Just saw Transformers the movie [no spoilers]

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Re: Just saw Transformers the movie [no spoilers]

Post by curt_grymala »

Lartrak wrote:Nearly all of the explosions and crashes were practical though, which is nice as even now CG explosions and crashes look off to me.
That's what I meant. I didn't mean to imply that any of the bots themselves were real. I just meant that the explosions, destruction, etc. were real. Even the part at the beginning, when Scorpinok (or however you spell that) was coming up out of the sand was done with real explosions, and the actors were actually running for their lives.
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Re: Just saw Transformers the movie [no spoilers]

Post by mink03 »

im glad the rights have been bought for 2 more transformers movies... let see if they happen... i finally got to see it last night and i really liked it but it deff made more fun of itself than anything.. but overall i loved it.. so glad i finally got to see it.. now i must go buy a optimus prime figure *drolls*
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Re: Just saw Transformers the movie [no spoilers]

Post by Vlad Tepes »

I was sorely disappointed with the movie.

-I thought the boy main character was an idiot, and I hated every second he was on the screen. The girl, while very attractive, fit in about as well as Katie Holmes did in Batman Begins.

-I'm a fan of the new Camaro...but Bumblebee was a VW Bug...not a sports car. I think Bay should have picked another transformer who was already a sports car to be the new Camaro. Sideswipe comes to mind. Bumblebee had one of the friendliest personalities in the cartoon, and for most of the movie he was mute. I loved cartoon Bumblebee, and I was heartbroken after the movie, because I felt Bay completely ruiened his character.

-Optimus Prime was the embodyment of all things good in the Transformers universe...and I thought the movie made him look kinda stupid. "My bad" :x (wtf?!)

-Megatron was a big pussy. Yeah...he was a big scary robot, but that's all. He had no personality, and he just wasn't very...evil. He certinly wasn't even close to being as evil and diabolical as cartoon Megatron...IMO

-The twisted relationship between Starscream and Megatron was completely non-existant. From the first cartoon episode of the Transformers, Starscream wanted to kill Megatron to become the leader of the Decepticons (and was temporarily sucessful in the animated movie). It was one of the story archs I loved about the cartoon. Bay didn't even touch on it in his movie.

-There were far too many human characters and far too few Transformers. From my memory...there were only two regular human characters in the cartoons.

It felt to me like Bay didn't take the time to learn about the original characters. It felt like he took the idea of the transformers and made a generic action movie, while ignoring the main things that made the cartoon special. It made me sad. I give it a 4/10.
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Re: Just saw Transformers the movie [no spoilers]

Post by mankrip »

The movie isn't out here yet, so I'm posting this without reading any of the posts, to be sure I won't read spoilers.

It will only appear in the theaters here at July 20, but the movie theater where I usually go has only played dubbed movies recently, and in no way I'll watch this movie dubbed. I'll probably have to wait some more days until I can find a movie theater in another city that will play it with subtitles. Oh crap.
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Re: Just saw Transformers the movie [no spoilers]

Post by Haker4 »

Great movie lot's of explosins! :kenny: and guns!
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Re: Just saw Transformers the movie [no spoilers]

Post by gRiMgRaVy014 »

I saw it last week. To be honest, when I walked into the theater, I didn't think I was going to like the movie. But I'm glad to say I was wrong, I enjoyed it.
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Re: Just saw Transformers the movie [no spoilers]

Post by Stormwatch »

I can stand the dumb plot... the bad actors... the epileptic camera... but what really ruins this is the comic relief. Hey, this is an action movie. If I wanted to see a comedy, I'd go watch a friggin' comedy -- preferably one without jokes about masturbation and urine! :ill:

I posted a review on IMDB, if it gets approved I'll post a link.
EDIT: Here it is, my review of Transformers.
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Re: Just saw Transformers the movie [no spoilers]

Post by toastman »

I went into the movie expecting to see robots that transformed into vehicles and vice versa.

This movie exceeded my outrageously low expectations.
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Re: Just saw Transformers the movie [no spoilers]

Post by MetalGearRay »

Although it would be incredibly cool to have a bunch of transforming buddies at your service, anyone else find it a bit awkward that the guy and his girlfriend were making out on top of Camero-dude, in addition to having everyone else just hanging out there watching?
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Re: Just saw Transformers the movie [no spoilers]

Post by mankrip »

This movie will start playing at Cruzeiro's cinema next friday, and it will be subbed. Finally!

Only one more week without reading this thread :P.
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Re: Just saw Transformers the movie [no spoilers]

Post by toastman »

MetalGearRay wrote:Although it would be incredibly cool to have a bunch of transforming buddies at your service, anyone else find it a bit awkward that the guy and his girlfriend were making out on top of Camero-dude, in addition to having everyone else just hanging out there watching?
I thought it was weird, yes. And the fact that _you_ find it weird says something. The only more damning refutation would be if Stormwatch came in and said it creeped him out too.
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Re: Just saw Transformers the movie [no spoilers]

Post by mankrip »

I've watched it twice. In several scenes I couldn't tell who was who the first time I watched it.

The worst thing was the main Sector 7 guy (John Turturo?). It was awfully lame when he took off his suit and was wearing a t-shirt with a Superman-esque "S7" logo in it. His lines and attitude were also stupid. At least the Sector 7 was dissolved at the end of the movie, so he shouldn't appear in the sequels. I didn't mind the other jokes.

Megatron's lines were quite cartoony, and Prime's lines weren't delivered very well when taunting him. IMO Prime should have had a "dead serious" tone when talking to him. But I didn't care much about this since I understand that much of their dialogue was taken from the G1 movie to please the fans.

Ironhide had a couple cheesy moments in Sam's backyard (the "can I take them out" and the dog one). Not to mention that Prime replied "easy, Ironhide" as if he was talking to a 5 year old. I wonder if this is due to Cullen's acting skills or if the filmmakers decided to keep Prime's attitude intact from the G1 cartoon.

I was mildly pissed off when the cinema I went to stopped the movie right after Sam's parents interview. After seeing the movie for the first time I found out on the movie's forums that there's at least one more scene during the credits (Starscream flying away). When I watched the movie for the second time I told them to not stop the movie before this scene plays because I wanted to see it, but they stopped the movie before it anyway. And I couldn't find this scene anywhere in the 'net, so I'll have to wait until the DVD comes out to watch it. Argh.

But all things considered, the movie was great. Prime's speech at the end of the movie reminded me of Sara Connor's speech at the end of Terminator 2.

- - - - -

Here's a creepy video I found yesterday:

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Re: Just saw Transformers the movie [no spoilers]

Post by Code-Red »

Jesus, I was just reading some of the posts in here, and all I've go to ask is:


Transformers is MEANT to be a fun stupid movie, just like the show was. You go in with those attitudes, and you ruin the movie for yourself.
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Re: Just saw Transformers the movie [no spoilers]

Post by mankrip »

Code-Red wrote:Transformers is MEANT to be a fun stupid movie, just like the show was. You go in with those attitudes, and you ruin the movie for yourself.
If I wanted a carbon copy of the cartoon I would watch the '86 movie again. It was not the cheesiness of the cartoon that made me like Transformers; it was the concept behind it. The idea of non-biological lifeforms that have the same level of sentience & personality as us and that can move parts of their bodies around to hide and turn in completely different things opens the way to tons of interesting possibilities.

It certainly is a lot more interesting concept than Batman - a guy who goes around dressed in a bat costume because of a childhood trauma :roll:. And even in Batman's case Tim Burton was able to make a great movie with seriousness and realism, completely breaking away from the formula of Adam West's Batman.

Anyway, I really enjoyed Michael Bay's Transformers, and there are a few things I'd like to see improved in the sequels.
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Re: Just saw Transformers the movie [no spoilers]

Post by mankrip »

Major :bump:.

If anyone else haven't seen the final scenes of the movie yet, I found them in YouTube.

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Re: Just saw Transformers the movie [no spoilers]

Post by Jeeba Jabba »

When I heard Michael Bay was directing it, I was sure it would be awful.

But, as that mother fucker god would have it, it wasn't all too bad. Supporting actors were definitely the worst part. Burger King commercials manifest better acting.
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Re: Just saw Transformers the movie [no spoilers]

Post by Covar »

And even in Batman's case Tim Burton was able to make a great movie with seriousness and surrealism
fixed it for you.

btw Tim Burton's batman movies were shit.
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Re: Just saw Transformers the movie [no spoilers]

Post by Code-Red »

Covar wrote:
And even in Batman's case Tim Burton was able to make a great movie with seriousness and surrealism
fixed it for you.

btw Tim Burton's batman movies were shit.
I think you are confusing Tim Burton's movies with all the other complete shit in the series. Batman and Batman Returns were the only good/decent ones in the whole shitfest.

BTW Cant wait for Dark Knight.
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Re: Just saw Transformers the movie [no spoilers]

Post by MulletMan13 »

Code-Red wrote:
Covar wrote:
And even in Batman's case Tim Burton was able to make a great movie with seriousness and surrealism
fixed it for you.

btw Tim Burton's batman movies were shit.
I think you are confusing Tim Burton's movies with all the other complete shit in the series. Batman and Batman Returns were the only good/decent ones in the whole shitfest.

BTW Cant wait for Dark Knight.
Ever see Batman Begins?...
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Re: Just saw Transformers the movie [no spoilers]

Post by not just souLLy now »

Jeeba Jabba wrote:When I heard Michael Bay was directing it, I was sure it would be awful.

But, as that mother fucker god would have it, it wasn't all too bad. Supporting actors were definitely the worst part. Burger King commercials manifest better acting.
I felt the same, I can name lots of terrible stuff about the film but overall I really enjoyed it. It was a good fun action flick with great special effects. The acting was on the whole terrible, the computer hacking sections were cringeworthy, the token black hip hop robot made me want to scream at the screen and the LOL HIDE MY PARENTS R HOME bit was just awful... but ignoring those it was definitely enjoyable, the robots looked amazing.
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