Moved Topic Quake + Loader menu from old forums

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Dr Wily
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Moved Topic Quake + Loader menu from old forums

Post by Dr Wily »

sorry Mods, this was something that had been interesting me, so I moved it over from the old forum - if you think its inappropriate / sailing too close to the 'warez winds' / whatever just delete it, its just I think you guys were on to something good with it... there were some others as well but I kept getting a database error when I tried to access them... ho-hum...


MatMan5959Two questions;
Can you use Quake w/ the ODM menu?

Will Quake run if it's not in the root directory of a CD?

Thanks, I was thinking about using ODM menu to boot multiple mods of Quake off the same CD.

Since the old forum is gone I lost all my information about ODM. (A lot had already been deleted)

I cant remember if anyone said WinCE stuff worked. It was a bit to warezish of a topic to not be deleted by one of the mods since very little homebrew stuff uses wince and none of it 100% legal (not even QuakeDC though nobody minds)

I dont know the answers to your question though. I havent ever talked to Grendel or I'd ask him if his demo menu could load it. I beleave I remember before it was designed not to load anything developed on WinCE or Kitana dev kits. Things may have changed... or someone might be able to talk him into doing a special quakedc menu.

Or you can try ODM. If you figure out a way to put multiple mods on a disc let us know.

Since I havent tried eather of the menus I havent tried running QuakeDC from inside a folder so I dont know how that would work.


It doesn't work in a folder, I dunno about the root of the CD though...


Well if it doesnt work in a folder then it wont be able to have multiple mods on the dc since you cant have differant ID1 directories.
If by some chance theres a way to pass a -game blah flag to the 1st_read.bin then it would work... I dont know if the DC supports flags or if quakedc does eather.


Speaking of this, does anyone know where I can d/l the ODM Menu?

I had it before but had to reformat and forgot to back it up .

odm wont work with anything from this site (well, except the web browsers), so as such it really has no place being discussed...the reason most of the ODM stuff was deleted on the old forums was that i deleted all my posts on the has no legitamate use, so i think it should be one of those no-no topics (not everyone agreed with me, so thats why i only deleted my own posts on the subject...)anyways, quake will not work with it because in only works with ginsui enabled programs, not because it is wince...


Thanks for the post Stu.

Now that I think about it you probibly did know the most about ODM. Or atleast was one of the people who tried it most.

It really is too bad that it doesnt work for us homebrew people. Great menu with user defineable graphics! Now if only DCGrendal was to improve his menuloader to that level.


fyi, if one was to get multiple renditions of quake working, one would have to hex edit the executable binary, but not the PAKs i don't think, in order to place them in different folders.

the binary refers to \ID1\, it's feasible i think that changing it to something like \MOD1\ and next as \MOD2\ etc. that it shouldn't screw up

'course, you still need a um, loader menu =)

not necessarily...cant you then access it via keyboard commands

Walter Mitty

I'm afraid my knowledge of PC Quake is limited since I haven't had a PC long, but can you include command line switches in the cfg files? Does WinCE even have a command line interface in its Pocket PC form?


I'm not being negative, but I've never really been sure why we'd want to get the menu working with quake, to run multiple mods on one disc. The only reason I can see is the saving on cdr's, I dummy file it anyway to save on laser wear.
You'd still have to power off/power on (or open) after playing one, so you might as well swop discs; we're not gonna get dcquake to exit back to the menu without altering the engine, which we can't do.
If I'm missing something please tell me, I'm not dissing anyone for this, I just don't get it


If your making selfboots it would take a bunch of disk to do a bunch of mods. Not only do you have to have the cdrs but you also have to think about keeping them organized and storing them. It would be easier on a lot of people to have one disc that does a lot.

As far as getting the dc to reset to the menu... That would probibly be able to be done by programming a new menu. (ODM automaticly has a reset to menu built in doesnt it?)

d3mlg0d mentioned hex editing the .bin to get it to look to another directory for the pak files. I dont know anything about hex editing myself besides useing a gameshark. I think it would be possible to make a menu that does gameshark style hex editing to get a single 1st_read.bin to load from several differant folders. That is if you can hex edit it at all...

Of course I could be way off... Im tired as hell so my brain may not be working at 100%


I don't know how helpful this is, but I know for a fact that the demo discs that came with the UK ODM (different to the American version) can load WinCe software (things like Sega Swirl were included on some discs).

My only concern is that to get WinCe apps to selfboot (or be loaded with the bootdisc I think), the 0winceos.bin file has to be modified, this may prevent the official menus booting the software.


tda, yeah makes sense, sorry for that post of mine, but I really didn't get it, I'm the real dumbass!


I@n thats somewhat good news I think...
It would be interesting to be able to poke around and try some things with it. Hex editing would probibly still need done unless it can run winCE stuff from a folder some how. But that would involve ripping and possibly distributing the disc which probibly could never be officially supported by any DCemu staff. (including myself)

A MUCH better idea would be to talk DCGrendal (or someone with similar ability) into trying to make us a menu.

I understand where your coming from...
If I had unlimited discs (or income) and the space to store them I'd make a selfboot disc for a lot of the mods ive tried. As it is the 500+ cd cases I have in my room are hard to keep organized.

If we had the engine source we probibly would have had muti mod support long ago. (as well as a few other needed fixes) We may actually get the source eventually... It may just take a few years (after 99% of the people have lost interest). Things like that do happen... Kinda like Id giving away their Atari Jaguar development kit awhile back. I think they gave the source to Jaguar Doom too (I think it was doom)

[Edit starts]

lol the forum thinks I@N is an email address...


well I decided to look at the hex for quakedc...
I realized that the midway_1.exe is what will actually need edited to get it to read from other folders... I saw some weird things in there too. It looks like it could be passed a flag... it has -game -hipnotic and -ritual all right around where it sets -cachedir to ID1 -basedir is right before it and Im guessing its blank to signify that its the root.

Of course they could have just left all the flags in because it was easier then removing them.

There is mention of cd errors... one actually says "CDAudio_Init: Couldn't get handle for GDrom" so Titanium did try and get cdaudio working it looks like.

Im getting ready to test my hexedited midway_1.exe If it works then we'll still have to find a way to call differant .exe files. I tried finding where in the 1st_read.bin(0winceos.bin) it called midway_1.exe but could not find it in the hex.

I'll wait till tomarrow to post on this again... I'll tell my results then.

[Edit starts]
Couldnt wait... Good news! It worked!

I changed the only instance of ID1 in midway_1.exe to ID2. Then burned a disc after renameing the id1 directory to id2. And it loaded up just fine! Now just need to figure out what to change in the 1st_read.bin... (and get a menu that will load the new ones.)

I know wince doesnt automaticly load whatever exe is in the root of the disc because I burned my GLquake.exe on there too. It has to be in the 1st_read.bin somewhere.


The Dumbass - first off congratulations on getting Quake to load .pak files from other folders.

However, I don't think DC Grendal's menu will be of any use here though . I seem to recall him saying that he has limited success getting Katana apps to boot, but WinCe will probably never be supported (this was a while ago so things might have changed since). The only option seems to be a new menu coded from scratch (unless the DC Quake sourcecode is released which seems unlikely).


for the record, i think midway_1 is in itself a method of loading....

go dig up midway's greatest arcade hits if you have it, that's the executable name used in there.
there's probably soemthing to that; when i hex edited i searched for string midway_1 and i don't recall finding it ANYWHERE (not even in an ip.bin i don't think) so i think it's just a default thing that the Dreamcast knows to check for when using Windows CE mode.

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Post by TheDumbAss »

Well... rather than close or delete this thread I may surprise you and supplement it with a tutorial. This tutorial explains how to load SMEG, DreamSMS, and Quake using the planetweb browser.

This tutorial is NOT 100% for quake... but may lead others into 'finding' the files we'd need to do multiple mods. (When combined with my post about hex-editing the midway_1.exe in the thread you moved)

Fragger had posted this originally in the CDburning help forum and it was quickly closed because (at that time) the web browsers were considered warez. Just happens a few days later the bowsers became avalible again here at DCemu.

I've edited it slightly (for length) since it has extra info on why he did it originally and why he thought (thinks) it was 'safe' and NOT warez at that time. Since the browser is here here his "this is not warez' explanation isn't really needed. It also explains his trial and error process... (I.E. Do the .bins need scrambled? can they be in folders? Can Quake run in a folder? etc...)

Keep in mind Fragger is not a native english speaker so grammer and spelling arent 100% (I was raised speeking english and mines not so good eather though...)

So here it goes...

You should know this before making your custom game browser:
  • The PlanetWeb Browser ALWAYS search for any files first into the PWBROWSER directory, and then in the root directory. It means that the web browser treat both the PWBROWSER directory and the root directory as the same, the only difference is that it looks into the PWBROWSER directory first.

    The web browser only reads data that is in the FIRST data session of the disc. It has no effect if you try to replace files on the disc to testing. You will have to expense one disc for each new thing that you want to test on the browser, so put together all the things you want to test before burning, to not lose too much CDs.

    You can use multi session only to change files that are used by the programs that you will run, and only if these programs can read multi data sessions, like Quake DC.

    The Ginsu.Path section in the GINSU.INI file is AWAYS ignored, I don't know why. All the programs that I got working started working in the root directory instead of the directory specified in the Ginsu.Path line. Since the browser that I got don't have the Sega Swirl game for me to test, I can't tell if it works to Sega Swirl.

    I'm not sure if the Ginsu.FirstGDDA line is necessary, i haven't tested without it.

    I'm also not sure if the Ginsu.Path line is necessary, as it seems to not work anyways.

    When burning your CD, be sure that you specify ISO9660 file system with up to 30 characters filenames.

    All files and subdirectories used by the program that you will run should be in the root directory.

    The ONLY file you can put out of it's default directory is the binary file that you will call to start the program, as for this file you can specify its full pathname in the GINSU.INI file (ex: "Ginsu.Command = \QUAKEDC\1ST_READ.BIN").

    I suggest you to put all the .wav files, .gif files, .htm files, the SUPPORT directory (if exists), and the BUTTON_REGISTER_CURRENT_ISP.GI file (it is actually a .gif file whose filename is too big to be saved correctly) into the PWBROWSER directory, so you can make the root directory cleaner. [/list:u]

    And now, here is how to put QuakeDC, DreamSMS and SMEG on the same disc:

    1) Read this entire document and understand it.

    2) Open the GINSU.INI file in the root of the web browser and edit it (there's an example at the end of this document).

    3) Create the subdirectories (\QUAKEDC, \DREAMSMS, \SMEG).

    4) In the \QUAKEDC directory, put only the files 0GDTEX.PVR, 1ST_READ.BIN and README.TXT.

    5) Put the MIDWAY_1.EXE file in the root.

    6) Put the ID1 and the WINCE directory in the root, as you normally do with the standalone QuakeDC.

    7) Put all the DreamSMS files (1ST_READ.BIN, IP.BIN and README.TXT) in the \DREAMSMS directory.

    8) If you put DreamSMS on the disc, you should put all your Game Gear ROMs in the root.

    9) If your SMEG binary is named like SMEG_V0.80.BIN, rename it to SMEG.BIN.

    10) Put all the SMEG files (SMEG.BIN, IP.BIN and README.TXT) in the \SMEG directory.

    11) Put all the Master System ROMs on any directory you want. I suggest creating a ROMS_MASTER_SYSTEM directory.

    12) If you will not use DreamSMS, I suggest creating a ROMS_GAME_GEAR directory.

    13) Edit the DRMCST.HTM file, as described below.

    14) Burn the disc and try.

    15) Do not contact me if you can't get it working. Contact someone else that has done it right.

    16) Say "Ooooh yeah!" if you got it working.

    Editing the DRMCST.HTM:
    You must add these links to the DRMCST.HTM file itself or put a link on this file to other page that will contains the links to run the games.
    The word that comes after ---.dream/exec/ is the name of the section in GINSU.INI that starts the programs.
    Also, I like to remove the line that is at the start of the file, so I can connect without opening the Sega page as default.

    <a href="x-avefront://---.dream/exec/quakedc">Quake</a>
    <a href="x-avefront://---.dream/exec/dreamsms">DreamSMS</a>
    <a href="x-avefront://---.dream/exec/smeg">SMEG</a>

    Your GINSU.INI file should have at least these contents. I'm only not sure about the things below the SMEG settings:

    Ginsu.FirstApp = PWBROWSER
    Ginsu.DefaultApp = PWBROWSER
    Ginsu.XferExecutable = \GINXFER.BIN

    Ginsu.Path = \
    Ginsu.Command = \1ST_READ.BIN
    Ginsu.FirstGDDA = 3

    Ginsu.Path = \QUAKEDC
    Ginsu.Command = \QUAKEDC\1ST_READ.BIN
    Ginsu.FirstGDDA = 0

    Ginsu.Path = \DREAMSMS
    Ginsu.Command = \DREAMSMS\1ST_READ.BIN
    Ginsu.FirstGDDA = 0

    Ginsu.Path = \SMEG
    Ginsu.Command = \SMEG\SMEG.BIN
    Ginsu.FirstGDDA = 0

    Ginsu.Path = \
    Ginsu.Command = \TEAPOT.BIN
    Ginsu.FirstGDDA = 3

    Ginsu.Path = \
    Ginsu.Command = \GDDA.BIN
    Ginsu.FirstGDDA = 3

    Ginsu.Path = \
    Ginsu.Command = \PLAYVID.BIN
    Ginsu.FirstGDDA = 3

    Ginsu.Path = \
    Ginsu.Command = \TILECLIP.BIN
    Ginsu.FirstGDDA = 3

    Heres an extra tidbit I got from Fragger in a private message

    If it is OK, I can post a cleaner and updated tutorial with the other programs I got running. The point is that you just need to unscramble the .bin files. The only program that I still can't get running from the browser is DoomDC, even unscrambled.

    I guess that means we cant have Doom, Doom II, and Quake all one one disc... atleast not yet... Maybe Grendal's next release will be compatable ;) Also... I dont have a complete list of what he's tested. I'm almost positive he hasnt tried EVERYTHING hombrew for DC.

    Also that bit about editing the DRMCST.HTM... If you know what your doing you can make a nice fancy multi page 'website' for the stuff. OR alternately... you could remove all the graphics and make a simple, small, fastloading page with just the links to the emus and quakeDC. Eather way... remember to fallow the standard set for the links or you're images and links will all be broken.

    [edited to fix a minor thing.... see Fragger's post below to see why]
Last edited by TheDumbAss on Fri Nov 23, 2001 2:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by TheDumbAss »

A thing to note is... He explains (indirectly) that his browser not selfboot. I beleave the one avalible here IS selfboot. So if your burner doesnt do the LBA expected by the browser's *.bin files then you'll have to binhack them to the propper LBA. Alternately... you can binhack the LBAs all to 0 and use bin2boot (or DSSB or SUSE's kit) to selfboot it or you can do nonselfboot (Needs 0 LBA) so you can still change mods like on a normal multisession nonselfboot of QuakeDC.

What I ment by combining that tutorial with my post on hex editing is...
If we had more 0winceos.bin files that pointed at other .exe names (besides midway_1.exe) then we could use them and hexedited and renamed *.exes to put multible mods on one disc.

The only problems I forsee are not all 0winceos.bins will have everything QuakeDC needs compiled into them and the fact the main source for these other 0winceos.bins would be from ripped/coppied games (I.E. Warez)

One way to fix both of those problems is to talk someone who has the WinCE Dev kit into supplying us 5-10 0winceos.bins that point to mod1.exe, mod2.exe, mod3.exe, and so on (name obviously doesnt need to be mod*.exe... just an example)
Dr Wily
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Post by Dr Wily »

One way to fix both of those problems is to talk someone who has the WinCE Dev kit into supplying us 5-10 0winceos.bins

Doesn't The Gypsy have one of those? I wonder if he'd be interested...
mmMMMmmm this is getting more and more promising; I for one would *really* like to have a whole bunch of Mods on the one disk, just so I can say "Thats my Quake CD" rather than, "now, where did I put that reaperbot mod? Is it this one? Nope, raptors..." etc
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Post by Gooey »

if doing this do what i did
hex edit midway_1.exe, id1 -> id2, rename midway1.exe to mod name, and point the browser to that, in the id2 folder place your mod pak files
repeat for as many as fits on the cd, id1 -> id2, id3 etc etc
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Post by TheDumbAss »

Yes... The Gypsy (Gyplay),Cyrius (of Boobboy) and Sin (of sintendo) are the only ones I know of who have access to the wince for DC dev kit. I'm not sure if The Gypsy would be willing to help since it would wind up being used with the webbrowser and/or ODM. (a post from the old forum from him is attached at the bottom) As far as I know nobody has seen or heard from Sin in a good long while. He may not even have the devkit anymore since he was switching sintendo to libdream. Same with Cyrius... its been reported (on the old forums) that he is redoing Boobboy in Libdream as well.

I know thats what you did with the CEloader testing you did (too bad sound didnt work) but are you saying that you can simply point the link to the *.exe and have it load? No need for the 0winceos.bin? If thats true then I guess I dont undertand the perpose of the 0winceos.bin then... and maybe TheGypsy was wrong when he explained it to me before.

Here is TheGypsy's post from the old forum... The post is from a topic about "Are the WinCE hombrew apps legal?" The quote it contains was originally by 007. In 007's post that it's from it also says that he had been in contact with Todd at Id Software and someone at Titanium studios. He says though Titanium isnt particularly happy we distribute it... They dont care as long as Id Software doesn't care.

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Posted: 2001-10-24 09:19

On 2001-10-23 23:58, 007Cheater wrote:
Gypsy and I have similar thoughts as to the intentions of the downloads, the intentions of the web browsers are for the ways of ease instead of having sega produce a free cd.


Hmmm... Possibly on the WinCE support files -- but, just to clarify, I don't fully agree with some of the other things. For example, Boob doesn't host the browsers because I don't believe that to be "legal enough"... I'm also not sure on Quake -- the support DLLs, yes, but there are other issues there. Of course, since you have spoken with ID and Titanium about it, I don't really have a problem with Quake any more.

Just wanted to clear up any misconceptions there. Personally, I wouldn't host the browser images for various reasons...

- John...

Anyway... thats why I think TheGypsy may not help us...
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Post by Gooey »

what I did was, edit the drmcst file as follows
removed all the old links and put in new ones to thye newly edited midway files (as above),
but all i did was file://quake.exe as quake.exe was in the root, repeated for other programs/mods/mp3 and it worked.

About 0winceos.bin, correct me if i'm wrong, but I am sure it is only need for booting ?, ala ip.bin and 1st_read.bin are also not needed for apps once the browser/dcgrendals demomenu, is running
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Post by mankrip »

The correct link format is

<a href="x-avefront://---.dream/exec/quakedc">Quake</a>
<a href="x-avefront://---.dream/exec/dreamsms">DreamSMS</a>
<a href="x-avefront://---.dream/exec/smeg">SMEG</a>

Looks like is the pw browser itself that sets the path as the root directory, but as what Gooe did works, I will not test it.

I've put the ' character because I haven't disabled HTML in that post.

The programs that I've tested are QuakeDC, Doom DC, NesterDC, DreamSNES, DreamSMS, SMEG, Utopia bootdisk.

A funny thing happened when I started the Utopia bootdisk from the browser, on a non-selfboot disk. It tries to load the disc (the same disc where it is), but can't. I think that it will not happen on a selfboot disk. I couldn't try to swap the disc, it loads too fast :lol: .
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Post by TheDumbAss »

If I remember what TheGypsy had said in the old forums correctly (in Newbie Programming) then the 0winceos.bin file actually contains much of the needed support files (I.E. the DLL files) in a compiled form. It also (obviously) readys the system and loads the neccessary *.exe. Unfortunatly that topic is one of the messed up ones so I can't reread it or post quotes from it.

Demomenu does still need the 1st_read.bin (but not the IP.bin) of any app you want to use with it. Since most emulators and homebrew apps are nothing but a 1st_read.bin you cant run them without them. You just rename them for Demomenu.

I've already tested Fraggers method awhile back... and it does work. It just limits you to 1 copy of QuakeDC per disc since we dont have a bunch of 0winceos.bins to point to differant *.exes with.

I have gotten MP3, ADX, and SFD to work by simply linking to the file like that so I'll try what you said for myself anyway (may take a few days)... If it works for me too then I'll know we'll not need a bunch of new 0winceos.bin files. And I'll release a package with the webbrowser ready for 5 mods. Complete... drop in your working paks... (edit the html if you want) and run a *.bat. "instant" multimod QuakeDC selfboot. (hopefully includeing your (Gooey's) background music compatable hacked *.exes)

Also if this works then a multi emu disc may work exactly the same way. My question is why did sega do it the way Fragger discribes if it works with this much simpler way? Did they expect someone to rip it and wanted to make things a bit more difficult?

About Fraggers appendium.
OOPS. Didnt realize that or I would have fixed it in my repost originaly.
Think I'll go fix that right quick.

Not tested FRNES? I'll have to do that. I personally like it better than Nester. Though support is a bit lower. True speed is better on what is supported. (true as in w/o frameskip and with sound) I need to check a bunch of other things too... I just did QuakeDC and DreamSNES in original my test.
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Post by Gooey »

dunno if you ever got round to trying the celoader b4 dumbass, but on that you never needed any owinceos.bin, ip or 1st read.bins, from quake to boot up any mods, just modified exe files. ( I know sound never worked but it also never if i had 0winceos.bins either.

I you want I will also make a modified browser that *should* only load quake mods to see what you think, along the lines of the doomdc loader ?
ready to run (including modified exe files):
normal quake dc
minion battle chess
beyond belief
and if any more fits, tell me which ones i will put those in
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Post by Dr Wily »

Great idea - don't forget to add Reaperbots though!

Sadly its the closest thing to multiplayer mayhem we get on DCQuake...
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Post by Gooey »

reaperbots, forgot bout that will be the first,
but you willnott be able to have many mods, if you also put music on.

idea one, a list of mod names with alink to a different "page" with a brief description of the mod possibly screenshot(s), and a play/go back option
this will require certain mods, which maybe someone could host already modded ? i'm only on 56k so i aint
this is user/newbie friendly, but will be restricted to only a few mods, to run correctly, but will look very nice

idea two: a list, mod 1, mod 2, etc, will require user to modify thier own pak files
not newbie friendly but will not be restricted to mods, and won't look as nice

anyways let me know what you think (especially the dumbass as hopefully he will host the menu, and was originally going to work on it)
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Post by Dr Wily »

Well, either music or multiple MODs are a much nicer solution than a Dummy file...
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Post by mankrip »

I am just wondering... if the demomenu works with the web browser, and the Doom DC works with the demomenu...
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Post by TheDumbAss »

I never did get around to testing CEloader for myself... I do know you have to use the 0winceos.bin from whatever you expect CEloader to load and rename the celoader.exe to whatever that 0winceos.bin points to. (you probibly used the 1st_read.bin from QuakeDC) The reason CEloader loads the other .exe files and not a 0winceos.bin for each is because it loaded the 0winceos.bin while booting the CEloader.

Not saying your idea wont work. I am willing to try it out. Matter of fact I think I'll burn a test myself before I go to bed tonight.

I'll probibly go with idea #2 for now. Would probibly be best for an inital release anyway since its more universal.

If someone wants to do Idea #1 and release their mod pages I'd probibly be willing to host them somewhere too. ( This whole webbrowser thing is too iffy for QuakeDev.... so maybe on TheDumbAss Presents ) I'm still working on a good .bat file system for merging mods and the original paks for use with QuakeDC

Too bad we can't have one big maps folder that works for all the mods... I have well over 100MB of Quake maps... If I wanted to use some of those in more than one mod I'd have to put them in each of those mods pak file. It would cause conflict with some single player mods though since many have a new start.bsp

About reaperbot... I personally like Frikbot a lot better. Once Fragger releases the source to his controler friendly menu system I'll try and remember enough QC to release Frikbot DC. Reaperbot is considered to be the cheater of the quake bot world. It can make items "disappear" from accross the room. (into its inventory) It has inhuman accuracy and sometimes faster than human speed too. Frikbot is limited to what a player can do.

Fragger... Good idea. Id actually rather hope the next DoomDC version is compatable though... The Demomnu is too hard to read.
Dr Wily
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Post by Dr Wily »

I believe the Reaperbot for DC has been 'toned' down to make up for the lack of accuracy with a joypad config, rather than a keyboard and mouse one - it also rotates the maps so you can have an enjoyable DM game without a keyboard...
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Post by TheDumbAss »

Well, I've burned 4 discs so far... only the last one booted propperly (with Utopia)

The first one I tried useing one of the many bin2boot bat file things and it seems bin2boot automaticly assumes that the browser was a wince program since it had a WinCE directory. Aww well.

Next two booted part way but froze before they actually did anything. (Realized I didnt have all the needed support images where they needed to be.)

Last one finally booted... but for some reason my file:/pwbrowser/drmcstdemo.htm link does not work. (says Error loading file from GDrom) so I guess I need to try again. Whats weird is I do have a drmcstdemo.htm file in my pwbrowser directory. It just doesnt want to load it. (btw... all the original links in the pwbrowser's html uses only one / after file: so I only used one for my link)

To answer Fraggers question/suggestion about demomnu and DoomDC. I checked... and YES you can load DoomDC with the Demomnu. I'm still waiting to see if the Demomnu will load from the browser though.
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Post by TheDumbAss »

It worked... sorta.

I typed out a long thing about it but its seems to have gotten lost.

I'll redo it tomarrow.
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