hmm....I am the definition of a newbie, and need help with D

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hmm....I am the definition of a newbie, and need help with DreamSnes|!

Post by Cabbage_666 »

:evil: i have "sucessfully" burned DreamSnes, and it boots up, but all I get is a screen with some anime characters and NO MENU! is this normal?
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Post by Cabbage_666 »

:| am i doing ANYTHING right?
i am desperate....i must play
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Post by Cabbage_666 » not having a menu on dreamsnes bad? or am i just using a bad ROM disk?
Dr Wily
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Post by Dr Wily »

I'm not sure what your prob might be: it *should* come up with those anime characters, start playing some music and then come up with some buttons to press to get the options.

Do you have the sounds folder with the MP2 file on your disk? uh, thats all I can think of...

If worst comes to worst get the plain files release, and use a self boot kit (like Discostu55555's or burner0's) to make a self booting disk with your ROMs on.

Hope thats some help....
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Post by Cabbage_666 »

i dont have the sounds file...where would i get it?...and would i put that on my emulator disk? in that case, i wouldn't know how, because i have been following the tutorial, and all it tells me to do is burn the image file
Dr Wily
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Post by Dr Wily »

OK, I'm guessing thats your problem then; the emulator disk *needs* to have a folder called sounds on it with an MP2 called "beautyis.MP2" which is the 'background music' for DreamSNES...

I'm afraid it looks like you are going to have to re-burn it. Get the Plain Files release, download it, extract it with the 'folders' option in whatever you use ti unzip, make sure you have a ROMs folder and a sounds' folder (you should do) and there should also be a locale and gfx folders as well

Put all of your ROMs in the roms folder (unzipped) - and don't use too many; about 10-20 would be best, make sure the beautyis.MP2 file is in the sounds folder, then download a self boot prog - you can get Burner0's from or do a member search for Discostu55555 and PM him for a copy of his self boot prog (its the one I personally use) OR check the forum FAQ as I believe lilmuckers links to his selfboot prog in his signature.

Whichever option you go fo, follow the instructions that come with it, and you *should* end up with a self booting DreamSNES disk with all of your ROMs on it.

If you have any problems above or beyond that, post again and hopefully someone will be able to help you out
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i had the same problems

Post by SNUGGLE »

I found out, with the help of a few private messages ( thanks btw) That the dreamsnes will work with 2 cds. Burn the image on 1 cd. Take the 2nd cd, locate the rom nri file that you downloaded, locate roms ( that you own the originals to) and open nero or disk jug. Under the rom nri file, create a new folder called ROMS (NOT GAMES AS THE TUTORIAL SAYS!!!!!!) Put all your roms in the new folder- named ROMS. Burn that cd. Go to your dreamcast, put in the 1st cd and let it load up. When it is finished, take that cd out and put the roms cd in. wait for a few seconds and then hit A for a list of games. I hope this works for you, it did for me. Thanks again for the private messages, they helped out! :D
Dr Wily
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Post by Dr Wily »

Yeah, DreamSNES works with 2 CDs - I just assumed if you were going to be burning a second CD anyway it would be easier to have one with the emus and ROMs on the same disk...

No swapping, no fuss, no extra wear and tear on your DC motor... Just a nice CD with your Emu and Roms on, all self booting...
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sounds cool

Post by SNUGGLE »

I was going to do that. But since every link to a self loader is a dead link or the files have been removed, I couldnt do that. I just hope people put the self loaders back up, because your suggestion is a good one. Thanks for it btw :)
Dr Wily
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Post by Dr Wily »

I'm not sure whats going on with consolevision at the moment - Burner0's page has for some reason turned into a psychology essay :?: :?: :?:

But they'll be back soon - its not like a ROM site where they got shut down for legal issues or anything, I'm pretty sure they'll be back very soon, if they're not up as we speak: also bear in mind some of the people who created these programs (suse, discostu55555 to name but two) are fairly regular visitors to the site, so if you see their name in the 'currently browsing' bit on the main forum index PM them and I'm pretty sure they'd be more than happy to help you out.

Also, as it looks like Lilmuckers (this forums Mod) isn't going to be back anytime soon, I'm considering making a page with all of these self boot progs and a quick FAQ on making selfbooting ROM + Emu CDs as a 'backup' in case something like this happens again.

I say this because I'm trying to mod this forum for you guys while Lilmuckers away (and its not like I don't have other forums to Mod - check my group membership to see how thin I spread myself :P) and its pretty much the same questions over and over again; namely - how do I get an EMu + ROMs on the same disk; even if the Questions don't *think* they're asking that, they usually are...
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Post by discostu55555 »

you can get dssbs from <a href=" ... lvision</a> and the plain files for dreamsnes from their<a href="">homepage</a>(its towards the bottom...) if you need any help with it, just ask me, but its pretty straight forward (just read the instructions from my kit and the dreamsnes readme)

update: doh, looks like html was disabled, well you get the idea
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I did find a self booter =]

Post by SNUGGLE »

It is called, I beleive, suse's. I did download it, now i just need to figure out what to do with what. LOL yes you should make a FAQ and a few tutorials. You seem quite knowledgable and it might save you time and effort in the long run. Not to meantion help us poor lost newbies out :lol: Oh discostu55555, thanks for the links and i will try them out as soon as i get done posting. I apprecaite all the effort and time you have given by posting. :)
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