Search found 108 matches

by biohazard
Forum: Games and Software Hacking, Prototypes, and Devkits Discussion
Topic: VMU Saves To CD?
Replies: 14
Views: 2607


Yes, I hope there is a solution. And if there isn't, I hope someone codes a program that will do that.
by biohazard
Forum: First Person Shooters Development
Topic: Doom 2 for dc
Replies: 1
Views: 1215


I don't know if its still available, but use the Self Boot Toolkit, or maybe even BurnerO's Quikboot. I had the same problem before, and I would have done anything for DoomDC, then I found the Self Boot Toolkit. I hope you have as much luck as I did.
by biohazard
Forum: First Person Shooters Development
Topic: Hey what exactly does doomdc support
Replies: 6
Views: 1444


Heheh. You need to use Wintex for all your PWAD needs. I'm glad I don't have THAT wad file. I would never stop having nightmares. :)
by biohazard
Forum: bleemcast! Archive
Topic: Have you seen this programmer?
Replies: 15
Views: 2207


ROTFLMAO! Schnapple just said the funniest thing I've ever heard on these forums.
by biohazard
Forum: bleemcast! Archive
Topic: Guys, go to NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Replies: 13
Views: 2410

oh my goodness

When I went to the site, chills went up my spine, and I got goosebumps. We will always remember you Randy, and his company Bleem, the little company that could. Tommorow, I am going out to EB and I am going to buy Bleemcast MGS.
by biohazard
Forum: bleemcast! Archive
Topic: Please post/limit your "Bleem should be free" posts to this
Replies: 22
Views: 5696


No, no, no, no, no! You guys have it all wrong! Some people think that Bleem should release one last huge Bleempack? What part of the gravestone don't you understand? Bleem is dead. There will be no more releases. Not for PC, not for XBOX, not for DC, not for PSX, not for NES, get the point? Rand *m...
by biohazard
Forum: Off-Topic Forum
Topic: Red Faction, Max Payne and Wolfenstien oh my!
Replies: 15
Views: 1291


Yes, Red Faction does have online internet play. It's great too. I don't know why, but RF kinda reminds me of Perfect Dark, even though Perfect Dark is better. I've never played Max Payne, but I'm thinking about it. RTCW seems like a great game, I play the Multiplayer test everyday. I used to play D...
by biohazard
Forum: bleemcast! Archive
Topic: Anyone want a Tekken 3 Bleemcast?
Replies: 4
Views: 1100

dc died?

Your DC died? You should buy a new one. They're only $50 now. Think about it. You can get either a new DC, or you can buy a brand new PS2/GC/X-box game.