Your personal sleeper hits - Top 5 of underrated games

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Your personal sleeper hits - Top 5 of underrated games

Post by Freeze »

We all have seen this question before: "What are your favorite games on Dreamcast?". You will always find games like Shenmue I, II, Sonic Adventure 2, Phantasy Star Online and whatever in it. For me that's too borning because it doesn't show what special taste you have. Let's do a Top 5 list of your personal favorite games, but not the normal ones, but the games which you love but were always underrated in magazines.

I'll make a start.

1.) Rez
It's simply a masterpiece, an electronic artwork and it perfecly melts with the music. This is not a normal game, but an adventure for your senses and sex for your mind.

2.) Border Down
If someone asks me about this title I always will have the word "underrated!!" on my mind. EDGE gave it a 7/10, as well as some other magazines. For me it's even better than Ikaruga, no joke. Everyone wants to tell me that the music is farkin borning and nothing but soul-destroying... what's up with those guys? I love horizontal Shoot 'em Ups and I love Border Down!

3.) Garou - Mark of the Wolves
No King of Fighters comes close to Garou, it's THE 2D fighter on the Dreamcast. Even the current generation (PS2, GC, Xbox) doesn't offer such a great 2D fighter. Nothing comes closer to the real NeoGeo feeling!

4.) Zombie Revenge
In my opinion this is the last old school Sega arcade port to a console ever. All the new arcade titles and it's ports to consoles don't have that classical Sega arcade feeling. Grab your friend, get on your two arcade sticks and the true fun can begin!

5.) Shutokou Battle 2
Forget the PAL and NTSC US version, go for the real Japanese one. Hell, I played this game months and months, it does have excellent (but very weird) music, a nice presentation but it's unfair like no other game. Oh well, but doesn't matter as long as I can cruise thru Tokyo.
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Post by CoasterKing »

Rez would be in my list but I'll avoid repetition by listing five other games.

Sword of the Berserk: Guts' Rage
Record of Lodoss War
Toy Commander
Bangai-O (maybe a sleeper hit)
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Post by Sir Slash »

Sword of the Berserk: Guts' Rage
street fighter 3rd strike
cannon spike
daytona usa (still my favorite racing game)

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Post by Lunchbox »

Rez - it's growing on me, but i can't beat the "boss" or whatever it is at the end of the 1st level :evil:
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Post by DLM »

I wasn't ware sword of the berserk was underrated...
Mine would probably be....
Well, the only one that isn't on this list is Silver
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Post by ShadowofBob »

Sword of the Berserk
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Post by devilbane »

I really enjoyed Sonic Shuffle a lot... but I am not sure if its really a sleeper... but it is different. I really dug Cannon Spike but although most people dont talk about it, I am not sure if it is a sleeper either... lol


1 Industrial Spy (rough to get used to, but really deep!)

2 Giga Wing 2 (too hard for most, but fast twitch Street Fighter reflex guys will LOVE it! I know I love this and the first one too!)

3 Psychic Force 2012 (if you are gonna play 3D fighters, screw Faggot-Ass-Pansy-Tekken, play a REALLY 3D game... including VERTICAL freedom...)

4 Toy Commander (like RC Pro Am in control, and a lot more fun than I expected!)

5 The Ring (Thought it would suck... then thought it was linked to the film that came out much LATER than this game... it's loosely based on the ORIGINAL Japanese movie, "Ringu" and plays like Resident Evil... again MUCH better than I originally thought, and Res Evil fans oughtta check it out!)
Dreamcast... pronounced dead more times than I have been...

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Post by molotovwars »

I might just have to say Sega Smash Pack vol. 1, it didn't seem to get much credit, I picked it up almost immediately, before it became available only through a bundle. I had it, ppl had never heard of it, even a few weeks ago, when I picked up a Dreamcast at ebgames, I had the disc with me to test the dreamcast I was buying, and the guy goes "woah where did you get that, I've never heard of it" and proceeded to ask me some questions about it, nice guy.
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Post by Sweater Fish »

Oh boy!! This is always one of my favorite topics.

Here's my picks (not necessarily my top picks, but ones I don't think anyone else would have mentioned):

Armada is definitely one of the most under-rated games on the Dreamcast in my opinion. I think people are approaching it with the expectations (or maybe just the wrong people are approaching it). It's not in any way an "RPG," it's just a mindless shooter and a very good one. Anyone who likes classic gameplay styles will get right into this game. And add a friend or three for multiplayer and you've *REALLY* got one of the best games on the system. If it had been online like it was originally supposed to be, it probably would have been much loved game.

I don't know how obscure Cool Cool Toon was in Japan, but it certainly wasn't a heavily imported game, so it's certainly not well known outside of Japan. It's a rhythm game from SNK and unlike most rhythm games it was specifically designed for a home console so it works perfectly with the stock controller. The rhythm gameplay is good, though not spectacular or anything, but what really makes the game are the simply stunning character designs and graphics and absolutely hip music. Puts Jet Grind Radio to shame in those departments.

Where Armada fell into the unjustly panned category and Cool Cool Toon fell into obscure import, Deep Fighter fell by the wayside because it honestly didn't have the stuff to really compete with all the great games that came out on the DC in 2000. But now's the time to go back and re-discover games like this one. It's a mission-based deep sea craft simulator with missions ranging from basic "go kill the intruders" stuff to more interesting things like mining for ore or installing parts of a base. And bets of all, it's really a very immersive environment, all wrapped up in smooth graphics, tight control (once you get used to it) and excellent sound.

Coaster Works was overlooked probably just because people didn't think it would be fun or something. But, boy, were they wrong. You design your own roller coasters and get graded on how fun they are, but not to fun or you'll be snapping the kiddies necks and that's no fun! As you advance through the stages, you get to build bigger and bigger (and taller) coasters and use more fancy pieces. Oh, and you get to ride them, too. Trust me, it's all just really cool. There was a sequel release din Japan (Jet Coaster Dream 2), but I never got a chance to play it.

Super Runabout isn't as obscure as the other games, I've mentioned, but it's definitely under-rated if only because it's one of the best games on the system and not nearly enough people recognize that. Very cool mission-based driving game with wild physics somewhat reminiscent of Crazy Taxi. Lots of cool vehicles to unlock and excellent environments to drive through.

Image Image
(I know, I know, you said top 5, but I just thought of this one and I have to include it but can't bring myself to take ay of the others off.) Charge'n'Blast may not be an epic game or one that deserves to go down in the history books, but once you've absorbed the control scheme, it becomes a really immersive and satisfying experience. The gameplay is simplicity, in fact not onlike a 3D version of Galaga or something. You control a mech whose only freedom of movement is in strafing back and forth at the bottom of the screen, while with the anaolg stick you control your crosshairs to take out the incoming waves of aliens with your three main weapons which you have to quickly and intuitively select between with the X, Y and B button to keep up a steady barrage of fire. It's all very cool, but there's not really much variety in the weapons or thier uses and the game is stunningly short (which I never hold against a game, but it does have to be mentioned).
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Post by Segata Sanshiro »

Trying to come up with something that hasnt been mentioned here

- Sega Xtreme Sports
- Airforce Delta
- Super Magnetic Neo
- Dynamite Cop
- Suzuki Allstare Racing

Rez - it's growing on me, but i can't beat the "boss" or whatever it is at the end of the 1st level
lock on to everything that starts to glow green, when things get out of control just use the bombs (you should have at least 2)

I never knew that Shutoku 2 and Daytona were underrated :o
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Post by Eckostyle »

1. Maken X
2. Street Fighter 3: Third Strike
3. Kain 2: Soul Reaver
4. Ikaruga
5. Toy Commander
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Post by DaMadFiddler » topic. I'm up late and bored, so thought I might throw in my two cents :-P


1. Headhunter (halfway between MGS and the more recent True Crime, it seems...and a lot of thought that went into it. My only complaint is long load-times)

2. Rez (haven't beaten the FINAL final boss yet, but being a musician, I LOVE this game...and I found the "sex for your mind" comment by Freeze rather funny, because the PS2 version actually comes with a synchronized vibrator)

3. Bomberman Online (my all-time favorite Bomberman, and the first to use cel-shading; Submarine Mode is awesome!)

4. Mr. Driller (WAY underrated puzzle wackiness from Namco; one of my favorite DC games)

5. Typing of the Dead (attack zombies with keyboards; what else need be said?)

Runners-up: Confidential Mission, Hydro Thunder, Super Magnetic Neo, Fur Fighters, E.G.G.

and, to put an interesting spin on things...


1. Phantasy Star Online (yes, it was revolutionary in bringing MMORPGs to consoles, but there's only so long you can hack up Peeps before getting bored...or maybe I'm just throwing this one out to be belligerent :-P)

2. Spider-Man (the only game I've ever played where the cutscenes were even WORSE than the in-game graphics)

3. Mortal Kombat Gold (MK has a built-in fanbase, but this one just felt...well, lacking)

4. Sword of the Berserk (just didn't really care for this one; it felt like hours of cutscenes interspersed with a couple minutes here and there of button-mashing)

5. Star Wars: Episode I Racer (blargh; mediocre port of an average-quality N64 game)
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Post by Sultan of Saturn »

For one thing, I've got to say that this is a great topic, and it is interesting to see that several people have agreed upon games being great yet underappreciated.

My top 5 in no particular order are as follows:

1) Record of Lodoss War - Kadokawa Shoten / ESP / Conspiracy Games / Crave

When most people think of epic rpgs on the DC, the most common rpgs that come to mind are typically, PSO, Grandia 2, and Skies of Arcadia. . . along with the occasional Shenmue (although I consider it an adventure game), but the masterpiece that is Record of Lodoss War is definitely one that belongs with that company. An action-rpg often compared to Diablo (which I have never played), the action is fast and furious and the story and voice-acting are top notch. Fans of the anime will appreciate having a game of this level of quality, but rpg fans will appreciate it for simply being great. Weapons and armor are upgradeable if you have enough mythril and ancient inscriptions. Plus, the fact that you can transfer the inscriptions rather than starting from scratch is a definite plus. Although a bit on the hefty side as save files go, it is still worth it nonetheless.

2) Sword of the Berserk - Gut's Rage - ASCII / Eidos

- It is odd to think that this is another anime based game that was underappreciated, but there is definitely something special about this game. The music is great, the story is solid in that it isn't your typical "save the world or save the princess" but rather a little of both. Often times, the essence of peril and doom is missing in many games when the known world is under certain termination, but you can cut through the tension with a knife in this game. There is some comic relief in the little fairy known as Puck(or Puc), but Gut's purpose is essentially to save his love from a mental sickness. . . that is if he helps out this village. . . although I have been removed from the game for nearly 20 months, the name of the game is simply slaying everything and everyone that moves with your aresenal of arrows that fire from a gauntlet-styled cross bow and a 7-ft sword. The blood flows like beer at a frat party, and you had better believe that there is just as much fun to be had. It is only too bad that a lot of people missed out on it. Hopefully, people will pick up the PS2 sequel that is in the works.

3) Maken X - Atlus / Sega

If there is one thing that I came to realize in 2003, it was that Atlus is the kind of company that keeps gaming from being too mainstream and irrelevant to me. My first time playing an Atlus game ended up being the underappreciated yet completely awesome Maken (deus) X (machina). A highly stylized first person hack & slash game, this game has more personality than 95% of the games that came out the same year as Maken X. The setting isn't quite a post-apocalyptic future but rather a future setting on the brink of an apocalypse. You are involved in a major science research project that goes horribly wrong, and the result is that the main character ends up becomming "brain-jacked" by the experiment. . . a man-made nearly super-natural sword known as Maken. As the sword, you can brain-jack other individuals and take control of their bodies. At the same time, the weapon morphs into a form best used by the individual. You gather clues from one city to another with regards to finding a cure for the main character who speaks to you via Maken, but she is still in a brain-jacked coma. The story presents itself in a manner where it will eventually branch, and you get to choose which "right" is the most righteouss path. Each side will try to convince you of their goal, but it is up to you to decide on the path to take. With awesome visuals, gameplay, and music, it could only come from the minds of Atlus. It is too bad that it didn't get more attention, but the good part is that it is readily available for about $5 new on ebay, but easily worth full msrp.

4) D2 - WARP / Sega

D2 isn't really a sequel to D on the Saturn and PSX, but the character never changes (Laura). Overshadowed largely by the Resident Evil 2, 3, Code: Veronica, Dino Crisis, and Alone in the Dark: TNN, D2 is a masterpiece of a survival horror adventure interspersed with a really great Silent-Scope type feature for health restoration (which really beats the hell out of the other survival horror games when it comes to something believable). You play Laura, who is on a flight up north, a pendant that she owns ends up glowing and at the same time a bright light flashes in the sky near the plain. You wake up in a winter wilderness, and the inhabitants have pretty much become mutants and the risk of infection is never ending. So it is up to you to find survivors, survive the mutants, and find a way out. With respect to presentation, this game is only second to Shenmue with respect to having such an epic feel to where you would wish that Sega would make a D2 movie like the Shenmue movie for the Xbox release of Shenmue 2. The music is great, it is quite creepy, but the variety of gameplay is definitely going to keep you entertained for hours. In addition, it is a very mature story that would easily translate into an R rated movie on the big screen and easily worth the price of admission for any Dreamcast gamer's collection.

5) Kiss Psycho Circus - Third Law Interactive / Take Two Interactive

The rarely heralded first person shooter Kiss Psycho Circus is one of the rare entries into the genre to come out on Dreamcast. Overshadowed by Quake 3, Unreal Tournament, and Soldier of Fortune, KPC is definitely one twisted fps. Powered by the Lithtech engine (related to such games like the Noone Lives Forever series, Blood 2, and Shogo), KPC does not cower on the graphical side, and it simply piles on the enemies like there is no tomorrow without the slightest hint of slowdown. The main characters, KISS, are the most twisted looking heroes for any fps, and the denizens of this underworldly landscape hearken back to the days of Doom and Quake. Mix in a some good ambient music, awesome weapons, neat level design and plenty of monsters, plus the fact the game is on the ultra-cheap, plus it comes with a touch of KISS songs, and "you are in the psycho circus, and I say welcome to the show."
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Post by Eckostyle »

How fun was Cool Cool Toon, exactly? The game looks pretty, but all the reviews I've read about it(like this one) say it's a pretty low-tier music game compared to SC5 and Konami's Beatmania/IIDX/PNM games.
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Well I got 4

Post by OminaeYu »

USA Release
Game - Reason
1. Psychic Force 2012 - Regina :kiss)
2. Cannon Spike - Cammy :kiss)
3. Project Justice - Akira & Momo = Double :kiss)
4. Record of Lodoss War - Deedlit :kiss)

Import Release
Game - Reason
1. Rainbow Cotton - Play the Game ^_^
2. Puyo Puyo~n aka Puyo Puyo 4 - Those Lovable Puyos + Its damn addicting
3. Langrisser Millennium - Masariva
4. D+Vine [Luv] - Sweet RPG
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Post by Freeze »

Wow!! What sweet Japanese covers!! Please marry me OminaeYu! :(
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Post by Sweater Fish »

Eckostyle wrote:How fun was Cool Cool Toon, exactly? The game looks pretty, but all the reviews I've read about it(like this one) say it's a pretty low-tier music game compared to SC5 and Konami's Beatmania/IIDX/PNM games.
Well, that's the only bad review I've ever read of it. Where else have you read negative reviews? CCT's Neo Geo Pocket companion, Cool Cool Jam, now that's a pretty bad game (at least I never could get into it), but Cool Cool Jam is good and most people I've talked to agree, though not everyone likes it as much as me. I certainly think it's a hell of a lot better than Space Channel 5, but then I never liked Space Channel 5 at all (haven't had a chance to play Part 2, though), but I'm not familiar at all with the Konami's games aside from DDR.

I disagree strongly with Lawrence's review about the visuals and music. I think they're both absolutely top-notch with no "lack of soul" or whatever it was he was trying to say. In fact, the designs and music in Cool Cool Toon are both among my favorite in any video game, period. Actually, I guess I'm not really clear what Lawrence's point was about the visuals and character designs, but about the music, I just disagree, I guess. It *DOES* have a MIDI-ish sound to it, but I don't think that's a negative. SNK clearly wasn't trying to go the way of DDR or Samba de Amigo and use standard pop tunes, the music is all cartoony and with a J-pop/J-metal/J-jazz/etc. sound. It comes down to taste, I suppose, but I like the music and more importantly, think it fits the game like a glove.

Now, what I can't disagree with him on is the difficulty. I don't so much think the first few stages are difficult, but about when you get to the flitz-off, the difficulty just cranks up to an insane level. And Lawrence there didn't even mention the notty sections (there's two types of gameplay: flitz and notty), which I just find damn near impossible. But even once the game got insanely difficult with targets in all sorts of parts of the play area and all four buttons being used randomly, I still wanted to play it because I like the atmosphere of the game so much. And finally, I did manage to get to the end of the game, so it's definitely possible (and I'm not really thaty great at video games in general, so anyone could probably do it).

Plus, there's two different two-player modes (one competitive and one cooperative) that are a hell of a lot of fun, though the music sort of suffers in two-player or practice modes without the lively dialog that goes on during the story mode battles.

I don't know, I'm certainly glad that *I* tracked down the game and bought it, it's a fabulous addition to my DC library and I think it would be to anyone's.

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Post by aisupikku »

Sweater Fish wrote:I'm certainly glad that *I* tracked down the game and bought it, it's a fabulous addition to my DC library and I think it would be to anyone's.
And, it's SNK! How could it be bad? :lol2:

(I was big on the Duke Nukem 3D DukeWorld forums back in '96 or '97 or whenever that was. After the boards went down, I fell from my message board phase... and then, when there was talk of SvC:Chaos potentially coming to DC with enough demand, I was back into the action at the forums... and now, I'm conditioned to think that anything SNK is good. It's a little disconcerting. I'm glad to be here at DCEmu as a result of that whole [or]deal, though!)

My Cool Cool Toon is actually on its way here! I can't wait to try it, especially after seeing that screenshot -- Not that I'm a big GFX player, but, something about it made me think that I would like it...

My thoughts on this topic: Thank you. All of you! There are some games in here that, for some reason, I've seen and wanted to get, but read reviews on which concluded with some less-than-positive note. This "Cool Cool Toon" game-in-question might actually be a perfect example of how sometimes even the most trusted of game reviewers might not know what they're talking about. Game Revolution is almost always on my wavelength, but, they can't review everything... so, I'm left to seek out reviews on the Web, and have to average my impression of the reviewers' impressions, and more often than not, I believe that I end up depriving myself of gaming goodness, because of it.

Anyway; I haven't played half as many games as most of you, and so, I can't quite list anything... but, here are the ones that I'm set on getting, after reading this thread:

Max: Shutukou Battle 2 -- Now I know to get this instead of the US version!
Multi: Psychic Force 2012 -- This is one that I picked up and looked at, thought "I wanna get this" but little sister (of all people) says that it "looks cool, but probably isn't" ... :roll:
devilbane: The Ring: Terror's Realm -- Maybe? Something about a computer virus doesn't seem terribly frightening, but, I do think that Naomi Watts is pretty. Not that it has anything to do with the game.
Sweater Fish: Super Runabout -- Mission-based driving, eh?
OminaeYu: I like your reasoning, as silly as it may seem to be. I'll be checking those games out for sure. :wink:

PP4 = 4P P! Get it? :lol:
I can't wait to get that one and bust it out for some multiplayer mayhem... Rainbow Cotton's supposed to be a pretty good shooter, isn't it?

*track track* "oooooo!" ... 3077710310

There are a few up there right now for a little bit more, in case anyone's looking to pick one up!
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Post by The OK Pope »

Not sure if you could consider them sleepers, but here goes:
Tokyo Xtreme Racer
Cannon Spike
Bomberman Online
Cosmic Smash
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Post by Klonoa »

:!: Tech Romancer
:arrow: LoK Soul Reaver
:idea: Gauntlet Legends
:!: Vigilante 8
:idea: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
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