it, but no so much.
A great, totally wonderful and amazing game, what else can I say.
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Re: your first PSO experience

Post by Moopthehedgehog »

Quite frankly, I don't remember how I got here. I just kinda did.

I think it had something to do with buying a BBA for Q3A, finding out that no one ever plays it very much except for on Fridays, and then deciding to make the most of the $250 investment (black BBAs are super rare and, unfortunately, are the only ones that match my console).

I do recall that I got PSOv1 and v2 US because Google did not help me find out that USv2 cannot go online at this point (this point being in fall-winter 2009), so I had to painstakingly import EUv2 (which I did around early 2010, I think. Until then, I used a CD-R copy with Ives's resist mod 1.5 or 2.0 or something in it. It's NOT the EP, and it only affects FOs to my knowledge... But I don't play as one, nor do I use a CD-R anymore. GD-Rs FTW/L!). I don't really remember what happened between then and sometime around thanksgiving-christmastime, when I joined PSOPalace. Then, in January 2011, we moved here. Yay.
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Re: your first PSO experience

Post by SailorCallie »

My venture into the world of PSO came as a happy accident when I got the game (DC Vol. 1 USA) on my 24th birthday from my aunt Ginger, even though I (at the time) didn't own a Dreamcast until the following weekend. I recalled my DC being a Sega Sports edition and had to wait a few days until I've purchased my first VMU so that I would save my PSO information onto it.

Once that happened, I've begun to create my HUnewearl, Taylor (later remade into a FOnewearl), and started out in the world of PSO. The journeys continued with the addition of PSO Vol. 2., which I hadn't gotten around to playing. :( But, I was lucky enough to play PSO on my GameCube with the addition of PSO Episode I and II. I wanted to buy PSO Episode III, C.A.R.D. Revolution and PSO Episode I & II Plus for said console, but I never got around to buying those games. By the time I got my own PC in my room, it was too late to play PSO online on both DC and GC, which I've been planning to do since Day 1 but never did.

Not too long ago, I've started to play PSO on my GC, and with that it renewed my interest into the world of PSO after not playing for a few years. I then went to and signed up to join their server so I would be able to play PSO PC on my computer and PSOBB to play PSOBB as well.

Playing PSO online made me wax nostalgic of the times that I've played those games online with a yearning to try out the online servers. But, now that I have my PC and my consoles in the same area, I can finally go online once I find BroadBand Adapters for those consoles. :wink:
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Re: your first PSO experience

Post by FaithY »

Moopthehedgehog wrote:Quite frankly, I don't remember how I got here. I just kinda did.

I think it had something to do with buying a BBA for Q3A, finding out that no one ever plays it very much except for on Fridays, and then deciding to make the most of the $250 investment.
Precisely my story, too.

I got my BBA to play q3. Ended up playing more PSO. :?
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Re: your first PSO experience

Post by legit nyck »

my first online experience was in pso I & II,I played quite beside a friend who soon afterwards became gm Axll,then played pso / pc schtserv in awhile, and I was met by her PSOBB same,I came to play pso / pc but sylverant,and now as BlueCrab have my own server, as he said it takes a lot of love to do so without charge to anyone XD is It :wink: .......not forget that my only experience was frustrating at pso online at PSU :lol:
about pso2 lol wordless version nothing and no one compares to him is very unfortunate that Japanese hahahaha. End :P
PsO Brazilian Hunter RAmar
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