Long live the Dreamcast!!!

Over the last 12 or so years that this project has been running, we received information about thousands of Dreamcast discs.
I have compiled all info I got from those user submissions, info I got directly from my personal collection and info I got from certain pictures found online to a comprehensive list of all known Dreamcast discs.
My definition of "known" is to have some reasonably solid info about them. This means basically 3 things:
1) actual dump exists.
2) actual info about disc exists, coming from trusted person.
3) for some of the rare/obscure stuff it may mean "photo of the actual item found on the net, photo is in my possession".
Before anyone asks, "Listed on website X" does not qualify for that because that would just be copying info from an untrusted source. And trust me, even well known resources contain MANY errors. There's one exception: for some of the White Labels and PAL Promos, I have used some info from the excellent Dreamcast Ultimate Collector's Guide by Mike Phelan and the Dreamcast Junkyard. These however are listed as "UNCONFIRMED TO EXIST" or "Listed on DCJY Guide" as I don't have any photo evidence for them. I am sure some users should be able to supply photos of some of these now.
Mike, if you are reading this, thanks for compiling the only well-researched document about Dreamcast discs that existed on the web until today. It was the only one that actually was matching well with my personal research and also contained some bits of info I had missed. But mine got a little further, I believe, at least for officially released discs (not touched Homebrews/Unlicensed yet, this is another world).

Feel free to use some of the info contained here to further improve your wonderful guide, since I have uncovered info that doesn't exist in it (eg some stuff missing in your work includes the confirmed existence of Deep Fighter, Suzuki Alstare and Monaco GP White Labels, or the distinction between Italian and Spanish releases of most Acclaim games). I have also done significant work on Japanese Taikenban and Not For Sale discs, that are completely untouched by the current version of your guide.
For everybody else:
I hope you find these Excels interesting. Trust me, they are safe and virus free! If you have additional information that can help fill the Excel files even more, please submit your information. If you are able to dump Dreamcast games (with the SD card adapter it is very cheap and super easy to do so!), please submit more dumps to us. We want to get more info on every disc and ringcode under the sun!!!
This is a continuous WIP for me and I will be posting updates for these files from time to time. I hope some people will find the information useful. Enjoy!!!

Basic usage:
Green: verified item. Has at least 2 dumps from 2 different dumpers, or single dump with different ringcode that matches another dump (as frequently happens with Normal and Limited Editions. It still qualifies as verified if you get a matching dump from one Normal and one LE disc).
White: unverified single dump (most of those have their ringcode also). We want another dump to verify these!
White showing UNDUMPED in dump status column: never dumped, highly wanted!!
White showing NOT A GD-ROM in dump status column: it is not a GD-ROM (usually audio CDs or MilCDs) and therefore is not datted by TOSEC so far, as dumping methods are only useful for GD-ROMs. Planning to start including those in future dats, most likely in Redump format. Redump has already included several of them in their dats.
Orange: disc info exists in Redump database, but has never been dumped with the TOSEC way. We want those too!
Old obsolete download link removed, see below for new one.
Bonus content: I have never seen anybody mentioning this and probably nobody ever noticed, but the Japanese and PAL releases have a part in their ringcodes, that seemingly uniquely identifies every single unique disc release. They are also more or less chronologically reasonable, ie early discs have smaller numbers and late discs have larger numbers.
For PAL discs the important bit of the ringcode is the -0xxxSS part and for Japanese it's the part that comes after the boxcode: T-XXXXXM-0xxx and HDR-xxxx-0xxx.
I have compiled Excel files containing all these known codes. These may be interesting to study, especially as there are many intriguing gaps, showing either still unknown discs or numbers that were assigned but never used. No way to know what is what of course, but something to toy around with. What seems definite is that there can be a maximum of 927 Japanese discs (Karous which was the last Japanese release has T-47803M-0927 MT B02 ringcode) and PAL is up to 497 (Portuguese Dreamkey was the last PAL release with ringcode 832-0069-0497SS). See also how the late numbers, with the Dreamcast operation being wrapped up and only certain few discs being pressed were more or less all used for publicly available discs, while there are much bigger gaps in earlier numbers showing (IMHO...) as of yet undumped/unknown stuff, cancelled stuff or possibly even only internal disc pressings. Wonder how many of those gaps we will be able to fill in the future...
I hope some avid Dreamcast historians will find this interesting, so I am including Excel files of those too.

With this, I am over and out.
Happy Birthday Dreamcast!