List of Laurent prototypes

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Re: List of Laurent prototypes

Post by |darc| »

Half Life dreamcast (HLDC 4/20/01)
hldc420.jpg!DoJ2gITQ!FByzQKw2kz3M ... yaaC0hT0FA
zouzzz wrote:Thanks Laurent !
Newsé pour les DC lover français : ... -beta.html
justice99 wrote:Indeed, our "beta man" Comby Laurent has kept his promise and has just released this new beta of the unreleased Half Life of Dreamcast!

This version is the 04/20/2001, with internal number 1638, it is older than the one that was already on the Internet (1672), but it is very interesting because it can contain new material that allows, for example, to make a version with online gaming and replicate mods like the Counter Strike!

Also they comment that it is the first version that is obtained in GDI, and that there are no compressions of audio nor cuts so that it fits in a CD.
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Re: List of Laurent prototypes

Post by |darc| »

Dreamcast vm hardware

Dreamcast documents on a saturn CD I.
English :!rphlFAyZ!nCGBiZGKkk9h ... 9H-HSMTGDA

Japanese :!y14TXaDQ!LJhoAlvMtKLN ... Bd_iTg-wgI

Homemade from a friends!gcImkYLS!PluG2TqGySYa ... g95Do6ECjU

More to come this month
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Re: List of Laurent prototypes

Post by |darc| »

Record of Lodoss dreamcast GD-R

My GD-R doesn t work if i boot the games whit disc system 2 or my dev kit

I don t know if the dump is good

I boot on time this games whit emulator. Impossible to pass the downloading Windows. Now my emulator doesn t works for this games. I don t know why

If somebody can play this games or see if this build contains precious things.... :)!3xgVkKwC!5BBhNhpDrJtI ... junnVzteDs

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Re: List of Laurent prototypes

Post by |darc| »

AGARTHA dreamcast second build (corruptedd build)

Its a other build i found whit the E3 technico demo.!Dw4QFAzL!FxcfHKwYtiPf ... I39QW8bGmo

I dont know if the build was like this or if my disc la brocken. Thats the questions for 1000000 $ :)

-Debug menu is more compete thats the E3 build.
- In the files of the games, you found the vidéo leaked in 2011
-you can access to the inventory in a moment

Whats i found in french sorry

Je viens de tester sur un autre emulateurs.
J obtiens des message d'erreur (Je peux le passer mais je n obtiens que le sons avec la neige qui tombe ( la neige du jeux ) , le message reviens après 2-3 mn et je peux le passer à nouveau ou je vois apparaître brièvement l écran de telechargement ( en une fraction de seconde )

J ai essayé sur 2 emulateurs différents, un des émulateur me permet d accéder à l inventaire en pressant start à un certains moments . Il est possible de naviguer à l intérieur de l inventaire.

Les touches, A/X/Y/B lors du message d erreurs, permet de le passer. J ai également l impression que ces touches permettes de sauter des passages du jeux. ( style debug menu ).

A chaque message d erreurs, tu as un menu de telechargement différents j ai l impression.

Avec la manette 4 et le bouton start tu ouvre le debug menu .

Exemple de message d erreur
Warning, this file is to small for blablabla
-impossible to load blablablabla
-scene no adedd blablalbalblabalb

J'arrive à accéder au load background du débug menu. On y voit, selon moi, les différentes séquence de la vidéo qui fut publiée en 2011. Je n'arrive pas à y avoir accès sur émulateur. On peut y créer des chemins d'accès pour aller chercher des informations. Avec les clavier on peut effacer et réécrire les informations.

Le keyboard possède certaine fonctionnalité comme
Q puis encore Q on enclenche la musique. Peut être pour sauter les séquences
T : La neige s'accélère mais pas la musique
R, P, ou N : on fait réapparaitre le message d'erreur donc ces boutons doivent enclencher quelque choses
ESC : Ouverture du debug menu , pareil qu'avec la manettre branchée sur le port 4 et le start
Pause : Ben pause
O : On accède au menu load background mais avec des fichiers en plus
Sur démul : les boutons ne sont peut être pas bon mais le principe est la(je ne me souviens plus de ma config)
A : on répète la séquence
B : on passe à la séquence suivante
X : on revient à la séquence précédente
Y: on accède certainement au passage jouable. On y voit apparaite l'inventaire en vitesse sur demul en appuyant sur start. Sur nuldc, on arrive a accéder à l'inventaire et interagir avec lui (choisir les armes, les observer, les changer d'endroit)
Start puis n'importe quel bouton: on fige le jeux sur les écrans de chargement.

Fait notable: Si je quitte le jeux depuis le debug menu, j'arrive au menu de la dreamcast. Je peux relancer le jeux sans autre comme ci cela faisait partie du build.
Autre fait notable, lorsque j ai essayer de sauvegarder des données , ils m'ont envoyé vers l'endroit ou il y a les 31 fichier(ou j'ai pu accéder depuis le "O" du clavier. J'ai essayé de sauvegarder sur un fichier existant. Il y a le message " oups ou voulez vous écraser le fichier tel ou tel ". Dans ce même menu, toujours en essayant de sauvegarder, il y a un "pc" et "st" à coté de la ligne "ext". En appuyant sur pc, je reviens au menu de la dreamcast. Le Pc n'apparait seulement lorsqu'on tente de sauvegarder. photo des données possible de sauvegarder.

En appuyant sur "ST" à coté de la ligne "ext" en allant dans load background, le jeux se fige et plante.
Avec Demul :
J'arrive a faire apparaitre avec des options du debug menu des sortes de tunnelles en fil de fer . Je suppose qu'il s'agit des mouvement de la caméra de la vidéo de 2011. Il est possible d'utiliser la free camera pour s'y promener.

Sorry for this french part but impossible for me To translate whit my bad english :)
good wrote: A lot of files missing. Just look in AGARTHA.LST
Thé build was maybe burned like this....

Everything is possible

-Bad dump( i try few time to redump)
-disc damaged
-build burned like this

Its why its à questions to 1000 000:)

I read some story about collector found dev kit from no cliché. Inside they found some files or asset of agartha but not exploitable...

If this story is true, thats maybe the missed files

I don t want stop my research about AGARTHA . Whit this build, its possible we have more thats the E3 build.

I need the help To the communauty To found the answers about my questions :)

GioHAUS0n wrote:I checked all the data, most of them are not written to the end, files is broken. Calculated the full amount of CRC. It turns out that the disc is not broken, completely serviceable ( alive ). But image was taken from a normal CD drive ( the problem is that the image must be assembled by a special drive ( compatible GD-ROM ), which can go beyond the length of the laser head CD format ).

The funny thing is that these files ( from AGARTHA.LST & ADXLISTDEMO.LST ) are present in this build, to be more precise, half, as the inside file, archive AGARTHA.PAK is broken, again.

And you know that there are two videos in MPEG format? 000DUMMY.DAT & 0AGARTHA_DEMO2001.MPG, both identical dimensions data, modified date and CRC.

Code: Select all


I just tested another emulator.
I get error messages (I can pass it but I only get the sound with the falling snow ( the snow of the game ) , the message comes back after 2-3 minutes and I can pass it again or I see briefly the loading screen ( in a fraction of a second )

I tried on 2 different emulators, one of the emulator allows me to access the inventory by pressing start at a certain moment . It is possible to navigate within the inventory.

The keys, A/X/Y/B in the error message, allow to pass it. I also get the impression that these keys allow you to skip parts of the game. ( style debug menu ).

With each error message, you have a different loading screen menu I have the impression.

With the 4 controller and the start button you open the debug menu .

Example of an error message
Warning, this file is to small for blah, blah, blah
-unable to load blablablabla
-scene # adedd blablalbalblabalb

I manage to access the load background of the debug menu. It shows, in my opinion, the different sequences of the video that was published in 2011. I can't access it on emulator. You can create paths to get information there. With the keyboard, the information can be deleted and rewritten.

The keyboard has some functionality like this
Q then Q turn on the music. Maybe to skip the sequences.
T: the snow accelerates but not the music
R, P, or N: we reappear the error message so these buttons have to trigger something
ESC: opening the menu debug, same as with the controller connected to port 4 and start
Pause: Well pause break
O: you can access the load background menu but with additional files
On Demul: the buttons may not be good but the principle is there(I don't remember my config anymore))
A: we repeat the sequence
B: we move to the next sequence
X: back to the previous sequence
Y: one certainly accedes to the playable passage. You can see the inventory in speed on demul by pressing start. On nulldc, we manage to access the inventory and interact with it (choose weapons, observe them, change places).
Start then any button: freeze the game on the loading screens.

Note: If I quit the game from the menu debug, I get to the dreamcast menu. I can restart the game without more like this was part of the build.
Another notable fact is that when I tried to save data, they sent me to where the 31 files are(or I was able to access them from the "O" keyboard). I tried to save to an existing file. There is the message " oops, or do you want to overwrite the file such and such ". In this same menu, always trying to save, there is a "pc" and "st" next to the line "ext". By pressing pc, I go back to the Dreamcast menu. The Pc only appears when trying to save. pic data can be saved.

By pressing " ST " next to the "ext" line and going into load background, the game freezes and crashes.
With Demul :
I manage to make appear with options from the debug menu some sort of the tunnel wires . I guess this is the motion of the camera from the 2011 video. It is possible to use the free camera to ride around.

Keyboard layout (checked in Demul):

N - Next sequence.
P - Previous sequence.
R - Restart sequence.
Q - Quit sequence.
T - Speed up time x2 (200%).
ESC - Debug menu (need mouse to fullscreen).
O - Open sequence (file).

Other buttons are hotkeys Demul and NullDC.

this build exist only in CDI....

Rumors thats some studio used CD to burn is beta is true....
GioHAUS0n wrote:Some of the collectors who managed to publish before closing the forums for a sort of garage flea markets sellers and collectors, was published Agartha discs for sale ( in the various forums for large periods of time stretching more than a decade ) most existed in the GD-ROM. Many complained that they could not make images from their collection. Later, were angry for the publication of the video on YouTube in 2011.

The first I heard that there is Agartha ( burned ) on CD-ROM for this guy: ... 0001377176
At one time talked to former employees Infrogames, he said that he had the closet still kept the early builds when Agartha was in development for PC. Claimed that the game could originally be called Alone in the Dark 2, a real spiritual of all the ideas that was conceived for the sequel AitD. But the company's management to put it mildly did not approve.

It also had early builds of the original AitD and AitD2. There are different variations of game mechanics and design concept are very different from each other. Even the original AitD2 build by design document Frédérick Raynal.

We mostly discussed the fate of the last part of Alone in the Dark: Near Death Investigation (2008). It turns out that in fact this game is a completely different game, originally developed by Hydravision Entertainment under the working title Obscure 3. Why it happened, the money, the company almost went bankrupt and sold the idea to Atari, who almost craved the continuation of the series, all the developers who tried to make a sequel after AitD4, could not do and left in early development.

So gave a contact to a former employee of Hydravision, he in turn confirmed all these words and told initially everything was created under PS2 and Wii, was planned as an exclusive for Wii in motion control with Nunchuck. Then the right is completely transferred to Eden began port next generation of consoles and pc. At the end of the game's development is itself customized Atari PS2, Wii, PS3, Xbox 360, PS3, PC without their participation. The differences were terrible. The locations were different, the characters were different, the videos were different, the dialogues were different, the majority cut out the work of Eden Games.

Here's what you can observe the confusion in the Wii videos, for some reason the beginning was the videos from the Next-Generation ports, then disappeared and returned to the PS2 format. Titles of both versions were cut, removed all references to Hydravision.

About the ending they originally planned the final battle main hero with evil or good. It is also cut ( almost finished ) , leaving players unaware with the ending, as a hint at a sequel, but this was not to be. An element of nonlinearity were cut, again, some major characters removed, which influenced the story.
Esppiral wrote:Don't know if Anyone noticed it, but this corrupted demo is that exact video, playing both side by side it is the exact same music, camera angles and the 2 D elements are rendered in the same place (like smoke) a shame it is corrupted and does not render geomtry cuz some of those environments are amazing for a Dreamcast title.

Just a quick comparison between the cancelled video demo and the corrupted Build, it has been edited for shortening sake, but you can see how every camera movement, 2 d element, and SFX matches the original video, so this is the real thing, sadly, it is missing geometry files.

The letf audio channel is from the original video, the right audio channel is from the leaked/ corrupted build, and it matches 100%

Smoke from the crashed car
That guy throwing up that purple thing.
Video Comparisson.
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Re: List of Laurent prototypes

Post by |darc| »

Whats Shenmue special demo face GD-R

why sega used this beta ? thats a question of 100000 dollars :

This beta take long time to boot. If i remember, it was impossible for me to boot the GD-R whit disc system or dev kit. I used this beta only whit emulator.

Thats can be nice to translate in english!W4RzGIyL!jFV-6dPtsQn8 ... LBaRgZaquc
Yakumo wrote: Eh, this face demo was available in Japan for anyone. Its part of the What's Shenmue disc. Its not at all rare. Look for an iso of What's Shenmue.
Yes but the date of this GD-R is after the release of whats shenmue, 1 or 2 weeks after
wombat wrote:The fact that this comes from a GD-R, with only 1 copy known to be in public hands makes this an interesting and definitely a rare feat. Also as Laurent pointed out, the build is dated after What's Shenmue. So who know's what else is being stored on this disc....? Hopefully with the help of some crafty members here we'll figure out soon enough :)
ehw wrote:After? The build date is actually one day before the released version, at least the one that's in TOSEC. So this is technically a prototype.

There are some code changes in 1ST_READ and some of the map info scene files got changed. One of the sprite files got changed as well. Not sure what these changes mean though...
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Re: List of Laurent prototypes

Post by |darc| »

Dreamcast sega Europe level 1 repair documents ( dreamcast checkers)!XhRgSSha!BDdd5fJUhbEa ... iDeMFF0O3w

MetalliC wrote:"Numérisation_20190430 (48).png" is interesting, according to it DCs had number of component revisions:
SH4: MP9, MP10, MP11
HOLLY: V2.40, V2.41, V2.42, V2.52, V2.53
AICA: 2bank or 2/4bank
Flash ROM: 1Mbit or 8Mbit

wondering what is the chip differences ? I think its the 1st time I've heard of HOLLY v2.5X, "4-bank AICA" sounds interesting too.
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Re: List of Laurent prototypes

Post by |darc| »

Dreamcast document ( checkers + service desk + others )!VeIHmQ4C!v0Gnro9qmJG7 ... MPB6Py3lMI
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Re: List of Laurent prototypes

Post by |darc| »

I have some time.
I start my release 2019 of GD-R whit this thread. I put new Iso each days
I used other thread for more important build.

-Chuchu rocket. Final version, i havent see special things
chuchu.jpg!2tRx0A7R!uiNqoounWuPc ... 6qY56fVnfY

-F1 Racing. The introduction movie is different. If i remember, some difference inside menu of the games and maybe more
fire99.jpg!ak5gwaaJ!pqFHM-3R6TjY ... TqujKN9jIo

2 build of kiss. Same version but 2 different date. It was the first time a see this
first :!f9oW1ArR!yX5nn8Ln0dBX ... 6kBPL35tlk
second!vggUUCbL!mZLmQeWQI4tk ... mdLWTnPIZg

Nightmare creature. Other version of the build i released in 21018 or 2017. You have a debug menu too
nightmarecreatures.jpg!H5YgFYLI!l37ux-33NPp3 ... apU8rW2kIa

Silver 0.18. Some difference in main menu. Why a :"quit games ":)?
silver3.jpg!CkYWkaaY!OShqpt549NAO ... V-D0OwmUHM

Silver TEST. Nothing To spécial
silver4.jpg!6tBCWQyL!_WfkhWxKd0ed ... DHfEV1G3Xg

Silver 5/19/00. Us build.!L5wRlQzR!004aKh5Ebmad ... KX-0nXVA-k
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Re: List of Laurent prototypes

Post by |darc| »

Metropolis Street Racer . You can drive whit the keyboard(i never try whit the standard games). Some dev option are available if you put a other controller. I found option to change the hours of the games (night - days)
msr2.jpg!yrgHTSqQ!o19Gd9xM-5Yi ... LKw5431P3w

Bang-aio. Funny and différent translation
b3.jpg!myxVgKRK!ZslPS86oDFJc ... NJq7B4T4tM

Dinausor. Debug menu is available whit combo button (free came, caméra flight mod, you can skip map....)
dino2.jpg!u6onkKbb!CNZlzw770Aem ... PK9x4EvaDw

Project justice : nothing spécial

pj.jpg!n3J1mQSa!r6FqxoSWAYnq ... YWfGDGNgH0

Freestyle scooter ; nothing spécial
fs.jpg!LjJFmYbD!hLr55jFTBx-5 ... 9Fs7rhnPO0

Plasma sword : nothing special. other version of the build i released in 2017
plasma.jpg!C2JD1IgC!6-lrQuTn39dZ ... S2tIzzL3Qc
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Re: List of Laurent prototypes

Post by |darc| »

Sonic Shuffle : nothing spécial. Impossible to read the games whit emulator. 2 different dump. Disc error i presume
shuffle.jpg!33RnSKAY!nyyM8bcwyazb ... gGrv1OHJ4A

Street figther double impact : nothing spécial

sfdi.jpg!X7YDGKiC!MfpHPoUx82zO ... Nm_6zOJua0

Stunt GP : amazing and massive dev option and debug menu. You need a keyboard. I think debug menu during conception of the games, not for test the games. Enjoy this build :)

stunt2.jpg!XyRRAAqK!71zg-T8jXErq ... G4BHq_BcBE

Gauntlet legend : nothing special
gauntlet.jpg!CrRHHA6J!TiNjNWxNf2rb ... LMnIGjSggg

Crazy taxi 2 : nothing special
ct2.jpg!ymR1CKzJ!iL7lWpcbLGQa ... RHQvM7U1rs

Woofmute wrote: You can get the first two Sonic Shuffle dumps to work by adding a gdi file with this info.

Code: Select all

1 0 4 2352 track01.bin 0
2 9546 0 2352 track02.raw 0
3 45000 4 2352 track03.bin 0
The third dump folder (dreamshell) works with demul already.

Only difference I've noticed so far is some kind of performance bar on the bottom left of the hz select screen. This goes away after you choose. 1ST_READ seems slightly bigger than the final PAL version's.
EDIT: Hold Y while it boots to get a debug menu.
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Re: List of Laurent prototypes

Post by Anthony817 »

Great work archiving his stuff here darc! You know if he is going to register over here? He has been such an asset to the community.
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Re: List of Laurent prototypes

Post by |darc| »

Anthony817 wrote: Fri May 31, 2019 6:15 pm Great work archiving his stuff here darc! You know if he is going to register over here? He has been such an asset to the community.
I've messaged him on Discord about this thread, we speak there regularly, he hasn't messaged me back yet though. Hopefully :mrgreen:
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Re: List of Laurent prototypes

Post by Anthony817 »

Ah ok, well hope other pillars of the community join up here and at Dreamcast-talk, both of these sites could use a lot of the Assembler regulars. I will keep doing my best to convince others to join up.
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