Created and Founded by 007Cheater on September 25, 2000.
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Selfbooting dcgnuboy with Selfboot

0. Download Selfboot. Install it to C:\Selfboot.

1. Create the directory dcgnuboy on your C dive (C:\dcgnuboy).

2. Download the dcgnuboy plain files, extract them.

3. Put ip.bin, 1st_read.bin and pics and gb folders in C:\dcgnuboy.

4. Put your unzipped Gameboy roms into the "gb" folder (C:\dcgnuboy\gb\). If you want to you can make different folders within the gb folder. There is a maximum of 1024 roms per folder.

5. Click on Selfboot.exe. Browse to C:\dcgnuboy and click OK. 

6. Click the Discjuggler button to create a .cdi image or click the NERO (tao) or NERO (dao) button to create a .nrg image.

7. Once the image is made, start up your burning program of choice & select burn image.