DCEmulation:Featured In
DCEmulation and the Dreamcast homebrew scene has been featured in the press many times over the years. Here we have a collection of some of the coverage we have received. If you wish to submit something we don't have here, please post it on our forums!
007Cheater has done interviews with both EGM and CVG.
Magazine Features
Game Lab
This was our first real appearance in the public. They feature DCEmulation specifically.
Expert Gamer
Here is our U.S. debut in a magazine. The article talks about QuakeDC and NesterDC and refers to our site.
EGM features DCEmu for homebrew developement--check out this scan.
EGM writes an awesome article on emulation in general. It mentions DCEmu on one of its pages.
Our second U.S. article. Electronic Gaming Monthly features an entire page of information relating to Dreamcast emulation and such.
FHM magazine has featured an article with our site as well as other useful sites on the internet.
Power Unlimited
A Dutch magazine features DCEmu and praises the emulation scene.
Dreamcast UK
This UK magazine featured QuakeDC in it.
Dreamcast Magazine
An article featuring DreamSNES was placed inside this magazine.
Dreamcast KULT
This German magazine discusses the Dreamcast homebrew scene.
EDGE Magazine
This magazine has a large article about the Dreamcast scene.
Official Dreamcast Magazine UK
This article discusses software that users submitted to the magazine's staff. It mentions an emulator they call "DC-MD," which does not exist. They probably mean the Sega Smash Pack ROM loader, but decided to change the name due to the illegality of that emulator. They call the emulation scene "illegal," which is a bit misleading to readers.