I have just released Dream Photo Manager 1.0.0, a program that can be used to manage the images on a Dreameye camera. This coincides with the release of the new KallistiOS Dreameye driver in KOS SVN r626. As for what Dream Photo Manager does (other than having the corniest name I could possibly think of), it allows you to browse and delete images from the Dreameye. Since its use is confined to the Dreameye, it is pretty pointless if you do not have one.
The controls are dead easy (and there's no GUI at the moment): Left and Right on the dpad cycle through images, and Y deletes them. It really can't get all that much more simple.
Dream Photo Manager 1.0.0 can be downloaded from
https://sourceforge.net/project/showfil ... _id=309230 . Enjoy, and report any bugs you might find.